Satire: Glenn Beck raped a girl in 1990?

If he didn't rape and murder, he should have to prove it just like wingnuts want Obama to prove he is a citizen. :cuckoo:

And another idiot chimes in. Hey stupid!! The burden of proof is on the accuser. They are the ones that need to prove he committed a crime. He doesn't have to prove he didn't. Haven't you ever heard of the "presumption of innocence"? As stupid as you people are I doubt you even know what that term means.

Okay Brokeback No Logic, let's talk about what you just well as Soggy No Load and the other idiot.........

This is America, and the burden of proof is on the accuser. Let's think about that for a second, because that means the people accusing the other of wrong, have to prove their assertation.

So.........I challenge you stupid neo con asses to prove that Obama is a Muslim, isn't a US Citizen, as well as a citizen of Kenya.

You're the fuckers making the claims, so now you prove 'em.

Meanwhile, I'll look to see what I can dig up on Blech.
So, who is making those assertions about Obama on this thread?
Unless I missed it, I don't see anybody making those assertions. But I do see loony liberal idiots like YOU, trying to claim that those assertions were made on this thread.

Fact is, Beck is a hero for exposing Obama and his cronies for being the corrupt, anti-american pieces of shit they truly are. He's the Woodward and Bernstein of conservatives, all wrapped up in one. Your boys sham presidency is being exposed, and that is driving you loony liberal candyasses friggin' bonkers. It sure is fun to watch!:razz:
Two threads now about the possibility that "Glenn Beck raped and murdered a little girl in 1990."

Clearly this is evidence that there are millions of people who want to know why Glenn Beck hasn't denied that he raped and murdered a girl in 1990.
And another idiot chimes in. Hey stupid!! The burden of proof is on the accuser. They are the ones that need to prove he committed a crime. He doesn't have to prove he didn't. Haven't you ever heard of the "presumption of innocence"? As stupid as you people are I doubt you even know what that term means.

Okay Brokeback No Logic, let's talk about what you just well as Soggy No Load and the other idiot.........

This is America, and the burden of proof is on the accuser. Let's think about that for a second, because that means the people accusing the other of wrong, have to prove their assertation.

So.........I challenge you stupid neo con asses to prove that Obama is a Muslim, isn't a US Citizen, as well as a citizen of Kenya.

You're the fuckers making the claims, so now you prove 'em.

Meanwhile, I'll look to see what I can dig up on Blech.
So, who is making those assertions about Obama on this thread?
Unless I missed it, I don't see anybody making those assertions. But I do see loony liberal idiots like YOU, trying to claim that those assertions were made on this thread.

Fact is, Beck is a hero for exposing Obama and his cronies for being the corrupt, anti-american pieces of shit they truly are. He's the Woodward and Bernstein of conservatives, all wrapped up in one. Your boys sham presidency is being exposed, and that is driving you loony liberal candyasses friggin' bonkers. It sure is fun to watch!:razz:

If those things were true, why would it be "fun to watch"?
Two threads now about the possibility that "Glenn Beck raped and murdered a little girl in 1990."

Clearly this is evidence that there are millions of people who want to know why Glenn Beck hasn't denied that he raped and murdered a girl in 1990.
Glenn Beck addressed this nonsense on his show last week.
Get with the times.
Christ, libs are uninformed friggin' idiots!
Fact is, Beck is a hero for exposing Obama and his cronies for being the corrupt, anti-american pieces of shit they truly are. He's the Woodward and Bernstein of conservatives, all wrapped up in one. Your boys sham presidency is being exposed, and that is driving you loony liberal candyasses friggin' bonkers. It sure is fun to watch!

I'm sure Beck IS Woodward and Bernstein wrapped into one....
But even Woodward and Bernstein know you need to address rumors such as "Glenn Beck raped and murdered a young girl in 1990" Was "Deep Throat" involved?

We need to boycott Fox until they address these allegations!

Where there is smoke there is fire! What is Glenn Beck hiding?
Two threads now about the possibility that "Glenn Beck raped and murdered a little girl in 1990."

Clearly this is evidence that there are millions of people who want to know why Glenn Beck hasn't denied that he raped and murdered a girl in 1990.

Well according to this actual quote, he did exactly the opposite:

Actual Quote from Glenn Beck:

"I was the one you didn't want to go out with your daughter but you didn't know it." (page 3)

Smoking Gun!
Okay Brokeback No Logic, let's talk about what you just well as Soggy No Load and the other idiot.........

