Say It Ain't So Democrats That You're Using Your Power For Political Investigations!

85 subpoenas are on the docket for Jan when dems take over the house Good thing to clear the air and take some of the traitorous scum republicans power away

Your public whining will be highly entertaining. What about your base that expects you to give them stuff you promised in the election? Duped them again I see.
It gets worse.
I think Mueller has sealed indictments on dozens of people.
As soon as Whittaker fucks with him, they will be released.
Expect to see a whole lot of people around Trump, including Don Jr., being hauled in.
And I"m going to love every fucking minute of it.

Maybe you azzhats WANT to live in a banana republic with a Baby Doc Duvalier stealing from you, but I don't.
It gets worse.
I think Mueller has sealed indictments on dozens of people.
As soon as Whittaker fucks with him, they will be released.
Expect to see a whole lot of people around Trump, including Don Jr., being hauled in.
And I"m going to love every fucking minute of it.

Maybe you azzhats WANT to live in a banana republic with a Baby Doc Duvalier stealing from you, but I don't.

A third world banana republic is the only place someone like you could thrive.
Democrats have to have some excuse for doing nothing.
85 subpoenas are on the docket for Jan when dems take over the house Good thing to clear the air and take some of the traitorous scum republicans power away

Poor eddie, Executive privilege provides immunity from subpoena to executive branch officials in the conduct of their governmental duties. :itsok:

Poor BoozLegend, as soon as they leave office the subpoenas are immediately served.

Then there's this:

A brief guide to executive privilege, and why it won't save the Trump administration

What executive privilege is
Executive privilege generally refers to the principle that the executive branch can sometimes ignore the legislature or judiciary’s subpoenas or other attempts to gain information from the White House, the president, his aides, and Cabinet agencies.

Often it’s limited to the president alone. Sessions, for instance, repeatedly insisted in his hearing that he was not invoking executive privilege; “I'm not able to invoke executive privilege. That's the president's prerogative,” he told Sen. Martin Heinrich (D-NM). Rather, he was refusing to answer in case the president himself wanted to invoke it later.

“Cabinet officials cannot claim executive privilege,” Mark Rozell, a professor at George Mason University and the author of Executive Privilege: Presidential Power, Secrecy, and Accountability, explained in an email last June. “That is a presidential power alone.”
It gets worse.
I think Mueller has sealed indictments on dozens of people.
As soon as Whittaker fucks with him, they will be released.
Expect to see a whole lot of people around Trump, including Don Jr., being hauled in.
And I"m going to love every fucking minute of it.

Maybe you azzhats WANT to live in a banana republic with a Baby Doc Duvalier stealing from you, but I don't.

Maybe you azzhats WANT to live in a banana republic with a Baby Doc Duvalier stealing from you, but I don't

you're against letting thousands of people cross our southern border?

85 subpoenas are on the docket for Jan when dems take over the house Good thing to clear the air and take some of the traitorous scum republicans power away

Your public whining will be highly entertaining. What about your base that expects you to give them stuff you promised in the election? Duped them again I see.
Sorry mr lol liberty We can do both Hold the pos to the fire and work on HC infrastructure etc etc too
85 subpoenas are on the docket for Jan when dems take over the house Good thing to clear the air and take some of the traitorous scum republicans power away

Your public whining will be highly entertaining. What about your base that expects you to give them stuff you promised in the election? Duped them again I see.
Sorry mr lol liberty We can do both Hold the pos to the fire and work on HC infrastructure etc etc too

No you can't. You never had any intentions of helping your public.
It gets worse.
I think Mueller has sealed indictments on dozens of people.
As soon as Whittaker fucks with him, they will be released.
Expect to see a whole lot of people around Trump, including Don Jr., being hauled in.
And I"m going to love every fucking minute of it.

