Say goodbye to free speech on the internet

What you are saying is based on the extremest teachings of a few sects, wildly blown out of proportion in the MSM. The violence you see is combination of false flag orchestrated incidents and lone wolf attacks.

30,000 deadly terror attacks since 9/11 is hardly lone wolf. I think it's YOU who have been watching the MSM which btw is never critical of Islam.

I don't find thereligionofpeace site credible.

On top of that, I am not debating that folks are using Islamist sects as a cause to vent their rage. I don't think that is the root reason for it though. In times of hopelessness and economic desperation, folks look for a solution, or an ideology that will offer an alternative which seems workable. Since communism left the scene, and since this receives clandestine funding, there you are.

You HAVE heard of the Moslem brotherhood, have you not? Just the fact that such an organization exists, is decades (or centuries?) old, and is recognized by Washington, and is antithetical to the doctrine of Islam, should be a clue that funny shit is going on.

If you want to accept the propaganda work that has been done on this issue by neo-cons as a reason the military-industrial-complex needs to be fed and a reason we should exterminate billions of people, yeah, that's your prerogative. I'm not buying that horse shit.

Why isn't it credible? It uses facts in its articles on Islam. Have you read any? The other part of the only links to stories, some might not be credible, but don't blame the site.

The Muslim Brotherhood was founded in 1928. It is not antithetical to Islam, that is one of the dumbest things I have ever seen posted. It is a terror org. in some ME countries.

And your apology is not very original. Any hopelessness comes from Islam itself. And why do you apologists always say someone wants to kill billions? If anyone wants to kill that many it would be the Islamists.

I never said a thing about killing anyone.
The Muslim Brotherhood's Strategic Plan For America - Court Document | Clarion Project

Page 5:

"...the Movement must plan and struggle to obtain "the keys" and the tools of this process in carry out [sic] this grand mission as a 'Civilization Jihadist' responsibility."

Page 7:

“The process of settlement is a ‘Civilization-Jihadist Process’ with all the word means. The Ikhwan [Muslim Brotherhood] must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and ‘sabotaging’ its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers…”

“[W]e must possess a mastery of the art of ‘coalitions’, the art of ‘absorption’ and the principles of ‘cooperation.’”

You really are an ignorant pile of shit...sincerely.....
Yes it is Islam we appease. Iran is an Islamic theocracy.
Saudi Arabia an Islamic monarchy.
They enforce Sharia.
I'm sorry... ur point is what?

Iran is a revolutionary theocratic state,
Saudi Arabia is an Islamic theocratic monarchy.
One was overtaken, one was inherited.
These aren't the only 2 countries who enforce or apply sharia law.

Again, what was your point?

The term theocracy signifies belief in governance by divine guidance,
a form of regime in which religion or faith plays the dominant role.
It denotes thus a political unit governed by a deity or by officials thought to be divinely guided.

Sharia is the religious law governing the members of the Islamic faith.
...moral and religious law derived from religious prophecy,
as opposed to human legislation.

Anyone that has chosen Islam as their religion,
technically, is under sharia law.
Now, to what degree and whether it is enforced, is a totally different matter.

As far as culture, I have already explained the intolerance because it is ISLAMIC culture.
What I said about the two cultures is fact. Deal with it.
And remember tolerance does not mean tolerating intolerance.

Tolerance does not mean tolerating intolerance...
oye vay, whose intolerant?

What does any of this have to do with free speech on the internet
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What you are saying is based on the extremest teachings of a few sects, wildly blown out of proportion in the MSM. The violence you see is combination of false flag orchestrated incidents and lone wolf attacks.

30,000 deadly terror attacks since 9/11 is hardly lone wolf. I think it's YOU who have been watching the MSM which btw is never critical of Islam.

I don't find thereligionofpeace site credible.

On top of that, I am not debating that folks are using Islamist sects as a cause to vent their rage. I don't think that is the root reason for it though. In times of hopelessness and economic desperation, folks look for a solution, or an ideology that will offer an alternative which seems workable. Since communism left the scene, and since this receives clandestine funding, there you are.

