Scaling the White House Fence vs. Storming the Capitol?


Diamond Member
Oct 18, 2011
When protestors were done throwing bricks and water bottles at police, they tried to scale the White House fence. Liberals were pissed at the notion that reinforcements went up and they mocked Trump for staying in a safe location? Why are Liberals pissed at protestor storming the Capitol? Are you going to be upset about reinforced security going up? Are you mocking Pelosi and Schumer for being led to safety the same way Trump was? Or, is anyone going to be objective about security in DC when it comes to Protestors and the violence and destruction that occurs?
When protestors were done throwing bricks and water bottles at police, they tried to scale the White House fence. Liberals were pissed at the notion that reinforcements went up and they mocked Trump for staying in a safe location? Why are Liberals pissed at protestor storming the Capitol? Are you going to be upset about reinforced security going up? Are you mocking Pelosi and Schumer for being led to safety the same way Trump was? Or, is anyone going to be objective about security in DC when it comes to Protestors and the violence and destruction that occurs?

Well, looking back at the recent past, those who scale the WH fence (if you can manage it) don't do it in hundreds. :)
It's usually just a few people or one person. Easy to see coming, should be easy to take care of, especially if you have the type of weapons the Secret Service and other security personnel have. The President also has a security bunker with top of the line protection that he can retreat to. Those protesters never had any chance of getting within 100 yards of Trump.

What happened on Wednesday was an insurrection. It was an attempt to overthrow the US government. Interrupting a Constitutional procedure with the intent of overturning a free and fair election. Two pipe bombs found on the ground, multiple people arrested with and seen carrying weapons, a few people carrying around zip ties (gee, wonder what those were for?). Capitol steps rushed, windows broken, some Capitol police chased around by the mob while others took selfies. This was no protest. I shudder to think what would have happened had these yahoos gotten a hold of Congressmen or Senators. This mob was literally within feet of these people who were unarmed and defenseless.
When protestors were done throwing bricks and water bottles at police, they tried to scale the White House fence. Liberals were pissed at the notion that reinforcements went up and they mocked Trump for staying in a safe location? Why are Liberals pissed at protestor storming the Capitol? Are you going to be upset about reinforced security going up? Are you mocking Pelosi and Schumer for being led to safety the same way Trump was? Or, is anyone going to be objective about security in DC when it comes to Protestors and the violence and destruction that occurs?
I never saw the video of blm protesters breaking in to the Whitehouse, or trying to??? Have you seen it?

It's kind of hard to compare the two instance, without viewing the two different instances....
When protestors were done throwing bricks and water bottles at police, they tried to scale the White House fence. Liberals were pissed at the notion that reinforcements went up and they mocked Trump for staying in a safe location? Why are Liberals pissed at protestor storming the Capitol? Are you going to be upset about reinforced security going up? Are you mocking Pelosi and Schumer for being led to safety the same way Trump was? Or, is anyone going to be objective about security in DC when it comes to Protestors and the violence and destruction that occurs?

Well, looking back at the recent past, those who scale the WH fence (if you can manage it) don't do it in hundreds. :)
It's usually just a few people or one person. Easy to see coming, should be easy to take care of, especially if you have the type of weapons the Secret Service and other security personnel have. The President also has a security bunker with top of the line protection that he can retreat to. Those protesters never had any chance of getting within 100 yards of Trump.

What happened on Wednesday was an insurrection. It was an attempt to overthrow the US government. Interrupting a Constitutional procedure with the intent of overturning a free and fair election. Two pipe bombs found on the ground, multiple people arrested with and seen carrying weapons, a few people carrying around zip ties (gee, wonder what those were for?). Capitol steps rushed, windows broken, some Capitol police chased around by the mob while others took selfies. This was no protest. I shudder to think what would have happened had these yahoos gotten a hold of Congressmen or Senators. This mob was literally within feet of these people who were unarmed and defenseless.

You are focusing on the outcome and not the intent and motives. The answer - in both cases- scaling the WH fence and storming the Capitol are both wrong. What were the people intending on doing had they been successful getting into the White House? Be objective for crissakes.
I never saw the video of blm protesters breaking in to the Whitehouse, or trying to??? Have you seen it?

It's kind of hard to compare the two instance, without viewing the two different instances....

Shoooooo, I saw it live on TV! It was pretty awful, these blacks throwing themselves repeatedly at the chain-link fence, the one they put up outside the regular fence you see when you go to look at the White House. Should be easy to find on Youtube. There weren't that many of them, jumping at it, trying to knock it down. They didn't succeed.

