SC Woman arrested for cheering at daughters HS graduation ceremony

Once upon a time we didn't need such laws/ was expected.

More's the pity.
SC mom arrested for cheering too loudly at graduation - | Charleston, SC | News, Weather, Sports

In one of the nations worst areas for public education (The "Corridor of Shame" in SC, Senator Robert Ford (D)'s district ironically), one woman couldnt hide her joy and pride seeing her daughter graduate high school!!! She cheered "My baby made it, yes!"

And the govt, of course, cracked down, sent the men with guns up there and put her into handcuffs and off to jail.

When this young lady got her diploma, she went out to find her mother and celebrate. She found a police van, in handcuffs. She was not allowed to see or speak with her mom, who was being held in the van until transported to the jail.

Government in action. Gotta love it.

I thought we had First Amendment rights????

She should sue that police department for violations of her civil liberties...
SC Woman arrested for cheering at daughters HS graduation ceremony

Loud black people are annoying. Main reason I do not go to public movie theaters.

I hate to say you're right.......but man, I dont do movies anymore either. However, they dont deserve to go to jail for it, as much as I daydreamed of it in a few movies. Loud people of any race are annoying too. Ever try having a drink with a bunch of Italian or Irish morons? It's why I no longer do bars either.

I hear ya man. I used to drink to excess sometimes when I was in my twenties.. You might say I was one of those annoying Irish drinkers. I would take out my 45 auto and fire off a few rounds once in a while cuz I didn't give a fuck about others. Hard to talk over a barking colt.
Having been married to a government school teacher I have to add this:

They ask that the parents and family keep the cheering down simply because they have so many names to read these days that the cheering will drown out the name of the person after the one receiving the cheers, and if they waited for the cheers to die down after each student, it would take them hours upon hours to read all of the names. I don't think that asking people not to cheer during the reading of the names is unreasonable.
Having been married to a government school teacher I have to add this:

They ask that the parents and family keep the cheering down simply because they have so many names to read these days that the cheering will drown out the name of the person after the one receiving the cheers, and if they waited for the cheers to die down after each student, it would take them hours upon hours to read all of the names. I don't think that asking people not to cheer during the reading of the names is unreasonable.

Let me brother (and many friends) are teachers. They start the year wondering at the misbehavior of some of their students....after promotion/graduation, they end amazed at how well those same students have turned out COMPARED to their parents.
The report I read said she was intoxicated and belched something nasty on the folks in front of her mid-scream.
My first thought was that she did it on purpose, knowing she'd land in trouble, just to put the spotlight on this rule. I would be interested in hearing why they came up with it. Perhaps graduation ceremonies in the past got out of control and they had to do something. Either that, or they are incredibly anal about things. There is more to this story because getting arrested and hauled off to jail for merely shouting isn't the norm. Rules are rules and the school had a right to tell her to leave, but schools cannot make laws that get people arrested. She must have done something else that was against the law.
Having been married to a government school teacher I have to add this:

They ask that the parents and family keep the cheering down simply because they have so many names to read these days that the cheering will drown out the name of the person after the one receiving the cheers, and if they waited for the cheers to die down after each student, it would take them hours upon hours to read all of the names. I don't think that asking people not to cheer during the reading of the names is unreasonable.

You know, those students and families have each spent more than a decade working toward that moment. Give them each 60 seconds to savor and be applauded for their accomplishment.
Having been married to a government school teacher I have to add this:

They ask that the parents and family keep the cheering down simply because they have so many names to read these days that the cheering will drown out the name of the person after the one receiving the cheers, and if they waited for the cheers to die down after each student, it would take them hours upon hours to read all of the names. I don't think that asking people not to cheer during the reading of the names is unreasonable.

You know, those students and families have each spent more than a decade working toward that moment. Give them each 60 seconds to savor and be applauded for their accomplishment.

I agree.
I'm not going to say a thing against the mom at HS grad. However, I will say that at college graduations, when there are only a few seconds to hear your graduate's name called out, there are too many hootin and hollering for their child, who was called before. Can't get a decent video/audio.

It's wrong.

If all the family and friends would follow the rules, everyone could get the recordings. Afterwards is time enough for balloons, flowers, and hollerin'!
South Carolina....*shrug

Whats wrong with SC? And....may I ask what state you reside in? As one of the most pro-military states in the union, I'd have thought you would be more supportive of this great state.

I don't know, how about the fact that they allegedly arrest people for cherring at graduations. At least in Florence huh? I just attendended a graduation in Beaumont Texas and if they were to arrest everyone who cheered, the whole center would have been booked. Now the article did say that parents were warned that they would get kicked out if they cheered, so there must be something more to the story...........
Yes, I think the "more to the story" is that they wanted an orderly graduation.

The last graduation ceremony I attended was some years ago, but we were advised not to cheer and clap until the end, to facilitate moving all the kids through at a decent pace, and giving all the kids equal time. Imagine being the girl who doesn't have any parents in the house getting your diploma...right behind the varsity quarterback who shipped in his entire neighborhood?

There is a code of conduct. If people are too animalistic to realize there are some events where getting drunk, whooping, hollering, throwing shit around, screaming, aren't appropriate, too bad. They can sit in the paddy wagon. Put them in the kennel with the rest of the dogs.
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Yes, I think the "more to the story" is that they wanted an orderly graduation.

The last graduation ceremony I attended was some years ago, but we were advised not to cheer and clap until the end, to facilitate moving all the kids through at a decent pace, and giving all the kids equal time. Imagine being the girl who doesn't have any parents in the house getting your diploma...right behind the varsity quarterback who shipped in his entire neighborhood?

There is a code of conduct. If people are too animalistic to realize there are some events where getting drunk, whooping, hollering, throwing shit around, screaming, aren't appropriate, too bad. They can sit in the paddy wagon. Put them in the kennel with the rest of the dogs.

And you wonder where they get the people eager to arrest parents at graduations. :eusa_whistle:

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