Sarah Sanders Says God Wanted 'Trump To Become President’

You asked the question.

Those are the keys that unlock the door to your abswer.

Not knowing your inclinations, I gave you two to choose from or relate to.

If mire come to mindI will try to post them here. Although I think you font realky care.

You just want to bash the President and I am a staunch supporter of the Crossfield Memo which says that anyone who posts like the enemy may be treated as the enemy.

Interesting. BTW, I like your avatar. I was also a Lee Marvin fan.

Marvin was a Democrat who opposed the Vietnam War. He publicly endorsed John F. Kennedy in the 1960 presidential election.[25]

Lee Marvin - Wikipedia


As a tyke, I endorsed JFK.

Interesting. When you were about 5 years old? You're 64 now.

In that era.

Why are you collecting information about me?

Trying to determine if you wanna go on a date with me?

I'm flattered.

I often check profiles - when I suspect certain posters are puffing.
Uh huh.

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How would any human being become so arrogant as to claim that he or she knows what a Supreme Being wants? Given sanders' background, I am not surprised, just disgusted.
It isnt arrogance as much as reading into a situation that which the believer wishes to believe.

Is it arrogance to believe that Islamist martyrs will be rewarded in paradise with 72 virgins?

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The Creator is a Good and Merciful and Compassionate Spirit.

Which rules out "wanting" such a Creature to rise to prominence amongst men.

But God DOES favor some nations over others.

And I believe He wants America to prevail and sent us the man to make that happen.

Lol, we are still waiting then.
Stop waiting and get busy.

We could use your help.

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god wanted puppies to shit in the floor because people are too stupid to let them out.

God is saving Trump a front row seat in hell.
Donald Trump = Gunnery Sgt. Thomas Highway, USMC

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That would be the same as God wanted Hitler to become Germany's leader

So, let's look at your post.

First of all, do you worship our Christian or Judeo God?
G-d is neither Christian nor Jewish. His followers are. Many are also Muslim.
Convince a majority of Muslims OR Jews OR Christians of your supposition and then we can talk.

Until then you are wasting keystrokes and our time.

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That would be the same as God wanted Hitler to become Germany's leader

You are one stupid nut. You could have made a great thread with a great discussion, rather you wanted to be the board idiot. Congrats!
That would be the same as God wanted Hitler to become Germany's leader
Suckabee is not the sharpest knife in the drawer.
You must be witty internet guy.

Doesnt his avatar look like a depiction of horsey masturbation?
Lol, "horsey masturbation"?

Something you have experience with or are you just really bad at crafting insults?
What is the horsey doing in your avatar?

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That would be the same as God wanted Hitler to become Germany's leader

You are one stupid nut. You could have made a great thread with a great discussion, rather you wanted to be the board idiot. Congrats!
There is no discussion, The fat girl is a liar just like her God and leader scum bag. Trump had the same support from God to be a leader as Hitler had in Germany. NONE!
Looks like Pelosi said the same about Obama. :eusa_whistle:

Pelosi: "a leader that God has blessed us with at this time."
A confident Barack Obama raised an extraordinary $7.8 million Sunday at three California fundraisers, most of it in large checks to a Democratic Party committee.

“I will win. Don’t worry about that,” he said to the crowd of about 1,300 at his third event of the evening, according to the pool report.

He was warmly received by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who called him "a leader that God has blessed us with at this time."
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Except Pelosi didn’t speak for Obama.

What is with you whatabouters?

No Obama spoke for himself on this subject when he said he was the one people have been waiting for...
THANK YOU for this opportunity I have been waiting for.

I had always wondered if his comment was a bit of conceit.

But after watching this video I realize that the Communists and others have spent 30+ years preparing the soldiers for the Leftist, Progressive, Communist final push to conquer America with school proframming.

But they didnt have a leader to lead them.

Then Obama appeared.

He realized he was the one who those Leftists had been waiting for and he was prepared to lead them.

You will find this a worthwhile use of your valuable time after you watch only 7 minutes of it.

The Agenda: Grinding America Down

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That would be the same as God wanted Hitler to become Germany's leader

So, let's look at your post.

First of all, do you worship our Christian or Judeo God?

so god destroyed sodom and gomorrah for their perverse behavior but 3000 years later he makes a WORSE person president of the US?


makes perfect sense....

to a deranged fkn lunatic.....
As if your view of God or His reasonings is more authentic?


