Scalise, Cole introduce resolution to change rules on impeachment

Rule or not...people see what is happening.

The moderate democrats are not interested in being voted out of office over this and they are hoping it passes.

Pelosi is putting on a good face, but letting Schitt hang himself.

The moderates don't what to swing with him.

She can't afford to have them swing either.

Consequently, she is doing all she can to ensure it is not used to noose them up.

It's amazing how complex the crazy stories you conspiracy theory nuts work out in your imaginations.
So you were just making shit up when you said "Constitutionally a VOTE must be taken in the house to even START AN INQUIRERY". Why do you lie so often? I don't mind a lie from you crazies every once in a while, but at least come up with a lie that isn't so blatantly stupid.
Jackass, this issue has scholars on both sides stating different opinions, as nothing like this has ever happened before....WHY DO YOU LIE SO MUCH, COMMIE?....If anything it MUST GO TO SCOTUS to get clarity....BUT, Iwill be checking your posts to jump all over your shit. Subversive!

Perhaps some of those you call scholars believe the lies like the one you just admitted telling.
And perhaps some low IQ fools will actually believe your lies!...Agree with someone fool is not a lie...but YOU LIE continually!

You accuse me of lying in hopes that will cover your lie that was pointed out and proven to be a lie just a few minutes ago. You're so very much like Trump in that way.
I believe What I said and you disagree.....unlike you who is a mouthpiece for the party of INFANTICIDE and have the IQ of a termite!

I have no doubt you believe your own lies. I really miss the days when republicans still had some integrity, and everything they said wasn't based on a lie.
Steve bannon blows up republican defenses.
Rule or not...people see what is happening.

The moderate democrats are not interested in being voted out of office over this and they are hoping it passes.

Pelosi is putting on a good face, but letting Schitt hang himself.

The moderates don't what to swing with him.

She can't afford to have them swing either.

Consequently, she is doing all she can to ensure it is not used to noose them up.

It's amazing how complex the crazy stories you conspiracy theory nuts work out in your imaginations.

Of course, it's crazy.

Everybody on both sides has said as much.

Your reception in the basement must be poor.

Try to get out more.

And here is still wishing that somebody close to you (who is innocent) gets the shit beat out them by an Antifa Mob.
Jackass, this issue has scholars on both sides stating different opinions, as nothing like this has ever happened before....WHY DO YOU LIE SO MUCH, COMMIE?....If anything it MUST GO TO SCOTUS to get clarity....BUT, Iwill be checking your posts to jump all over your shit. Subversive!

Perhaps some of those you call scholars believe the lies like the one you just admitted telling.
And perhaps some low IQ fools will actually believe your lies!...Agree with someone fool is not a lie...but YOU LIE continually!

You accuse me of lying in hopes that will cover your lie that was pointed out and proven to be a lie just a few minutes ago. You're so very much like Trump in that way.
I believe What I said and you disagree.....unlike you who is a mouthpiece for the party of INFANTICIDE and have the IQ of a termite!

I have no doubt you believe your own lies. I really miss the days when republicans still had some integrity, and everything they said wasn't based on a lie.
Steve bannon blows up republican defenses.
You mean lies like the Surrender Monkey saying if you like your doctor you can keep hi . Or Gruber telling us we are stupid and if he didn't lie, Obomacare would never have been passed....lies like that....need more from you lying Socislist/DemonRATS.... The party of INFANTICIDE is NOT A LIE!
Perhaps some of those you call scholars believe the lies like the one you just admitted telling.
And perhaps some low IQ fools will actually believe your lies!...Agree with someone fool is not a lie...but YOU LIE continually!

You accuse me of lying in hopes that will cover your lie that was pointed out and proven to be a lie just a few minutes ago. You're so very much like Trump in that way.
I believe What I said and you disagree.....unlike you who is a mouthpiece for the party of INFANTICIDE and have the IQ of a termite!

I have no doubt you believe your own lies. I really miss the days when republicans still had some integrity, and everything they said wasn't based on a lie.
Steve bannon blows up republican defenses.
You mean lies like the Surrender Monkey saying if you like your doctor you can keep hi . Or Gruber telling us we are stupid and if he didn't lie, Obomacare would never have been passed....lies like that....need more from you lying Socislist/DemonRATS.... The party of INFANTICIDE is NOT A LIE!

