Sarah Palin Tops Poll Of Women Americans Want To Run For President

Another question on the same poll:

Quote: Originally Posted by nodoginnafight View Post
I also have an issue with her dishonesty during her campaign for the vice presidency.
She claimed to be against earmarks, but she submitted 31 earmark requests in 2008 totaling $197 million (more, per person, than any other state).

It's 100% true
Screw them you don't need to defend why she quit. Obama is a quitter, Hillary is a quitter and Kerry is a quitter all for their own reasons. Palin was successful and left for better opportunities. Again screw the hypocritical liberals.

, then had a failed TV reality show,

Her show wasn't a failure. Stop lying. She was asked to come back for a second season by the shows producers and she chose not to in order to help with the 2010 mid-term elections in which she helped take back the House for the GOP with her endorsements.
the typical for a Palin thread

she quit, she's stupid, we are so much smarter we put in a man who was United States Congressman for all of 144 days before he decided to bless us with running for President and as CIC who can't pronounce, corpsman... a name in the military HE IS IN CHARGE OF

you lefties are just damn pathetic AND just don't care how stupid you look'

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Screw them you don't need to defend why she quit. Obama is a quitter, Hillary is a quitter and Kerry is a quitter all for their own reasons. Palin was successful and left for better opportunities. Again screw the hypocritical liberals.

, then had a failed TV reality show,

Her show wasn't a failure. Stop lying. She was asked to come back for a second season by the shows producers and she chose not to in order to help with the 2010 mid-term elections in which she helped take back the House for the GOP with her endorsements.

Suuure she did, Stevie. How about addressing your lying op? What woman OTHER than Hillary would you support? That was the question. Palin got 9% :rofl:
It was raised to 2.5 cents during Palin's tenure and lowered during her successor's tenure.
Do your research.
Wasilla sales tax increase to end a year earlier than expected | Mat-Su |

Second - nothing in your post refutes what I posted - which are FACTS.

Wasilla debt pre-Palin = $1.1 million. Post-Palin = $24.8 million. Sales tax from 2% to 2.5% during her tenure.

Alaska governor - 15 separate ethics probes and she quit with 18 months remaining on her first term.

If you would check your facts - you wouldn't have to eat your words so often.
Palin was cleared of those ethics probes by judges who stated the charges were frivilous.

OK, I'll take your word on that.

Still doesn't change the fact that as mayor she spent her tiny town of 8,000 into $24.8 million in debt; forced a tax hike to pay for that spending; and begged for and received $27 million more in earmarks from the federal government.

And as governor she submitted requests for $197 million in earmarks (more, per person, than any other state) in 2008 alone.

And claimed to be anti-earmarks; anti-tax; and anti-wasteful spending.

She depended on voters not to check out her claims and to just take her word for them. I find that insulting.

BUT - she is anti-abortion (as I am) and she practices what she preaches in that regard.

when did you live Alaska?
what's insulting is you people put a community agitator the had NO EXPERIENCE in jack shit but was some LOWLY state Senator from one of the most corrupted state government IN THE COUNTRY
that's insulting
Screw them you don't need to defend why she quit. Obama is a quitter, Hillary is a quitter and Kerry is a quitter all for their own reasons. Palin was successful and left for better opportunities. Again screw the hypocritical liberals.

Is this a real post? If so, I'm truly embarrassed for you. If not, well done.
OTHER THAN HILLARY CLINTON, a paltry 9 percent would choose Palin.


Secretary Clinton has substantial leads over other Republican contenders, the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pe-ack) University poll finds:
49 - 39 percent over U.S. Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky;
51 - 35 percent over U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas;
51 - 37 percent over former Gov. Jeb Bush of Florida.

Iowa (IA) Poll - March 13, 2014
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Oh yes, by all means let's ignore all of Sarah Palin's shortcomings. We need to focus 100% of our attention 100% of the time on Obama's shortcomings.

Obama's shortcomings are many - no question.
That certainly doesn't make Palin any "better."

when did you live Alaska?
I didn't. Why do you ask?
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Oh yes, by all means let's ignore all of Sarah Palin's shortcomings. We need to focus 100% of our attention 100% of the time on Obama's shortcomings.

Obama's shortcomings are many - no question.
That certainly doesn't make Palin any "better."

Exactly. Some people hate it when their guy/gal is measured by the same standards they have been setting for Obama all these years.

Oopsie! Time for that old amnesia to kick in! :lol:
OTHER THAN HILLARY CLINTON, a paltry 9 percent would choose Palin.


Secretary Clinton has substantial leads over other Republican contenders, the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pe-ack) University poll finds:
49 - 39 percent over U.S. Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky;
51 - 35 percent over U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas;
51 - 37 percent over former Gov. Jeb Bush of Florida.

Iowa (IA) Poll - March 13, 2014 - Clinton Up As Obama, Christie | Quinnipiac University Connecticut

And there you have it, the list of people that liberals are supposedly scared of.
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No one has even announced yet. Not Hillary Clinton, not Rand Paul, not Rafael Cruz, not Chris Christie.

I don't know about the others, but Rafael is waiting until the deadline for the Second Coming has passed (around the middle of next year) before he announces.
no one care what you say about Palin, you aren't vote for anyway
Exactly. Some people hate it when their guy/gal is measured by the same standards they have been setting for Obama all these years.

as for measuring Obama, he is the frikken President in OFFICE NOW

palin hasn't thrown in the towel to run even..... yet that doesn't stop you haters

two faced hypocrites
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no one care what you say about Palin, you aren't vote for anyway

as for criticizing Obama, he is the frikken President in OFFICE NOW

palin hasn't thrown in the towel to run even..... yet that doesn't stop you haters

Be sure and remind everyone of this standard when the next Hillary topic comes along, mm-kay?
Palin is not going to run. You can bank on it.

She has neither the spine nor the support.

But teasing the faithful keeps the Benjamins rolling in.

you should know, how much you still kicking in for the Democrat party


Does it make a difference to you that I have donated 10x more to Republicans than Democrats in my lifetime?

Nah, I suppose not. I tore the curtain away from your lil' wizard of Wasilla.
So if it makes you feel better to invent some sort of person and pretend that it's me, you knock yourself out.

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