This is America, and the burden of proof is on the accuser. Let's think about that for a second, because that means the people accusing the other of wrong, have to prove their assertation.

So.........I challenge you stupid neo con asses to prove that Obama is a Muslim, isn't a US Citizen, as well as a citizen of Kenya.

You're the fuckers making the claims, so now you prove 'em.

Meanwhile, I'll look to see what I can dig up on Blech.
So, who is making those assertions about Obama on this thread?
Unless I missed it, I don't see anybody making those assertions. But I do see loony liberal idiots like YOU, trying to claim that those assertions were made on this thread.

Fact is, Beck is a hero for exposing Obama and his cronies for being the corrupt, anti-american pieces of shit they truly are. He's the Woodward and Bernstein of conservatives, all wrapped up in one. Your boys sham presidency is being exposed, and that is driving you loony liberal candyasses friggin' bonkers. It sure is fun to watch!:razz:

If those things were true, why would it be "fun to watch"?
It's fun watching you liberal loons go bonkers. All of you FOOLS who voted for that fraud fully believed he was perfect. Fully believed in his "CHANGE" bullshit. Fully Believed he farts rose scented fairy dust, and his shit came out in ribbons of rainbows.
But now, you gullible loons are watching the sham being fully exposed as the incompetent moron us clear thinking people already knew him to be.
It's now funny as hell watching you loons throw your lil' hissy fits, because you now realize you were completely fooled. Obama isn't the messiah. He egg farts just like everybody else, and yes, his shit too is encrusted with corn. Not to metion the fact that its now being fully proven that he's nothing more than your everyday corrupt politician.
Yeah, it's fun to watch alright!
When Glenn Beck can produce proof that he didn't do this, THEN I will start calling for Obama to produce even more documentation of citizenship
Then you can look in the mirror whenever you have any complaint. Bravo on your hypocricy.

Trying to project your hypocricy onto someone else huh - boring and predictable. Birther-truther-beckaccuser - they're all the same to me. Just funny to see how folks squeal like hairdressers when their own tactics are turned against them.

funny funny stuff.
If you think it's hypocricy pointing out that you are doing exactly what you gripe about, you have some serious issues with thought processes.
I love how Beck and Fox news scares the shit out of liberals!!!

They tried the boycott thing and it didn't work, it actually helped Beck increase his ratings and it more than likely brought increased revenue to Fox.

Now they're attempting to smear him with lies and guess what? It's not going to work either, it will only help to further increase his ratings. So keep up the good work you leftwing dumbasses!!

I've always thought the left was incredibly stupid and each day they reinforce that opinion.
Beck is tearing this sham presidency down as we speak. He's a true american hero for exposing Obama and his cronies as the corrupt, anti-american pieces of garbage they truly are. You're right Lonestar, it scares the shit out of these spineless liberal weasels. Their messiah is going down hard. He was their one and only chance of them getting ANY of their twisted far leftwing BS enacted in this great country. He's failing miserably. He's not the great uniter they so foolishly believed he was. He is proving to be the great DIVIDER, who has done nothing but ensure that this great country WILL NEVER ELECT A FAR LEFT LOON EVER AGAIN. And that is driving these loony liberal Obamabots friggin' bonkers!
First, Beck is a moron. This must be understood. Next, no one but the rabid right calls the president "messiah". A phrase used to de-legitimize his supporters. And Obama is not "going down hard". Among the bitter clingers, Obama never was "up", so saying he is going down hard is the easy quasi-logic that the rabid right uses to justify their own utter failures.

After the misery wrought by George W. Bush and his fascist cronies, there was bound to be blow back. If you thought Bush was an outstanding president, why on earth should your ability to make political criticism be thought of as anything but laughable?
Fact is, Beck is a hero for exposing Obama and his cronies for being the corrupt, anti-american pieces of shit they truly are. He's the Woodward and Bernstein of conservatives, all wrapped up in one. Your boys sham presidency is being exposed, and that is driving you loony liberal candyasses friggin' bonkers. It sure is fun to watch!

I'm sure Beck IS Woodward and Bernstein wrapped into one....
But even Woodward and Bernstein know you need to address rumors such as "Glenn Beck raped and murdered a young girl in 1990" Was "Deep Throat" involved?

We need to boycott Fox until they address these allegations!