I mean the lies like you told about constitutionally they can't begin an investigation without a House vote. Lies like "the deep state" Lies like everything that comes out of that obese orange fools mouth, or his crazy supporters mouths.
And perhaps some low IQ fools will actually believe your lies!...Agree with someone fool is not a lie...but YOU LIE continually!

You accuse me of lying in hopes that will cover your lie that was pointed out and proven to be a lie just a few minutes ago. You're so very much like Trump in that way.
I believe What I said and you disagree.....unlike you who is a mouthpiece for the party of INFANTICIDE and have the IQ of a termite!

I have no doubt you believe your own lies. I really miss the days when republicans still had some integrity, and everything they said wasn't based on a lie.
Steve bannon blows up republican defenses.
You mean lies like the Surrender Monkey saying if you like your doctor you can keep hi . Or Gruber telling us we are stupid and if he didn't lie, Obomacare would never have been passed....lies like that....need more from you lying Socislist/DemonRATS.... The party of INFANTICIDE is NOT A LIE!

I mean the lies like you told about constitutionally they can't begin an investigation without a House vote. Lies like "the deep state" Lies like everything that comes out of that obese orange fools mouth, or his crazy supporters mouths.
Referring to PRECEDENT that has been set before, but you can try and divert your ineptitude into something else....we understand that when YOU LOSE, NOTHING is beneath your spin!.....but keep it up, You are starting to entertain thinking people!
You accuse me of lying in hopes that will cover your lie that was pointed out and proven to be a lie just a few minutes ago. You're so very much like Trump in that way.
I believe What I said and you disagree.....unlike you who is a mouthpiece for the party of INFANTICIDE and have the IQ of a termite!

I have no doubt you believe your own lies. I really miss the days when republicans still had some integrity, and everything they said wasn't based on a lie.
Steve bannon blows up republican defenses.
You mean lies like the Surrender Monkey saying if you like your doctor you can keep hi . Or Gruber telling us we are stupid and if he didn't lie, Obomacare would never have been passed....lies like that....need more from you lying Socislist/DemonRATS.... The party of INFANTICIDE is NOT A LIE!

I mean the lies like you told about constitutionally they can't begin an investigation without a House vote. Lies like "the deep state" Lies like everything that comes out of that obese orange fools mouth, or his crazy supporters mouths.
Referring to PRECEDENT that has been set before, but you can try and divert your ineptitude into something else....we understand that when YOU LOSE, NOTHING is beneath your spin!.....but keep it up, You are starting to entertain thinking people!

Yes, but you didn't mention precedent. You said it was constitutionally required. Come on . Tell me another good one. Tell me how a crooked president extorting another country for dirt on his political opponent is something I will just have to get over.
Personally, I think it's time for the Republicans to DEMAND an open hearing and impeachment vote...

Let's see what kind of losing hand the Democrats have...

And watch them lose their FOURTH impeachment vote when the Democrats from the districts that voted for Trump vote AGAINST the farce in order protect their jobs!!!

First the Democrats have to investigate to prepare the articles of impeachment. The rest of the House gets involved when they have actual articles of impeachment.

That's not the way it was done with Nixon and Clinton.

That's because the DOJ refused to do the investigation.

The whistleblower's report was sent to the DOJ for criminal investigation. bill barr refused to do the investigation and just declared there was no crime. Without doing any investigation.

If bill barr had done his job and started an investigation, the House wouldn't need to be doing it now.

So if you have any problems how this is happening, take it up with bill barr. He refused to do is job.

So now the democrats in the House are doing it. bill barr made an extremely horrible choice when he refused to do that investigation. He could have controlled the whole thing in the the DOJ but he chose to be trump's lap dog and tried to bury and hide the whole thing. Now you all are living with the consequences of barr's very bad choice.

Deal with it.

The transcript was released, dumbass? What is there to investigate?

The only thing proven by the House investigation thus far is:
1) Democrats can't read the transcript
2) They cannot understand the spoken word when they transcript was read to them
3) The believed Shifty Schiff's made up version of the transcript (see Pelousy for a prime example)
4) Every time they call a witness against Trump, they totally destroy the Democrat's arguments or they find the witness has a well known bias against Trump so anything they say is worthless.
I believe What I said and you disagree.....unlike you who is a mouthpiece for the party of INFANTICIDE and have the IQ of a termite!