Maybe you azzhats WANT to live in a banana republic with a Baby Doc Duvalier stealing from you, but I don't.
They don't mind the outright stealing, they don't mind the money laundering with russia ,they don't mind Saudis enriching the pos trump and trumps foreign policy guided by where he can make money They don't mind as long as this thief is a republican
Hold on, Sparky.....Trump started this shit.

Maybe they've learned how to counter-punch from Trump:

Trump Wanted to Order Justice Dept. to Prosecute Comey and Clinton ...
5 days ago - WASHINGTON — President Trump told the White House counsel in the spring that hewanted to order the Justice Department to prosecute two ...

Trump raised prosecuting Clinton with top White House ...
5 days ago - President Donald Trump on multiple occasions raised with Deputy Attorney ... NYT: Trump wanted to order prosecution of Clinton, Comey.
NYT: Trump wanted to order prosecution of Clinton, Comey -

Trump Wanted to Prosecute Clinton and Comey: Report | Time › Politics › White House
5 days ago - President Trump told his counsel's office last spring to prosecute political adversariesHillary Clinton and former FBI Director James Comey.

Payback is a bitch, ain't it toots?

You're sounding like a fricken 8 year old.

Oh, if you want to hear an 8-year-old, just wait for the next time Trump opens his mouth.

Why bother, I can just read your posts.
It was heartbreaking to hear Adam Schiff, a Democrat Congressman who stands to become Chairmen of the House Intelligence Committee for the next Congress, say today on CNN's State of the Union that his committee will launch a major investigation into Donald Trump's financial and other personal ties with Saudi Arabia alleging that these ties are behind President Trump's stance on Saudi Arabia in regards to the murder of the journalist Jamal Khashoggi. The American people are tired of the wild goose chase "corruption theories" from both parties we want you to solve problems to make life better for us and our family and communities.

Congressman Schiff thinks Donald Tump has financial ties to Saudi Arabia which is causing him to take the positions he has been taking on this issue. This is reckless, baseless garbage. Any President looking out for the best interest would not let this issue harm the American people's relationship with the government of Saudi Arabia, five Saudi citizens have been criminally charged over this matter where they face the death penalty if convicted that is enough justice! All American Presidents in modern times have been very understanding in dealing with the Saudi Government; take the 9-11 attack the worst foreign attack against the American people since Pear Harbor we know wealthy Saudis gave money to the radical Islamic groups behind the attack and even that did not cause the American President at the time George Bush to harm our country's relationship with the Saudi government. Optimally prudent and good Presidents view matters involving Saudi Arabia in terms that one they are a vital partner in America's campaign to protect the world from radical Islamic extremism and they don't want to jeopardize that partnership and two Saudi Arabia has possession of the lever that controls the world wide price of oil and they don't want to alienate this country so that it uses that power unfairly against Western economies. Three the Saudi Arabia government has an unbelievably serious challenge in front of them where they have to transition their country away from its economic dependence on oil revenue otherwise the country will be an impoverished nation indefinitely evidence of this challenge can be seen by the Saudi Government's its exploration and failed attempt to both sell stocks in the Kingdom's oil corporation Aramco and have Aramco issue a large amount of bonds!

The American people deeply want the new Democrat House and also the Republican Senate and the President to solve some of America's major problems in the next session not to conduct political motivated investigations. The American people desperately would like to see legislation passed that lowers the price of health insurance and health care in America, that makes major progress in solving the country's illegal and legal immigration problem, that makes a significant investment in infrastructure construction in America and that scraps the current globalization model where American families lose middle class incomes and puts America on a pathway for permanent strong manufacturing and production industries and that assures that the trade that does occur is fair with no major trade imbalances! The American people want elected officials in Washington to stop with the smoke screens that cover the Congress from passing major good legislation and maintain Washington as a place that just facilitates America working well for the wealthy, big business and the politically powerful across the nation and not for the entirety of the American people!

