Saving America from the Woke Left | Mike Pence brings the house down at the University of Alabama

I don't know that Mr. Pence even wants to run for President.

But the key for any Republican candidate not named "Donald J. Trump" is to make sure he separates himself from the Bushes, Cheneys and Romneys of the party. If VP Pence (or any of the other candidates or possibles) wants to earn the vote of Trumpsters in the general election, telling Jeb, Mitt, Liz, etc., to go copulate themselves and not to accept their support is the key.
If VP Pence were to run, he should be prepared to be literally crucified again over his adherence to the Pence Rule.

Mr. Pence refuses, as a matter of principle, to have sexual relations with broads he isn't married to. Libs hate that, because it eliminates a way for him to be attacked.
If VP Pence were to run, he should be prepared to be literally crucified again over his adherence to the Pence Rule.

Mr. Pence refuses, as a matter of principle, to have sexual relations with broads he isn't married to. Libs hate that, because it eliminates a way for him to be attacked.

Are you suggesting the right didn't attack Obama? Or Clinton? That Clinton wasn't impeached for.... fuck me, for having sexual relations with an aid????
I mean.... your comment seems to have avoided what the right did to Democratic presidents. How CONVENIENT...
Are you suggesting the right didn't attack Obama? Or Clinton? That Clinton wasn't impeached for.... fuck me, for having sexual relations with an aid????
I mean.... your comment seems to have avoided what the right did to Democratic presidents. How CONVENIENT...

Clinton was impeached for perjury, in attempt to lie his way out of paying Paula Corbin Jones for sexually harassment. It only had to do with sex peripherally. But it really doesn't matter what he was trying to cheat the broad after- he was lying to avoid his obligations.

In any event, in 2023, the Left is actually using the Justice System to punish dissidents. If VP Pence were to run for office, he could expect the same kind of attacks. And Mr. Pence doesn't have the same kind of financial resources as Mr. Trump does. He could easily be forced out of office by the expense of defending Fake Charges.
Clinton was impeached for perjury, in attempt to lie his way out of paying Paula Corbin Jones for sexually harassment. It only had to do with sex peripherally. But it really doesn't matter what he was trying to cheat the broad after- he was lying to avoid his obligations.

In any event, in 2023, the Left is actually using the Justice System to punish dissidents. If VP Pence were to run for office, he could expect the same kind of attacks. And Mr. Pence doesn't have the same kind of financial resources as Mr. Trump does. He could easily be forced out of office by the expense of defending Fake Charges.

And why did he perjure himself in the first place? Because Starr went after him and wrote about "sexual relations" with Lewinsky in it.

Clinton committed a crime. A pointless crime, a silly crime. Trump appears to be committing crimes and has done for a long time, or he gets others to do them for him.
We KNOW Trump bribed politicians (Democrats) in the 1980s, he literally said he did "pay to play" which was bribing officials to get better deals.

So to say that Trump is a "dissident" is ridiculous.

But the big problem for the US seems to be that both sides have now decided there are no rules, take down the other side no matter what. Like when Obama couldn't get a Supreme Court justice in. That was... beyond belief, worse than what's happening to Trump or the racist attacks against Obama, or attacks against Biden.

Because it actually changed the political landscape far more.
And why did he perjure himself in the first place? Because Starr went after him and wrote about "sexual relations" with Lewinsky in it.

Clinton committed a crime. A pointless crime, a silly crime. Trump appears to be committing crimes and has done for a long time, or he gets others to do them for him.
We KNOW Trump bribed politicians (Democrats) in the 1980s, he literally said he did "pay to play" which was bribing officials to get better deals.

So to say that Trump is a "dissident" is ridiculous.

But the big problem for the US seems to be that both sides have now decided there are no rules, take down the other side no matter what. Like when Obama couldn't get a Supreme Court justice in. That was... beyond belief, worse than what's happening to Trump or the racist attacks against Obama, or attacks against Biden.

Because it actually changed the political landscape far more.

The reason why Slick Willy perjured himself wasn't "pointless" or "silly". He wanted to avoid ponying up for his Sexual Harassment against Paula Corbin Jones.

Not because Judge Starr "tricked" him, but because he was Greedy.
The reason why Slick Willy perjured himself wasn't "pointless" or "silly". He wanted to avoid ponying up for his Sexual Harassment against Paula Corbin Jones.

Not because Judge Starr "tricked" him, but because he was Greedy.

Of course he's greedy. I mean, he became president of the US, you don't get there without being greedy.

Which ever way you look at it, impeachment was because the Republicans went after him. However it didn't lead to what's happening now which is a gloves off, anything is acceptable in the civil war inside US politics.
Nothing good can come of it because neither side is going to change the system, change how Supreme Court justices are appointed, change how politicized Supreme Court justices are, change how Congress men and women are elected, change the number of parties so there's real choice.
If VP Pence were to run, he should be prepared to be literally crucified again over his adherence to the Pence Rule.

Mr. Pence refuses, as a matter of principle, to have sexual relations with broads he isn't married to. Libs hate that, because it eliminates a way for him to be attacked.

Geez but you're stupid.

Pence refuses to have dinner with any woman who isn't his wife. He therefore cannot hire a woman for any position on his staff if he might be required to attend a dinner with this person without his wife. We're not talking a private dinner in his hotel room, we're talking a dinner in a public restaurant in full view of a room full of people, or at a meeting with other world leaders.

In other words, Mike Pence cannot have any close female associates or advisors. In my books, this disqualifies him from office, because if there is one thing we should have learned is that government needs advice from women as to what our economic and financial needs are, because the US government is failing working women, bigly.
The reason why Slick Willy perjured himself wasn't "pointless" or "silly". He wanted to avoid ponying up for his Sexual Harassment against Paula Corbin Jones.

Not because Judge Starr "tricked" him, but because he was Greedy.

And that's a lie. The reason why Bill Clinton perjured himself was because he didn't want the nation to know he was having a relationship with an intern. Bill was never going to have to pay Paula Jones because he never sexually harassed her. He made a clumsy pass at her but he never threatened her job. All Jones wanted was an apology and a retraction from a right wing rag that she said falsely claimed she gave Bill Clinton a blow job in a motel.

Republicans ginned up the whole "sexual harassment" scheme to go after Bill Clinton, as part of the 6 1/2 year fishing expedition known as the Starr Investigation. The Jones case was ultimately dismissed with prejudice for lack of evidence.
Let Pence be a lesson for other Americans. Fate granted Pence a chance for greatness, but he cucked to the democrat pedophile party. Now Pence is nothing but a disgraced has-been. He should seek forgiveness and humility.

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