SAT Averages by Race and Ethnicity, 2013

And, as i mention in another thread, many people believe the company that administers the tests uses "affirmative action" scoring to help the blacks and this cause two things

1. Blacks get higher scores than they deserve

2. Many whites list themselves as black to get the benefit of AA scoring and this further raises black scores and lowers white scores.

The black white gap is listed as 1270- 1570 but it's prolly more like 1100- 1700.

Right. The sun is also blue and pigs can fly. Not a week goes by that you don't post some nonsense like this.

You are still avoiding admitting what YOU scored on the test.....if you even took it at all.
And, as i mention in another thread, many people believe the company that administers the tests uses "affirmative action" scoring to help the blacks and this cause two things

1. Blacks get higher scores than they deserve

2. Many whites list themselves as black to get the benefit of AA scoring and this further raises black scores and lowers white scores.

The black white gap is listed as 1270- 1570 but it's prolly more like 1100- 1700.

Right. The sun is also blue and pigs can fly. Not a week goes by that you don't post some nonsense like this.

The board that you never addressed the issue i raised. Thanks for admitting i'm right.
And, as i mention in another thread, many people believe the company that administers the tests uses "affirmative action" scoring to help the blacks and this cause two things

1. Blacks get higher scores than they deserve

2. Many whites list themselves as black to get the benefit of AA scoring and this further raises black scores and lowers white scores.

The black white gap is listed as 1270- 1570 but it's prolly more like 1100- 1700.

Right. The sun is also blue and pigs can fly. Not a week goes by that you don't post some nonsense like this.

The board that you never addressed the issue i raised. Thanks for admitting i'm right.

Why won't you answer the question? Did you ever take the SAT? Did you go to college? What advanced degrees in science and/or engineering do you hold?
Actually such studies make little sense since intelligence and income are highly correlated. If you come from a poor family, odds are very strong your parents are stupid and so are you.

Intelligence and income are correlated, that makes sense, and it all comes down to education.

The child with a two parent home and access to great schools will over time become more intelligent over time than the child with a broken home who has access only to gang-ridden, sub par schools.

The kid from the broken home was likely born stupid (like his parents) and very little can be done for him.

Poor people can be naturally intelligent or unintelligent, just like rich people can be naturally intelligent or unintelligent.

The poor child however is more likely going to be subjected to bad schools, poor living conditions, and look up to negative mentors (ie gang members, etc) and therefore it is more likely he/she will not develop into their full potential (whereas it's easier for a rich child to reach a higher level of potential due to the fact there are not so many barriers in their way).
And, as i mention in another thread, many people believe the company that administers the tests uses "affirmative action" scoring to help the blacks and this cause two things

1. Blacks get higher scores than they deserve

2. Many whites list themselves as black to get the benefit of AA scoring and this further raises black scores and lowers white scores.

The black white gap is listed as 1270- 1570 but it's prolly more like 1100- 1700.

Right. The sun is also blue and pigs can fly. Not a week goes by that you don't post some nonsense like this.

The board that you never addressed the issue i raised. Thanks for admitting i'm right.

*How does one "address" an issue that is based on what "some believe?".

*How do you know that "many whites" present themselves as black when taking the SAT?

*What does this alleged "AA scoring" look like?

Looking forward to the day when you Stormfront failures present some credible facts and links to lend a modicum of common sense to some of your ridiculous statements.

You all must be related, and from the shallow end of your gene pool.

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There are companies that offer courses to help with the SATs. Do these numbers take into account who can afford these courses?

Courses? HAHAHA. If you want preparation you just buy one of the many books that give sample SAT tests. Thrift stores have lots of such books for a couple bucks.

that is exactly right. libraries also have materials to prepare for the major tests. the increase due to practice is smaller than people think, and rapidly flatlines to the law of diminishing returns.

There are companies that offer courses to help with the SATs. Do these numbers take into account who can afford these courses?

Courses? HAHAHA. If you want preparation you just buy one of the many books that give sample SAT tests. Thrift stores have lots of such books for a couple bucks.

It's not the same at all.

the only difference is that a kid has to be motivated to go to the library or to buy a book. a slacker would still pick up some benefit from being forced to attend a prep class just by being there.
Actually such studies make little sense since intelligence and income are highly correlated. If you come from a poor family, odds are very strong your parents are stupid and so are you.

Intelligence and income are correlated, that makes sense, and it all comes down to education.

The child with a two parent home and access to great schools will over time become more intelligent over time than the child with a broken home who has access only to gang-ridden, sub par schools.

the correlation between positive social outcomes and 'measured intelligence' is higher than the correlation to SES, infering that 'measured intelligence' leads to higher SES, not the other way around. siblings from the same family but differing in intelligence show marked disparities in outcomes.
And, as i mention in another thread, many people believe the company that administers the tests uses "affirmative action" scoring to help the blacks and this cause two things

1. Blacks get higher scores than they deserve

2. Many whites list themselves as black to get the benefit of AA scoring and this further raises black scores and lowers white scores.

