Saturday, June 30, Meeting at Daly Plaza in Chicago 11 AM. Stop the Attacks on Children March

There were rallies in every state. I didn't see any counter, kill the kids rallies from the GOP. But I'm sure there were some.

Heard Republicans were lying at the border. Illegally turning people away who were trying to escape danger. What do you expect. They're Russian, er, I mean, Republicans.
This is a total loser, made for losing. The POTUS already signed an EO that keeps families together.

Tell us, what exactly were you protesting?
Oh wow, the rally was great. This is the tee shirt I wore. Anyone see me? I was all over the place.


I was at Daly Plaza and it was packed.


Finally I couldn't take the heat anymore and left. And even leaving the crowds were streaming into Daly Plaza. I know there wasn't any room.


When I got to the Red Line, trains coming from the southside and the northside were packed SRO and when the doors opened, people streamed out.


And even leaving the crowds were streaming into Daly Plaza.

Daly Plaza?
Oh wow, the rally was great. This is the tee shirt I wore. Anyone see me? I was all over the place.


I was at Daly Plaza and it was packed.


Finally I couldn't take the heat anymore and left. And even leaving the crowds were streaming into Daly Plaza. I know there wasn't any room.


When I got to the Red Line, trains coming from the southside and the northside were packed SRO and when the doors opened, people streamed out.


Tee shirt? Damn dude, what is that an XXXXL? It looks like a TENT! Might be time to get off your fat ass and go get some exercise, R-Derp! You're HUGE!!!
Families Belong Together – Chicago March | IATSE Local 769 Chicago

What some parents say:

We have two sons. Sebastian is 3, Francisco just 5 months old. I cannot imagine the emotional trauma my boys would experience if they were to be separated from Vanessa and me. But that’s what's happening at our border—forced family separations, denial of due process, imprisonment of kids and parents. To be silent while this takes place in our country is to be an accomplice.

Could you imagine being separated by your kids in such a way? I don't get how Republicans think this is not only fine and OK, but I suspect some think it's quite humorous. Republicans own this attack on babies and toddlers.

Looks like Trump has been doing this much earlier. We have reports the number of children separated is double. Yes, double. Over four thousand.

I'll be there. Trying to figure out what to put on my sign. I am a veteran. When I served, we wanted to protect children and were against Russia. Now, Republicans protect Russia and attack children.
The rally's are all over the nation today. Lots of people and sign's.

I think the earth cooled 2 F.

Great job !!!
Families Belong Together – Chicago March | IATSE Local 769 Chicago

What some parents say:

We have two sons. Sebastian is 3, Francisco just 5 months old. I cannot imagine the emotional trauma my boys would experience if they were to be separated from Vanessa and me. But that’s what's happening at our border—forced family separations, denial of due process, imprisonment of kids and parents. To be silent while this takes place in our country is to be an accomplice.

Could you imagine being separated by your kids in such a way? I don't get how Republicans think this is not only fine and OK, but I suspect some think it's quite humorous. Republicans own this attack on babies and toddlers.

Looks like Trump has been doing this much earlier. We have reports the number of children separated is double. Yes, double. Over four thousand.

I'll be there. Trying to figure out what to put on my sign. I am a veteran. When I served, we wanted to protect children and were against Russia. Now, Republicans protect Russia and attack children.

What sort of trauma would they experience if you sent them, by themsleves, across two countries to reach the U.S. being raped and brutalized by human traffickers the whole way? Since of the 12,000 youths being held at the border, 10,000 are just that kind of child.....and this has been going on long before Trump even thought to run for office...and you didn't care all those years....

Those children are being well cared for until we figure out 1) if the adult with the is an actual parent and not a human trafficker or drug cartel member, 2) where we can send them back since their parents sent them across the entire length of Mexico by themselves...

You asshat left wingers...... you think you can lie about the situation and get away with it...... not anymore.
Families Belong Together – Chicago March | IATSE Local 769 Chicago

What some parents say:

We have two sons. Sebastian is 3, Francisco just 5 months old. I cannot imagine the emotional trauma my boys would experience if they were to be separated from Vanessa and me. But that’s what's happening at our border—forced family separations, denial of due process, imprisonment of kids and parents. To be silent while this takes place in our country is to be an accomplice.

Could you imagine being separated by your kids in such a way? I don't get how Republicans think this is not only fine and OK, but I suspect some think it's quite humorous. Republicans own this attack on babies and toddlers.

Looks like Trump has been doing this much earlier. We have reports the number of children separated is double. Yes, double. Over four thousand.

