Sc State Trooper Shoots A Man During A Seat Belt Violation.

They investigated it, found he was obviously wrong, fired him, arrested him.

So much for the narrative of how cops wont hold their own accountable. Cop haters just want ALL cops arrested. If they're wrong, they will be. As SC just did. If not...they wont. Very simple.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but if I remember correctly you have said that you are a former police officer.If so I can completely understand your defensiveness in these situations. You have always seemed like a reasonable guy, so I'm sure you understand that there are those who will immediately pick sides before an investigation is complete. In the case of those who automatically side with the police, they have to realistically understand that cops are humans. Some are good. Some are bad. Sometimes when a cop shoots an unarmed man they really are in the wrong.

As far as your comment about cops holding their own accountable, I somewhat disagree. There have been many cases of cover-ups and widespread corruption among police officers. I have experienced it firsthand, but in the form of silence instead of cover-up.

If we are going to be honest with ourselves we have to acknowledge that people of all walks of life are capable of doing the wrong thing. Even those we hold up as authority figures.

I am. And yes, everything you said is correct and reasonable. Police work is difficult and often ugly. Its a job of getting others to obey rules that we as a society have voted on as our rules, even petty ones like seatbelts and jaywalking. It sucks. And all humans are flawed and prone to mistakes, cops included. I think this was a horrible mistake. And if its true the officer had PTSD from getting shot at, then the State is to blame for not having him medically retired. Unfortunately. ..SC doesnt have police unions, so the guy is screwed and own his own.

Feel awful for the driver. He did nothing wrong. But he'll be a millionaire now after getting the same State that refused to medically retire the trooper.
If the fool gets stopped again I wonder if he'll make the same type of move to get God Knows What from the car?
He could just as easily come back out after making such a sudden move holding a handgun.
The jury will watch the tape and give the cop five years probation.
Keep your hands where they can be seen = not being shot

It's hard to find a way to defend the officer in this case. It was a stop for a seat belt violation that ended in an unarmed man being shot for reaching for his license. The police are usually quit to defend their own, and they fired him, and he was arrested. It seems like a pretty cut and dry case, in my opinion.

But he still got shot. Try to make every effort to not get shot should be the focus. It works.

Police trying to make every effort to not shoot people should be the focus.
Keep your hands where they can be seen = not being shot

It's hard to find a way to defend the officer in this case. It was a stop for a seat belt violation that ended in an unarmed man being shot for reaching for his license. The police are usually quit to defend their own, and they fired him, and he was arrested. It seems like a pretty cut and dry case, in my opinion.

But he still got shot. Try to make every effort to not get shot should be the focus. It works.

Police trying to make every effort to not shoot people should be the focus.
And that's what they do 99.99999999999% of the time.
Cops who have sworn an oath to serve and protect are the frontline in having to deal with the full range of human behaviours. Most peaceful. Some pure fucking 'TBone' and 'Big Mike'. Some too fucking stupid to survive.
You all give it a try and see how you do.
I think this is the 3rd or 4th thread on this.

What's the point?

Bad or scared white cop shoots innocent black man. Cop goes to jail.

This must be Ferguson all over, right?


In this case the perpetrator was the cop and the victim was without question innocent.

Pretty cut and dried to me.
It doesn't matter why he was stopped, traffic stops do lead to bigger issues on a regular basis. The guy made a quick move into his car, that's not the best way to retrieve your info. Cops do get shot, some people don't want to go to jail, it's a sad fact of life.

I agree to a certain point. A sad fact of life is that shit happens that nobody intends. People make mistakes that can effect them their entire lives. The man probably should have let the officer know that he was reaching for his license. The officer probably shouldn't have been so trigger happy. One man got shot, and the other faces up to 20 years in prison. It's an unfortunate story all around.
I agree, cops are jumpy these days, I'm not excusing it but it's a reality people should consider. Four got slaughtered having coffee here a few years ago. They regularly hear about fellow officers getting killed. If asked for id just don't do it the fastest way possible.

