Sarah Palin tells Iowa conservatives it's time 'to stiffen our backs'

The story about Rice and Palin never happened. The author who rented the house next to the Palins in Alaska was called out on the story and he admitted it was made up in order to smear Palin because she wouldn't let him interview her for his book. The guy has no morals like most liberals.

It's well known Glenn Rice dated Sarah Palin.

glenn rice sarah palin

Do keep up.

No. It's a rumor spewed by Joe McGinniss's hatred for her. It never happened and your link just list articles of the rehashed rumor.

Yea, tell that to Glenn Rice.
Tell those Rhino's what's up Sarah.. Tell McConnell to FO!!!


Sarah Palin tells Iowa conservatives it's time 'to stiffen our backs' | Reuters

(Reuters) - Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, who rallied members of the Tea Party in their failed effort to defund Obamacare, lashed out on Saturday against members of the Republican Party who agreed to end the government shutdown.

The 2008 Republican vice presidential nominee's comments during a speech in Des Moines come at a time of division within the party over the strategy conservative members of Congress adopted in forcing a 16-day shutdown of the federal government last month.

Polls have shown voters blamed Republicans for the shutdown.

Palin, who was speaking to hundreds of attendees at the Iowa Faith and Freedom Coalition's annual fall banquet, was joined by Senator Mike Lee, a Republican from Utah. Lee, along with fellow Tea Party movement star Senator Ted Cruz, was instrumental in the ill-fated attempt to defund Obamacare, the popular name for the healthcare reform law championed by President Barack Obama.

Palin told the Christian conservatives in attendance it was time to "stiffen our spines" for the 2014 elections.

"I want to encourage you to make your voice heard, to hold politicians accountable," Palin said.

Meanwhile Obabble asked libs to bend over and receive his thrust...they smile and oblige...anything fo de reparations boss......yowsa!
Getting to ready to rock it and roll it.
I'm aiming to take out her enemies. I have a long winter. :)

My first goal this winter...............and yes I am a hockey chick is to put it up in a right hand corner as I take out you know the guy...............KARL..................... you know him Rove.

All he does is suck up donor money. Eats well and pretends to be a conservative. I think I have the time to go after him.
Man...people must be really fricking dense to not realize Palin is a total bimbo.

Maybe they just follow her like a messiah figure or something, or they just like looking at her, who knows.

She never says anything smart, that's for sure.

Then you are a fool and you don't get it at all.

If you think this woman is a bimbo in search of 15 seconds of fame means you are the fucking moron.


She took the hatred against her and has secured her place in history. She has become a millionaire.

Who's the stupid one now?

She started the rightwards extreme shift within the tea party that now may fuck the entire world.

Isolation means bigger and meaner wars in the long term.
She started the rightwards extreme shift within the tea party that now may fuck the entire world.

Isolation means bigger and meaner wars in the long term.

Hey you dudes can now claim killing thousands of Pakistanis with you Nobel Prize Winning President.

You off children daily. AND your President gets off on it.
Man...people must be really fricking dense to not realize Palin is a total bimbo.

Maybe they just follow her like a messiah figure or something, or they just like looking at her, who knows.

She never says anything smart, that's for sure.

Yeah, I know what you mean



No, actually, a lot of democrats get rather annoyed with Obama because of how passive he is. Heck HARRY REID had to show him how to have some guts with the GOP last month. Granted he's a pretty inexperienced politician relatively speaking.

Even with all that Obama is leaps and bounds above Sara P intellectually.

Yeah, Harry showed him- Harry showed us all...Don't delay Obamacare- let the fucking screws be put to Americans...yeah, your fucking boy Harry is brilliant. He's as brilliant as you and the rest of the stupid democrats who keep shoving this clusterfuck down all of our throats while the economy flounders.
Sarah Palin is really good at making something "stiffen" but I still don't want her involved in politics in any way.
Sarah Palin is really good at making something "stiffen" but I still don't want her involved in politics in any way.

Right, because you democrats would prefer candidates like this:

[ame=]3-25-2010_Hank_Johnson_Guam_Tip_Over.wmv - YouTube[/ame]
Sarah Palin is really good at making something "stiffen" but I still don't want her involved in politics in any way.

