Sarah Sanders to Ann Coulter: You are not influential

This is really funny to watch. Especially the part where conservatives on this board who just a year or so ago were in full support of Coulter, are now saying she's no longer influential and should go work for CNN.
Trump listens to MAnn because her-is hands are bigger than his .
She should get a Job with cnn.

Because after years of praise she criticized him for not fulfilling a campaign promise? Man, Trump supporters eat their own like nobody I've ever seen before. :lol:
When you vote for men and women who constantly do not fulfill their promises in a nation that has moved left for over fifty years easily, why would you not expect to have some dissension? From just a Repub view since the mid 1960's they had a few years of Reagan, particularly in his first term. And a few years of the 1994 Repub revolution. Five or six years is a pittance.
This is really funny to watch. Especially the part where conservatives on this board who just a year or so ago were in full support of Coulter, are now saying she's no longer influential and should go work for CNN.

It is a beautiful thing to watch. Grab some popcorn and pull up a seat, these tRumPutinbots cannot help themselves, or save themselves.
She should get a Job with cnn.

Because after years of praise she criticized him for not fulfilling a campaign promise? Man, Trump supporters eat their own like nobody I've ever seen before. :lol:
When you vote for men and women who constantly do not fulfill their promises in a nation that has moved left for over fifty years easily, why would you not expect to have some dissension? From just a Repub view since the mid 1960's they had a few years of Reagan, particularly in his first term. And a few years of the 1994 Repub revolution. Five or six years is a pittance.
You meant to say they moved left eighty years ago when capitalism failed and had to revived by a president.
Regardless of one's politics, Man Coulter is a complete fraud; she hates everything and everyone on both sides of the political aisle and has absolutely ZERO constructive solutions to any of society's problems of any kind (conservative or liberal or anything else). She's gotten rich and famous for complaining about everything and offering NOTHING positive as a solution; she's the conservative version of the leftist traitor-pig Noam Chomsky. Pseudointellectual, self-righteous whiners that snivel on and on and on - asinine idiot political trolls who couldn't take care of their body functions on the toilets, so they wrote about it in their whining, puffed-up, self-righteous books and a bunch of people with empty brains decided to read it and said, "Oh my demagogue so-and-so wrote this is such flowery, purple-prose language, so it MUST be true!"

Here's a new rule, my fellow Republican voters: don't you EVER quote bleach-job Coulter to me, okay? What Man Coulter says means less to me than the methane blowing out of a duck's asshole.
She should get a Job with cnn.

Because after years of praise she criticized him for not fulfilling a campaign promise? Man, Trump supporters eat their own like nobody I've ever seen before. :lol:
When you vote for men and women who constantly do not fulfill their promises in a nation that has moved left for over fifty years easily, why would you not expect to have some dissension? From just a Repub view since the mid 1960's they had a few years of Reagan, particularly in his first term. And a few years of the 1994 Repub revolution. Five or six years is a pittance.
You meant to say they moved left eighty years ago when capitalism failed and had to revived by a president.
No I mean when the Federal Reserve tightened the money supply like shutting a spigot after leaving the spigot on during the roaring twenties and caused the Great Depression. The same Federal Reserve that old Progressive Socialist Woody Wilson wanted when Gold/Silver currency was jettisoned for a pure privately owned fiat currency. The ones who spouted there will never be recessions, scares and depressions. As soon as it became law we were in a war. We had a depression and another war. And have been in foreign entanglements ever since. Roosevelt enacted programs that helped to drag us deeper into depression. He had almost 10 years to get us out from 1933 to to near 1942.

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