So how many years did the republican's use their power to investigate Benghazi?
This is the most fucking beautiful list I've ever seen:

Worth noting: The House Oversight Committee had already blocked 64 subpoena requests submitted by Democrats as of September. Here's that list, minus those with target s outside the Trump administration.

  1. Departments of Justice, Homeland Security, and Health and Human Services Withholding Documents on Trump Administration Child Separation Policy
  2. Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross Withholding Testimony on Census 2020 Citizenship Question
  3. Department of Veterans Affairs Withholding Documents Relating to Reports that Mar-a-Lago Members Influencing Department Decisions
  4. White House Withholding Report and Documents on Security Clearance Process Required by Law
  5. White House Withholding Documents on Revocation of John Brennan Security Clearance
  6. White House Withholding Documents on John Bolton Security Clearance
  7. State Department Withholding Documents on Retaliation
  8. Office of Personnel Management Refusing to Provide Briefing on Complying with Court Order
  9. Department of Health and Human Services and Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Withholding Documents on Medicaid Work Requirements
  10. Department of Health and Human Services and Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Withholding Documents on Scrubbing of Department Websites
  11. State Department Withholding Documents on Decision to Close Cyber Office
  12. Director of National Intelligence Testifying Before the Oversight Committee on the extent of the Russian Threat to Our Country and Our Elections.
  13. Department of Justice Withholding Documents About Refusal to Defend the Affordable Care Act in Court
  14. White House Withholding Documents on Contractor Wanted for Attempted Murder
  15. State Department Withholding Documents on Political Loyalty Lists
  16. Department of Health and Human Services Withholding Documents on Title X Family Planning Program Proposed Gag Rule
  17. Environmental Protection Agency Withholding Documents on Freedom of Information Act
  18. Steve Bannon Testifying Before the Oversight and Judiciary Committees About His Involvement with Law Enforcement Actions Before, During, and After the 2016 Election
  19. Commerce Department and Census Bureau Withholding Documents on Citizenship Question
  20. Department of Justice Withholding Documents on Request to Add Citizenship Question to Census
  21. Department of Justice Withholding Documents on Politicized Hiring Allegations for Immigration Judges
  22. Department of Homeland Security and Department of Justice Withholding Documents on Gag Order Against Whistleblowers
  23. White House Withholding Information on Chartered Flights
  24. White House Withholding Documents on Use of Private Email Accounts
  25. Department of Justice Withholding Documents on Improper Attempt to Classify Dana Boente Notes
  26. State Department and White House Withholding Documents and Testimony on “Cleaning” Out of Career Employees
  27. White House Withholding Documents on Rejected Security Clearance Application for NSC Deputy Robin Townley
  28. Department of Health and Human Services Withholding Documents on Effort to Strip Information from Women’s Health Website
  29. John M. Gore, the Acting Head of the Department of Justice’s Civil Rights Division, Testifying About the Trump Administration’s Decision to Add a Citizenship Question to the 2020 Census.
  30. White House Withholding Documents on Security Clearances
  31. DHS Withholding Documents on Contract for Emergency Meals
  32. White House Withholding Information on Deadly Niger Ambush
  33. CBP Withholding Documents on Allegations of Sexual Assault by CBP Employees
  34. Agencies Withholding Identities of Regulatory Reform Task Force Members
