Sarah Sanders Says God Wanted 'Trump To Become President’

That would be the same as God wanted Hitler to become Germany's leader

No surprise there. No one wanted Hillary, save for the brain dead.
Your comment is just nonsense, more people voted for her then scum bag, boy there is a hell of a brain drain on your side of the isle.
If she and her supporters were smaht she would have won.

She didnt win because only the brain dead were on her staff and they didnt realize that the Electoral College is the deciding factor and nit the popular vote.

EVERYBODY knowsthat except you and HRC's campaign staff and Hillary herself.

Do You Understand the Electoral College?

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A wise man fills his brain before emptying his mouth.
What's great about America is you choice your own beliefs, they are not dictated to you buy any other human being.
Pure conjecture.

boilermaker55 said: ↑

How can you equate the word passionate and tRump in the same way?
The blinders you wear allow you not to see the truth you seek.


I agree.

Everything you post (is arguably) pure conjecture.

And that's being charitable.

That would be the same as God wanted Hitler to become Germany's leader

You have a different set of values and ethics than most Americans do.

You post like an enemy of America and the Crossfield Memo allows us to treat you as the enemy if you post as the enemy.
A wise man fills his brain before emptying his mouth.
What's great about America is you choice your own beliefs, they are not dictated to you buy any other human being.

That first sentence was wasted on Trump; why?

Trump empties his mouth on a minute to minute basis & he NEVER SsTFU.
The Creator is a Good and Merciful and Compassionate Spirit.

Which rules out "wanting" such a Creature to rise to prominence amongst men.

But God DOES favor some nations over others.

And I believe He wants America to prevail and sent us the man to make that happen.

Lol, we are still waiting then.
Stop waiting and get busy.

We could use your help.

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Your God can not be helped, he is to arrogant and self serving. Thank you for that!
That would be the same as God wanted Hitler to become Germany's leader

Yeah, because the same God who wanted Hitler to come to power surely wanted an American president who had an Orthodox Jewish daughter, who had Jewish relatives, who would increase arms sales to Israel, who would move the American embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, who would condemn Germany for the German-Russian pipeline deal, who would increase American defense spending, etc., etc. Yeah, makes perfect sense.
That would be the same as God wanted Hitler to become Germany's leader

So, let's look at your post.

First of all, do you worship our Christian or Judeo God?
Satan is not of God. He’s a fallen Angel.

That’s who Republicans worship.
You oppose personal responsibility for anything. That is why in Biblical scripture it is written up. You end up with massive deaths in a human environment that can still have many deaths.
A wise man fills his brain before emptying his mouth.
What's great about America is you choice your own beliefs, they are not dictated to you buy any other human being.

That first sentence was wasted on Trump; why?

Trump empties his mouth on a minute to minute basis & he NEVER SsTFU.
Sure he does. You are just so fixated on him that his voice is your constant companion.

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That would be the same as God wanted Hitler to become Germany's leader
Suckabee is not the sharpest knife in the drawer.

She's smarter than you about the things of which she speaks.

Yeah, I don't think so....
Mr. Equine Pleasurist:

"I don't think..."


Fixed it for you.



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Not sure what you think that means but whatever.
A wise man fills his brain before emptying his mouth.
What's great about America is you choice your own beliefs, they are not dictated to you buy any other human being.

That first sentence was wasted on Trump; why?

Trump empties his mouth on a minute to minute basis & he NEVER SsTFU.
Sure he does. You are just so fixated on him that his voice is your constant companion.

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in case you haven't noticed, Trump is bloviating bullshit on Twitter nearly 24/7/365.

Trump is even bloviating bullshit on Twitter about US intel agencies; like Trump is some kind of fvcking spy, or something.

Don't get out much, do you?
That would be the same as God wanted Hitler to become Germany's leader
Suckabee is not the sharpest knife in the drawer.
You must be witty internet guy.

Doesnt his avatar look like a depiction of horsey masturbation?
Lol, "horsey masturbation"?

Something you have experience with or are you just really bad at crafting insults?
What is the horsey doing in your avatar?

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You know not who you bad-mouth, so I forgive you.
god wanted puppies to shit in the floor because people are too stupid to let them out.

God is saving Trump a front row seat in hell.

To (mis)quote the King of All Media, Howard Stern's father in the autobiographical film, "Private Parts:"

"Shut up and siete down!"

Suckabee is not the sharpest knife in the drawer.
You must be witty internet guy.

Doesnt his avatar look like a depiction of horsey masturbation?
Lol, "horsey masturbation"?

Something you have experience with or are you just really bad at crafting insults?
What is the horsey doing in your avatar?

Sent from my LG-M154 using Tapatalk
You know not who you bad-mouth, so I forgive you.

Tell me what the avatar means?

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