Scalise, Cole introduce resolution to change rules on impeachment

House Minority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.) and Rep. Tom Cole (R-Okla.) on Friday introduced a resolution that would require the committees overseeing the impeachment inquiry to allow outside members of the House to have access to the proceedings, depositions and transcribed interviews.

Its introduction comes after a group of House conservatives attempted to gain access to a closed-door impeachment hearing on Wednesday. The conservative lawmakers were rebuffed because they did not sit on the House Intelligence Committee, House Foreign Affairs Committee or the House Oversight and Reform Committee.

"The stakes are too high for Chairman [Adam] Schiff [D-Calif.] and Speaker [Nancy] Pelosi's [D-Calif.] impeachment proceedings to continue in secret. The American people's elected representatives have been denied access to relevant documents and the opportunity to attend depositions and transcribed interviews,” Scalise said in a statement.

“Chairman Schiff wants to impeach President Trump behind closed doors and clearly has no intention of conducting a fair and open process. We demand transparency. For the sake of our republic, Members of Congress must have access to proceedings with such monumental and dangerous consequences,” Scalise added.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Good. It's time for Republicans to stand up against the Dems' illegal activities regarding the impeachment.
The way this is being done, my congressman is not allowed to represent ME in those secret hearings.
he will get that chance to represent you, if the Judiciary committee decides to impeach, instead of censure for any wrong then goes to the full house.

right now, committees are investigating various things, they then will pass their investigation's evidence over to the Judiciary committee... investigations like Starr's or Archibald Cox's are done in private, once completed, they pass the evidence and any recommendations, over to the Judiciary committee...

without independent counsel investigations, the House Committes are having to do that part themselves... but once sent to the Judiciary Committee.... it all becomes more opened and R's get added subpoena power etc...
No, the publicity from this is damaging in itself and not the American fair way of doing things, Presidents' conversations should be in private-not testimonies-this whole thing is ass backwards, and should be made transparent immediately-I don't WANT to wait for my congressman to get his head patted and let in the door-DO IT NOW!
What criminal investigation is ever held out in open in the public eye? None. The House is in the INVESTIGATION part of your favorite "law and order" kind of show.
Personally, I think it's time for the Republicans to DEMAND an open hearing and impeachment vote...

Let's see what kind of losing hand the Democrats have...

And watch them lose their FOURTH impeachment vote when the Democrats from the districts that voted for Trump vote AGAINST the farce in order protect their jobs!!!

First the Democrats have to investigate to prepare the articles of impeachment. The rest of the House gets involved when they have actual articles of impeachment.
What in The HELL did the Democrats drag us throught 3 years of Hell with The Fake Mueller Investigation for?

He was supposed to come up with recommendations for indictment from which the DemNazi America hating radicals were supposed to write articles impeachment from. He came up with NOTHING.

When are you turds going to accept the results of The Mueller Report? When are you pole smokers going to accept the results of the 2016 election?

So why is impeachment 3.0 more important to you than election 2020?

Why is The Corrupt Graft Infected Democrat Party afraid of Democracy and shitting their pants over watching their beloved swamp drained?
House Minority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.) and Rep. Tom Cole (R-Okla.) on Friday introduced a resolution that would require the committees overseeing the impeachment inquiry to allow outside members of the House to have access to the proceedings, depositions and transcribed interviews.

Its introduction comes after a group of House conservatives attempted to gain access to a closed-door impeachment hearing on Wednesday. The conservative lawmakers were rebuffed because they did not sit on the House Intelligence Committee, House Foreign Affairs Committee or the House Oversight and Reform Committee.

"The stakes are too high for Chairman [Adam] Schiff [D-Calif.] and Speaker [Nancy] Pelosi's [D-Calif.] impeachment proceedings to continue in secret. The American people's elected representatives have been denied access to relevant documents and the opportunity to attend depositions and transcribed interviews,” Scalise said in a statement.

“Chairman Schiff wants to impeach President Trump behind closed doors and clearly has no intention of conducting a fair and open process. We demand transparency. For the sake of our republic, Members of Congress must have access to proceedings with such monumental and dangerous consequences,” Scalise added.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Good. It's time for Republicans to stand up against the Dems' illegal activities regarding the impeachment.
The way this is being done, my congressman is not allowed to represent ME in those secret hearings.
he will get that chance to represent you, if the Judiciary committee decides to impeach, instead of censure for any wrong then goes to the full house.

right now, committees are investigating various things, they then will pass their investigation's evidence over to the Judiciary committee... investigations like Starr's or Archibald Cox's are done in private, once completed, they pass the evidence and any recommendations, over to the Judiciary committee...

without independent counsel investigations, the House Committes are having to do that part themselves... but once sent to the Judiciary Committee.... it all becomes more opened and R's get added subpoena power etc...
No, the publicity from this is damaging in itself and not the American fair way of doing things, Presidents' conversations should be in private-not testimonies-this whole thing is ass backwards, and should be made transparent immediately-I don't WANT to wait for my congressman to get his head patted and let in the door-DO IT NOW!

You don't want this and You don't want that.

I don't want the President of the United States ignoring Congressional oversight and stonewalling Congress. I don't want the President of the United States lying to the American people every day. But here we are.

Deal with it.
House Minority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.) and Rep. Tom Cole (R-Okla.) on Friday introduced a resolution that would require the committees overseeing the impeachment inquiry to allow outside members of the House to have access to the proceedings, depositions and transcribed interviews.

Its introduction comes after a group of House conservatives attempted to gain access to a closed-door impeachment hearing on Wednesday. The conservative lawmakers were rebuffed because they did not sit on the House Intelligence Committee, House Foreign Affairs Committee or the House Oversight and Reform Committee.

