Say goodbye to free speech on the internet

Likewise, the great majority of Muslims are the same as your Christian friends and family members.

But then, that doesn't make for good TV, does it?

It's not about the so called moderate Moslems. It's always been about the doctrine all Moslems follow.
You really can't say anything you want on any of these boards. Mark Twain said it and so do all rappers. But YOU can't say it on this board,'s "offensive". Prissy hypocrites get you banned. But if you go to the flame zone, well, you can use every other twisted mean spirited hateful moniker you like. But not THAT word . So what is the big deal?
Likewise, the great majority of Muslims are the same as your Christian friends and family members.

My Christian friends and family members don't support and follow a doctrine that commands violent jihad against people who reject the teachings of Jesus. They don't support and follow a doctrine that authorizes the killing of apostates. No, Moslems are not the same as my Christian friends and and family members.
Nope, I just don't stand for propaganda.

I haven't read everything coldjoint said but what I've read isn't biased or misleading. Most of us who are critical of Islam have read the Koran and much of the Ahadith. Also Muhammad's bio. We don't get our info off the tv.

I think all religion is mind control if followers do unquestioningly what the issuers of dogma preach.

Of course but I don't know anyone who does this and I have many Christian friends and family members. Buddhists are instructed to continually kick the tires for instance.

Likewise, the great majority of Muslims are the same as your Christian friends and family members.

But then, that doesn't make for good TV, does it?

No, of course it doesn't it. Especially when it comes to funding revolutionary movements in the absence of another global super power, what else are clandestine intelligence agencies going to use?

That is not the point of this discussion. All I have said is that Islamic doctrine inspires and obligates violence and terror. No Muslim can change that. The problem is not all Muslims, it never has been.
If we continue appeasing Islam it will dominate the world.
How long it will take is the only question.
Omg...r u serious...Islam will dominate the world.
NEVER, that's how long it'll take!

It's not Islam that we appease, it's certain Countries, in the Middle East.
And, that's ONLY because of the oil we are so dependent on!

The West needs to call them out on their human rights record and their support of Sharia, the most biased legal system, its unfair and cruel laws are sexist and barbaric.
No, we need to mind our own f-ing business!
Culture... Look it up

It is clear to me that Islam is an intolerant culture and we, the West, are tolerant.
A tolerant culture will lose every time to an intolerant one.
We are too tolerant,

Please, does your train of thoughts have a caboose?
Drumpf has said he will take control of the internet and of course, the Repubs have wanted an end to internet equality for some time now. Drumpf also said he will gut the First Amendment, make it easier to sue journalists and change other amendments.

OP, you might want to stick with facts.

It would be better if a warm ass like Gore took control, from his bathroom, while he is shitting...

Us. :laugh:
If we continue appeasing Islam it will dominate the world.
How long it will take is the only question.
Omg...r u serious...Islam will dominate the world.
NEVER, that's how long it'll take!

It's not Islam that we appease, it's certain Countries, in the Middle East.
And, that's ONLY because of the oil we are so dependent on!

The West needs to call them out on their human rights record and their support of Sharia, the most biased legal system, its unfair and cruel laws are sexist and barbaric.
No, we need to mind our own f-ing business!
Culture... Look it up

It is clear to me that Islam is an intolerant culture and we, the West, are tolerant.
A tolerant culture will lose every time to an intolerant one.
We are too tolerant,

Please, does your train of thoughts have a caboose?

Yes it is Islam we appease. Iran is an Islamic theocracy. Saudi Arabia an Islamic monarchy. They enforce Sharia.

As far as culture, I have already explained the intolerance because it is ISLAMIC culture.

What I said about the two cultures is fact. Deal with it. And remember tolerance does not mean tolerating intolerance.
You really can't say anything you want on any of these boards. Mark Twain said it and so do all rappers. But YOU can't say it on this board,'s "offensive". Prissy hypocrites get you banned. But if you go to the flame zone, well, you can use every other twisted mean spirited hateful moniker you like. But not THAT word . So what is the big deal?

Oh, I completely agree. That's why you need to sneak it in a video. See, that's where you use their hypocrisy against them. The supposed "alt-right" is, ironically enough, saying pretty much the same thing as the radical left, or the beatniks were saying back in the 1960's, which was, just call a spade a spade, and soon nobody will get their panties all in a bunch. :badgrin:

The more things change, the more they stay the same. The establishment was getting all hot and bothered back then too. :smoke: Prissy hypocrites just don't know their history.

Like these folks I am going on hopeless rounds with about radical Islam. Of course I agree with them that these young punks have been indoctrinated by Wahhabism, which is funded by the Muslim Brotherhood, but from there? They just don't care. They don't give a shit who funds the Muslim Brotherhood or who is using Islam in poor destitute nations to create a police state here at home. To them, the story is just about US here in the USA and them over there. They only see the two dimensional story as presented by the MSM. I'm done.

I just am sick of all the war and the endless spying, fear and hate driven into our own population by the media and the government so politicians can have more money, power and control.

That is what it is about for them, gaining as much control as they can, generating as much fear as possible, so then you won't have the right to the civil right and civil liberties that were guaranteed in the bill of rights, namely, the freedom of speech. People don't want to hear it.