I have no doubt you believe your own lies. I really miss the days when republicans still had some integrity, and everything they said wasn't based on a lie.
Steve bannon blows up republican defenses.
You mean lies like the Surrender Monkey saying if you like your doctor you can keep hi . Or Gruber telling us we are stupid and if he didn't lie, Obomacare would never have been passed....lies like that....need more from you lying Socislist/DemonRATS.... The party of INFANTICIDE is NOT A LIE!

I mean the lies like you told about constitutionally they can't begin an investigation without a House vote. Lies like "the deep state" Lies like everything that comes out of that obese orange fools mouth, or his crazy supporters mouths.
Referring to PRECEDENT that has been set before, but you can try and divert your ineptitude into something else....we understand that when YOU LOSE, NOTHING is beneath your spin!.....but keep it up, You are starting to entertain thinking people!

Yes, but you didn't mention precedent. You said it was constitutionally required. Come on . Tell me another good one. Tell me how a crooked president extorting another country for dirt on his political opponent is something I will just have to get over.

Trump was first and foremost trying to get dirt on Hillary and the DEMs for conspiring with the Ukraine to disrupt the 2016 election. Do you deny this? It is right there in the transcript. Perhaps you should find the child of a conservative to read it to you.
...EXACTLY what this impeachment crap is... a POLITICAL vehicle to propagandize NOTHING that is impeachable...
Neither you nor I know any such thing until such time as the Inquiry releases its findings.

...especially since we KNOW it hasn't a chance to being enacted in the Senate....
That's what Nixon's supporters kept claiming, too, until...

...Face it. The party of INFANTICIDE has NO VIABLE AGENDA OR POLICIES that would make things better in Anerica and for Americans and keeping this charade up. Is all they have.....

Stop screaming about the Democrats and deflecting from the abuse of power and obstruction of Congress by the President, and his top staffers, including the Attorney General, and the Secretary of State.

President Trump has publically admitted to impeachable act, and then tried to stonewall the investigation. This week his Acting Chief of Staff pubically admitted to quid pro quo, which is clear in the transcript in any case. White House staffers are now ignoring his "do not testify" directives and beating a steady path to the Intel Committee.

Deal with it.

There is nothing about a quid pro quo in the transcript. If you can find it, I will kiss your ass on Canadian and American TV!

You need to learn how to spell "publicly".
...Of course we do with the letter transcript!...
The body of evidence presented to the House at-large will contain FAR more than that one transcript.

Immaterial to whether or not Trump has conducted himself in such a way so as to warrant Impeachment. Absolutely immaterial.

...STOP lying!
There is nothing but truth and accuracy in what I have been posting in this thread. You are mistaken.
Why isnt this out in the open as it was with Clinton????.... why are you people HIDING EVERYTHING BEHIND CLOSED DOOTS AND ONLY LEAK WHAT THEY WANT OUT?
/----/ Because it's 100% made up bullshyt that can't stand the exposure to daylight. Adam Shytface can make any claim he wants with no accountability. So-called fair-minded liberals should be outraged - but they gleefully rub their hands and stomp their feet in approval.

The President has confessed to the abuse of power, and his Chief of Staff confirmed his confession. When you see the consequences for the Kurds of having an immoral, incompetent idiot in the White House.

It's over. Get used to saying President Pence. YOU should be outraged that the Republican Party allowed this conman to run for President in the first place.

That only happened in your tiny little brain that looks like Swiss cheese now from all of the damage done by TDS.
Democrats actually changed the rules by physically preventing fellow congress people from attending the hearings. Republican congressman, Steve Scalise, (who was shot by a deranged Sanders supporter) only wants to restore the playing field.

Just to be clear, why are they demanding to be put on those committees? What grounds do they have to demand to be put on existing committees?
They are not demanding anyone be PUT on the committee they are demand PER HOUSE rules that they be allowed to sit in on the meeting as stipulated under HOUSE RILES, further they are demanding that all depositions and all testimony be made available immediately to ALL members of the HOUSE AGAIN AS STIPULATED in HOUSE RULES.

But they aren't members of the committee. Should all committees be open for anyone to just drop by any time they want and participate? That sounds pretty childish to me.