You HAVE heard of the Moslem brotherhood, have you not? Just the fact that such an organization exists, is decades (or centuries?) old, and is recognized by Washington, and is antithetical to the doctrine of Islam, should be a clue that funny shit is going on.

If you want to accept the propaganda work that has been done on this issue by neo-cons as a reason the military-industrial-complex needs to be fed and a reason we should exterminate billions of people, yeah, that's your prerogative. I'm not buying that horse shit.

Why isn't it credible? It uses facts in its articles on Islam. Have you read any? The other part of the only links to stories, some might not be credible, but don't blame the site.

The Muslim Brotherhood was founded in 1928. It is not antithetical to Islam, that is one of the dumbest things I have ever seen posted. It is a terror org. in some ME countries.

And your apology is not very original. Any hopelessness comes from Islam itself. And why do you apologists always say someone wants to kill billions? If anyone wants to kill that many it would be the Islamists.

I never said a thing about killing anyone.

Nice to see you are up an establishment propaganda. However, the roots of the Muslim Brotherhood go far deeper and are not very Islamic nor Brotherly.

However, let's just say that your POV, however wrong it is, is correct, what are you suggesting we do about an entire religion you seem to think is a cancer upon the earth then?

Again, I maintain, when religion and spirituality are used by the statists for political gain, no good comes of it among the people.
However, let's just say that your POV, however wrong it is, is correct, what are you suggesting we do about an entire religion you seem to think is a cancer upon the earth then?

Number one: Declassify Islam as a religion and classify it as an ideology.
What you are saying is based on the extremest teachings of a few sects, wildly blown out of proportion in the MSM. The violence you see is combination of false flag orchestrated incidents and lone wolf attacks.

30,000 deadly terror attacks since 9/11 is hardly lone wolf. I think it's YOU who have been watching the MSM which btw is never critical of Islam.

I don't find thereligionofpeace site credible.

On top of that, I am not debating that folks are using Islamist sects as a cause to vent their rage. I don't think that is the root reason for it though. In times of hopelessness and economic desperation, folks look for a solution, or an ideology that will offer an alternative which seems workable. Since communism left the scene, and since this receives clandestine funding, there you are.

You HAVE heard of the Moslem brotherhood, have you not? Just the fact that such an organization exists, is decades (or centuries?) old, and is recognized by Washington, and is antithetical to the doctrine of Islam, should be a clue that funny shit is going on.

If you want to accept the propaganda work that has been done on this issue by neo-cons as a reason the military-industrial-complex needs to be fed and a reason we should exterminate billions of people, yeah, that's your prerogative. I'm not buying that horse shit.

Why isn't it credible? It uses facts in its articles on Islam. Have you read any? The other part of the only links to stories, some might not be credible, but don't blame the site.

The Muslim Brotherhood was founded in 1928. It is not antithetical to Islam, that is one of the dumbest things I have ever seen posted. It is a terror org. in some ME countries.

And your apology is not very original. Any hopelessness comes from Islam itself. And why do you apologists always say someone wants to kill billions? If anyone wants to kill that many it would be the Islamists.

I never said a thing about killing anyone.

Nice to see you are up an establishment propaganda. However, the roots of the Muslim Brotherhood go far deeper and are not very Islamic nor Brotherly.

However, let's just say that your POV, however wrong it is, is correct, what are you suggesting we do about an entire religion you seem to think is a cancer upon the earth then?

Again, I maintain, when religion and spirituality are used by the statists for political gain, no good comes of it among the people.

You can certainly find some strange links. I did a little research and I found he(Dreyfuss) is just another apologist. Prolific, but an apologist just the same.

I have already explained the pressure the world could put on the religion. There is no need to repeat myself.

And your last comment on using religion for political gain agrees with what I have said about Islam. The religion is all about political gain and obligates violence, terror and deceit to acquire that power. That is Islamic doctrine.
Yes it is Islam we appease. Iran is an Islamic theocracy.
Saudi Arabia an Islamic monarchy.
They enforce Sharia.
I'm sorry... ur point is what?