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How can you equate the word passionate and tRump in the same way?
The blinders you wear allow you not to see the truth you seek.

The Creator is a Good and Merciful and Compassionate Spirit.

Which rules out "wanting" such a Creature to rise to prominence amongst men.

But God DOES favor some nations over others.

And I believe He wants America to prevail and sent us the man to make that happen.
Na he wouldn't have ever sent your pile of shit you bow down tom if he was on our side, He is the lowest for of humanity.

Passionate arent you?

If you had been that passionate about getting your facts straight and rejecting the Leftist programming that makes you actually prefer Leftist ideology, you wouldnt be facing this butt-hurt.

From The Russia Hoax by Gregg Jarrett:

"Obama was not only concealing his communications with an alias, he was mishandling classified information in the same negligent manner as Clinton.
This may explain why the FBI and the DOJ were motivated not to charge Clinton.
If they did so, Obama’s mishandling of classified communications would be exposed."

Face it. You made the wrong choice and dont want to face the fact.

Get used to it.
Feel the burn...

"Obama was not only concealing his communications with an alias, he was mishandling classified information in the same negligent manner as Clinton.

This may explain why the FBI and the DOJ were motivated not to charge Clinton.

If they did so, Obama’s mishandling of classified communications would be exposed."

Sent from my LG-M154 using Tapatalk
That would be the same as God wanted Hitler to become Germany's leader

You are one stupid nut. You could have made a great thread with a great discussion, rather you wanted to be the board idiot. Congrats!
There is no discussion, The fat girl is a liar just like her God and leader scum bag. Trump had the same support from God to be a leader as Hitler had in Germany. NONE!

Don't plan on discussing anything with a moron such as yourself. Have a great day!
The Creator is a Good and Merciful and Compassionate Spirit.

Which rules out "wanting" such a Creature to rise to prominence amongst men.

But God DOES favor some nations over others.

And I believe He wants America to prevail and sent us the man to make that happen.
Na he wouldn't have ever sent your pile of shit you bow down tom if he was on our side, He is the lowest for of humanity.

Passionate arent you?

If you had been that passionate about getting your facts straight and rejecting the Leftist programming that makes you actually prefer Leftist ideology, you wouldnt be facing this butt-hurt.

From The Russia Hoax by Gregg Jarrett:

"Obama was not only concealing his communications with an alias, he was mishandling classified information in the same negligent manner as Clinton.
This may explain why the FBI and the DOJ were motivated not to charge Clinton.
If they did so, Obama’s mishandling of classified communications would be exposed."

Face it. You made the wrong choice and dont want to face the fact.

Get used to it.
News anchor for Fox news a favorite of Rush the pig Limboug and if your interested I can get a video of this dirt bags being arrested,
That must be the easier challenge.

The more difficult challenge is proving his assertion is incorrect.

In fact you can't do it.

Go ahead and try.

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Pure conjecture.

How can you equate the word passionate and tRump in the same way?
The blinders you wear allow you not to see the truth you seek.

The Creator is a Good and Merciful and Compassionate Spirit.

Which rules out "wanting" such a Creature to rise to prominence amongst men.

But God DOES favor some nations over others.

And I believe He wants America to prevail and sent us the man to make that happen.
Na he wouldn't have ever sent your pile of shit you bow down tom if he was on our side, He is the lowest for of humanity.

Passionate arent you?

If you had been that passionate about getting your facts straight and rejecting the Leftist programming that makes you actually prefer Leftist ideology, you wouldnt be facing this butt-hurt.

From The Russia Hoax by Gregg Jarrett:

"Obama was not only concealing his communications with an alias, he was mishandling classified information in the same negligent manner as Clinton.
This may explain why the FBI and the DOJ were motivated not to charge Clinton.
If they did so, Obama’s mishandling of classified communications would be exposed."

Face it. You made the wrong choice and dont want to face the fact.

Get used to it.
Feel the burn...

"Obama was not only concealing his communications with an alias, he was mishandling classified information in the same negligent manner as Clinton.

This may explain why the FBI and the DOJ were motivated not to charge Clinton.

If they did so, Obama’s mishandling of classified communications would be exposed."

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