The black white gap is listed as 1270- 1570 but it's prolly more like 1100- 1700.

I fail to see how the white average drops because some are claiming partial black heritage. But the black average is definitely raised by the addition of mixed race individuals declaring themselves to be 'black'.
Actually such studies make little sense since intelligence and income are highly correlated. If you come from a poor family, odds are very strong your parents are stupid and so are you.
Intelligence and income are correlated, that makes sense, and it all comes down to education.

It's a rather weak correlation though. So weak that is may actually be somewhat meaningless.

he link from IQ to wealth is much less strong than that from IQ to job performance. Some studies indicate that IQ is unrelated to net worth.[87][88]
The American Psychological Association's 1995 report Intelligence: Knowns and Unknowns stated that IQ scores accounted for (explained variance) about a quarter of the social status variance and one-sixth of the income variance. Statistical controls for parental SES eliminate about a quarter of this predictive power. Psychometric intelligence appears as only one of a great many factors that influence social outcomes.[37]
Some studies claim that IQ only accounts for (explains) a sixth of the variation in income because many studies are based on young adults, many of whom have not yet reached their peak earning capacity, or even their education. On pg 568 of The g Factor, Arthur Jensen claims that although the correlation between IQ and income averages a moderate 0.4 (one sixth or 16% of the variance), the relationship increases with age, and peaks at middle age when people have reached their maximum career potential. In the book, A Question of Intelligence, Daniel Seligman cites an IQ income correlation of 0.5 (25% of the variance).
A 2002 study[89] further examined the impact of non-IQ factors on income and concluded that an individual's location, inherited wealth, race, and schooling are more important as factors in determining income than IQ.
Courses? HAHAHA. If you want preparation you just buy one of the many books that give sample SAT tests. Thrift stores have lots of such books for a couple bucks.

It's not the same at all.

the only difference is that a kid has to be motivated to go to the library or to buy a book. a slacker would still pick up some benefit from being forced to attend a prep class just by being there.

No, that's not the only difference, and just sitting in a class and not trying to learn won't do anything at all.
And, as i mention in another thread, many people believe the company that administers the tests uses "affirmative action" scoring to help the blacks and this cause two things

1. Blacks get higher scores than they deserve

2. Many whites list themselves as black to get the benefit of AA scoring and this further raises black scores and lowers white scores.

The black white gap is listed as 1270- 1570 but it's prolly more like 1100- 1700.

And your idiocy was pointed out to you on that other thread as well, you stupid son of a bitch.
And, as i mention in another thread, many people believe the company that administers the tests uses "affirmative action" scoring to help the blacks and this cause two things

1. Blacks get higher scores than they deserve

2. Many whites list themselves as black to get the benefit of AA scoring and this further raises black scores and lowers white scores.

The black white gap is listed as 1270- 1570 but it's prolly more like 1100- 1700.

And your idiocy was pointed out to you on that other thread as well, you stupid son of a bitch.

And, as i mention in another thread, many people believe the company that administers the tests uses "affirmative action" scoring to help the blacks and this cause two things

1. Blacks get higher scores than they deserve

2. Many whites list themselves as black to get the benefit of AA scoring and this further raises black scores and lowers white scores.

The black white gap is listed as 1270- 1570 but it's prolly more like 1100- 1700.

I fail to see how the white average drops because some are claiming partial black heritage. But the black average is definitely raised by the addition of mixed race individuals declaring themselves to be 'black'.

HUH.? What's so hard to understand? A lot of white doods that got say 2100 are not listed as white.
And, as i mention in another thread, many people believe the company that administers the tests uses "affirmative action" scoring to help the blacks and this cause two things

1. Blacks get higher scores than they deserve

2. Many whites list themselves as black to get the benefit of AA scoring and this further raises black scores and lowers white scores.

The black white gap is listed as 1270- 1570 but it's prolly more like 1100- 1700.

I fail to see how the white average drops because some are claiming partial black heritage. But the black average is definitely raised by the addition of mixed race individuals declaring themselves to be 'black'.

HUH.? What's so hard to understand? A lot of white doods that got say 2100 are not listed as white.

And you personally know these "white doods?"

The depth of your stupidity is astonishing.
Not all races of people can be equal when it comes to intelligences.

Sorry blacks
And, as i mention in another thread, many people believe the company that administers the tests uses "affirmative action" scoring to help the blacks and this cause two things

1. Blacks get higher scores than they deserve

2. Many whites list themselves as black to get the benefit of AA scoring and this further raises black scores and lowers white scores.

The black white gap is listed as 1270- 1570 but it's prolly more like 1100- 1700.

I fail to see how the white average drops because some are claiming partial black heritage. But the black average is definitely raised by the addition of mixed race individuals declaring themselves to be 'black'.

HUH.? What's so hard to understand? A lot of white doods that got say 2100 are not listed as white.

You have been corrected on this several times, idiot.

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