The Trumpists were substantially more effective, and a LOT more numerous. Something to think about.
What were the people intending on doing had they been successful getting into the White House? Be objective for crissakes.

Kill everybody in there, I assumed while I was watching. Trump wanted martial law that night, but the military refused.
When protestors were done throwing bricks and water bottles at police, they tried to scale the White House fence. Liberals were pissed at the notion that reinforcements went up and they mocked Trump for staying in a safe location? Why are Liberals pissed at protestor storming the Capitol? Are you going to be upset about reinforced security going up? Are you mocking Pelosi and Schumer for being led to safety the same way Trump was? Or, is anyone going to be objective about security in DC when it comes to Protestors and the violence and destruction that occurs?

Well, looking back at the recent past, those who scale the WH fence (if you can manage it) don't do it in hundreds. :)
It's usually just a few people or one person. Easy to see coming, should be easy to take care of, especially if you have the type of weapons the Secret Service and other security personnel have. The President also has a security bunker with top of the line protection that he can retreat to. Those protesters never had any chance of getting within 100 yards of Trump.

What happened on Wednesday was an insurrection. It was an attempt to overthrow the US government. Interrupting a Constitutional procedure with the intent of overturning a free and fair election. Two pipe bombs found on the ground, multiple people arrested with and seen carrying weapons, a few people carrying around zip ties (gee, wonder what those were for?). Capitol steps rushed, windows broken, some Capitol police chased around by the mob while others took selfies. This was no protest. I shudder to think what would have happened had these yahoos gotten a hold of Congressmen or Senators. This mob was literally within feet of these people who were unarmed and defenseless.

You are focusing on the outcome and not the intent and motives. The answer - in both cases- scaling the WH fence and storming the Capitol are both wrong. What were the people intending on doing had they been successful getting into the White House? Be objective for crissakes.

No idea. Most people who have scaled the WH fence in the last two decades were not armed. Looking for their 15 minutes or maybe they have a beef. Either way, they have no shot of getting anywhere near the President. Compare that to a bunch of people intent on overthrowing the government storming the Capitol building and getting within feet of duly elected Representatives and Senators. They ain't even close to the same for Christ sake.
When protestors were done throwing bricks and water bottles at police, they tried to scale the White House fence. Liberals were pissed at the notion that reinforcements went up and they mocked Trump for staying in a safe location? Why are Liberals pissed at protestor storming the Capitol? Are you going to be upset about reinforced security going up? Are you mocking Pelosi and Schumer for being led to safety the same way Trump was? Or, is anyone going to be objective about security in DC when it comes to Protestors and the violence and destruction that occurs?

Well, looking back at the recent past, those who scale the WH fence (if you can manage it) don't do it in hundreds. :)
It's usually just a few people or one person. Easy to see coming, should be easy to take care of, especially if you have the type of weapons the Secret Service and other security personnel have. The President also has a security bunker with top of the line protection that he can retreat to. Those protesters never had any chance of getting within 100 yards of Trump.

What happened on Wednesday was an insurrection. It was an attempt to overthrow the US government. Interrupting a Constitutional procedure with the intent of overturning a free and fair election. Two pipe bombs found on the ground, multiple people arrested with and seen carrying weapons, a few people carrying around zip ties (gee, wonder what those were for?). Capitol steps rushed, windows broken, some Capitol police chased around by the mob while others took selfies. This was no protest. I shudder to think what would have happened had these yahoos gotten a hold of Congressmen or Senators. This mob was literally within feet of these people who were unarmed and defenseless.
When protestors were done throwing bricks and water bottles at police, they tried to scale the White House fence. Liberals were pissed at the notion that reinforcements went up and they mocked Trump for staying in a safe location? Why are Liberals pissed at protestor storming the Capitol? Are you going to be upset about reinforced security going up? Are you mocking Pelosi and Schumer for being led to safety the same way Trump was? Or, is anyone going to be objective about security in DC when it comes to Protestors and the violence and destruction that occurs?
This fails as a false comparison fallacy and a red herring fallacy.

But your dishonest attempt to deflect from the lawlessness and criminality of the right is understandable.
When protestors were done throwing bricks and water bottles at police, they tried to scale the White House fence. Liberals were pissed at the notion that reinforcements went up and they mocked Trump for staying in a safe location? Why are Liberals pissed at protestor storming the Capitol? Are you going to be upset about reinforced security going up? Are you mocking Pelosi and Schumer for being led to safety the same way Trump was? Or, is anyone going to be objective about security in DC when it comes to Protestors and the violence and destruction that occurs?
This fails as a false comparison fallacy and a red herring fallacy.

