Say goodbye to free speech on the internet

Yes it is Islam we appease. Iran is an Islamic theocracy.
Saudi Arabia an Islamic monarchy.
They enforce Sharia.
I'm sorry... ur point is what?

Iran is a revolutionary theocratic state,
Saudi Arabia is an Islamic theocratic monarchy.
One was overtaken, one was inherited.
These aren't the only 2 countries who enforce or apply sharia law.

Again, what was your point?

The term theocracy signifies belief in governance by divine guidance,
a form of regime in which religion or faith plays the dominant role.
It denotes thus a political unit governed by a deity or by officials thought to be divinely guided.

Sharia is the religious law governing the members of the Islamic faith.
...moral and religious law derived from religious prophecy,
as opposed to human legislation.

Anyone that has chosen Islam as their religion,
technically, is under sharia law.
Now, to what degree and whether it is enforced, is a totally different matter.

As far as culture, I have already explained the intolerance because it is ISLAMIC culture.
What I said about the two cultures is fact. Deal with it.
And remember tolerance does not mean tolerating intolerance.

Tolerance does not mean tolerating intolerance...
oye vay, whose intolerant?

What does any of this have to do with free speech on the internet

Because Islamic leaders in the UN are going to control the internet very soon.

I'm sorry but I have a hard time swallowing that...
I don't mean the censorship, I'm talking about control.

They are the OIC. Organization of Islamic Cooperation. An oxymoron. They are the largest voting bloc in the UN.

They get their way.
Hmmm, maybe this will be the way to usher in the NWO

Still doesn't make sense that we would leave ourselves so vulnerable
Yes it is Islam we appease. Iran is an Islamic theocracy.
Saudi Arabia an Islamic monarchy.
They enforce Sharia.
I'm sorry... ur point is what?

Iran is a revolutionary theocratic state,
Saudi Arabia is an Islamic theocratic monarchy.
One was overtaken, one was inherited.
These aren't the only 2 countries who enforce or apply sharia law.

Again, what was your point?

The term theocracy signifies belief in governance by divine guidance,
a form of regime in which religion or faith plays the dominant role.
It denotes thus a political unit governed by a deity or by officials thought to be divinely guided.

Sharia is the religious law governing the members of the Islamic faith.
...moral and religious law derived from religious prophecy,
as opposed to human legislation.

Anyone that has chosen Islam as their religion,
technically, is under sharia law.
Now, to what degree and whether it is enforced, is a totally different matter.

As far as culture, I have already explained the intolerance because it is ISLAMIC culture.
What I said about the two cultures is fact. Deal with it.
And remember tolerance does not mean tolerating intolerance.

Tolerance does not mean tolerating intolerance...
oye vay, whose intolerant?

What does any of this have to do with free speech on the internet

Because Islamic leaders in the UN are going to control the internet very soon.

I'm sorry but I have a hard time swallowing that...
I don't mean the censorship, I'm talking about control.

They are the OIC. Organization of Islamic Cooperation. An oxymoron. They are the largest voting bloc in the UN.

They get their way.
Hmmm, maybe this will be the way to usher in the NWO

Still doesn't make sense that we would leave ourselves so vulnerable

Tell Obama that. He has weakened this country every chance he has had. The USA is the only thing standing in the way of global government.
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I'm sorry... ur point is what?

Iran is a revolutionary theocratic state,
Saudi Arabia is an Islamic theocratic monarchy.
One was overtaken, one was inherited.
These aren't the only 2 countries who enforce or apply sharia law.

Again, what was your point?

The term theocracy signifies belief in governance by divine guidance,
a form of regime in which religion or faith plays the dominant role.
It denotes thus a political unit governed by a deity or by officials thought to be divinely guided.

Sharia is the religious law governing the members of the Islamic faith.
...moral and religious law derived from religious prophecy,
as opposed to human legislation.

Anyone that has chosen Islam as their religion,
technically, is under sharia law.
Now, to what degree and whether it is enforced, is a totally different matter.

Tolerance does not mean tolerating intolerance...
oye vay, whose intolerant?

What does any of this have to do with free speech on the internet

Because Islamic leaders in the UN are going to control the internet very soon.

I'm sorry but I have a hard time swallowing that...
I don't mean the censorship, I'm talking about control.