Where there is smoke there is fire! What is Glenn Beck hiding?

There isnt smoke and you dont watch Fox anyway.
If he didn't rape and murder, he should have to prove it just like wingnuts want Obama to prove he is a citizen. :cuckoo:

And another idiot chimes in. Hey stupid!! The burden of proof is on the accuser. They are the ones that need to prove he committed a crime. He doesn't have to prove he didn't. Haven't you ever heard of the "presumption of innocence"? As stupid as you people are I doubt you even know what that term means.

Okay Brokeback No Logic, let's talk about what you just well as Soggy No Load and the other idiot.........

This is America, and the burden of proof is on the accuser. Let's think about that for a second, because that means the people accusing the other of wrong, have to prove their assertation.

So.........I challenge you stupid neo con asses to prove that Obama is a Muslim, isn't a US Citizen, as well as a citizen of Kenya.

You're the fuckers making the claims, so now you prove 'em.

Meanwhile, I'll look to see what I can dig up on Blech.

I've never accused Obama of being a muslim or not being a U.S. citizen you stupid fuck!!!
Brokeback No Load, please don't take it personal.

Look at it this way........Blech is a birther, as well as someone who believes Obama is a Muslim. Now, you guys are supporters of Blech, so that means (generally) that you agree with him.

Blech thinks Obama isn't a US Citizen. Do you?

Blech thinks Obama is a Muslim. Do you?

Blech thinks Obama has no claim to the Presidency. Do you?

Just answer the questions dude.
Brokeback No Load, please don't take it personal.

Look at it this way........Blech is a birther, as well as someone who believes Obama is a Muslim. Now, you guys are supporters of Blech, so that means (generally) that you agree with him.

Blech thinks Obama isn't a US Citizen. Do you?

Blech thinks Obama is a Muslim. Do you?

Blech thinks Obama has no claim to the Presidency. Do you?

Just answer the questions dude.

Blech is a birther. What are you 10 years old? Beck is entitled to his opinion, sadly so are you.

I'll answer your childish questions as soon as you show me the quotes from Beck himself addressing each claim.

But first you should check out this link....GOP 12: Beck slams birther conspiracy: "Flat-earthers"

Make sure you click the link to his radio show where you can hear Beck in his own words.
I've heard the fucker on FAUX Noise. I've heard him rally the base for t-baggers.

What more do you want idiot?

C'mon Brokeback No Logic, try.
I've heard the fucker on FAUX Noise. I've heard him rally the base for t-baggers.

What more do you want idiot?

C'mon Brokeback No Logic, try.

I don't blame you for being so stupid. But look on the bright side. Now you know that Beck isn't a "birther"? See, you actually learned something today. I bet your mommy would be soooo proud!!
Then you can look in the mirror whenever you have any complaint. Bravo on your hypocricy.

Trying to project your hypocricy onto someone else huh - boring and predictable. Birther-truther-beckaccuser - they're all the same to me. Just funny to see how folks squeal like hairdressers when their own tactics are turned against them.

funny funny stuff.
If you think it's hypocricy pointing out that you are doing exactly what you gripe about, you have some serious issues with thought processes.

You are projecting again, si modo.
Brokeback No Load, please don't take it personal.

Look at it this way........Blech is a birther, as well as someone who believes Obama is a Muslim. Now, you guys are supporters of Blech, so that means (generally) that you agree with him.

Blech thinks Obama isn't a US Citizen. Do you?

Blech thinks Obama is a Muslim. Do you?

Blech thinks Obama has no claim to the Presidency. Do you?

Just answer the questions dude.

Blech is a birther. What are you 10 years old? Beck is entitled to his opinion, sadly so are you.

I'll answer your childish questions as soon as you show me the quotes from Beck himself addressing each claim.

But first you should check out this link....GOP 12: Beck slams birther conspiracy: "Flat-earthers"

Make sure you click the link to his radio show where you can hear Beck in his own words.

What I find puzzling about Beck is the dumbing down of the republican party..
The party used to be represented by the likes of William F Buckley and George Will. Now the face of the party is Limbaugh, Beck and Hannity.
Sorry... but it seems you reach a point where you are defined by the company you keep
George Will has had as little to do with the above three loonies as possible for a long, long time. Go review his political columns and general remarks online. You are going to find very little support for RGS wing at the GOP asylum. The guards keep the John Birch Society, E. T. Benson, and Cleon Skousen in their as well.

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