Say a Prayer...


Warrior Princess
Mar 24, 2007
3 soldiers missing in Iraq and 5 are dead. They found the dead ones but not the three... they have set up lock down surrounding the area, so to not let the kidnapped soldiers out of the arena from what I heard....

Don't know if it is Army or Marines....

Please, with all your inner being, pray for the safety and escape of these 3 missing soldiers.... please. :(

There is just about zero chance they will be found alive.

Now lets return to that discussion on the Geneva Convention and who is covered, who is violating it etc etc.
There is just about zero chance they will be found alive.

Now lets return to that discussion on the Geneva Convention and who is covered, who is violating it etc etc.

If the terrorists followed the Geneva Conventions, do you think they would have a shot at defeating us?
Care4all my dear friend,

I do "pray" for them in my own way.

You are a wonderful person and I wish there were many more here and everywhere like you, this world would be a much better place if more were as as thoughtful as you.

Yeap its me!

Your little friend from

Like my new name?
If the terrorists followed the Geneva Conventions, do you think they would have a shot at defeating us?

Irrelevant. Using your so-called logic, why then should we abide the Geneva Convention when we could easily destroy all pretenses of an insurgency by disregarding it?

Quite the double standard you have there.

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