Saturday, June 30, Meeting at Daly Plaza in Chicago 11 AM. Stop the Attacks on Children March

Families Belong Together – Chicago March | IATSE Local 769 Chicago

What some parents say:

We have two sons. Sebastian is 3, Francisco just 5 months old. I cannot imagine the emotional trauma my boys would experience if they were to be separated from Vanessa and me. But that’s what's happening at our border—forced family separations, denial of due process, imprisonment of kids and parents. To be silent while this takes place in our country is to be an accomplice.

Could you imagine being separated by your kids in such a way? I don't get how Republicans think this is not only fine and OK, but I suspect some think it's quite humorous. Republicans own this attack on babies and toddlers.

Looks like Trump has been doing this much earlier. We have reports the number of children separated is double. Yes, double. Over four thousand.

I'll be there. Trying to figure out what to put on my sign. I am a veteran. When I served, we wanted to protect children and were against Russia. Now, Republicans protect Russia and attack children.
I don't understand how democrats think think that the sure fire way to beat the laws of the US is to sneak across the border with a kid. Whether it's your kid or not. "Wait they have a kid". "Let's open up the border". Brilliant. Oh screw the law, open the border, just what this country needs, undocumented millions of low skilled minions.
Half of one percent of illegals are using that ploy. That statistic is from the folks who catch them. Sorry, find another lie to smear these people with.
You do gooders aren't for war, so you think that the world's population running from wars, corruption, and economic hardships should just come here to overload our systems, and create economic hardships for our citizens, and corrupt our government like the many they were alledgedly running from.

My thoughts are that if hundreds of thousands are fleeing a corrupt government, and are coming here, then we are not to investigate through these witnesses about what is going on, and then take action against the government that is creating the crisis ? Or is this crisis actually being created from within this nation for political purposes ?? If so then the culprits need to be outed, and then prosecuted.
This is to several of the posters here who are happy putting words in my mouth; it makes it easier to spout talking points that way.
I repeat, I do not support illegals coming here. They should be dealt with respectfully and sent home. Respectfully means recognizing that they are human beings who love the children they are bringing with them (99.5% are legitimate parents and children) and that they are treated according to our laws, which include a fair hearing.
If this Zero Tolerance policy had been thought out and the obvious ramifications of the decision had been planned for, I would not have a problem with it. "Asylum" is a magic word used by those who get caught and those who haven't heard, yet, about how things are going at the border these days. What has happened so far with Trump's new idea is that he has rolled back half of it and the other half (the Zero Tolerance) is falling to pieces, too, because of existing laws and nonexistant resources--such as housing and necessary judges--to handle the enormous increase.
Obviously, any policy that deliberately separates children from their parents as a "deterrent" should never have been used to begin with. It didn't have to be, if it had been planned correctly.
No, it is you Demon-crats who have created this mess, and then you criticize Trump and company for trying to clean it up. If so concerned, then join Trump to get the right thing done. You can't do that because it will destroy your narrative that Trump is the enemy, and he must be politically destroyed, so to hell with the children and get Trump by using them as pawns in the agenda eh ??
John Legend is performing for protestors. I’m assuming that when he says “families belong together” he doesn’t know that 80% of kids at the border are w/ human traffickers. So he’s really singing: “Kids belong with human traffickers!” That’s what he’s really saying.

Simple enough to avoid having children removed. Stay on your own side of the border if you can't bring yourself to enter America legally.
John Legend is performing for protestors. I’m assuming that when he says “families belong together” he doesn’t know that 80% of kids at the border are w/ human traffickers. So he’s really singing: “Kids belong with human traffickers!” That’s what he’s really saying.


It's like when the slaves escaped from the plantation, Dems would have slave chasers to recapture them and return them to their owners.
Simple enough to avoid having children removed. Stay on your own side of the border if you can't bring yourself to enter America legally.

well----not all that simple, but the FACT is that the organizers of the big time
PROTESTS do nothing good, cause harm-----and COULD CARE LESS
John Legend is performing for protestors. I’m assuming that when he says “families belong together” he doesn’t know that 80% of kids at the border are w/ human traffickers. So he’s really singing: “Kids belong with human traffickers!” That’s what he’s really saying.
Not sure of the stats, because you get a different number depending on what group that one is listening to.

