Say goodbye to free speech on the internet

You watch a lot of TV don't you?

Actually I don't. Television won't show any true debate with Islam and its critics. It would kill the narrative that Islam can coexist in free countries. The powers that be won't allow the truth about what amounts to little more than a cult. The cult leader Mohammad himself, the first and last word in Islam.

Uh, yeah.

You need to read more.

Did you know that the Sunni's and Shia's don't even agree with you, and the definition of a "cult" leader is a someone that is alive to have followers?

So it follows, any cult leader that tells you to go indiscriminately kill, or interpret ancient text fundamentally, probably isn't associated with a mainstream religion, or have any legitimacy, right?




What the Quran-bashers Don’t Want You to Know About the Bible
He proved long ago he doesnt know jack shit about Muslims.

I proved you didn't.
You only proved you didnt know jack shit.
That's not true, he's gotten a full does of fear porn and propaganda. :lmao:


Actually I don't. Television won't show any true debate with Islam and its critics. It would kill the narrative that Islam can coexist in free countries. The powers that be won't allow the truth about what amounts to little more than a cult. The cult leader Mohammad himself, the first and last word in Islam.

Uh, yeah.

You need to read more.

Did you know that the Sunni's and Shia's don't even agree with you, and the definition of a "cult" leader is a someone that is alive to have followers?

So it follows, any cult leader that tells you to go indiscriminately kill, or interpret ancient text fundamentally, probably isn't associated with a mainstream religion, or have any legitimacy, right?




What the Quran-bashers Don’t Want You to Know About the Bible
He proved long ago he doesnt know jack shit about Muslims.

I proved you didn't.
You only proved you didnt know jack shit.
That's not true, he's gotten a full does of fear porn and propaganda. :lmao:


What propaganda? Everything I have said about Islam is true.
Hey Beale, you're one of these guys who think Islam is a religion of peace are you?
Actually I don't. Television won't show any true debate with Islam and its critics. It would kill the narrative that Islam can coexist in free countries. The powers that be won't allow the truth about what amounts to little more than a cult. The cult leader Mohammad himself, the first and last word in Islam.

Uh, yeah.

You need to read more.

Did you know that the Sunni's and Shia's don't even agree with you, and the definition of a "cult" leader is a someone that is alive to have followers?

So it follows, any cult leader that tells you to go indiscriminately kill, or interpret ancient text fundamentally, probably isn't associated with a mainstream religion, or have any legitimacy, right?




What the Quran-bashers Don’t Want You to Know About the Bible
He proved long ago he doesnt know jack shit about Muslims.

I proved you didn't.
You only proved you didnt know jack shit.

To be honest, haven't made a convincing argument....just sayin'. Insults do not qualify as "debate".

I'm sure Asclepias is well aware that Elijah Muhammad was not only 33rd degree, a Shriner, but probably had been initiated into the secrets beyond.

"I reckon you're saying now, we'll get you now for that! But that is true. And I must tell the truth. That is the truth. Don't go and buy anymore Masonry, come and accept free Islam. I've been waiting on the Masons to come over and join me for years and now I'm going to tell on you if you don 'to You won't get anymore members if I start telling the truth as I know it. I know your First Degree to the Thirty Third Degrees. I know exactly what it means but you don't know what it means. I also have a few more degrees than that."

~ Elijah Muhammad

The elites in this nation use Islam the way they used communism, they need to rally the ignorant to common cause, to fund a fear. Is communism, by and of itself, "evil?" Not anymore than capitalism. But then, any ideology can be made terrible in the hands of ideologs seeking power for powers sake.
MisterBeale is one the sharpest posters not only in THIS forum but any of the forums I frequent. MisterBeale floors me with some of the information he comes across that is easily verified.
I just saw a biography on Ed Murrow. It reminded me of the the whole anti communist backlash in the late 50's and early 60's. Murrow understood group think and fought against it. Conservatism was the old group think. Well, the now the tides have turned, now LIBERALISM is the NEW group-think. They want to tell us what we can say, what we have to think, and what we must feel. Really? This is what liberals have become, the power brokers. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss, same old song.
Hey Beale, you're one of these guys who think Islam is a religion of peace are you?

Nope, I just don't stand for propaganda.

I think all religion is mind control if followers do unquestioningly what the issuers of dogma preach.

Christianity, Judaism, Islam. They all have equal amounts of love and hate in them. Scholars have researched this.

It is in how they are interpreted by the elites and the dogmatists that make them either violent or peaceful.