Police are far to poorly trained these days. This idiot should never have been hired in the first place though, it is quite apparent that he was incompetent.
It doesn't matter why he was stopped, traffic stops do lead to bigger issues on a regular basis. The guy made a quick move into his car, that's not the best way to retrieve your info. Cops do get shot, some people don't want to go to jail, it's a sad fact of life.

I agree to a certain point. A sad fact of life is that shit happens that nobody intends. People make mistakes that can effect them their entire lives. The man probably should have let the officer know that he was reaching for his license. The officer probably shouldn't have been so trigger happy. One man got shot, and the other faces up to 20 years in prison. It's an unfortunate story all around.
I agree, cops are jumpy these days, I'm not excusing it but it's a reality people should consider. Four got slaughtered having coffee here a few years ago. They regularly hear about fellow officers getting killed. If asked for id just don't do it the fastest way possible.

As I said in my last post, I can understand both people's actions, but the police officer was at fault in this incident. Of course, going quickly for anything out of the officer's view isn't the best idea. Almost everybody gets nervous when they get pulled over for anything. As I said in the OP, I don't want to make this thread a race issue, but black people do get more nervous then some when speaking to the police. The officer asked for his license. Most likely, in his nervousness he complied as fast as he could without thinking, and the officer wrongfully shot him. You can feel bad for the officer, as well as the victim, but the officer does have accept responsibility for his actions.

The media didn't include that this trooper was recently shot at, received a commendation of valor, and MAY suffer from PTSD. But dept and state policies wont let him off the road to deal with the PTSD. And now....we see how he reacted. The State of SC is as much to blame for this as the trigger happy trooper for putting a man suffering from PTSD back on patrol.

Why is he on the street if he suffers from PTSD? I know the guy that got shot is going to get some money but if what you said is true, he is going to break the bank.
It doesn't matter why he was stopped, traffic stops do lead to bigger issues on a regular basis. The guy made a quick move into his car, that's not the best way to retrieve your info. Cops do get shot, some people don't want to go to jail, it's a sad fact of life.

I agree to a certain point. A sad fact of life is that shit happens that nobody intends. People make mistakes that can effect them their entire lives. The man probably should have let the officer know that he was reaching for his license. The officer probably shouldn't have been so trigger happy. One man got shot, and the other faces up to 20 years in prison. It's an unfortunate story all around.
I agree, cops are jumpy these days, I'm not excusing it but it's a reality people should consider. Four got slaughtered having coffee here a few years ago. They regularly hear about fellow officers getting killed. If asked for id just don't do it the fastest way possible.

As I said in my last post, I can understand both people's actions, but the police officer was at fault in this incident. Of course, going quickly for anything out of the officer's view isn't the best idea. Almost everybody gets nervous when they get pulled over for anything. As I said in the OP, I don't want to make this thread a race issue, but black people do get more nervous then some when speaking to the police. The officer asked for his license. Most likely, in his nervousness he complied as fast as he could without thinking, and the officer wrongfully shot him. You can feel bad for the officer, as well as the victim, but the officer does have accept responsibility for his actions.

The media didn't include that this trooper was recently shot at, received a commendation of valor, and MAY suffer from PTSD. But dept and state policies wont let him off the road to deal with the PTSD. And now....we see how he reacted. The State of SC is as much to blame for this as the trigger happy trooper for putting a man suffering from PTSD back on patrol.

If he's suffering from PTSD there is no damned way he should have been allowed to carry a gun, much less the badge to allow him to use it. That is gross incompetence at all levels.
It doesn't matter why he was stopped, traffic stops do lead to bigger issues on a regular basis. The guy made a quick move into his car, that's not the best way to retrieve your info. Cops do get shot, some people don't want to go to jail, it's a sad fact of life.

It looked to be a normal turning-around motion where you have to swing the whole body 180 degrees. There is no way to do that slowly.
You cant be normal acting with the cops if you are Black. You have to exaggerate every action and speak slowly. My man should have known better.
It doesn't matter why he was stopped, traffic stops do lead to bigger issues on a regular basis. The guy made a quick move into his car, that's not the best way to retrieve your info. Cops do get shot, some people don't want to go to jail, it's a sad fact of life.

It looked to be a normal turning-around motion where you have to swing the whole body 180 degrees. There is no way to do that slowly.
You cant be normal acting with the cops if you are Black. You have to exaggerate every action and speak slowly. My man should have known better.

