Saudi Arabia won't attack Iran but it will pay someone else to

War is good for the economy, American citizens employed in the defense industries get paid to replace the used ammunition. A war with Iran gives us a chance to test our newest weaponry. Any new war tactics developed by our military leaders would also be able to be tested.
Death, destruction, and wasted money are wonderful things. The broken window fallacy writ large.
Saudi's provide the ground troops, we bring in the air. Let Saudi's handle the building of a new government afterwards as well.
Saudi Arabia Won’t Attack Iran. But It May Pay Someone Else To

American soldiers are nothing more than mercenaries for hire....highest bidder gets them!

Iran would whip Saudi Arabia and let be factual it is only Israel and the U.S. standing in Iran way.

The U.S. will not attack neither will Israel knowing it would toss the entire world into a World War...

A world war wont be necessary.
A carrier group in the Strait of Hormuz will suffice.
They’ll make fine targets

Who would that be?
Carrier Battle Groups sailed into narrow waters during periods of hostilities make fine targets. Anybody commanding such an action should be stripped of rank and taught the finer points in the use of a chipping hammer

So what do you think would happen if Iran tried to attack a US carrier group?
I'll tell you,because they would utterly destroyed.
It's the same reason they dont attack our bases which surround Iran and would be even easier targets than a carrier group.

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