I'll be there. Trying to figure out what to put on my sign. I am a veteran. When I served, we wanted to protect children and were against Russia. Now, Republicans protect Russia and attack children.
Families Belong Together – Chicago March | IATSE Local 769 Chicago

What some parents say:

We have two sons. Sebastian is 3, Francisco just 5 months old. I cannot imagine the emotional trauma my boys would experience if they were to be separated from Vanessa and me. But that’s what's happening at our border—forced family separations, denial of due process, imprisonment of kids and parents. To be silent while this takes place in our country is to be an accomplice.

Could you imagine being separated by your kids in such a way? I don't get how Republicans think this is not only fine and OK, but I suspect some think it's quite humorous. Republicans own this attack on babies and toddlers.

Looks like Trump has been doing this much earlier. We have reports the number of children separated is double. Yes, double. Over four thousand.

I'll be there. Trying to figure out what to put on my sign. I am a veteran. When I served, we wanted to protect children and were against Russia. Now, Republicans protect Russia and attack children.
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So much common sense
There were rallies in every state. I didn't see any counter, kill the kids rallies from the GOP. But I'm sure there were some.

Heard Republicans were lying at the border. Illegally turning people away who were trying to escape danger. What do you expect. They're Russian, er, I mean, Republicans.
This is a total loser, made for losing. The POTUS already signed an EO that keeps families together.

Tell us, what exactly were you protesting?
Gee, I don't know? The thousands of children who don't know where their parents are? The three year olds who are expected to go to court?

Toddlers are having to appear in border courts all alone

What Trump has shown us is what monsters Republicans are. Even right here on the USMB.

Republicans working to send children back into a burning building.

Well, at least they can't pretend they are Christians.

And, with this slandering of children and the hate they show towards toddlers we know their fake concern over abortion is just that. Fake!
There were rallies in every state. I didn't see any counter, kill the kids rallies from the GOP. But I'm sure there were some.

Heard Republicans were lying at the border. Illegally turning people away who were trying to escape danger. What do you expect. They're Russian, er, I mean, Republicans.
This is a total loser, made for losing. The POTUS already signed an EO that keeps families together.

Tell us, what exactly were you protesting?
Gee, I don't know? The thousands of children who don't know where their parents are? The three year olds who are expected to go to court?

Toddlers are having to appear in border courts all alone

What Trump has shown us is what monsters Republicans are. Even right here on the USMB.

Republicans working to send children back into a burning building.

Well, at least they can't pretend they are Christians.

And, with this slandering of children and the hate they show towards toddlers we know their fake concern over abortion is just that. Fake! are an idiot..... the parents are in jail because they broke the law so the 3 year old is in foster care until they put the criminal parent through the legal system.... just like any American 3 year old is put into foster care if their parent is arrested in the United States....

You asshats think that people can't understand this issue...we are not democrats....we have brains and can actually sheep can rot your brains on democrat talking points all you want...but truth, facts and reality will reveal how stupid you are...

This is what Republicans want to force families into.

They run from danger and Republicans deny them help.

This is today's GOP. Heartless. Cruel. Mean..

And they still claim to be Christian.
There were rallies in every state. I didn't see any counter, kill the kids rallies from the GOP. But I'm sure there were some.

Heard Republicans were lying at the border. Illegally turning people away who were trying to escape danger. What do you expect. They're Russian, er, I mean, Republicans.
This is a total loser, made for losing. The POTUS already signed an EO that keeps families together.

Tell us, what exactly were you protesting?
Gee, I don't know? The thousands of children who don't know where their parents are? The three year olds who are expected to go to court?

Toddlers are having to appear in border courts all alone

What Trump has shown us is what monsters Republicans are. Even right here on the USMB.

Republicans working to send children back into a burning building.

Well, at least they can't pretend they are Christians.

And, with this slandering of children and the hate they show towards toddlers we know their fake concern over abortion is just that. Fake! are an idiot..... the parents are in jail because they broke the law so the 3 year old is in foster care until they put the criminal parent through the legal system.... just like any American 3 year old is put into foster care if their parent is arrested in the United States....

You asshats think that people can't understand this issue...we are not democrats....we have brains and can actually sheep can rot your brains on democrat talking points all you want...but truth, facts and reality will reveal how stupid you are...
You prove my point.

There were rallies in every state. I didn't see any counter, kill the kids rallies from the GOP. But I'm sure there were some.

Heard Republicans were lying at the border. Illegally turning people away who were trying to escape danger. What do you expect. They're Russian, er, I mean, Republicans.
This is a total loser, made for losing. The POTUS already signed an EO that keeps families together.

Tell us, what exactly were you protesting?
Gee, I don't know? The thousands of children who don't know where their parents are? The three year olds who are expected to go to court?