But your dishonest attempt to deflect from the lawlessness and criminality of the right is understandable.

Dishonest is the Left cheering on burning cities and innocent people getting beat up throughout 2020 and then getting selectively outraged because the other side did something similar. I don't deny what these conservatives did as being criminal. You people fucking celebrate the destruction and violence created by BLM and ANTIFA. At a minimum, you deny it. Red herring my ass. There is no comparison. Your side is full of shit.
When protestors were done throwing bricks and water bottles at police, they tried to scale the White House fence. Liberals were pissed at the notion that reinforcements went up and they mocked Trump for staying in a safe location? Why are Liberals pissed at protestor storming the Capitol? Are you going to be upset about reinforced security going up? Are you mocking Pelosi and Schumer for being led to safety the same way Trump was? Or, is anyone going to be objective about security in DC when it comes to Protestors and the violence and destruction that occurs?

Well, looking back at the recent past, those who scale the WH fence (if you can manage it) don't do it in hundreds. :)
It's usually just a few people or one person. Easy to see coming, should be easy to take care of, especially if you have the type of weapons the Secret Service and other security personnel have. The President also has a security bunker with top of the line protection that he can retreat to. Those protesters never had any chance of getting within 100 yards of Trump.

What happened on Wednesday was an insurrection. It was an attempt to overthrow the US government. Interrupting a Constitutional procedure with the intent of overturning a free and fair election. Two pipe bombs found on the ground, multiple people arrested with and seen carrying weapons, a few people carrying around zip ties (gee, wonder what those were for?). Capitol steps rushed, windows broken, some Capitol police chased around by the mob while others took selfies. This was no protest. I shudder to think what would have happened had these yahoos gotten a hold of Congressmen or Senators. This mob was literally within feet of these people who were unarmed and defenseless.
Hundreds of people didnt enter the House either, retard. It was a handful of people.
When protestors were done throwing bricks and water bottles at police, they tried to scale the White House fence. Liberals were pissed at the notion that reinforcements went up and they mocked Trump for staying in a safe location? Why are Liberals pissed at protestor storming the Capitol? Are you going to be upset about reinforced security going up? Are you mocking Pelosi and Schumer for being led to safety the same way Trump was? Or, is anyone going to be objective about security in DC when it comes to Protestors and the violence and destruction that occurs?

Well, looking back at the recent past, those who scale the WH fence (if you can manage it) don't do it in hundreds. :)
It's usually just a few people or one person. Easy to see coming, should be easy to take care of, especially if you have the type of weapons the Secret Service and other security personnel have. The President also has a security bunker with top of the line protection that he can retreat to. Those protesters never had any chance of getting within 100 yards of Trump.

What happened on Wednesday was an insurrection. It was an attempt to overthrow the US government. Interrupting a Constitutional procedure with the intent of overturning a free and fair election. Two pipe bombs found on the ground, multiple people arrested with and seen carrying weapons, a few people carrying around zip ties (gee, wonder what those were for?). Capitol steps rushed, windows broken, some Capitol police chased around by the mob while others took selfies. This was no protest. I shudder to think what would have happened had these yahoos gotten a hold of Congressmen or Senators. This mob was literally within feet of these people who were unarmed and defenseless.
Hundreds of people didnt enter the House either, retard. It was a handful of people.

A handful is five or six. There were a couple hundred people jammed in there roaming around the inside halls. In addition to the 1K or more or so scattered on the steps and the upper balconies. It's all right there on camera.
Just get lost with this bullshit. No one is interested in what Trump enablers have to say. :)
When protestors were done throwing bricks and water bottles at police, they tried to scale the White House fence. Liberals were pissed at the notion that reinforcements went up and they mocked Trump for staying in a safe location? Why are Liberals pissed at protestor storming the Capitol? Are you going to be upset about reinforced security going up? Are you mocking Pelosi and Schumer for being led to safety the same way Trump was? Or, is anyone going to be objective about security in DC when it comes to Protestors and the violence and destruction that occurs?

Well, looking back at the recent past, those who scale the WH fence (if you can manage it) don't do it in hundreds. :)
It's usually just a few people or one person. Easy to see coming, should be easy to take care of, especially if you have the type of weapons the Secret Service and other security personnel have. The President also has a security bunker with top of the line protection that he can retreat to. Those protesters never had any chance of getting within 100 yards of Trump.