It only sounds childish to you because you are a child.
No it wasn't dumb ass . Those rules were in effect since at least Nixon....why do you fuckers always lie?.....and then go away when caught with your dicks hanging out?

Democrats Keep Changing The Rules Of Impeachment
Oct 9, 2019 · Now, impeachment is political option that should be dusted off far more frequently. It's a shame House Republicans never used this remedy

You are one stupid fuck. Impeachment is a political process. Not a criminal one. Trump has no rights in this case. He doesn't have due process rights, he doesn't have the right to confront his accusers, and he has no right to review evidence. The same way Clinton did not have the same rights when the evidence was presented to Congress by special counsel Kenneth Starr.

The only thing the Constitution says about the process is the House shall have the sole power to bring impeachment proceedings, and does not give any specific rules that must be adhered to for the process to begin. In other words the House can do any goddamn thing it wants to do, in any order it wants to do it, and Trump, the Senate, nor the Supreme Court have any say in the matter.
And Constitutionally a VOTE must be taken in the house to even START AN INQUIRERY, as was done with Clinton and Nixon....the DemonRATS have completely circumvented the impeachment procedure....any MAKE BELIEVE SUBPOENAS should be disregarded....and if the DemonRATS THREATEN to arrest them. Who will do it as Trump is the head of the DoJ and FBI, who are responsible for any arrests!.....Remember HOLDER did not answer a subpoena and NOTHING happened to him!

Link? Please point to the law or House rule that requires that.
Therevis no link...ONLY PRECEDENT set forth in Nixon and Blow Jobs impeachment.....Piglousi has gone where no one has gone before making it mandatory that the Republicans...ALL REPUBLICANS reject her unlawful and illegal acts....simple as that!

So you were just making shit up when you said "Constitutionally a VOTE must be taken in the house to even START AN INQUIRERY". Why do you lie so often? I don't mind a lie from you crazies every once in a while, but at least come up with a lie that isn't so blatantly stupid.

You lie in almost every post you make, and most are incredibly stupid.
First the Democrats have to investigate to prepare the articles of impeachment. The rest of the House gets involved when they have actual articles of impeachment.
Thank you so much for admitting that this is a Democrat plot (conducted behind closed doors), instead of a legitimate impeachment process conducted by the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES (AS DEMANDED BY THE U S CONSTITUTION)!!!

And guess what???

The American voters can see through your partisan bullshit...

Not a democratic plot. It's the procedure as laid out in the constitution dumb ass.
C'mon bulldog, you know this is a plot. Precedent has been set with clinton and Nixon, and now the dems say "well, it's too hard and takes too long to do a vote on impeachment inquiry".

I would think with something like this, you would want to take the time to do it fairly, wouldnt you?

Isnt it more likely, that the simple reason is, they want to keep the trump legal team in the dark as long as possible?

Imagine if this whole situation was reversed, and it was a dem in the White House, or, imagine if this tactic had been pulled on clinton. Can you honestly say that the left wouldnt be screaming about it? Honestly?

A bank robber doesn't get to ride along with the cops as they investigate. Trump will have plenty of time to answer any charges if/when articles of impeachment are filed. Until then,.the rules that Republicans put in place during all those Benghazi hearings still apply. That's how it works. I didn't hear you complaining when those rules were put into place.
This is not any hearing, it's an impeachment inquiry, and in the case of Nixon and Clinton, the judiciary committee were the ones to initiate the inquiry with a vote. That sets a precedent. It was also the judiciary that ran the inquiry.

The left knows if they vote now, the defense will be able to subpoena witnesses and to ask questions of their own. CNN even wrote an article stating as such, and they also said that the dems will never allow that.

My point was, I understand there is no rule that says they have to vote, I was only stating that there is a precedent in place. Why, now, does the left want to break from that precedent in this case, if not for the purpose of being secretive. They say to write the documents for an impeachment inquiry vote are so complex and time consuming, that's why they dont want to do it. It didnt seem to be so for the previous impeachment inquiries.

Again, please tell me, if this was happening to a dem president, would they not be trying to use the same arguments that you see a lot of repubs using? I believe they would.

