Saturday Night Quarterbacking

P.S. This thread is in honor of Leo Panetta dismissing the critics of Benghazi as Monday Morning QB's. Since it's somehow wrong in libtard world to criticize after the fact, we'll do this one before the fact.
Obama won the first debate. Romney flip-flopped and lied throughout. How does one debate a chronic liar?
Obama won the first debate. Romney flip-flopped and lied throughout. How does one debate a chronic liar?

You're all wound up.:lol: Psst...even Obama and company have admitted to blowing it.:D
Obama won the first debate. Romney flip-flopped and lied throughout. How does one debate a chronic liar?

You are seriously screwed up. Look if you want to play a political game you better get a grip on it.

You can't fabricate your world girl.
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Sounds funny to say; but Obama should have went more with the blame Bush rhetoric. And he should have stayed away from the petty attacks on Romney. Enough moderates were/are at at least mildly sold that Bush didn't do enough on the economy and that it was his fault. Now, I'm not saying that's fully true. But when it comes to economics, the average person isn't looking too sharply at the nitty gritty details.

But instead of pressing that narrative and making the false, but believable case that he had moved the country forward; he tried to villify Romney. He made all types of personal attacks. He made all types of assertions that weren't true. He attacked his success. And that caused independents to step back and say woh; wait a minute. This is really what you're about?

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