What happened on Wednesday was an insurrection. It was an attempt to overthrow the US government. Interrupting a Constitutional procedure with the intent of overturning a free and fair election. Two pipe bombs found on the ground, multiple people arrested with and seen carrying weapons, a few people carrying around zip ties (gee, wonder what those were for?). Capitol steps rushed, windows broken, some Capitol police chased around by the mob while others took selfies. This was no protest. I shudder to think what would have happened had these yahoos gotten a hold of Congressmen or Senators. This mob was literally within feet of these people who were unarmed and defenseless.
Hundreds of people didnt enter the House either, retard. It was a handful of people.

A handful is five or six. There were a couple hundred people jammed in there roaming around the inside halls. In addition to the 1K or more or so scattered on the steps and the upper balconies. It's all right there on camera.
Just get lost with this bullshit. No one is interested in what Trump enablers have to say. :)
I havent seen any pictures that show what youre describing. Im not denying it, but i havent seen it.

Regardless, im for shooting ALL rioters.
When protestors were done throwing bricks and water bottles at police, they tried to scale the White House fence. Liberals were pissed at the notion that reinforcements went up and they mocked Trump for staying in a safe location? Why are Liberals pissed at protestor storming the Capitol? Are you going to be upset about reinforced security going up? Are you mocking Pelosi and Schumer for being led to safety the same way Trump was? Or, is anyone going to be objective about security in DC when it comes to Protestors and the violence and destruction that occurs?
I never saw the video of blm protesters breaking in to the Whitehouse, or trying to??? Have you seen it?

It's kind of hard to compare the two instance, without viewing the two different instances....

No, BLM went after minority neighborhoods, black-owned businesses, and DemoKKKrat cities where their terrorism was welcomed (and funded).
Nobody ever got close enough to the WH to bring any harm to Trump. The protesters (actually rioters) who stormed the Capitol on Wed. not only were able to make it inside, but they also looted and broke a lot of stuff in there.

And, all those people who broke stuff and stole things (remember the pic of the dude carrying a lectern out of the Capitol), cost the taxpayers a whole bunch of money. Replacing and repairing all the stuff they stole and broke is cost a bit of money.

I thought conservatives were all about not wasting tax dollars. The rioters have cost the taxpayer quite a few bucks with their stupidity.
I heard people who scaled the white house fence were all prosecuted.....

Don't recall many elected Dems cheering them on and calling them heroes...

You Trumpers really suck at your whataboutisms
I heard people who scaled the white house fence were all prosecuted.....

Don't recall many elected Dems cheering them on and calling them heroes...

You Trumpers really suck at your whataboutisms

And, even though those people may have scaled the fence, and some actually got most of the way across the lawn, NONE of them attempted, or even succeeded in planting bombs at the WH. The police have said that there were several bombs found in the Capitol and had to deactivate them.

Trump supporters are more violent and dangerous than anything that the Dems have done lately. Yeah, go ahead and bitch about BLM and ANTIFA. While some bad apples (and I'm thinking they only went to the protest to get violent) did manage to loot and burn stuff, none of them ever managed to plant a bomb in a government building.
I heard people who scaled the white house fence were all prosecuted.....

Don't recall many elected Dems cheering them on and calling them heroes...

You Trumpers really suck at your whataboutisms

And, even though those people may have scaled the fence, and some actually got most of the way across the lawn, NONE of them attempted, or even succeeded in planting bombs at the WH. The police have said that there were several bombs found in the Capitol and had to deactivate them.

Trump supporters are more violent and dangerous than anything that the Dems have done lately. Yeah, go ahead and bitch about BLM and ANTIFA. While some bad apples (and I'm thinking they only went to the protest to get violent) did manage to loot and burn stuff, none of them ever managed to plant a bomb in a government building.
The difference with BLM is....

Before there was a BLM to demonize, I was still in favor of police and justice reform.... because I am policy based, don't need a group or organization to persuade me to be in favor of it...

Trumpers on the other hand are a personality cult....their only policy goal is to worship and deafy Trump and "own the libs" -- none of which improves the material conditions of their life...which is why they remain miserable and angry
These assholes invaded and ransacked the US Capitol Bldg while most of the government was inside and KILLED a cop defending the Capitol.

There IS no equivalency
These assholes invaded and ransacked the US Capitol Bldg while most of the government was inside and KILLED a cop defending the Capitol.

There IS no equivalency

You have proof that the cop killed while defending the government that killed him? Got a link for that bullshit? Because it was Trump supporters that killed him.

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