If they vote now, they will be going into the impeachment trial with only the information in the public record. This gets all of the conspiracy and dirt out into the open.
House Minority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.) and Rep. Tom Cole (R-Okla.) on Friday introduced a resolution that would require the committees overseeing the impeachment inquiry to allow outside members of the House to have access to the proceedings, depositions and transcribed interviews.

Its introduction comes after a group of House conservatives attempted to gain access to a closed-door impeachment hearing on Wednesday. The conservative lawmakers were rebuffed because they did not sit on the House Intelligence Committee, House Foreign Affairs Committee or the House Oversight and Reform Committee.

"The stakes are too high for Chairman [Adam] Schiff [D-Calif.] and Speaker [Nancy] Pelosi's [D-Calif.] impeachment proceedings to continue in secret. The American people's elected representatives have been denied access to relevant documents and the opportunity to attend depositions and transcribed interviews,” Scalise said in a statement.

“Chairman Schiff wants to impeach President Trump behind closed doors and clearly has no intention of conducting a fair and open process. We demand transparency. For the sake of our republic, Members of Congress must have access to proceedings with such monumental and dangerous consequences,” Scalise added.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Good. It's time for Republicans to stand up against the Dems' illegal activities regarding the impeachment.
The way this is being done, my congressman is not allowed to represent ME in those secret hearings.
he will get that chance to represent you, if the Judiciary committee decides to impeach, instead of censure for any wrong then goes to the full house.

right now, committees are investigating various things, they then will pass their investigation's evidence over to the Judiciary committee... investigations like Starr's or Archibald Cox's are done in private, once completed, they pass the evidence and any recommendations, over to the Judiciary committee...

without independent counsel investigations, the House Committes are having to do that part themselves... but once sent to the Judiciary Committee.... it all becomes more opened and R's get added subpoena power etc...
Personally, I think it's time for the Republicans to DEMAND an open hearing and impeachment vote...

Let's see what kind of losing hand the Democrats have...

And watch them lose their FOURTH impeachment vote when the Democrats from the districts that voted for Trump vote AGAINST the farce in order protect their jobs!!!

First the Democrats have to investigate to prepare the articles of impeachment. The rest of the House gets involved when they have actual articles of impeachment.

That's not the way it was done with Nixon and Clinton.
They had investigative special counsel teams that investigated in private, that passed evidence they gathered over to the House Judiciary committee.

There is no DOJ special or independent counsel investigators.... this is why the separate committees are doing the investigation part, before sending their info and evidence to the Judicial Committee...

Investigations are done in private and sometimes with grand juries too. In this situation, they are having to do their own, without the outside influence of the target, or the target's lawyers or political followers...

When and if the House Judiciary Committee votes to impeach, and it is a yea wins, then the target gets his due process, and all the evidence is presented.
And the Democrats get their FOURTH failed impeachment vote in 3 years, since some of the Democrat reps don't want to be unemployed, right???
one thing Pelosi is known for, is her accuracy in being able to count votes, before they vote...

she has the votes to impeach, and she personally did not cave in to an official impeachment inquiry without knowing she had the votes.

yes, I agree this could likely lead to losing some of those Democratic seats...
First the Democrats have to investigate to prepare the articles of impeachment. The rest of the House gets involved when they have actual articles of impeachment.
IOW... They're holding impeachment hearing trying to find an impeachable offense.

That's how Fascist do it.
Personally, I think it's time for the Republicans to DEMAND an open hearing and impeachment vote...

Let's see what kind of losing hand the Democrats have...

And watch them lose their FOURTH impeachment vote when the Democrats from the districts that voted for Trump vote AGAINST the farce in order protect their jobs!!!

First the Democrats have to investigate to prepare the articles of impeachment. The rest of the House gets involved when they have actual articles of impeachment.

That's not the way it was done with Nixon and Clinton.
Actually it is.
First the Democrats have to investigate to prepare the articles of impeachment. The rest of the House gets involved when they have actual articles of impeachment.
IOW... They're holding impeachment hearing trying to find an impeachable offense.

That's how Fascist do it.
That's not what's going on.
First the Democrats have to investigate to prepare the articles of impeachment. The rest of the House gets involved when they have actual articles of impeachment.
IOW... They're holding impeachment hearing trying to find an impeachable offense.

That's how Fascist do it.
That's not what's going on.
Impeachment hearings on Trump are bullshit and only a goddamn idiot would think of it other than a coup attempt.

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