Right, because you democrats would prefer candidates like this:

[ame=]3-25-2010_Hank_Johnson_Guam_Tip_Over.wmv - YouTube[/ame]

I actually laughed at that when I first saw it. I'm pretty liberal but I'm not a Dem, that party is infested with Progressives and I don't get along with them.
Tell those Rhino's what's up Sarah.. Tell McConnell to FO!!!


Sarah Palin tells Iowa conservatives it's time 'to stiffen our backs' | Reuters

(Reuters) - Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, who rallied members of the Tea Party in their failed effort to defund Obamacare, lashed out on Saturday against members of the Republican Party who agreed to end the government shutdown.

The 2008 Republican vice presidential nominee's comments during a speech in Des Moines come at a time of division within the party over the strategy conservative members of Congress adopted in forcing a 16-day shutdown of the federal government last month.

Polls have shown voters blamed Republicans for the shutdown.

Palin, who was speaking to hundreds of attendees at the Iowa Faith and Freedom Coalition's annual fall banquet, was joined by Senator Mike Lee, a Republican from Utah. Lee, along with fellow Tea Party movement star Senator Ted Cruz, was instrumental in the ill-fated attempt to defund Obamacare, the popular name for the healthcare reform law championed by President Barack Obama.

Palin told the Christian conservatives in attendance it was time to "stiffen our spines" for the 2014 elections.

"I want to encourage you to make your voice heard, to hold politicians accountable," Palin said.

It astounds me that anyone, republican or not, listens to Sarah Palin. Why? What do you get out of it? She is an idiot. I don't say that about every republican, mind you. When I say Palin is an idiot, she really is. Her, Glenn Beck and anyone like them, should not be allowed to reproduce.

When she dies, hopefully the tea party dies with her.

Guess what tea baggers? You won't win presidential elections because no one one the left likes you. Radical extremism will get us nowhere.
Tell those Rhino's what's up Sarah.. Tell McConnell to FO!!!


Sarah Palin tells Iowa conservatives it's time 'to stiffen our backs' | Reuters

(Reuters) - Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, who rallied members of the Tea Party in their failed effort to defund Obamacare, lashed out on Saturday against members of the Republican Party who agreed to end the government shutdown.

The 2008 Republican vice presidential nominee's comments during a speech in Des Moines come at a time of division within the party over the strategy conservative members of Congress adopted in forcing a 16-day shutdown of the federal government last month.

Polls have shown voters blamed Republicans for the shutdown.

Palin, who was speaking to hundreds of attendees at the Iowa Faith and Freedom Coalition's annual fall banquet, was joined by Senator Mike Lee, a Republican from Utah. Lee, along with fellow Tea Party movement star Senator Ted Cruz, was instrumental in the ill-fated attempt to defund Obamacare, the popular name for the healthcare reform law championed by President Barack Obama.

Palin told the Christian conservatives in attendance it was time to "stiffen our spines" for the 2014 elections.

"I want to encourage you to make your voice heard, to hold politicians accountable," Palin said.

It astounds me that anyone, republican or not, listens to Sarah Palin. Why? What do you get out of it? She is an idiot. I don't say that about every republican, mind you. When I say Palin is an idiot, she really is. Her, Glenn Beck and anyone like them, should not be allowed to reproduce.

When she dies, hopefully the tea party dies with her.

Guess what tea baggers? You won't win presidential elections because no one one the left likes you. Radical extremism will get us nowhere.

You'll never see her name on a ballot again; she no longer is (if she ever was) a serious politician.
Wonder what else wants us to Stiffen..

If you're stupid enough to think that Palin is worthy of having sex with....................well..................

You're worthy enough of being fucked.

Palin only cares about her wealth, and how much money she can suck out of you. Wanna talk about the Tea Party Express?

Sorry, but Sister Sarah (aka the Wasilla Chihuahua turned Momma Gerbil) is only concerned about what she can get out of you.

If you're smart, you'd sever all ties to her that you've built, but if you're not, you'd stay with the bullshit she sells.

Me personally? I cut all ties that she could have thought about me having with me, or with me having with her, because she's a stupid chick that needs to be cut off, and possibly taken off of the planet.

I don't wish her harm, I just wish she would get off of the mainstream media.

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