  35. DOD Withholding Documents on Federal Response to Hurricanes
  36. HHS Withholding Documents on Collaboration with Right-Wing Group to Rescind Medicaid Freedom-of-Choice Letter
  37. DOI Withholding Documents on Reassignment of Employees
  38. DOJ Withholding Documents on Communications with White House on AT&T Time-Warner Merger
  39. Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration Withholding Response to Complaint
  40. USDA Withholding Documents on Communications with Corporate Lobbyists
  41. Trump Foundation Withholding Documents on Transfer of Assets to a Disqualified Person
  42. Jared Kushner for Testimony at Emergency Hearing on Conflicts of Interest and Security Clearances
  43. Trump Organization Withholding Documents on Foreign Payments
  44. DHS Withholding Documents on Russian Attacks Against States Before Election
  45. DHS Withholding Information from IG Report on Trump Muslim Ban
  46. White House and HHS Withholding Documents on Biased Refugee Report
  47. HHS Withholding Documents on Gag Order Against Whistleblowers
  48. Kushner Withholding Emails That Violate Presidential Records Act
  49. White House Withholding Documents on Security Clearance Suspensions
  50. Transition Team and DOJ Withholding Flynn, Jr.’s Security Clearance Documents
  51. White House Withholding Documents on Interim Security Clearances
  52. Flynn and Business Partners Withholding Documents on Middle East Nuclear Deal
  53. OMB Withholding Agency Downsizing Plans
  54. FDIC Withholding Documents on EPA Senior Advisor Banned from Banking
  55. White House Withholding Documents on Flynn’s Foreign Contacts
  56. White House Withholding Documents on Personal Email Use by Top Aides
  57. Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump Withholding Documents on Emails
  58. White House Withholding Documents on Hurricane Response
  59. Kushner Companies Withholding Documents on Alleged Housing Abuses
Other potential investigations
  • The findings so far of the Mueller investigation, which some House Democrats believe had been obstructed by prior House Intel leaders. (Washington Post)
  • Trump's use of pardon power. (Washington Post)
  • The sudden change in plans to construct a new FBI headquarters. (ABC)
  • Trump's involvement in hush payments to women alleging affairs. (WSJ)
  • The firing of Jeff Sessions and the appointment of Matt Whitaker as acting Attorney General. (ABC)
  • The White House's alleged stifling of the FBI investigation into sexual assault allegations against Brett Kavanaugh. (ABC)
  • The Interior Department's decision to expand mining and drilling on federal lands and what role industry played. (USA Today)
  • Allegations that Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke threatened Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) with negative energy and public land policies after she voted against repealing Obamacare. (Politico)
  • Zinke's exempting of Florida from offshore drilling as a possible political favor to Gov. Rick Scott. (Politico)
  • Zinke's removal of references to humans' role in climate change from agency reports. (Politico)
  • Violations of the Hatch Act stemming from Zinke's appearance at a fundraiser while on an official trip. (Politico)
  • The EPA's siding with special interests on matters of public health. (The Hill)
  • Trump's politicization of the military. (AP)
  • Lack of consistent policy for civilian casualties. (AP)
  • Profitability of the Trump International Hotel in Washington and whether it's being used to violate the emoluments clause. (AP)
  • Administration policies on domestic terrorism. (AP)
  • Relaxing of regulations for for-profit colleges and limiting of student loan forgiveness. (WashPost)
  • Department of Education's rollback of Obama-era rules that expanded transgender students' access to school facilities. (Education Week)
Go deeper:


Thank you!
This is the most fucking beautiful list I've ever seen:

Worth noting: The House Oversight Committee had already blocked 64 subpoena requests submitted by Democrats as of September. Here's that list, minus those with target s outside the Trump administration.

  1. Departments of Justice, Homeland Security, and Health and Human Services Withholding Documents on Trump Administration Child Separation Policy
  2. Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross Withholding Testimony on Census 2020 Citizenship Question
  3. Department of Veterans Affairs Withholding Documents Relating to Reports that Mar-a-Lago Members Influencing Department Decisions
  4. White House Withholding Report and Documents on Security Clearance Process Required by Law
  5. White House Withholding Documents on Revocation of John Brennan Security Clearance
  6. White House Withholding Documents on John Bolton Security Clearance
  7. State Department Withholding Documents on Retaliation
  8. Office of Personnel Management Refusing to Provide Briefing on Complying with Court Order
  9. Department of Health and Human Services and Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Withholding Documents on Medicaid Work Requirements
  10. Department of Health and Human Services and Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Withholding Documents on Scrubbing of Department Websites
  11. State Department Withholding Documents on Decision to Close Cyber Office
  12. Director of National Intelligence Testifying Before the Oversight Committee on the extent of the Russian Threat to Our Country and Our Elections.
  13. Department of Justice Withholding Documents About Refusal to Defend the Affordable Care Act in Court
  14. White House Withholding Documents on Contractor Wanted for Attempted Murder
  15. State Department Withholding Documents on Political Loyalty Lists
  16. Department of Health and Human Services Withholding Documents on Title X Family Planning Program Proposed Gag Rule
  17. Environmental Protection Agency Withholding Documents on Freedom of Information Act
  18. Steve Bannon Testifying Before the Oversight and Judiciary Committees About His Involvement with Law Enforcement Actions Before, During, and After the 2016 Election
  19. Commerce Department and Census Bureau Withholding Documents on Citizenship Question
  20. Department of Justice Withholding Documents on Request to Add Citizenship Question to Census
  21. Department of Justice Withholding Documents on Politicized Hiring Allegations for Immigration Judges
  22. Department of Homeland Security and Department of Justice Withholding Documents on Gag Order Against Whistleblowers
  23. White House Withholding Information on Chartered Flights
  24. White House Withholding Documents on Use of Private Email Accounts
  25. Department of Justice Withholding Documents on Improper Attempt to Classify Dana Boente Notes
  26. State Department and White House Withholding Documents and Testimony on “Cleaning” Out of Career Employees
  27. White House Withholding Documents on Rejected Security Clearance Application for NSC Deputy Robin Townley
  28. Department of Health and Human Services Withholding Documents on Effort to Strip Information from Women’s Health Website
  29. John M. Gore, the Acting Head of the Department of Justice’s Civil Rights Division, Testifying About the Trump Administration’s Decision to Add a Citizenship Question to the 2020 Census.
  30. White House Withholding Documents on Security Clearances
  31. DHS Withholding Documents on Contract for Emergency Meals
  32. White House Withholding Information on Deadly Niger Ambush
  33. CBP Withholding Documents on Allegations of Sexual Assault by CBP Employees
  34. Agencies Withholding Identities of Regulatory Reform Task Force Members
  35. DOD Withholding Documents on Federal Response to Hurricanes
  36. HHS Withholding Documents on Collaboration with Right-Wing Group to Rescind Medicaid Freedom-of-Choice Letter
  37. DOI Withholding Documents on Reassignment of Employees
  38. DOJ Withholding Documents on Communications with White House on AT&T Time-Warner Merger
  39. Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration Withholding Response to Complaint
  40. USDA Withholding Documents on Communications with Corporate Lobbyists
  41. Trump Foundation Withholding Documents on Transfer of Assets to a Disqualified Person
  42. Jared Kushner for Testimony at Emergency Hearing on Conflicts of Interest and Security Clearances
  43. Trump Organization Withholding Documents on Foreign Payments
  44. DHS Withholding Documents on Russian Attacks Against States Before Election
  45. DHS Withholding Information from IG Report on Trump Muslim Ban
  46. White House and HHS Withholding Documents on Biased Refugee Report
  47. HHS Withholding Documents on Gag Order Against Whistleblowers
  48. Kushner Withholding Emails That Violate Presidential Records Act
  49. White House Withholding Documents on Security Clearance Suspensions
  50. Transition Team and DOJ Withholding Flynn, Jr.’s Security Clearance Documents
  51. White House Withholding Documents on Interim Security Clearances
  52. Flynn and Business Partners Withholding Documents on Middle East Nuclear Deal
  53. OMB Withholding Agency Downsizing Plans
  54. FDIC Withholding Documents on EPA Senior Advisor Banned from Banking
  55. White House Withholding Documents on Flynn’s Foreign Contacts
  56. White House Withholding Documents on Personal Email Use by Top Aides
  57. Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump Withholding Documents on Emails
  58. White House Withholding Documents on Hurricane Response
  59. Kushner Companies Withholding Documents on Alleged Housing Abuses
Other potential investigations
  • The findings so far of the Mueller investigation, which some House Democrats believe had been obstructed by prior House Intel leaders. (Washington Post)
  • Trump's use of pardon power. (Washington Post)
  • The sudden change in plans to construct a new FBI headquarters. (ABC)
  • Trump's involvement in hush payments to women alleging affairs. (WSJ)
  • The firing of Jeff Sessions and the appointment of Matt Whitaker as acting Attorney General. (ABC)
  • The White House's alleged stifling of the FBI investigation into sexual assault allegations against Brett Kavanaugh. (ABC)
  • The Interior Department's decision to expand mining and drilling on federal lands and what role industry played. (USA Today)
  • Allegations that Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke threatened Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) with negative energy and public land policies after she voted against repealing Obamacare. (Politico)
  • Zinke's exempting of Florida from offshore drilling as a possible political favor to Gov. Rick Scott. (Politico)
  • Zinke's removal of references to humans' role in climate change from agency reports. (Politico)
  • Violations of the Hatch Act stemming from Zinke's appearance at a fundraiser while on an official trip. (Politico)
  • The EPA's siding with special interests on matters of public health. (The Hill)
  • Trump's politicization of the military. (AP)
  • Lack of consistent policy for civilian casualties. (AP)
  • Profitability of the Trump International Hotel in Washington and whether it's being used to violate the emoluments clause. (AP)
  • Administration policies on domestic terrorism. (AP)
  • Relaxing of regulations for for-profit colleges and limiting of student loan forgiveness. (WashPost)
  • Department of Education's rollback of Obama-era rules that expanded transgender students' access to school facilities. (Education Week)
Go deeper:


Effing great.

at least 2 years with a do nothing Congress.

auCONtraire... they are gonna be busy little bees..................

only by wasting time.

NOT by taking care of the countries business

sure- just like hillary's emails, uranium one, &

Hold on, Sparky.....Trump started this shit.

Maybe they've learned how to counter-punch from Trump:

Trump Wanted to Order Justice Dept. to Prosecute Comey and Clinton ...
5 days ago - WASHINGTON — President Trump told the White House counsel in the spring that hewanted to order the Justice Department to prosecute two ...

Trump raised prosecuting Clinton with top White House ...
5 days ago - President Donald Trump on multiple occasions raised with Deputy Attorney ... NYT: Trump wanted to order prosecution of Clinton, Comey.
NYT: Trump wanted to order prosecution of Clinton, Comey -

Trump Wanted to Prosecute Clinton and Comey: Report | Time › Politics › White House
5 days ago - President Trump told his counsel's office last spring to prosecute political adversariesHillary Clinton and former FBI Director James Comey.

Payback is a bitch, ain't it toots?

You're sounding like a fricken 8 year old.

haaaaaaa....................look at your leader.
The war of investigations has been going on for years & years costing us millions & millions of dollars & its not going to stop. we are a divided nation.

except NOW, we will get some answers, whereas b4 - the complacent rat fuckers who shut down the house investigations are the ones who have no say in who gets called in & what can be asked; not to mention what hard copy evidence can be viewed.
Trump kneed the Dem's in the groin for the past 2 years, they are looking for payback.

you need to think like that. actually getting to the truth is what is paramount. if trump et al did nothing wong, then there is nothing to worry about - riiiiiiiiiiiiiiight?

getting donny jr, & steve bannon back in under oath & not allowed to walk out without answering, &getting ahold of capt crazy pants' tax returns might just reveal all kinds of juicy tidbits OR it will all come up as a 'nothing burger'.

let's find out, shall we?
Well it looks like the Dem House will be busy for the next two years wasting their time with investigations.

Hope they have fun because they will show everyone how ineffectual and idiotic they all are.

It certainly will suck to be them.

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