Sarah Palin Seriously Considering White House Run: "I'm Ready For Hillary"

As governor, Palin demonstrated many of the qualities we expect in our best leaders. She set aside private concerns for the greater good, forgoing a focus on social issues to confront the great problem plaguing Alaska, its corrupt oil-and-gas politics. She did this in a way that seems wildly out of character today—by cooperating with Democrats and moderate Republicans to raise taxes on Big Business. And she succeeded to a remarkable extent in settling, what had seemed insoluble problems, in the process putting Alaska on a trajectory to financial well-being. People need to realize that Alaska is tied for the second most powerful governorship in the United States. Here is her record of accomplishments that would even outshine Hillary Clinton.

Energy Independence, Development, and Environmental Stewardship:.

*Governor Palin’s administration opened up drilling for oil and natural gas at Pt. Thompson for the first time in decades.

*Governor Palin created the Alaska’s Petroleum Integrity Office to oversee all aspects of energy development and to make sure oilfield equipment was safe to operate and a Climate Change Subcabinet to comprehensively and honestly evaluate climate change.

Fiscal Conservatism:

Governor Palin reduced spending in her budget for Fiscal Year 2010 by more than one billion dollars from the previous governor’s Fiscal Year 2007 budget, a 9.5% real reduction in spending. Her FY2010 budget was $10.57 billion compared to Governor Murkowski’s FY2007 budget of nearly $11.7 billion. At the same time, she fulfilled her campaign promise to forward fund education, allowing districts greater flexibility and predictability in their planning.

A general rule of thumb for both liberal and conservative administrations is to claim that they may reasonably increase spending every year at a rate of 2% to 3% because of inflation and that should not count against them as increased spending. Even if we use the low end of inflation at 2%, Governor Palin’s budget could have been (without calling it a spending increase): $12,413,374,459.20
Of course, the budget is not $12.4 billion; it is actually $10.57 billion. In other words, she cut spending.

In FY2007, Gov. Frank Murkowski requested $350 million in federal appropriations, which Gov. Palin reduced to $256 million in FY2008, $198 million in FY2009, and $69 million in FY2010.

*Governor Palin reduced earmark requests for the state of Alaska by 80% during her administration, requesting only earmarks that would benefit the country as a whole.

See what I mean about leading by example? Not only has Governor Palin dropped the federal requests for money by 80%, she had also been slowly chipping away at these numbers since the beginning of her administration.

FFY2007- Gov. Murkowski 63 projects at $349,497,000

FFY08- Gov. Palin 52 projects at $256,037,000

FFY09- Gov. Palin 31 projects at $195,094,900

FFY10- Gov. Palin: 8 projects @ $69,100,000

As you can clearly see, there was a noticeable drop in federal requests year after year during Governor Palin’s administration.

*Governor Palin opposed much of the “stimulus”, wanting only to accept 55% of the money allocated to Alaska, specifically only dollars dedicated to infrastructure [projects. Although the Alaskan legislature ultimately overturned her veto, she stood firm on her commitment to help Alaska to become more self-sufficient while not adding to not add to the skyrocketing national debt.

* Governor Palin invested $5 billion in state savings.

Walking the Walk on Fiscal Responsibility:

Lowered unemployment insurance tax rates

Vetoed 361 line-items in 2008.

Utilized line item reductions to reduce proposed spending by $80.3 million in 2009.

Instituted a temporary hiring freeze to reduce expenditures during a period of unanticipated low oil prices in 2009.

*Governor Palin sold the private jet purchased by the previous governor. She state it was an unnecessary financial burden on the state and was unable to land on many of the state’s landing strips.

* To cut costs that would be incurred by continuing to use a personal driver like previous governors, the governor drove herself from Wasilla to her office in Anchorage. She also dismissed the governor’s personal chef stationed in Juneau, Alaska’s capital.

* Governor Palin accepted less state per diem for herself and her family than her predecessors even though she had a larger family.

10th Amendment Advocacy/Promotion of State Constitution:

*Showing that she is a strong supporter of the 10th amendment, Governor Palin advocated for the sovereignty of the state of Alaska.

*Governor Palin’s administration sued the federal government for placing the polar bear on the endangered species list, as this restriction affected energy development which would increase energy costs.

*A Constitutionalist, Governor Palin signed Alaska’s Clear and Equitable Share (ACES) bill into law. The Alaska constitution states that the Alaskan people own the oil and other resources. This law ensures that the “owners”, the people of Alaska, receive a clear and equitable share of oil profits.
National Defense/Veterans

*Governor Palin supported ground-based missile defense Ft Greely and other Alaskan Bases around to protect America from America’s enemies. She criticized the Obama administration for cuts that they made to this national defense system.

