SAYBIE Becomes Biggest & Youngest Threat to Dem Ideology / Agenda


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Saybie is a beautiful newborn girl who finally left the hospital weighing 5lbs, 6oz.

Saybie is the tiniest surviving 'preenie' baby ever and has successfully proven that the Leftist Extremist's Pro-Abortion beliefs / declarations are NOT in line with science or common sense.

"Saybie is living proof that science is on the side of the pro-life cause. Her very survival must raise questions for our nation regarding current law on abortion."

According to Pro-Abortionists, when Saybie was born she was nothing but a 'lump of cells', NOT a living being, NOT a PERSON.

Saybie proved they are wrong.

The reason why the Leftist Extremist Pro-Abortionists vs NOT allow BABIES like Saybie or any other baby at any stage in a pregnancy (obviously now not even after they are born) is because once it is declared that the baby IS a 'person' it then has its own CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT TO LIFE AND PROTECTION OF THAT LIFE. Liberals know that if that EVER happened Roe-V-Wade would be in serious jeopardy.

"The late Supreme Court Justice Harry Blackmun famously said regarding the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision by the Supreme Court that legalized abortion nationwide: "If this suggestion of personhood is established, the appellant's case, of course, collapses, for the fetus' right to life would then be guaranteed specifically by the Amendment."

That is why Saybie, a beautiful little BABY - the tiniest preemie ever, NOT a 'lump of cells', is the biggest threat to pro-abortionists' ridiculous attempt to hijack the argument and dictate the definition of life in the womb, at what point a lump of cells become a baby.

Again, Saybie proves their claim on science is wrong, especially when you consider they just recently pushed to make it legal to murder newborn babies.

Penny Nance: World's tiniest surviving preemie shows abortion isn’t in line with science or common sense

I am not just a lump of cells...
When you have all the birth control methods we have cheap access too, along with pills that can internally abort a fetus weeks after conception if you do fuck up and get pregnant, I can not see why we need such a barbaric and insidious thing like Planned Unparentood to exist.

If you drag a pregnancy out past 16 weeks or so, sorry about your luck, have the kid and let someone adopt it. I can promise you someone will.


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