Sc State Trooper Shoots A Man During A Seat Belt Violation.

You guys that asked why hes on the road with PTSD? SC is non-union for cops. If you claim PTSD, they just find a reason to fire you. Otherwise, they owe you disability retirement, and the state refuses to pay that.

The cop was 100% wrong. BUT, he shouldn't have been on the road, he should've been getting PTSD treatment. In fact, this shooting was SO unjust, its easy to see the PTSD kick in. He obviously snapped. And now hes screwed, due to the state screwing him first, then throwing him under the bus.

The driver will get paid big time, and he deserves it, he did nothing wrong.
They investigated it, found he was obviously wrong, fired him, arrested him.

So much for the narrative of how cops wont hold their own accountable. Cop haters just want ALL cops arrested. If they're wrong, they will be. As SC just did. If not...they wont. Very simple.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but if I remember correctly you have said that you are a former police officer.If so I can completely understand your defensiveness in these situations. You have always seemed like a reasonable guy, so I'm sure you understand that there are those who will immediately pick sides before an investigation is complete. In the case of those who automatically side with the police, they have to realistically understand that cops are humans. Some are good. Some are bad. Sometimes when a cop shoots an unarmed man they really are in the wrong.

As far as your comment about cops holding their own accountable, I somewhat disagree. There have been many cases of cover-ups and widespread corruption among police officers. I have experienced it firsthand, but in the form of silence instead of cover-up.

If we are going to be honest with ourselves we have to acknowledge that people of all walks of life are capable of doing the wrong thing. Even those we hold up as authority figures.

I am. And yes, everything you said is correct and reasonable. Police work is difficult and often ugly. Its a job of getting others to obey rules that we as a society have voted on as our rules, even petty ones like seatbelts and jaywalking. It sucks. And all humans are flawed and prone to mistakes, cops included. I think this was a horrible mistake. And if its true the officer had PTSD from getting shot at, then the State is to blame for not having him medically retired. Unfortunately. ..SC doesnt have police unions, so the guy is screwed and own his own.

Feel awful for the driver. He did nothing wrong. But he'll be a millionaire now after getting the same State that refused to medically retire the trooper.
I've never was able to vote on many laws that have passed...I hate the seat belt law that passed during Reagan, and enforced on military bases...Why the hell do you need a seat belt to drive 2 miles down the road where the speed limit is 20 MPH?
You may put your eye out.
Why do so many idiots these days argue with and question cops instead of putting their hands up when they're told? Cooperate and there won't be any problems, if you feel harassed there is a process for filing a complaint. It's not rocket science, yoyo's....
Why do so many idiots these days argue with and question cops instead of putting their hands up when they're told? Cooperate and there won't be any problems, if you feel harassed there is a process for filing a complaint. It's not rocket science, yoyo's....

He did exactly as the officer instructed and still got shot.
Keep your hands where they can be seen = not being shot
Yeah except he shot at him twice after he had his hands up Oompaloompa.

What he should have done was stand where he was and not move until told to do so by the cop.

I have shot enough people to know how they react. No one stands there and says sir may I have another or may I move now?

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