*Governor Palin, with Senators Murkowski and Begich, fought for retirement benefits from the federal government that were due to the Alaska Territorial Guard members who fought during World War II. These benefits were eventually rewarded to these veterans by the federal government.


*Governor Palin signed bipartisan ethics reform legislation into law that helped to hold both the legislative and executive branches accountable.

*Governor Palin put the state checkbook online, allowing all constituents to see how state money was being spent.

* Governor Palin exposed legal violations and conflicts of interest of Alaska Republican leaders, including the former state Attorney General and the State GOP Chairman (who was also an Oil & Gas Commissioner), who was doing work for the party on public time and supplying a lobbyist with a sensitive e-mail. Several went to jail.

Health Care:

*Governor Palin introduced health care transparency legislation which aimed at putting information in the hands of consumers about cost and quality of health care as a way to make health care consumer driven and accessible.

Sanctity and Dignity of All Life:

* Governor Palin strongly supported both parental consent and parental notification legislation.
*Governor Palin increased educational funding for special needs’ children.
*Governor Palin implemented the Senior Benefits Program to support low income seniors.

Positions Held while Governor:
* Chairman of the Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission.

*Vice Chair of the National Governors Association Natural Resource Committee.

* She served as chair of the Alaska Conservation Commission, which regulates Alaska’s most valuable non-renewable resources: oil and gas. She was elected by her peers to serve as president of the Alaska Conference of Mayors. In this role, she worked with local, state and federal officials to promote solutions to the needs of Alaska’s communities.

Governor Palin signed legislation and resolutions during July 2009. They were:

•SB-125: Encourage aerospace development in AK
•SB-177: Extend sunset for sport fishing guides and address harvest data collection
•Pro-energy development and missile defense resolutions
HJR-27: Alaska a Sovereign State
HJR-25: Hydro-Electric a Renewable Resource
HJR-28: Oppose Federal Restriction on Oil and Gas Development
HJR-12: Support Missile Defense System
•SB-88: Power cost equalization
•Defending Second Amendment rights.
SB-201: Extends Concealed Carry Permit Expiration to 5 Years from Birthday

HJR-17: Urges Congress not to pass HR-45.The federal legislation would put burdensome licensing and registration controls on individual gun owners.

SJR-10: Urges Congress to pass S-371. The legislation was to ensure that citizens of each state who are licensed or authorized by their home state to carry a concealed weapon, could do so in another state as long as they comply with the laws of that state.

SJR-3: The resolution expresses support to Congress for repealing the ban on carrying a firearm on National Park Service lands.

•SB-3 Requiring information sharing between two agencies.

•HRJ-19 Supports requirement of escort for loaded tankers traversing Prince William Sound.

•The Governor appointed 29 people to boards, commissions and councils and made three judicial appointments between July 6, 2009 and July 26, 2009.

Governor Palin’s total appointments for 2009 was 123, including 116 to boards, commissions and councils, five judicial appointments, one legislative and one attorney general. Governor Palin averaged one appointment every 1.67 days during 2009.

•The Governor vetoed $28.6 million in stimulus money that would have involved federal interference with the state of Alaska.

Governor Palin signed bills removing experience caps on teacher’s salaries and extending boat safety programs.

Governor Palin signed legislation that gave struggling charter schools a one-year grace period to increase enrollments or integrate with other charter schools. She also signed legislation that authorizes Alaska “to enroll in the Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children.”

Governor Palin signed legislation granting birth certificates for stillborn babies

Governor Palin signed legislation authorizing the state to fund retirement benefits for Alaska Territorial Guard veterans. The federal government ceased funding benefits on April 1, 2009

Governor Palin signed legislation safeguarding student loans

Sarah Palin was Commander of the Alaska National Guard. Alaska is the first line of defense in our missile interceptor defense system. The 49th Missile Defense Battalion of the Alaska National Guard is the first line of defense unit that protects the entire nation from ballistic missile attacks. It’s on permanent active duty, unlike other Guard units in the United States. As governor of Alaska, Palin was briefed on highly classified military issues, homeland security, and counterterrorism daily.

Governor Palin was the commander in chief of the Alaska State Defense Force (ASDF), a federally recognized militia incorporated into Homeland Security’s counterterrorism plans.

So there you have it. Her record was phenomenal. It is why the liberal media refused to report these accomplishments during the 2008 election. They didn't want her to upstage Obama due to his inexperience and his lack of holding a executive job at governing. Now what does Hillary have compared to Palins political governing record?

And then she took off to be VP, lost, and then quit after a half term.

