Save Mickey?


Conspiracy Realist
Dec 15, 2013
I would have made this a poll, but I have to learn how to do that.

There is a case going on in Phoenix right now involving a dog that mauled a boy’s face. The news presented it like this: the dog was chewing on a bone. The dog was in the owner’s yard chained. The owner was babysitting a 4 year old boy and obviously was not watching him. The kid tried to take the bone away from the dog. The dog attacked him and tore a large section of his face off. There are no previously incidents involving the dog how has a history of being gentle.

The dog has been in quarantine since it happened and was scheduled to be put down today. A relative of mine organized a campaign to save the dog thinking it was not the dog’s fault. She has 20,000 supporters, including 3 people that live away from people that are willing to adopt him. There are attorneys that are representing the dog and have a lot of money behind them. She is going to protest today with about 300 people. They have extended to “execution” date another week.

The parents are going to be there with their own group. The have about 100 people that will be there and have raised $200.
I will not be going out there because I have mixed feelings about this. I am a dog owner and lover, but if a dog did the kind of damage this dog did; I would probably want them put down.

Official News Story with video of Mickey and other links:
Group rallies behind dog that bit boy's face | Phoenix

The child did have a website put up for him showing his horrible injuries, but I can’t seem to find it anymore.
I am a dog owner and lover, but if a dog did the kind of damage this dog did; I would probably want them put down.

I agree.

I also love dogs but I love children too. Even though this may have been caused by the child trying to take the bone away from the dog, the has bitten and, imo, that's the end.
Well whoever gave Mickey a bone while a child was there is at fault.

Also the babysitter should have been watching the child.

However, Mickey did bite the child so Mickey will be euthanized. Just the way it goes. Its always the dogs fault no matter how irresponsible the humans are.
Mickey "spared"

I was going to write that they, and Mickey, won. But I am not sure “winning” is the right word. The judge ruled that Mickey be neutered, microchipped, defanged (I am not sure if that means all his teeth or his canines only), and to live out his life without ever being adopted again.

A Dog Named Mickey | ASPCA Professional

He will be neutered, defanged, and live the rest of his life in a cage, without being allowed to be adopted. Does not sound like being 'spared'.

The other thing I found interesting about this, this dog was not changed in a yard but the common area of the apartment complex on a 18 foot chain.

Judge spares controversial pit bull's life
Never mind. DEFANGED and never allowed to be adopted?? WTF?
That is not spared. That is torture.
The dumb ass not watching the kid should be defanged, shock treatment and thrown in an insane asylum for being a dumb ass. Howzat?
I didn't read the all the comments before posting, Cafe'.

Put it down. Then put the babysitter down with it.
I didn't read the all the comments before posting, Cafe'.

Put it down. Then put the babysitter down with it.

Don't worry it's no biggie. I just can't figure how this does anything to be honest. It seems worse than putting Mickey down. I was shocked when I read the decision.
I hope it is overturned because this is flat out cruelty to animals.

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