SAT Averages by Race and Ethnicity, 2013

Intelligence and income are correlated, that makes sense, and it all comes down to education.

The child with a two parent home and access to great schools will over time become more intelligent over time than the child with a broken home who has access only to gang-ridden, sub par schools.

The kid from the broken home was likely born stupid (like his parents) and very little can be done for him.

Poor people can be naturally intelligent or unintelligent, just like rich people can be naturally intelligent or unintelligent.

The poor child however is more likely going to be subjected to bad schools, poor living conditions, and look up to negative mentors (ie gang members, etc) and therefore it is more likely he/she will not develop into their full potential (whereas it's easier for a rich child to reach a higher level of potential due to the fact there are not so many barriers in their way).

I'll admit that you're right as the black inner-city child has bad schools and a culture that doesn't support his/her advancement. Truly sad. :(

This is something that has to charge within the community.

I'll admit that you're right as the black inner-city child has bad schools and a culture that doesn't support his/her advancement. Truly sad. :(

This is something that has to charge within the community.

It's been tried many times and it never works. Blacks are mentally inferioir. 90% cannot even learn how to read no matter how much money we spend on them.

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