They are the OIC. Organization of Islamic Cooperation. An oxymoron. They are the largest voting bloc in the UN.

They get their way.
Hmmm, maybe this will be the way to usher in the NWO

Still doesn't make sense that we would leave ourselves so vulnerable

Tell Obama that. He has weakened this country every chance he has had.
Who u telling...
I have a shirt that says...
So, how's that hope and change working out for you? :poke:

I also have a tank top that says...
Stop bitching, start a revolution

But, I'm drowning in a sea of human complacency, surrounded by idiots,

I have said for some time now,
ban cell phones, video games and the internet
and then we'll see the masses in an uproar... Lol
If any one entity gets control of the internet, it will be Comcast. It's not political. It's about money and how much access speed will cost for customers to arrive at a website owner's site.

I'm sure Brian Roberts, the CEO of Comcast, would like all of his naive customers to think it's Islam who is slowing down their internet speed. Hahahahaha....He probably created and propagated the story.
Because Islamic leaders in the UN are going to control the internet very soon.

I'm sorry but I have a hard time swallowing that...
I don't mean the censorship, I'm talking about control.

They are the OIC. Organization of Islamic Cooperation. An oxymoron. They are the largest voting bloc in the UN.

They get their way.
Hmmm, maybe this will be the way to usher in the NWO

Still doesn't make sense that we would leave ourselves so vulnerable

Tell Obama that. He has weakened this country every chance he has had.
Who u telling...
I have a shirt that says...
So, how's that hope and change working out for you? :poke:

I also have a tank top that says...
Stop bitching, start a revolution

But, I'm drowning in a sea of human complacency, surrounded by idiots,

I have said for some time now,
ban cell phones, video games and the internet
and then we'll see the masses in an uproar... Lol

So instead of doing something you buy a t-shirt. You're part of the problem, not the solution.
If any one entity gets control of the internet, it will be Comcast. It's not political. It's about money and how much access speed will cost for customers to arrive at a website owner's site.

I'm sure Brian Roberts, the CEO of Comcast, would like all of his naive customers to think it's Islam who is slowing down their internet speed. Hahahahaha....He probably created and propagated the story.

Not saying Comcast are not assholes, but censorship of the truth about Islam is a priority. He made up nothing. This is going to happen.
I'm sorry... ur point is what?

Iran is a revolutionary theocratic state,
Saudi Arabia is an Islamic theocratic monarchy.
One was overtaken, one was inherited.
These aren't the only 2 countries who enforce or apply sharia law.

Again, what was your point?

The term theocracy signifies belief in governance by divine guidance,
a form of regime in which religion or faith plays the dominant role.
It denotes thus a political unit governed by a deity or by officials thought to be divinely guided.

Sharia is the religious law governing the members of the Islamic faith.
...moral and religious law derived from religious prophecy,
as opposed to human legislation.

Anyone that has chosen Islam as their religion,
technically, is under sharia law.
Now, to what degree and whether it is enforced, is a totally different matter.

Tolerance does not mean tolerating intolerance...
oye vay, whose intolerant?

What does any of this have to do with free speech on the internet

Because Islamic leaders in the UN are going to control the internet very soon.

I'm sorry but I have a hard time swallowing that...
I don't mean the censorship, I'm talking about control.

They are the OIC. Organization of Islamic Cooperation. An oxymoron. They are the largest voting bloc in the UN.

They get their way.
Hmmm, maybe this will be the way to usher in the NWO

Still doesn't make sense that we would leave ourselves so vulnerable

Tell Obama that. He has weakened this country every chance he has had. The USA is the only thing standing in the way of global government.

So who are at the helm of this global government? Name names.
If any one entity gets control of the internet, it will be Comcast. It's not political. It's about money and how much access speed will cost for customers to arrive at a website owner's site.

I'm sure Brian Roberts, the CEO of Comcast, would like all of his naive customers to think it's Islam who is slowing down their internet speed. Hahahahaha....He probably created and propagated the story.

Not saying Comcast are not assholes, but censorship of the truth about Islam is a priority. He made up nothing. This is going to happen.

Uh-huh. Thanks for your stunning display of hard facts and data. I am left breathless and in awe.
Because Islamic leaders in the UN are going to control the internet very soon.