Iran is a revolutionary theocratic state,
Saudi Arabia is an Islamic theocratic monarchy.
One was overtaken, one was inherited.
These aren't the only 2 countries who enforce or apply sharia law.

Again, what was your point?

The term theocracy signifies belief in governance by divine guidance,
a form of regime in which religion or faith plays the dominant role.
It denotes thus a political unit governed by a deity or by officials thought to be divinely guided.

Sharia is the religious law governing the members of the Islamic faith.
...moral and religious law derived from religious prophecy,
as opposed to human legislation.

Anyone that has chosen Islam as their religion,
technically, is under sharia law.
Now, to what degree and whether it is enforced, is a totally different matter.

As far as culture, I have already explained the intolerance because it is ISLAMIC culture.
What I said about the two cultures is fact. Deal with it.
And remember tolerance does not mean tolerating intolerance.

Tolerance does not mean tolerating intolerance...
oye vay, whose intolerant?

What does any of this have to do with free speech on the internet

Because Islamic leaders in the UN are going to control the internet very soon.
Using copyright laws, you stupid POS...that's how. It would take the "Jaws of Life" and a high powered water hose to pry your lips from the queer, skinny shanks of the Barrypuppet. The internet backfired, people were getting information the globalists didn't want us to they turned over control to the U.N........fuck you and your stupidity. It will not take ten years before the contents of the internet is 100 percent censored.
Everything goes according to plan....
Yep, big industry DOES NOT want the free exchange of information and ideas. But then it will sure be hard to rein in all those gifted hackers. Good luck UN!
Yes it is Islam we appease. Iran is an Islamic theocracy.
Saudi Arabia an Islamic monarchy.
They enforce Sharia.
I'm sorry... ur point is what?

Iran is a revolutionary theocratic state,
Saudi Arabia is an Islamic theocratic monarchy.
One was overtaken, one was inherited.
These aren't the only 2 countries who enforce or apply sharia law.

Again, what was your point?

The term theocracy signifies belief in governance by divine guidance,
a form of regime in which religion or faith plays the dominant role.
It denotes thus a political unit governed by a deity or by officials thought to be divinely guided.

Sharia is the religious law governing the members of the Islamic faith.
...moral and religious law derived from religious prophecy,
as opposed to human legislation.

Anyone that has chosen Islam as their religion,
technically, is under sharia law.
Now, to what degree and whether it is enforced, is a totally different matter.

As far as culture, I have already explained the intolerance because it is ISLAMIC culture.
What I said about the two cultures is fact. Deal with it.
And remember tolerance does not mean tolerating intolerance.

Tolerance does not mean tolerating intolerance...
oye vay, whose intolerant?

What does any of this have to do with free speech on the internet

Because Islamic leaders in the UN are going to control the internet very soon.

You need to stop confusing Islamic leaders with puppets of the NWO and other globalist scum. Just like Jesuits are not real Christians, those who practice Sufism are not really Muslims. I thank you for reading that link I sent you. It's a shame you think facts about the Deep State are just "apologetics." Face facts, most of your life, you have been loving leaders that work with the very same folks that they have been telling you are your enemies.

Why do you think the Temple Order was destroyed, shit rumors spread about them, and then the whole finance paradigm replaced with Zionist banking principles?

I cannot force you to drink, all I can do is lead you to water. . . . .



The search functions are now controlled and monitored, and largely push you to what you are supposed to think. Why else would you think the truth I presented to you was "dewunked" by either a neo-con or neo-liberal site (globalist shills either way I'm sure) as, "apologetics?" We can be sure the administrator of the site you did go for that info has no love for a potential Trump presidency, eh? Hell, even Trump believes the Deep State's paradigm. :badgrin:

You can certainly find some strange links. I did a little research and I found he(Dreyfuss) is just another apologist. Prolific, but an apologist just the same.

