Say Goodbye To Newtown And Adam Lanza

The MSM will push this harder now to keep guns away from folks who have mental problems, like pedophilia.
We better keep guns away from homos! I'm sure everyone on the Right can get behind this.

And Jews, too. Just in case.
Gee.. start a stupid thread and the usual mental midgets like G & Jakey Fakey chime in with their special brand of stupidity ranting about Jews, pedophiles & "homos".

Fucking bigots...
Jammie Wearing Fools.

Where do you people find these shithole sites to read?
Jammie Wearing Fools.

Where do you people find these shithole sites to read?

Hey dickbreath, did you not notice they link to the officialist of official gubmint sites?

Connecticut State Police Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting Report

See that .gov thingie? That makes it official.

As a service to stupid fucks like you, they condense and summarize the report so you can read it -- What with your obvious 7th Grade Education, you should be grateful.

Now do us all a favor and don't comment until you reach puberty
Personally, I don't believe much of anything the Government/Media Complex has reported on Newtown or most other controversial incidents. It all just seems like an elaborate scripted Stage Show. Sadly, that's what our 'News' is these days. Just Actors & Actresses reading their Government-approved scripts. I'm very skeptical of this report. It's a bit too convenient.
Personally, I don't believe much of anything the Government/Media Complex has reported on Newtown or most other controversial incidents. It all just seems like an elaborate scripted Stage Show. Sadly, that's what our 'News' is these days. Just Actors & Actresses reading their Government-approved scripts. I'm very skeptical of this report. It's a bit too convenient.

The LSM today is nothing more than Pop Culture.

In fairness, that's all the entertain divisions of the LSM have ever been. Which is cool.

What happened, however, is that Pop Culture has found its way into the LSM News Rooms.

You see, Pop Culture draws more viewers than does the dry reporting of facts. So they spice it up by erecting straw men and appealing to the juvenile minds that generally watch the Pop Culture portions of the TV Broadcast.

In the (not so) good ol' days, the News was still slanted but guys like Cronkite and Brinkley and Huntley were fairly straight with the news. They read it straight and they reported it fairly straight.

But you know what? That is EXPENSIVE as hell. Having Reporters traipsing all over the world, running up huge expense accounts, flying here, flying there, billing them for 5 Star Hotels.... It got too expensive.

So now all they do is read AP, UPI and the New Yawk Slimes, which is TOTALLY biased and the TV guys decide to read it to you like your 3rd Grade Teacher reading to you from Tom Sawyer.

Unfortunately, the money guys have taken (a LONG time ago) over, and it's just cheaper to put TRASH on the air than it is a quality product.

Can you believe that more young people get their 'news' from Comedy Central than they do from the networks?

Just look at the opinions in here and you'll know I'm telling you the truth.

People don't want the news anymore. They either want their views validated, as in the case of dimocrap scum, or they want to be entertained, as in the case of dimocrap scum larvae.
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Personally, I don't believe much of anything the Government/Media Complex has reported on Newtown or most other controversial incidents. It all just seems like an elaborate scripted Stage Show. Sadly, that's what our 'News' is these days. Just Actors & Actresses reading their Government-approved scripts. I'm very skeptical of this report. It's a bit too convenient.

The LSM today is nothing more than Pop Culture.

In fairness, that's all the entertain divisions of the LSM have ever been. Which is cool.

What happened, however, is that Pop Culture has found its way into the LSM News Rooms.

You see, Pop Culture draws more viewers than does the dry reporting of facts. So they spice it up by erecting straw men and appealing to the juvenile minds that generally watch the Pop Culture portions of the TV Broadcast.

In the (not so) good ol' days, the News was still slanted but guys like Cronkite and Brinkley and Huntley were fairly straight with the news. They read it straight and they reported it fairly straight.

But you know what? That is EXPENSIVE as hell. Having Reporters traipsing all over the world, running up huge expense accounts, flying here, flying there, billing them for 5 Star Hotels.... It got too expensive.

So now all they do is read AP, UPI and the New Yawk Slimes, which is TOTALLY biased and the TV guys decide to read it to you like your 3rd Grade Teacher reading to you from Tom Sawyer.

Unfortunately, the money guys have taken (a LONG time ago) over, and it's just cheaper to put TRASH on the air than it is a quality product.

Can you believe that more young people get their 'news' from Comedy Central than they do from the networks?

Just look at the opinions in here and you'll know I'm telling you the truth.

People don't want the news anymore. They either want their views validated, as in the case of dimocrap scum, or they want to be entertained, as in the case of dimocrap scum larvae.

Yeah, i've concluded that American 'News' is just an elaborate Government-scripted Stage Show. All the Actors and Actresses are in place to do their parts. Right down to having 'Crisis Actors' in place for tragic events. I know many will laugh and spew the 'Tinfoil Hat' insults, but i'll still stand by my conclusions.
Most tinfoil hat characters like you do stand by their tinfoil beliefs: they find validation in being "martyred" for their beliefs. Go for it.
Anyone breathing could tell upon seeing Lanza's picture he was a confused queer.

Mental illness and deviance are twins.
I wish we could have said goodbye to him, right before he was drawn an quartered.:evil:
Adam Lanza was homeschooled.

There's your best explanation.

Stupid bitch. Lanza was home schooled bacause, and ONLY because, his Mother couldn't send him to Public School. Look at him :eek:


Know what the other kids would do to him every day, all day?

I'm sure you can relate
Be very skeptical of this report. In fact, be very skeptical of anything the Government/Media Complex reports. They're all just Actors & Actresses playing their parts. In the end, they're all just Crisis Actors.

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