SC Church Massacre: A different perspective.

Fat Bastardo

Senior Member
Jun 19, 2015
The first thing the media does is inject race into. Sure there was a racial motivation but there is more to it and I Fat Bastardo suspect that this has many of the elements of of other recent massacres.

1. The shooters are white males.

2. In nearly every shooting like this psychiatric medications are part of the equation.

3. The shooters are usually right of center and or a church goer.

Let's do something the media won't do and that is look at the facts. As you know the left leaning media will blame guns and cry for stricter gun laws but here are the facts. About 11,000 Americans are killed by criminals with guns. Over 1 million Americans are killed by the medical industry. Doctors alone kill at least 440,000 through medical blunders. There are 80 million gun owners in the US and only 700,000 doctors. Who's more deadly?

The media will be screaming racism and gun control as they exploit this tragedy for all they can milk from it. The fact is 9 people are dead because some mentally unbalanced whack job full of racist red state talking points thought it might be a good idea to see how many Black people he could kill. The media will run with this story and feign shock and outrage until the next thing comes along like slightly deflated footballs or another NFL quarter killing some dogs.

There is a lot of blame to go around in the case of this massacre. The shooter was a nut case and probably has been on psychiatric meds for years. The father who is probably drenching of Southern culture and racism bought his nut case of a kid a gun. Same as the right wing nut mother of Adam Lanza


They all have that deer in the headlights look from the psych meds.



All three of these guys are innocent by reason of insanity and the guilty parties are the parents but more than them the doctors and the drug companies. The guilty will go unpunished. Rich people get away with murder all the time.
I agree 100% about psych meds.

Doctors are the most harmful drug dealers around. They prescribe every fucking pill possible....because a big tittied blond sales rep.from the drug company stops by on weekends.

These killers are fucking murderers.

And the psycho.drugs we pump in them at age 12...for acting 12....doesnt help.
"Let's do something the media won't do and that is look at the facts. As you know the left leaning media will blame guns and cry for stricter gun laws but here are the facts."

The fact is this is a lie and unfounded idiocy.

There are no 'left leaning media,' that's a ridiculous contrivance of the right. Moreover, 'the media' don't function in concert as if they were a single entity – indeed, the sole motivation of 'the media' is money, ratings, and profit.

Your perspective is just that: something subjective, personal, and factually incorrect.
You're an intriguing fellow. Welcome.

1. The shooters are white males.

2. In nearly every shooting like this psychiatric medications are part of the equation.

3. The shooters are usually right of center and or a church goer.

Not entirely accurate. You seem to have left out a few people. And a few details.

First, Jared Lee Loughner, Tuscon Massacre, who killed 6 people and injured 13 others including Gabrielle Giffords, was a leftist, as his friend, Caitie Parker pointed out:



The Navy Shipyard Massacre, killer: Aaron Alexis, September 16, 2013. Killed 12 and injured three others


The Fort Hood massacre, November 5, 2009, killer: Nidal Malik Hasan. Killed 13 and wounded 30 others.


Virginia Tech massacre, April 6, 2007, killer: Seung Hui Cho. Killed 32 and injured 17 others


If you add Aaron Alexis, Nidal Hassan, and Seung Hui Cho to your list, only four out of seven are white, one was Palestinian, one was black, and the other was of Asian descent. Six of them had drug or mental health issues, and one was a religious terrorist. Alexis, Lanza, Loughner, Storm, Holmes and Cho had no previous religious histories. Hasan was the only one who acted based on his religious beliefs.

I have a number of other massacres that weren't all perpetrated by white conservative churchgoing men. But I don't have time to go through the entire list. I would urge you not to make hasty generalizations about mass murderers. They come in all shapes and sizes.
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"Let's do something the media won't do and that is look at the facts. As you know the left leaning media will blame guns and cry for stricter gun laws but here are the facts."

The fact is this is a lie and unfounded idiocy.

There are no 'left leaning media,' that's a ridiculous contrivance of the right. Moreover, 'the media' don't function in concert as if they were a single entity – indeed, the sole motivation of 'the media' is money, ratings, and profit.

Your perspective is just that: something subjective, personal, and factually incorrect.

I tend to be left of center on most issues but MSNBC and CNN does not report actually gun death numbers and that is idiocy and shady journalism. About 32,000 American are killed by guns each year. 16,000 are suicides and 11,000 are criminal homicides and the rest are accidents and justifiable killings. The left wing media calls this a "gun violence epidemic" when it isn't. The media both left and right leaning ignore the medical holocaust.

Let's take NYC and Chicago: for all intents and purposes the 4th amendment is null and void there. We hear a little bit about the illegal practice of stop and frisk in NYC but it is even worse in Chicago and Chicago has a Black mayor. When an unarmed person is gunned down by the cops in the South there is no grand jury cover up like in Ferguson and there is not stop and frisk in the South either and do you know why? Here's why. Those goobers are armed to the teeth. People want constitutional protections but they are unwilling to do the heavy lifting and protect the constitution.

I tore one of Diane Fienstein's aids a new one on gun control when he tried that gun violence epidemic with me. When I asked what about the people killed by the medical industry he said, "I don't know about that" That proved my point, Not only didn't he know, he didn't want to know and that's the problem.

The media will be screaming, GUNS BAD, RACISM, RACIAL DIVIDE and GUN CONTROL while they wait for something else to sensationalize and ignore the medical holocaust.

I don't know about you but I fear this government and the corporate shadow government but I would rather that the government and the corpocracy fear the people. What is you thinking about that?

Now for your FACT ENEMA!

You lied and said that my post was subjective and factually inaccurate yet in your intellectual laziness and your intellectual dishonesty you presented ZERO facts to rebut anything I said. How Fox News of you.

Bend over and take it. It may hurt at first but you will feel better when you expel all the poop.

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You're an intriguing fellow. Welcome.

1. The shooters are white males.

2. In nearly every shooting like this psychiatric medications are part of the equation.

3. The shooters are usually right of center and or a church goer.

Not entirely accurate. You seem to have left out a few people. And a few details.

First, Jared Lee Loughner, Tuscon Massacre, who killed 6 people and injured 13 others including Gabrielle Giffords, was a leftist, as his friend, Caitie Parker pointed out:



The Navy Shipyard Massacre, killer: Aaron Alexis, September 16, 2013. Killed 12 and injured three others


The Fort Hood massacre, November 5, 2009, killer: Nidal Malik Hasan. Killed 13 and wounded 30 others.


Virginia Tech massacre, April 6, 2007, killer: Seung Hui Cho. Killed 32 and injured 17 others


If you add Aaron Alexis, Nidal Hassan, and Seung Hui Cho to your list, only four out of seven are white, one was Palestinian, one was black, and the other was of Asian descent. Six of them had drug or mental health issues, and one was a religious terrorist. Alexis, Lanza, Loughner, Storm, Holmes and Cho had no previous religious histories. Hasan was the only one who acted based on his religious beliefs.

I have a number of other massacres that weren't all perpetrated by white conservative churchgoing men. But I don't have time to go through the entire list. I would urge you not to make hasty generalizations about mass murderers. They come in all shapes and sizes.

The Muslim doctor a shrink is White if you go with the idea of race as Caucasian, Asian and Negro.

The Navy Yard killer is culturally White and he was also a victim of psych meds and horrible doctors same as Michael Jackson, Anna Nicole Smith, Whitney Houston and Joan Rivers.

As to Joan River's homicide. Nobody is talking about doctor control or the medical holocaust, criminal activity that is rampant in hospitals, clinics, labs and big pharma.

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