Say It Here.


Humor does exist in America -- you can find it on the Prairie Home Companion -- but there is so little of it that they have to keep on repeating it over and over.

Garrison Keillor is quite possibly the most unfunny "comedian" that people swear up and down is funny....I've been a captive audience to Prairie Home Companion uncounted times and it has never ever made me laugh.

No wonder that dullard is on NPR.
Garrison Keillor is quite possibly the most unfunny "comedian" that people swear up and down is funny....I've been a captive audience to Prairie Home Companion uncounted times and it has never ever made me laugh.
You see how so many Americans dislike humor -- indeed, they often don't have the slightest idea of what it is!!

Go back to the first posting on the previous page -- Sourpuss Yankee Boy!

Perhaps many hateful remarks are really only jokes made by somebody without a sense of humour.
---Frank Muir

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Humor does exist in America -- you can find it on the Prairie Home Companion -- but there is so little of it that they have to keep on repeating it over and over.

Garrison Keillor is quite possibly the most unfunny "comedian" that people swear up and down is funny....I've been a captive audience to Prairie Home Companion uncounted times and it has never ever made me laugh.

No wonder that dullard is on NPR.
you think hes unfunny to listen've never worked one of his live's blowing tumbleweed central.

Humour was invented after Shakespeare. It was the greatest achievement of the English upper classes -- far more important and lasting than the trivial, transient British Empire.


Humour was invented after Shakespeare. It was the greatest achievement of the English upper classes -- far more important and lasting than the trivial, transient British Empire.

now you really are talking out your ass! many of Shakespeare's plays are comedies.

Both the English and the Jews invented humor -- apparently, independently.

I don't know when, exactly, the Jews invented their humor.

The difference is, the Jews laughed only at themselves, while the English laugh at everybody -- including themselves.


Both the English and the Jews invented humor -- apparently, independently.

I don't know when, exactly, the Jews invented their humor.

The difference is, the Jews laughed only at themselves, while the English laugh at everybody -- including themselves.

nice dodge!
Humour was invented after Shakespeare. It was the greatest achievement of the English upper classes -- far more important and lasting than the trivial, transient British Empire.
now you really are talking out your ass! many of Shakespeare's plays are comedies.
Please refer back to the definition of humor :

Humour may be defined as the sense within us that sets up a kindly contemplation of the incongruities of life, and the expression of that sense in art.
---Encyclopaedia Britannica
Comedy is a category which has a much broader area of applicability.

But if you still do not understand this basic point, go the the ending of the World War II British film, Demi-Paradise, where Sir Laurence Olivier offends against the canon of not being TOO OBVIOUS by explaining the matter for the benefit of the film's Russian audience.

Humor does exist in America -- you can find it on the Prairie Home Companion -- but there is so little of it that they have to keep on repeating it over and over.

Garrison Keillor is quite possibly the most unfunny "comedian" that people swear up and down is funny....I've been a captive audience to Prairie Home Companion uncounted times and it has never ever made me laugh.

No wonder that dullard is on NPR.
you think hes unfunny to listen've never worked one of his live's blowing tumbleweed central.
I'm so sorry yo got subjected to such cruel and inhuman punishment. :lol:
The essence of humour is human kindliness.
---Stephen Leacock
Many thinking people dispute that.

The basis for almost all humor is actually some kind of incongruity.
That is true of the broad, historical meaning of the word "humor."

But ever since the English perfected True Humour, as defined by the quotation from the Encyclopaedia Britannica, it is best to subsume that broad, historical meaning in the general concept, "comedy", and reserve "humor" for the highest, purest form of comedy, which is the glory of England -- and of such lesser breeds as may gather to worship at the feet of the masters.

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