When being POTUS got too hard, would she quit again?
Palin will win the slack jawed uneducated bible thumping white trash trailer park crowd with hillbilly accents in jesusland. Thankfully the country is not populated with those type vermin
Palin will win the slack jawed uneducated bible thumping white trash trailer park crowd with hillbilly accents in jesusland. Thankfully the country is not populated with those type vermin
We still have way too many of those around. The meth, the clap, and our unnecessary wars have yet to kill them off but hope springs eternal.
I love Palin... if for no other reason than she makes blood shoot out of progtards eye sockets.

Man that's just awesome.
Hillary wouldn't stand a chance against Palin. She has no record to run on and no executive experience governing. Same goes for faux squaw Elizabeth Warren.

Palin Seriously Considering WH Run I m Ready for Hillary - Breitbart

You should definitely run with that. All of it. Don't change a word.
Might happen... I hope you can deal with it.

Poor little progtard.

If we both wish hard enough, maybe it will. Lets certainly hope so.
What scares the fuck otta the progtards about Palin, is that she JUST... WON'T... PLAY... THEIR... GAME. No matter HOW MUCH they TRASH her and RIDICULE her and SMEAR her and CALL HER NAMES, she just keep standing... and the progs just HATE IT. I mean when the progtards try to character assassinate someone... THEY'RE SUPPOSED TO GO AWAY. On the other hand, when us conservatives see the left trying so DESPERATELY to DESTROY someone, that pretty much tells us we have the right person. I'd vote for Sarah in a heart beat, as would MILLIONS of other conservatives, and knowing that the left just HATES HER so bad that their little BUBBLE HEADS EXPLODE, is just icing on the cake.
You misunderstand. I'd love it for her to run. The ridicule is intended to get people like you to take her seriously and hopefully nominate her. Hillary would like nothing better than a walkover, so she can save the cash for 2020. :2up:
Hillary has no political governing record compared to Palin who ran a state.

Briefly, until she quit because it was too hard...

Yep. Real Presidential material.

Please run her, PLEASE!
Not true at all.

What do you mean not true?! Google it!

She also resigned her chair for the state's Oil and Gas Conservation Commission in 2003.

She quit being governor so she could capitalize on her 15 minutes of fame. She signed up with Fox, wrote a book, and started a reality TV show about herself.

She wants fame and fortune. She wants power. She isn't the public servant you blindly believe she is.
What scares the fuck otta the progtards about Palin, is that she JUST... WON'T... PLAY... THEIR... GAME. No matter HOW MUCH they TRASH her and RIDICULE her and SMEAR her and CALL HER NAMES, she just keep standing... and the progs just HATE IT. I mean when the progtards try to character assassinate someone... THEY'RE SUPPOSED TO GO AWAY. On the other hand, when us conservatives see the left trying so DESPERATELY to DESTROY someone, that pretty much tells us we have the right person. I'd vote for Sarah in a heart beat, as would MILLIONS of other conservatives, and knowing that the left just HATES HER so bad that their little BUBBLE HEADS EXPLODE, is just icing on the cake.
You misunderstand. I'd love it for her to run. The ridicule is intended to get people like you to take her seriously and hopefully nominate her. Hillary would like nothing better than a walkover, so she can save the cash for 2020. :2up:
Hillary has no political governing record compared to Palin who ran a state.

Briefly, until she quit because it was too hard...

Yep. Real Presidential material.

Please run her, PLEASE!
Not true at all.

What do you mean not true?! Google it!

She also resigned her chair for the state's Oil and Gas Conservation Commission in 2003.

She quit being governor so she could capitalize on her 15 minutes of fame. She signed up with Fox, wrote a book, and started a reality TV show about herself.

She wants fame and fortune. She wants power. She isn't the public servant you blindly believe she is.

Who is these days?
What scares the fuck otta the progtards about Palin, is that she JUST... WON'T... PLAY... THEIR... GAME. No matter HOW MUCH they TRASH her and RIDICULE her and SMEAR her and CALL HER NAMES, she just keep standing... and the progs just HATE IT. I mean when the progtards try to character assassinate someone... THEY'RE SUPPOSED TO GO AWAY. On the other hand, when us conservatives see the left trying so DESPERATELY to DESTROY someone, that pretty much tells us we have the right person. I'd vote for Sarah in a heart beat, as would MILLIONS of other conservatives, and knowing that the left just HATES HER so bad that their little BUBBLE HEADS EXPLODE, is just icing on the cake.
You misunderstand. I'd love it for her to run. The ridicule is intended to get people like you to take her seriously and hopefully nominate her. Hillary would like nothing better than a walkover, so she can save the cash for 2020. :2up:
Hillary has no political governing record compared to Palin who ran a state.
Hillary ran the White House according to you people, and Palin couldn't get reelected in Alaska let alone anywhere else. She's a fucking stupid ****, so go find another Virgin Mary with an AK-47 to jerk off to.
Hillary has no record to run on.
Hillary has no record to run on.

