Saudi struggles


Platinum Member
Oct 28, 2020
All oil exporters including Saudi and Iran have suffered recently. The virus is one reason as demand has dropped. Both have suffered from violence. Iran you may already know about but i do not know if western media reported the attacks in Saudi. houthi rebels from Yemen are blamed. Saudi is also having another royal purge so there is internal conflict.
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All oil exporters including Saudi and Iran have suffered recently. The virus is one reason as demand has dropped. Both have suffered from violence. Iran you may already know about but i do not know if western media reported the attacks in Saudi. houthi rebels from Yemen are blamed. Saudi is also having another royal purge so there is internal conflict.

The Saudi Royal family as a whole and the murderous Prince suck, as do all autocratic governments. I still have not forgiven the Saudis for financing and majorly staffing the 9/11 attack and doubt I ever will. I say Fk'em and feed'em fish heads. Bring all our troops home from Saudi and let them hire mercenaries to protect their oil.
Over dependence on oil sales is problem for Saudi and other nations in the region. I like the social reforms the prince has made. Giving women the right to vote. Banning flogging no more death penalty for underaged criminals. But the economy must be reformed. They must diversify or they will have more crisis in future.

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