You cannot expect every young black man to understand that.
It doesn't matter why he was stopped, traffic stops do lead to bigger issues on a regular basis. The guy made a quick move into his car, that's not the best way to retrieve your info. Cops do get shot, some people don't want to go to jail, it's a sad fact of life.

It looked to be a normal turning-around motion where you have to swing the whole body 180 degrees. There is no way to do that slowly.
You watched a different video.


No, you must have come from a senior citizens home before you watched the video.
If the fool gets stopped again I wonder if he'll make the same type of move to get God Knows What from the car?
He could just as easily come back out after making such a sudden move holding a handgun.
The jury will watch the tape and give the cop five years probation.

Every time a cop walks up to a car window, someone could just as easily be ready with gun. Do you want every cop to be ready to shoot you at a traffic stop without even a second's notice like this officer did? The man was acting perfectly normal, and there was no reason for the cop to fear being shot.
If the fool gets stopped again I wonder if he'll make the same type of move to get God Knows What from the car?
He could just as easily come back out after making such a sudden move holding a handgun.
The jury will watch the tape and give the cop five years probation.

He wont get stopped again. If he gets stopped his chauffeur will handle all the details. Probably you.
It doesn't matter why he was stopped, traffic stops do lead to bigger issues on a regular basis. The guy made a quick move into his car, that's not the best way to retrieve your info. Cops do get shot, some people don't want to go to jail, it's a sad fact of life.

It looked to be a normal turning-around motion where you have to swing the whole body 180 degrees. There is no way to do that slowly.
You cant be normal acting with the cops if you are Black. You have to exaggerate every action and speak slowly. My man should have known better.

You cannot expect every young black man to understand that.
Every Black male should know this by the time they can walk. Everyone knows the fear we generate in the hearts of racists.
Back in the day it was a courtesy to the patrol officer to get out of your car and open your jacket to show him you were unarmed....sure you could still have a piece stuck in the back of your belt, but it was a good start to put his mind at ease. Now you better not get out of your car....I did that about ten years back in Ohio and the trooper pulled his weapon, made me walk backwards to him, cuffed me and stuck me in the back of his car....front seat all the way knees were under my chin. He searches the Penske truck I'm driving without permission, makes his calls on my DL and insurance, pulls me out, tells me to step off......the whole thing made my blood boil.
They investigated it, found he was obviously wrong, fired him, arrested him.

So much for the narrative of how cops wont hold their own accountable. Cop haters just want ALL cops arrested. If they're wrong, they will be. As SC just did. If not...they wont. Very simple.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but if I remember correctly you have said that you are a former police officer.If so I can completely understand your defensiveness in these situations. You have always seemed like a reasonable guy, so I'm sure you understand that there are those who will immediately pick sides before an investigation is complete. In the case of those who automatically side with the police, they have to realistically understand that cops are humans. Some are good. Some are bad. Sometimes when a cop shoots an unarmed man they really are in the wrong.

As far as your comment about cops holding their own accountable, I somewhat disagree. There have been many cases of cover-ups and widespread corruption among police officers. I have experienced it firsthand, but in the form of silence instead of cover-up.

If we are going to be honest with ourselves we have to acknowledge that people of all walks of life are capable of doing the wrong thing. Even those we hold up as authority figures.

I am. And yes, everything you said is correct and reasonable. Police work is difficult and often ugly. Its a job of getting others to obey rules that we as a society have voted on as our rules, even petty ones like seatbelts and jaywalking. It sucks. And all humans are flawed and prone to mistakes, cops included. I think this was a horrible mistake. And if its true the officer had PTSD from getting shot at, then the State is to blame for not having him medically retired. Unfortunately. ..SC doesnt have police unions, so the guy is screwed and own his own.

Feel awful for the driver. He did nothing wrong. But he'll be a millionaire now after getting the same State that refused to medically retire the trooper.
I've never was able to vote on many laws that have passed...I hate the seat belt law that passed during Reagan, and enforced on military bases...Why the hell do you need a seat belt to drive 2 miles down the road where the speed limit is 20 MPH?

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