Listening to the left, then 80% are with their family, but listening to the right 80% are with traffickers. Not sure what or who to believe really on this without some serious fact reporting on the issue.
John Legend is performing for protestors. I’m assuming that when he says “families belong together” he doesn’t know that 80% of kids at the border are w/ human traffickers. So he’s really singing: “Kids belong with human traffickers!” That’s what he’s really saying.
Not sure of the stats, because you get a different number depending on what group that one is listening to.

Listening to the left, then 80% are with their family, but listening to the right 80% are with traffickers. Not sure what or who to believe really on this without some serious fact reporting on the issue.

John Legend is performing for protestors. I’m assuming that when he says “families belong together” he doesn’t know that 80% of kids at the border are w/ human traffickers. So he’s really singing: “Kids belong with human traffickers!” That’s what he’s really saying.
Not sure of the stats, because you get a different number depending on what group that one is listening to.

Listening to the left, then 80% are with their family, but listening to the right 80% are with traffickers. Not sure what or who to believe really on this without some serious fact reporting on the issue.

Believe both ??
Families Belong Together – Chicago March | IATSE Local 769 Chicago

What some parents say:

We have two sons. Sebastian is 3, Francisco just 5 months old. I cannot imagine the emotional trauma my boys would experience if they were to be separated from Vanessa and me. But that’s what's happening at our border—forced family separations, denial of due process, imprisonment of kids and parents. To be silent while this takes place in our country is to be an accomplice.

Could you imagine being separated by your kids in such a way? I don't get how Republicans think this is not only fine and OK, but I suspect some think it's quite humorous. Republicans own this attack on babies and toddlers.

Looks like Trump has been doing this much earlier. We have reports the number of children separated is double. Yes, double. Over four thousand.

I'll be there. Trying to figure out what to put on my sign. I am a veteran. When I served, we wanted to protect children and were against Russia. Now, Republicans protect Russia and attack children.
I don't understand how democrats think think that the sure fire way to beat the laws of the US is to sneak across the border with a kid. Whether it's your kid or not. "Wait they have a kid". "Let's open up the border". Brilliant. Oh screw the law, open the border, just what this country needs, undocumented millions of low skilled minions.
Half of one percent of illegals are using that ploy. That statistic is from the folks who catch them. Sorry, find another lie to smear these people with.
You do gooders aren't for war, so you think that the world's population running from wars, corruption, and economic hardships should just come here to overload our systems, and create economic hardships for our citizens, and corrupt our government like the many they were alledgedly running from.

My thoughts are that if hundreds of thousands are fleeing a corrupt government, and are coming here, then we are not to investigate through these witnesses about what is going on, and then take action against the government that is creating the crisis ? Or is this crisis actually being created from within this nation for political purposes ?? If so then the culprits need to be outed, and then prosecuted.
This is to several of the posters here who are happy putting words in my mouth; it makes it easier to spout talking points that way.
I repeat, I do not support illegals coming here. They should be dealt with respectfully and sent home. Respectfully means recognizing that they are human beings who love the children they are bringing with them (99.5% are legitimate parents and children) and that they are treated according to our laws, which include a fair hearing.
If this Zero Tolerance policy had been thought out and the obvious ramifications of the decision had been planned for, I would not have a problem with it. "Asylum" is a magic word used by those who get caught and those who haven't heard, yet, about how things are going at the border these days. What has happened so far with Trump's new idea is that he has rolled back half of it and the other half (the Zero Tolerance) is falling to pieces, too, because of existing laws and nonexistant resources--such as housing and necessary judges--to handle the enormous increase.
Obviously, any policy that deliberately separates children from their parents as a "deterrent" should never have been used to begin with. It didn't have to be, if it had been planned correctly.