I'm sorry but I have a hard time swallowing that...
I don't mean the censorship, I'm talking about control.

They are the OIC. Organization of Islamic Cooperation. An oxymoron. They are the largest voting bloc in the UN.

They get their way.
Hmmm, maybe this will be the way to usher in the NWO

Still doesn't make sense that we would leave ourselves so vulnerable

Tell Obama that. He has weakened this country every chance he has had. The USA is the only thing standing in the way of global government.

So who are at the helm of this global government? Name names.
If any one entity gets control of the internet, it will be Comcast. It's not political. It's about money and how much access speed will cost for customers to arrive at a website owner's site.

I'm sure Brian Roberts, the CEO of Comcast, would like all of his naive customers to think it's Islam who is slowing down their internet speed. Hahahahaha....He probably created and propagated the story.

Not saying Comcast are not assholes, but censorship of the truth about Islam is a priority. He made up nothing. This is going to happen.

Uh-huh. Thanks for your stunning display of hard facts and data. I am left breathless and in awe.

Stay that way, it will take a little over 7 minutes and all your troubles will be over.
Because Islamic leaders in the UN are going to control the internet very soon.

I'm sorry but I have a hard time swallowing that...
I don't mean the censorship, I'm talking about control.

They are the OIC. Organization of Islamic Cooperation. An oxymoron. They are the largest voting bloc in the UN.

They get their way.
Hmmm, maybe this will be the way to usher in the NWO

Still doesn't make sense that we would leave ourselves so vulnerable

Tell Obama that. He has weakened this country every chance he has had. The USA is the only thing standing in the way of global government.

So who are at the helm of this global government? Name names.

Pamela Geller??? Are you effing kidding me? That Pamela Geller the paranoid, bigoted, war-mongering alt-right radical fuck up?

Pamela Geller is a friend of mine. I don't appreciate people insulting my friends but coming from the likes of you, it matters less than a dead rat's asshole.
I'm sorry but I have a hard time swallowing that...
I don't mean the censorship, I'm talking about control.

They are the OIC. Organization of Islamic Cooperation. An oxymoron. They are the largest voting bloc in the UN.

They get their way.
Hmmm, maybe this will be the way to usher in the NWO

Still doesn't make sense that we would leave ourselves so vulnerable

Tell Obama that. He has weakened this country every chance he has had.
Who u telling...
I have a shirt that says...
So, how's that hope and change working out for you? :poke:

I also have a tank top that says...
Stop bitching, start a revolution

But, I'm drowning in a sea of human complacency, surrounded by idiots,

I have said for some time now,
ban cell phones, video games and the internet
and then we'll see the masses in an uproar... Lol

So instead of doing something you buy a t-shirt. You're part of the problem, not the solution.
Ouch...there are not enough of "me" to make or take a stand.

Too many people are OK just going with the flow,
and government has gotten to powerful to ever take it back
Pamela Geller??? Are you effing kidding me? That Pamela Geller the paranoid, bigoted, war-mongering alt-right radical fuck up?

Pamela Geller is a friend of mine. I don't appreciate people insulting my friends but coming from the likes of you, it matters less than a dead rat's asshole.

I can't say Geller is my friend, but I know she tells the truth about Islam.
Number one: Declassify Islam as a religion and classify it as an ideology.
All religion is ideology

All you know about religions is your bigoted a prejudiced views. This is obvious by your comment.

I most certainly am not bigoted or prejudiced where religion is concerned

And I do not need to elaborate any further to convince u otherwise

Get over it

Of course you won't elaborate. You can't. You're a dummy.
Number one: Declassify Islam as a religion and classify it as an ideology.
All religion is ideology

All you know about religions is your bigoted a prejudiced views. This is obvious by your comment.

I most certainly am not bigoted or prejudiced where religion is concerned

And I do not need to elaborate any further to convince u otherwise

Get over it

Of course you won't elaborate. You can't. You're a dummy.
Lol..I most certainly can....
I just refuse to have a battle of wits with an unarmed person

You really are an ignorant pile of shit...sincerely.....
If I want any shit from you I'll squeeze your head.

You really are an ignorant pile of shit...sincerely.....
If I want any shit from you I'll squeeze your head.

If I wanted to hear from an (_o_) I would have farted......."checkmate".


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