Save the Constitutionally Mandated Post Office


Feb 9, 2013
The source of the Post Office's financial woes isn't the internet, though permission to modernize would likely help. The real source is the fact that, in 2006, the Congress passed the Post Office Enhancement and Accountability Act which forces the USPS to, without additional revenue, to fund the next 75 years of employee retirement and health care within a 10 year window. This was a deliberate poison pill, whose real objectives were to privatize the functions currently fulfilled by the Post Office, break up the largest union shop in the nation, and provide funds for Bush's war by the selling off of the Post Office's considerable assets - real estate, vehicles, machinery etc... Another factor to consider is, the Post Office is the largest single employer of veterans.

We've posted a petition on the Whitehouse website, asking President Obama to bring this fact to light and ask the Congress to repeal this act. Though the Executive Branch, doesn't wield the power to repeal this egregious act, the President can, ans should use his bully pulpit to motivate constituents to contact their representatives in congress. Please cut and paste the following into your browser.

Thank you...
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The source of the Post Office's financial woes isn't the internet, though permission to modernize would likely help. The real source is the fact that, in 2006, the Congress passed the Post Office Enhancement and Accountability Act which forces the USPS to, without additional revenue, to fund the next 75 years of employee retirement and health care within a 10 year window. This was a deliberate poison pill, whose real objectives were to privatize the functions currently fulfilled by the Post Office, break up the largest union shop in the nation, and provide funds for Bush's war by the selling off of the Post Office's considerable assets - real estate, vehicles, machinery etc... Another factor to consider is, the Post Office is the largest single employer of veterans.

We've posted a petition on the Whitehouse website, asking President Obama to bring this fact to light and ask the Congress to repeal this act. Though the Executive Branch, doesn't wield the power to repeal this egregious act, the President can, ans should use his bully pulpit to motivate constituents to contact their representatives in congress. Please cut and paste the following into your browser.

Thank you...

Talking to my Mailman today, he was delivering with his push cart in about 12" of snow, with most of the sidewalks shoveled. Ithink he would feel good about this one having It's own Thread. :):):)
In May 2011:

The Obama administration will begin to tap federal retiree programs to help fund operations after the government lost its ability Monday to borrow more money from the public, adding urgency to efforts in Washington to fashion a compromise over the debt.

Treasury Secretary Timothy F. Geithner has warned for months that the government would soon hit the $14.3 trillion debt ceiling — a legal limit on how much it can borrow. With that limit reached Monday, Geithner is undertaking special measures in an effort to postpone the day when he will no longer have enough funds to pay all of the government’s bills.

Geithner, who has already suspended a program that helps state and local government manage their finances, will begin to borrow from retirement funds for federal workers. The measure won’t have an impact on retirees because the Treasury is legally required to reimburse the program.
Treasury to tap pensions to help fund government - Washington Post

And the Post Office retirement fund was a biggie that got raided too.

This kind of dishonest government cannot be sustained indefinitely. The Post Office will survive for the immediate future by discontinuing Saturday delivery service--something they should have done years ago.

But our focus should be on stopping these ridiculous pension plans now - at all levels of government - federal, state, and local. Pay the people a salary commensurate with their responsibilities, and set up managed retirement plans for them to contribute to - perhaps even with matching funds as a portion of their compensation - or let them manage their own. But what that fund accumulates while they are in our employ, whether that is an elected postiion, appointed position, or hired position, should be all there is. We should not obligate the next generation to pay for the retirement of those in this one.
I wonder how many who want to "protect the constitutionally mandated Post Office" are against protecting the "constitutionally protcted right to keep and bear arms"?

they both deserve the same protection.
I wonder how many who want to "protect the constitutionally mandated Post Office" are against protecting the "constitutionally protcted right to keep and bear arms"?

they both deserve the same protection.

But are two entirely different subjects. Let's not derail this thread by turning it into yet another gun thread.

It is the ever increasing burden of sustaining lifetime pensions that is burying the Post Office and all of our government as well as incompetent management who is not held accountable for mismanaging millions or billions of taxpayer monies. We the taxpayer deserve better. And we should demand it.

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