How do you think I found that? Because I have been using the internet a long time, I was using it when it was a lot more free, and a lot less censored.

Today, the only way of finding out what you need or want, as opposed to what you are supposed to find, is to have some idea of what you are looking for, a priori. (It also helps to have a nice home library.) That sort of makes the function of a search engine useless.

This move by the administration is only putting a rubber stamp on something that has already been going on for a very long time. As for those who are howling the loudest in D.C.? They have been part of this scheme from the beginning, they are part of the cabal of liars and thieves, I know who they are, so don't be deluded that they are any different than those who are allowing it to happen. The only difference is that their friends aren't making any money off of the deal.

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Personally, I think the neo-cons and the neo-liberals of the Deep State's greatest fear is for Trump to sit down and have a heart to heart with Putin about what has been going on. . . . :lmao:
Yes it is Islam we appease. Iran is an Islamic theocracy.
Saudi Arabia an Islamic monarchy.
They enforce Sharia.
I'm sorry... ur point is what?

Iran is a revolutionary theocratic state,
Saudi Arabia is an Islamic theocratic monarchy.
One was overtaken, one was inherited.
These aren't the only 2 countries who enforce or apply sharia law.

Again, what was your point?

The term theocracy signifies belief in governance by divine guidance,
a form of regime in which religion or faith plays the dominant role.
It denotes thus a political unit governed by a deity or by officials thought to be divinely guided.

Sharia is the religious law governing the members of the Islamic faith.
...moral and religious law derived from religious prophecy,
as opposed to human legislation.

Anyone that has chosen Islam as their religion,
technically, is under sharia law.
Now, to what degree and whether it is enforced, is a totally different matter.

As far as culture, I have already explained the intolerance because it is ISLAMIC culture.
What I said about the two cultures is fact. Deal with it.
And remember tolerance does not mean tolerating intolerance.

Tolerance does not mean tolerating intolerance...
oye vay, whose intolerant?

What does any of this have to do with free speech on the internet

Because Islamic leaders in the UN are going to control the internet very soon.

You need to stop confusing Islamic leaders with puppets of the NWO and other globalist scum. Just like Jesuits are not real Christians, those who practice Sufism are not really Muslims. I thank you for reading that link I sent you. It's a shame you think facts about the Deep State are just "apologetics." Face facts, most of your life, you have been loving leaders that work with the very same folks that they have been telling you are your enemies.

Why do you think the Temple Order was destroyed, shit rumors spread about them, and then the whole finance paradigm replaced with Zionist banking principles?

I cannot force you to drink, all I can do is lead you to water. . . . .



The search functions are now controlled and monitored, and largely push you to what you are supposed to think. Why else would you think the truth I presented to you was "dewunked" by either a neo-con or neo-liberal site (globalist shills either way I'm sure) as, "apologetics?" We can be sure the administrator of the site you did go for that info has no love for a potential Trump presidency, eh? Hell, even Trump believes the Deep State's paradigm. :badgrin:

You can certainly find some strange links. I did a little research and I found he(Dreyfuss) is just another apologist. Prolific, but an apologist just the same.

How do you think I found that? Because I have been using the internet a long time, I was using it when it was a lot more free, and a lot less censored.

Today, the only way out of finding what you need or want, as opposed to what you are supposed to find, is to have some idea of what you are looking for, a priori. (It also helps to have a nice home library.) That sort of makes the function of a search engine useless.

This move by the administration is only putting a rubber stamp on something that has already been going on for a very long time. As for those who are howling the loudest in D.C.? They have been part of this scheme from the beginning, they are part of the cabal of liars and thieves, I know who they are, so don't be deluded that they are any different than those who are allowing it to happen. The only difference is that their friends aren't making any money off of the deal.

There is 0 Cognitive Dissonance involved in determining the doctrine of Islam. There is only one authority on Islam and that is Mohammad. As I said before, if you agree with Mohammad about Islam you are right. If you disagree or try to.say that anyone can disagree with Mohammad, you are wrong.

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