If we had passed immigration reform back in Barack Obama's first term as he promised would be one of his first achievements...or in his second term after he again promised to make it a priority...we wouldn't be having the problems we're having now! It was Obama's failure to address this problem...just as Bush before him failed to address the same problem that has led us to where we are now. Give Trump credit for at least having the spine to take on one of the most difficult problems that we as a nation face instead of running away from it like others have done!
I would give him credit if he had come up with a well thought out plan that could actually be implemented. This was unforgiveable and it was wholly unnecessary to try it with such a complete lack of planning.
John Legend is performing for protestors. I’m assuming that when he says “families belong together” he doesn’t know that 80% of kids at the border are w/ human traffickers. So he’s really singing: “Kids belong with human traffickers!” That’s what he’s really saying.
Not sure of the stats, because you get a different number depending on what group that one is listening to.

Listening to the left, then 80% are with their family, but listening to the right 80% are with traffickers. Not sure what or who to believe really on this without some serious fact reporting on the issue.

Believe both ??

there are family members who act as-----or CLAIM TO BE ----"family"
I don't understand how democrats think think that the sure fire way to beat the laws of the US is to sneak across the border with a kid. Whether it's your kid or not. "Wait they have a kid". "Let's open up the border". Brilliant. Oh screw the law, open the border, just what this country needs, undocumented millions of low skilled minions.
Half of one percent of illegals are using that ploy. That statistic is from the folks who catch them. Sorry, find another lie to smear these people with.
You do gooders aren't for war, so you think that the world's population running from wars, corruption, and economic hardships should just come here to overload our systems, and create economic hardships for our citizens, and corrupt our government like the many they were alledgedly running from.

My thoughts are that if hundreds of thousands are fleeing a corrupt government, and are coming here, then we are not to investigate through these witnesses about what is going on, and then take action against the government that is creating the crisis ? Or is this crisis actually being created from within this nation for political purposes ?? If so then the culprits need to be outed, and then prosecuted.
This is to several of the posters here who are happy putting words in my mouth; it makes it easier to spout talking points that way.
I repeat, I do not support illegals coming here. They should be dealt with respectfully and sent home. Respectfully means recognizing that they are human beings who love the children they are bringing with them (99.5% are legitimate parents and children) and that they are treated according to our laws, which include a fair hearing.
If this Zero Tolerance policy had been thought out and the obvious ramifications of the decision had been planned for, I would not have a problem with it. "Asylum" is a magic word used by those who get caught and those who haven't heard, yet, about how things are going at the border these days. What has happened so far with Trump's new idea is that he has rolled back half of it and the other half (the Zero Tolerance) is falling to pieces, too, because of existing laws and nonexistant resources--such as housing and necessary judges--to handle the enormous increase.
Obviously, any policy that deliberately separates children from their parents as a "deterrent" should never have been used to begin with. It didn't have to be, if it had been planned correctly.

If we had passed immigration reform back in Barack Obama's first term as he promised would be one of his first achievements...or in his second term after he again promised to make it a priority...we wouldn't be having the problems we're having now! It was Obama's failure to address this problem...just as Bush before him failed to address the same problem that has led us to where we are now. Give Trump credit for at least having the spine to take on one of the most difficult problems that we as a nation face instead of running away from it like others have done!
I would give him credit if he had come up with a well thought out plan that could actually be implemented. This was unforgiveable and it was wholly unnecessary to try it with such a complete lack of planning.

But you don't have a problem with the President who gave lip service to immigration reform and then did nothing about you?
This issue is going to be a HUGE loser for Democrats going forward! The fact is...the American people want secure borders and sensible immigration policies. They DON'T want open borders and no enforcement of immigration law!
watching the la rally on cnn and maxine waters is giving a whole speech about herself right now
Oh wow, the rally was great. This is the tee shirt I wore. Anyone see me? I was all over the place.


I was at Daly Plaza and it was packed.


Finally I couldn't take the heat anymore and left. And even leaving the crowds were streaming into Daly Plaza. I know there wasn't any room.


When I got to the Red Line, trains coming from the southside and the northside were packed SRO and when the doors opened, people streamed out.

There were rallies in every state. I didn't see any counter, kill the kids rallies from the GOP. But I'm sure there were some.

Heard Republicans were lying at the border. Illegally turning people away who were trying to escape danger. What do you expect. They're Russian, er, I mean, Republicans.

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