Which is most violent, the Qur'an or the Bible? | Christian News on Christian Today
Anderson concludes: "Those who have not read or are not fairly familiar with the content of all three texts may be surprised to learn that no, the Qur'an is not really more violent than its Judeo-Christian counterparts."

He adds: "Personally, I'll admit that I was a bit surprised that the concept of 'Mercy' was most prevalent in the Qur'an; I expected that the New Testament would rank highest there, as it did in the concept of 'Love'.

"Overall, the three texts rated similarly in terms of positive and negative sentiment, as well, but from an emotional read, the Qur'an and the New Testament also appear more similar to one another than either of them is to the significantly 'angrier' Old Testament."

Of course – as Anderson is the first to acknowledge – there's a lot more that could be said about about how the three texts actually work. Jews and Christians might want to ask not just how often violence and hatred appear in the Old Testament, but in what context they appear. Often (though not always) these stories are told not with approval, but with horror. But at the same time, if someone wants to go to the Old Testament as a way of justifying violence, there are plenty of examples to choose from.

However, one thing Anderson's work does is warn us against falling for lazy stereotypes. We can't condemn Muslims because their sacred text has violence in it when ours has even more.
Uh, yeah.

You need to read more.

Did you know that the Sunni's and Shia's don't even agree with you, and the definition of a "cult" leader is a someone that is alive to have followers?

So it follows, any cult leader that tells you to go indiscriminately kill, or interpret ancient text fundamentally, probably isn't associated with a mainstream religion, or have any legitimacy, right?




What the Quran-bashers Don’t Want You to Know About the Bible
He proved long ago he doesnt know jack shit about Muslims.

I proved you didn't.
You only proved you didnt know jack shit.
That's not true, he's gotten a full does of fear porn and propaganda. :lmao:


What propaganda? Everything I have said about Islam is true.

If after reading this, YOU STILL BELIEVE the James Foley and Sotloff thing really happened? . . . then count yourself as one of the millions of gullible folks in the west.

Fake News
and False Flags

How the Pentagon paid a British PR firm
$500 million for top secret Iraq propaganda

Fake News and False Flags
He proved long ago he doesnt know jack shit about Muslims.

I proved you didn't.
You only proved you didnt know jack shit.
That's not true, he's gotten a full does of fear porn and propaganda. :lmao:


What propaganda? Everything I have said about Islam is true.

If after reading this, YOU STILL BELIEVE the James Foley and Sotloff thing really happened? . . . then count yourself as one of the millions of gullible folks in the west.

Fake News
and False Flags

How the Pentagon paid a British PR firm
$500 million for top secret Iraq propaganda

Fake News and False Flags

I am not concerned with individuals. I have said what Islam is and what it teaches. I have posted no source except my own knowledge of Islamic doctrine and the role model for Muslim men, Mohammad.

And you trying to attach anything else to what I have said is a deflection and makes you look gullible, not me.
I just saw a biography on Ed Murrow. It reminded me of the the whole anti communist backlash in the late 50's and early 60's. Murrow understood group think and fought against it. Conservatism was the old group think. Well, the now the tides have turned, now LIBERALISM is the NEW group-think. They want to tell us what we can say, what we have to think, and what we must feel. Really? This is what liberals have become, the power brokers. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss, same old song.

There is one caveat there. The liberals and the neo-cons all pow wow together at the CFR. They all tell you what to think and how to think about foreign affairs together. They all want you to think there is a bogey man behind every burka and in every airport.

GLOBALISM is the new group think. If you want to have control over your own local community because corrupt elites are fattening themselves at the expense of small folk, then you are a bad person basically. Look how they demonized the British for wanting to assert their national rights and character. If local populations had independence, these wars would end, and mass immigration would cease.

For shame, for shame for shame. Heaven forbid Quebec wants independence? Or maybe even the Scottish or the Catalonians?

List of folks that need their independence. (Along with any state in the Union should they desire it.)

Why is Julian Assange a hero but Edward Snowden is a traitor? What the hell kind of sense does that make?
I proved you didn't.
You only proved you didnt know jack shit.
That's not true, he's gotten a full does of fear porn and propaganda. :lmao:


What propaganda? Everything I have said about Islam is true.

If after reading this, YOU STILL BELIEVE the James Foley and Sotloff thing really happened? . . . then count yourself as one of the millions of gullible folks in the west.

Fake News
and False Flags

How the Pentagon paid a British PR firm
$500 million for top secret Iraq propaganda

Fake News and False Flags

I am not concerned with individuals. I have said what Islam is and what it teaches. I have posted no source except my own knowledge of Islamic doctrine and the role model for Muslim men, Mohammad.

