Savage Black Assaults Senior Citizens Then Murders the Cop Called to Respond

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Can You Smell Me
Aug 3, 2013
Could this be why cops are wary of low IQ savages? Too bad the cop did not use the magic knee technique. The cop is dead, did the "diverse" DA upgrade the charges to first and second degree murder? In all honesty, the perp should have been strung up on a tree by now like they did to similar perps back in the day in the South.

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This racist dick jerk is a joke, you racist ass clowns are silent as hell when someone white shots or murdered as a cop. Didn't hear a damn word out of either one of you 2 racist Jackasses when the white man in Texas shot a cop or when any white man has shot a cop.
Hours after the assault, hundreds in the tight-knit community gathered for a vigil. Some who witnessed what happened said they will never forget what they saw.

"I saw an attack on a police officer, I saw an attack on humanity by the most vicious of all people that I have ever seen in my entire life," said Doug Marshall. "This not only affects that police officer, it affects that entire family, it affects everyone of us that saw that today."
Of course, I join other members in extending deepest sympathies to the murdered police officer's family.

Such incidents are unspeakably horrific.

We live in a nation with a "unique" population profile, so we have all become inured to senseless violence on the part of all ethnicities, and especially on the part of certain folks who commit violence way out of their proportion to their percentage of the total population.

There is NO solution. It is something that we must simply live with. Try to live in a good part of town. Be careful when you see possibly dangerous people. Vote for those politicians (if any) who believe in reasonable law enforcement. That's about it.
Didn't hear a damn word out of either one of you 2 racist Jackasses when the white man in Texas shot a cop or when any white man has shot a cop.
Whites are not rioting in the streets and looting Target stores when a white dirtbag is killed by a cop

because we support law and order regardless of race
So where you and your law and order when that trump piece of shit and his good buddy white guys were savaging our Nations Capitol back in January?
Didn't hear a damn word out of either one of you 2 racist Jackasses when the white man in Texas shot a cop or when any white man has shot a cop.
Whites are not rioting in the streets and looting Target stores when a white dirtbag is killed by a cop

because we support law and order regardless of race
So where you and your law and order when that trump piece of shit and his good buddy white guys were savaging our Nations Capitol back in January?
The endless Saul Alinsky Capitol crap is expected. The endless rioting in blue cities you never stopped and even supported. The Extreme Feminists who rioted in D.C. entering government building and messing with statues never were accused of anything. The rioting in front of the White house with Trump, not a thing done. If the people that "savaged" the Capitol were not Progs, then they failed. For they had an opportunity to exterminate some vile traitorous politicians. Of course they may have just been sending a message. It is clear that there was a coup in this nation. Or to put it more succinctly, the cementing of a coup that occurred years ago and interrupted with Trump coming out of nowhere and winning the 2016 election as the Progs were to full of themselves to cover all their bases. In 2020 they, the deep state and the elitists made sure.
Didn't hear a damn word out of either one of you 2 racist Jackasses when the white man in Texas shot a cop or when any white man has shot a cop.
Whites are not rioting in the streets and looting Target stores when a white dirtbag is killed by a cop

because we support law and order regardless of race

Neither are black folks, but when unarmed black folks are murdered unjustly the folks are going to false their voices. Why do you hate peaceful protest?
where you and your law and order when that trump piece of shit and his good buddy white guys were savaging our Nations Capitol back in January?
I was not in DC and was shocked by the assault on Ft Pelosi

but I will not assist you in taking away my civil rights for the sake of Buffalo Man

and btw that has nothing to do with this topic
This country is being torn apart by the false perception racism, thanks to Obama and mainstream media. The narrative is never ending. Most of you on the site are too young to understand what real racism is, least not lived during that period. Most don’t have the basic inclination to research the statistics regarding crime in this country, yet they claim this country is racist, why because it fit Obama’s false BS narrative. His legacy was one of divisiveness, and as they say throw enough BS on the wall and eventually one will stick, and once you divide it’s easier to conquer.
Didn't hear a damn word out of either one of you 2 racist Jackasses when the white man in Texas shot a cop or when any white man has shot a cop.
Whites are not rioting in the streets and looting Target stores when a white dirtbag is killed by a cop

because we support law and order regardless of race
So where you and your law and order when that trump piece of shit and his good buddy white guys were savaging our Nations Capitol back in January?
You wackos have lost your minds. Equating flag waving Americans to the murderous, burning and rioting thug ilk that terrorized your Dim cities last summer is pure idiocy.
Didn't hear a damn word out of either one of you 2 racist Jackasses when the white man in Texas shot a cop or when any white man has shot a cop.
Whites are not rioting in the streets and looting Target stores when a white dirtbag is killed by a cop

because we support law and order regardless of race

Neither are black folks, but when unarmed black folks are murdered unjustly the folks are going to false their voices. Why do you hate peaceful protest?
Would you call this woman a typical black person?

Could this be why cops are wary of low IQ savages? Too bad the cop did not use the magic knee technique. The cop is dead, did the "diverse" DA upgrade the charges to first and second degree murder? In all honesty, the perp should have been strung up on a tree by now like they did to similar perps back in the day in the South.

More hate from the racist right.
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