On another thread, that JakeStarkey member was actually arguing with me about the right of the US to kill Julian Assange, I kid you not. He told me that Assange was aiding and abetting our "enemy." Seriously. Which enemies? The RNC? The Russians? I didn't even know we were at war. What are we at war with drugs, poverty, hunger, terrorism? Are these reasons to lose our freedom of speech? Are they good reasons to assassinate the founder of Wikileaks?
How so? You cant possibly be that retarded can you?

Using copyright laws, you stupid POS...that's how. It would take the "Jaws of Life" and a high powered water hose to pry your lips from the queer, skinny shanks of the Barrypuppet. The internet backfired, people were getting information the globalists didn't want us to they turned over control to the U.N........fuck you and your stupidity. It will not take ten years before the contents of the internet is 100 percent censored.
I wish I could click Winner 100 times for that post.
Ass Lips and the other Libs are dumb as rocks.
How so? You cant possibly be that retarded can you?

Using copyright laws, you stupid POS...that's how. It would take the "Jaws of Life" and a high powered water hose to pry your lips from the queer, skinny shanks of the Barrypuppet. The internet backfired, people were getting information the globalists didn't want us to they turned over control to the U.N........fuck you and your stupidity. It will not take ten years before the contents of the internet is 100 percent censored.
You must not understand how the internet works. Typical of you low intellect conspiracy theorists. Its amazing you can tie your show without having a stroke.

I know more than you...infinitely more. Does the population of China have uncensored internet, dumb fuck? The TPP, copyright laws....any of that ring a bell? a battle of wits, you come to the table unarmed......fucking sad.
Another 100 Winner clicks.
How so? You cant possibly be that retarded can you?

Using copyright laws, you stupid POS...that's how. It would take the "Jaws of Life" and a high powered water hose to pry your lips from the queer, skinny shanks of the Barrypuppet. The internet backfired, people were getting information the globalists didn't want us to they turned over control to the U.N........fuck you and your stupidity. It will not take ten years before the contents of the internet is 100 percent censored.
You must not understand how the internet works. Typical of you low intellect conspiracy theorists. Its amazing you can tie your show without having a stroke.

So your saying the internet works in such a way that it can't be censored? Or why don't you just tell us what you mean by that comment?
You must have a hard time with reading comprehension. The internet is already censored.

You appear to be talking out of both sides of your mouth......nothing unusual.
Omg...r u serious...Islam will dominate the world.

No no no... The aliens will, from OUTER space. :tongue:

Typical derailment of an argument that liberals can't win.

It isn't about liberals or conservatives, if you think that way, you let the elites control and divide the nation and keep you under their boot.

How so? You cant possibly be that retarded can you?

Using copyright laws, you stupid POS...that's how. It would take the "Jaws of Life" and a high powered water hose to pry your lips from the queer, skinny shanks of the Barrypuppet. The internet backfired, people were getting information the globalists didn't want us to they turned over control to the U.N........fuck you and your stupidity. It will not take ten years before the contents of the internet is 100 percent censored.
You must not understand how the internet works. Typical of you low intellect conspiracy theorists. Its amazing you can tie your show without having a stroke.

So your saying the internet works in such a way that it can't be censored? Or why don't you just tell us what you mean by that comment?
You must have a hard time with reading comprehension. The internet is already censored.

Good god is it ever, increasingly more so every year! It is so fucking frustrating. I wish I knew anything at all about it, I would design my own search engine. lol
What you are saying is based on the extremest teachings of a few sects, wildly blown out of proportion in the MSM. The violence you see is combination of false flag orchestrated incidents and lone wolf attacks.

30,000 deadly terror attacks since 9/11 is hardly lone wolf. I think it's YOU who have been watching the MSM which btw is never critical of Islam.

I don't find thereligionofpeace site credible.

On top of that, I am not debating that folks are using Islamist sects as a cause to vent their rage. I don't think that is the root reason for it though. In times of hopelessness and economic desperation, folks look for a solution, or an ideology that will offer an alternative which seems workable. Since communism left the scene, and since this receives clandestine funding, there you are.

You HAVE heard of the Moslem brotherhood, have you not? Just the fact that such an organization exists, is decades (or centuries?) old, and is recognized by Washington, and is antithetical to the doctrine of Islam, should be a clue that funny shit is going on.

If you want to accept the propaganda work that has been done on this issue by neo-cons as a reason the military-industrial-complex needs to be fed and a reason we should exterminate billions of people, yeah, that's your prerogative. I'm not buying that horse shit.
What you are saying is based on the extremest teachings of a few sects, wildly blown out of proportion in the MSM. The violence you see is combination of false flag orchestrated incidents and lone wolf attacks.

30,000 deadly terror attacks since 9/11 is hardly lone wolf. I think it's YOU who have been watching the MSM which btw is never critical of Islam.

I don't find thereligionofpeace site credible.

On top of that, I am not debating that folks are using Islamist sects as a cause to vent their rage. I don't think that is the root reason for it though. In times of hopelessness and economic desperation, folks look for a solution, or an ideology that will offer an alternative which seems workable. Since communism left the scene, and since this receives clandestine funding, there you are.

You HAVE heard of the Moslem brotherhood, have you not? Just the fact that such an organization exists, is decades (or centuries?) old, and is recognized by Washington, and is antithetical to the doctrine of Islam, should be a clue that funny shit is going on.

If you want to accept the propaganda work that has been done on this issue by neo-cons as a reason the military-industrial-complex needs to be fed and a reason we should exterminate billions of people, yeah, that's your prerogative. I'm not buying that horse shit.

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