No, being elected senator from an educated state and having international experience as secretary of state is nothing compared to the white trash brawler who can see Russia from her back yard :laugh2:
Hillary wouldn't stand a chance against Palin. She has no record to run on and no executive experience governing. Same goes for faux squaw Elizabeth Warren.

Palin Seriously Considering WH Run I m Ready for Hillary - Breitbart

You should definitely run with that. All of it. Don't change a word.
Might happen... I hope you can deal with it.

Poor little progtard.

If we both wish hard enough, maybe it will. Lets certainly hope so.
Oh you brave little prog... I know... you're trying to keep a stiff upper lip.

No problem... even though I know you fear Palin running for president like a red hot poker up your twat, because you know that no matter how bad you nipple heads try and trash her... WE STILL LIKE HER, and the conservatives are the majority in America and we would happily vote for her, and that just boils your little brains.

Sorry... tissue?
Hillary wouldn't stand a chance against Palin. She has no record to run on and no executive experience governing. Same goes for faux squaw Elizabeth Warren.

Palin Seriously Considering WH Run I m Ready for Hillary - Breitbart

You should definitely run with that. All of it. Don't change a word.
Might happen... I hope you can deal with it.

Poor little progtard.

If we both wish hard enough, maybe it will. Lets certainly hope so.
Oh you brave little prog... I know... you're trying to keep a stiff upper lip.

No problem... even though I know you fear Palin running for president like a red hot poker up your twat, because you know that no matter how bad you nipple heads try and trash her... WE STILL LIKE HER, and the conservatives are the majority in America and we would happily vote for her, and that just boils your little brains.

Sorry... tissue?

Yeah, you're right. We're scared. Please don't run her! Whatever you do, just don't run Palin for POTUS! Please! PLEASE.
Hillary wouldn't stand a chance against Palin. She has no record to run on and no executive experience governing. Same goes for faux squaw Elizabeth Warren.

Palin Seriously Considering WH Run I m Ready for Hillary - Breitbart

You should definitely run with that. All of it. Don't change a word.
Might happen... I hope you can deal with it.

Poor little progtard.

If we both wish hard enough, maybe it will. Lets certainly hope so.
Oh you brave little prog... I know... you're trying to keep a stiff upper lip.

No problem... even though I know you fear Palin running for president like a red hot poker up your twat, because you know that no matter how bad you nipple heads try and trash her... WE STILL LIKE HER, and the conservatives are the majority in America and we would happily vote for her, and that just boils your little brains.

Sorry... tissue?

Yeah, you're right. We're scared. Please don't run her! Whatever you do, just don't run Palin for POTUS! Please! PLEASE.
Blah, blah, blah..... blah, blah.... blah, blah, blah.... whatever.

Gotta new line?
What scares the fuck otta the progtards about Palin, is that she JUST... WON'T... PLAY... THEIR... GAME. No matter HOW MUCH they TRASH her and RIDICULE her and SMEAR her and CALL HER NAMES, she just keep standing... and the progs just HATE IT. I mean when the progtards try to character assassinate someone... THEY'RE SUPPOSED TO GO AWAY. On the other hand, when us conservatives see the left trying so DESPERATELY to DESTROY someone, that pretty much tells us we have the right person. I'd vote for Sarah in a heart beat, as would MILLIONS of other conservatives, and knowing that the left just HATES HER so bad that their little BUBBLE HEADS EXPLODE, is just icing on the cake.
You misunderstand. I'd love it for her to run. The ridicule is intended to get people like you to take her seriously and hopefully nominate her. Hillary would like nothing better than a walkover, so she can save the cash for 2020. :2up:
Hillary has no political governing record compared to Palin who ran a state.
Hillary ran the White House according to you people, and Palin couldn't get reelected in Alaska let alone anywhere else. She's a fucking stupid ****, so go find another Virgin Mary with an AK-47 to jerk off to.
Hillary has no record to run on.
Hillary has no record to run on.

No, being elected senator from an educated state and having international experience as secretary of state is nothing compared to the white trash brawler who can see Russia from her back yard :laugh2:
What was Hillary's accomplishments as Secretary of State that has benefited the nation?

What was Hillary's key piece of legislation she got passed in the Senate that has benefited the nation and made it more prosperous?

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