Toddlers are having to appear in border courts all alone

What Trump has shown us is what monsters Republicans are. Even right here on the USMB.

Republicans working to send children back into a burning building.

Well, at least they can't pretend they are Christians.

And, with this slandering of children and the hate they show towards toddlers we know their fake concern over abortion is just that. Fake! are an idiot..... the parents are in jail because they broke the law so the 3 year old is in foster care until they put the criminal parent through the legal system.... just like any American 3 year old is put into foster care if their parent is arrested in the United States....

You asshats think that people can't understand this issue...we are not democrats....we have brains and can actually sheep can rot your brains on democrat talking points all you want...but truth, facts and reality will reveal how stupid you are...
You prove my point.

No one hates and abuses children like the left, no one. The repubs got alot of catching up to do if they are going to catch up with the leftist hatred of everything today.
There were rallies in every state. I didn't see any counter, kill the kids rallies from the GOP. But I'm sure there were some.

Heard Republicans were lying at the border. Illegally turning people away who were trying to escape danger. What do you expect. They're Russian, er, I mean, Republicans.
This is a total loser, made for losing. The POTUS already signed an EO that keeps families together.

Tell us, what exactly were you protesting?
Gee, I don't know? The thousands of children who don't know where their parents are? The three year olds who are expected to go to court?

Toddlers are having to appear in border courts all alone

What Trump has shown us is what monsters Republicans are. Even right here on the USMB.

Republicans working to send children back into a burning building.

Well, at least they can't pretend they are Christians.

And, with this slandering of children and the hate they show towards toddlers we know their fake concern over abortion is just that. Fake! are an idiot..... the parents are in jail because they broke the law so the 3 year old is in foster care until they put the criminal parent through the legal system.... just like any American 3 year old is put into foster care if their parent is arrested in the United States....

You asshats think that people can't understand this issue...we are not democrats....we have brains and can actually sheep can rot your brains on democrat talking points all you want...but truth, facts and reality will reveal how stupid you are...
You prove my point.


So give up. You can’t make us cry and you can’t use emotions and you can’t leverage pity to make us ignore the law. Give it up already.
Or man up and use an argument instead of fishing for sympathy.
There were rallies in every state. I didn't see any counter, kill the kids rallies from the GOP. But I'm sure there were some.

Heard Republicans were lying at the border. Illegally turning people away who were trying to escape danger. What do you expect. They're Russian, er, I mean, Republicans.
This is a total loser, made for losing. The POTUS already signed an EO that keeps families together.

Tell us, what exactly were you protesting?
Gee, I don't know? The thousands of children who don't know where their parents are? The three year olds who are expected to go to court?

Toddlers are having to appear in border courts all alone

What Trump has shown us is what monsters Republicans are. Even right here on the USMB.

Republicans working to send children back into a burning building.

Well, at least they can't pretend they are Christians.

And, with this slandering of children and the hate they show towards toddlers we know their fake concern over abortion is just that. Fake! are an idiot..... the parents are in jail because they broke the law so the 3 year old is in foster care until they put the criminal parent through the legal system.... just like any American 3 year old is put into foster care if their parent is arrested in the United States....

You asshats think that people can't understand this issue...we are not democrats....we have brains and can actually sheep can rot your brains on democrat talking points all you want...but truth, facts and reality will reveal how stupid you are...
You prove my point.


You don't have a "point", have a problem! It's suddenly dawned on you progressives that Trump is kicking ass with the economy despite having the Fed raise interest rates repeatedly and that you're going to get "shellacked" AGAIN in the coming elections! You clowns needed to come up with SOMETHING to detract from the fact that people have jobs now that pay real money and they're feeling confident about the future! You can't run on the whole "war on women" thing you trotted out the last couple of elections because after Weinstein and all the other liberals got outed as serial abusers of women nobody is going to buy that nonsense anymore! This whole "THEY'RE RIPPING BABIES FROM THEIR MOTHER'S ARMS!!!" narrative is proof positive that the people running the Democratic Party have totally run out of things to run on. You're out "protesting" something that Trump has already signed an executive order to address. Is immigration screwed up? Oh, hell yeah it is! It has been for years now! Obama didn't do diddly to address it either despite promises he would. Trump is the first President that has the guts to tackle this issue and now you on the left are petrified that he might succeed.
There were rallies in every state. I didn't see any counter, kill the kids rallies from the GOP. But I'm sure there were some.

Heard Republicans were lying at the border. Illegally turning people away who were trying to escape danger. What do you expect. They're Russian, er, I mean, Republicans.
This is a total loser, made for losing. The POTUS already signed an EO that keeps families together.