And you trying to attach anything else to what I have said is a deflection and makes you look gullible, not me.

What you are saying is based on the extremest teachings of a few sects, wildly blown out of proportion in the MSM. The violence you see is combination of false flag orchestrated incidents and lone wolf attacks.

What you have is nothing.

Tell me, do you LIVE near any large Muslim enclaves, do you know any Muslim folks?
You only proved you didnt know jack shit.
That's not true, he's gotten a full does of fear porn and propaganda. :lmao:


What propaganda? Everything I have said about Islam is true.

If after reading this, YOU STILL BELIEVE the James Foley and Sotloff thing really happened? . . . then count yourself as one of the millions of gullible folks in the west.

Fake News
and False Flags

How the Pentagon paid a British PR firm
$500 million for top secret Iraq propaganda

Fake News and False Flags

I am not concerned with individuals. I have said what Islam is and what it teaches. I have posted no source except my own knowledge of Islamic doctrine and the role model for Muslim men, Mohammad.

And you trying to attach anything else to what I have said is a deflection and makes you look gullible, not me.

What you are saying is based on the extremest teachings of a few sects, wildly blown out of proportion in the MSM. The violence you see is combination of false flag orchestrated incidents and lone wolf attacks.

What you have is nothing.

Tell me, do you LIVE near any large Muslim enclaves, do you know any Muslim folks?

Tell me why and how any of that would change Islamic doctrine?

And those teachings are fundamental Islam from Mohammad and they are extreme.
Nope, I just don't stand for propaganda.

I haven't read everything coldjoint said but what I've read isn't biased or misleading. Most of us who are critical of Islam have read the Koran and much of the Ahadith. Also Muhammad's bio. We don't get our info off the tv.

I think all religion is mind control if followers do unquestioningly what the issuers of dogma preach.

Of course but I don't know anyone who does this and I have many Christian friends and family members. Buddhists are instructed to continually kick the tires for instance.
That's not true, he's gotten a full does of fear porn and propaganda. :lmao:


What propaganda? Everything I have said about Islam is true.

If after reading this, YOU STILL BELIEVE the James Foley and Sotloff thing really happened? . . . then count yourself as one of the millions of gullible folks in the west.

Fake News
and False Flags

How the Pentagon paid a British PR firm
$500 million for top secret Iraq propaganda

Fake News and False Flags

I am not concerned with individuals. I have said what Islam is and what it teaches. I have posted no source except my own knowledge of Islamic doctrine and the role model for Muslim men, Mohammad.

And you trying to attach anything else to what I have said is a deflection and makes you look gullible, not me.

What you are saying is based on the extremest teachings of a few sects, wildly blown out of proportion in the MSM. The violence you see is combination of false flag orchestrated incidents and lone wolf attacks.

What you have is nothing.

Tell me, do you LIVE near any large Muslim enclaves, do you know any Muslim folks?

Tell me why and how any of that would change Islamic doctrine?

And those teachings are fundamental Islam from Mohammad and they are extreme.

Because, you don't have a grasp of their doctrine, you only have a grasp of bits and pieces of the propaganda that you were told you by the MSM and those sites you listed.

I would suggest that if you keep visiting those sites, and keep up with your activity, if the next person who I am assuming the Deep State puts into power is put into power as POTUS, well, either way, you are going to find yourself on the NO FLY LIST, as a right wing extremist, for nothing more than having deluded and unrealistic opinions, which were fed to you by the Deep State.

Your very civil rights and civil liberties will be stripped of you by the Deep State, all for the crime of not knowing your ass from a hole in the ground.
What you are saying is based on the extremest teachings of a few sects, wildly blown out of proportion in the MSM. The violence you see is combination of false flag orchestrated incidents and lone wolf attacks.

30,000 deadly terror attacks since 9/11 is hardly lone wolf. I think it's YOU who have been watching the MSM which btw is never critical of Islam.
Nope, I just don't stand for propaganda.

I haven't read everything coldjoint said but what I've read isn't biased or misleading. Most of us who are critical of Islam have read the Koran and much of the Ahadith. Also Muhammad's bio. We don't get our info off the tv.

I think all religion is mind control if followers do unquestioningly what the issuers of dogma preach.

Of course but I don't know anyone who does this and I have many Christian friends and family members. Buddhists are instructed to continually kick the tires for instance.

Likewise, the great majority of Muslims are the same as your Christian friends and family members.

But then, that doesn't make for good TV, does it?

No, of course it doesn't it. Especially when it comes to funding revolutionary movements in the absence of another global super power, what else are clandestine intelligence agencies going to use?

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