Tell us, what exactly were you protesting?
Gee, I don't know? The thousands of children who don't know where their parents are? The three year olds who are expected to go to court?

Toddlers are having to appear in border courts all alone

What Trump has shown us is what monsters Republicans are. Even right here on the USMB.

Republicans working to send children back into a burning building.

Well, at least they can't pretend they are Christians.

And, with this slandering of children and the hate they show towards toddlers we know their fake concern over abortion is just that. Fake! are an idiot..... the parents are in jail because they broke the law so the 3 year old is in foster care until they put the criminal parent through the legal system.... just like any American 3 year old is put into foster care if their parent is arrested in the United States....

You asshats think that people can't understand this issue...we are not democrats....we have brains and can actually sheep can rot your brains on democrat talking points all you want...but truth, facts and reality will reveal how stupid you are...
You prove my point.


You don't have a "point", have a problem! It's suddenly dawned on you progressives that Trump is kicking ass with the economy despite having the Fed raise interest rates repeatedly and that you're going to get "shellacked" AGAIN in the coming elections! You clowns needed to come up with SOMETHING to detract from the fact that people have jobs now that pay real money and they're feeling confident about the future! You can't run on the whole "war on women" thing you trotted out the last couple of elections because after Weinstein and all the other liberals got outed as serial abusers of women nobody is going to buy that nonsense anymore! This whole "THEY'RE RIPPING BABIES FROM THEIR MOTHER'S ARMS!!!" narrative is proof positive that the people running the Democratic Party have totally run out of things to run on. You're out "protesting" something that Trump has already signed an executive order to address. Is immigration screwed up? Oh, hell yeah it is! It has been for years now! Obama didn't do diddly to address it either despite promises he would. Trump is the first President that has the guts to tackle this issue and now you on the left are petrified that he might succeed.
Wait until they turn on Mueller for not delivering Trump's head on a platter to them.. lol.. That's coming where as they will accuse him of being a traitorous republican to them in the end.

This is what Republicans want to force families into.

They run from danger and Republicans deny them help.

This is today's GOP. Heartless. Cruel. Mean..

And they still claim to be Christian.
They are the danger. They are the gang bangers. They are the drug dealers. We are getting both sides, all sides, of criminals fleeing one another.

Send them all back and let them fight it out at home.
Gee where was all this bullshit back in 2014??

This is the law and its been going on for longer than 2014.

Where the hell were all these protestors then??

Its all manufactured bullshit just like the threads on this board. LMAO
Families Belong Together – Chicago March | IATSE Local 769 Chicago

What some parents say:

We have two sons. Sebastian is 3, Francisco just 5 months old. I cannot imagine the emotional trauma my boys would experience if they were to be separated from Vanessa and me. But that’s what's happening at our border—forced family separations, denial of due process, imprisonment of kids and parents. To be silent while this takes place in our country is to be an accomplice.

Could you imagine being separated by your kids in such a way? I don't get how Republicans think this is not only fine and OK, but I suspect some think it's quite humorous. Republicans own this attack on babies and toddlers.

Looks like Trump has been doing this much earlier. We have reports the number of children separated is double. Yes, double. Over four thousand.

I'll be there. Trying to figure out what to put on my sign. I am a veteran. When I served, we wanted to protect children and were against Russia. Now, Republicans protect Russia and attack children.

Could you imagine being separated by your kids in such a way?

No, I could not imagine taking by kids on a dangerous journey in order to illegally cross into another nation.
Not even running from danger to protect your children's lives?

Just kidding. Republicans only want children for target practice. They don't even help children in this country.

Not even running from danger to protect your children's lives?

No countries between the danger and the US?

Republicans only want children for target practice.

Of course, look at all the Republican targets in Chicago......oh, wait.
Except for the countries in Central America.

Republicans don't even believe their own BS.
Families Belong Together – Chicago March | IATSE Local 769 Chicago

What some parents say:

We have two sons. Sebastian is 3, Francisco just 5 months old. I cannot imagine the emotional trauma my boys would experience if they were to be separated from Vanessa and me. But that’s what's happening at our border—forced family separations, denial of due process, imprisonment of kids and parents. To be silent while this takes place in our country is to be an accomplice.

Could you imagine being separated by your kids in such a way? I don't get how Republicans think this is not only fine and OK, but I suspect some think it's quite humorous. Republicans own this attack on babies and toddlers.

Looks like Trump has been doing this much earlier. We have reports the number of children separated is double. Yes, double. Over four thousand.

I'll be there. Trying to figure out what to put on my sign. I am a veteran. When I served, we wanted to protect children and were against Russia. Now, Republicans protect Russia and attack children.
Illegal aliens do not belong here… So shut the fuck up

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