"The stakes are too high for Chairman [Adam] Schiff [D-Calif.] and Speaker [Nancy] Pelosi's [D-Calif.] impeachment proceedings to continue in secret. The American people's elected representatives have been denied access to relevant documents and the opportunity to attend depositions and transcribed interviews,” Scalise said in a statement.

“Chairman Schiff wants to impeach President Trump behind closed doors and clearly has no intention of conducting a fair and open process. We demand transparency. For the sake of our republic, Members of Congress must have access to proceedings with such monumental and dangerous consequences,” Scalise added.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Good. It's time for Republicans to stand up against the Dems' illegal activities regarding the impeachment.
The way this is being done, my congressman is not allowed to represent ME in those secret hearings.
he will get that chance to represent you, if the Judiciary committee decides to impeach, instead of censure for any wrong then goes to the full house.

right now, committees are investigating various things, they then will pass their investigation's evidence over to the Judiciary committee... investigations like Starr's or Archibald Cox's are done in private, once completed, they pass the evidence and any recommendations, over to the Judiciary committee...

without independent counsel investigations, the House Committes are having to do that part themselves... but once sent to the Judiciary Committee.... it all becomes more opened and R's get added subpoena power etc...
No, the publicity from this is damaging in itself and not the American fair way of doing things, Presidents' conversations should be in private-not testimonies-this whole thing is ass backwards, and should be made transparent immediately-I don't WANT to wait for my congressman to get his head patted and let in the door-DO IT NOW!
Are you saying your Representative is not updated by the Republican members of the committees investigating?
House Minority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.) and Rep. Tom Cole (R-Okla.) on Friday introduced a resolution that would require the committees overseeing the impeachment inquiry to allow outside members of the House to have access to the proceedings, depositions and transcribed interviews.

Its introduction comes after a group of House conservatives attempted to gain access to a closed-door impeachment hearing on Wednesday. The conservative lawmakers were rebuffed because they did not sit on the House Intelligence Committee, House Foreign Affairs Committee or the House Oversight and Reform Committee.

"The stakes are too high for Chairman [Adam] Schiff [D-Calif.] and Speaker [Nancy] Pelosi's [D-Calif.] impeachment proceedings to continue in secret. The American people's elected representatives have been denied access to relevant documents and the opportunity to attend depositions and transcribed interviews,” Scalise said in a statement.

“Chairman Schiff wants to impeach President Trump behind closed doors and clearly has no intention of conducting a fair and open process. We demand transparency. For the sake of our republic, Members of Congress must have access to proceedings with such monumental and dangerous consequences,” Scalise added.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Good. It's time for Republicans to stand up against the Dems' illegal activities regarding the impeachment.
The way this is being done, my congressman is not allowed to represent ME in those secret hearings.
he will get that chance to represent you, if the Judiciary committee decides to impeach, instead of censure for any wrong then goes to the full house.

right now, committees are investigating various things, they then will pass their investigation's evidence over to the Judiciary committee... investigations like Starr's or Archibald Cox's are done in private, once completed, they pass the evidence and any recommendations, over to the Judiciary committee...

without independent counsel investigations, the House Committes are having to do that part themselves... but once sent to the Judiciary Committee.... it all becomes more opened and R's get added subpoena power etc...
No, the publicity from this is damaging in itself and not the American fair way of doing things, Presidents' conversations should be in private-not testimonies-this whole thing is ass backwards, and should be made transparent immediately-I don't WANT to wait for my congressman to get his head patted and let in the door-DO IT NOW!

You don't want this and You don't want that.

I don't want the President of the United States ignoring Congressional oversight and stonewalling Congress. I don't want the President of the United States lying to the American people every day. But here we are.

Deal with it.

Where is Congressional oversight found in the Constitution?
House Minority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.) and Rep. Tom Cole (R-Okla.) on Friday introduced a resolution that would require the committees overseeing the impeachment inquiry to allow outside members of the House to have access to the proceedings, depositions and transcribed interviews.

Its introduction comes after a group of House conservatives attempted to gain access to a closed-door impeachment hearing on Wednesday. The conservative lawmakers were rebuffed because they did not sit on the House Intelligence Committee, House Foreign Affairs Committee or the House Oversight and Reform Committee.

"The stakes are too high for Chairman [Adam] Schiff [D-Calif.] and Speaker [Nancy] Pelosi's [D-Calif.] impeachment proceedings to continue in secret. The American people's elected representatives have been denied access to relevant documents and the opportunity to attend depositions and transcribed interviews,” Scalise said in a statement.

“Chairman Schiff wants to impeach President Trump behind closed doors and clearly has no intention of conducting a fair and open process. We demand transparency. For the sake of our republic, Members of Congress must have access to proceedings with such monumental and dangerous consequences,” Scalise added.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Good. It's time for Republicans to stand up against the Dems' illegal activities regarding the impeachment.
The way this is being done, my congressman is not allowed to represent ME in those secret hearings.
he will get that chance to represent you, if the Judiciary committee decides to impeach, instead of censure for any wrong then goes to the full house.

right now, committees are investigating various things, they then will pass their investigation's evidence over to the Judiciary committee... investigations like Starr's or Archibald Cox's are done in private, once completed, they pass the evidence and any recommendations, over to the Judiciary committee...

without independent counsel investigations, the House Committes are having to do that part themselves... but once sent to the Judiciary Committee.... it all becomes more opened and R's get added subpoena power etc...
No, the publicity from this is damaging in itself and not the American fair way of doing things, Presidents' conversations should be in private-not testimonies-this whole thing is ass backwards, and should be made transparent immediately-I don't WANT to wait for my congressman to get his head patted and let in the door-DO IT NOW!

You don't want this and You don't want that.

I don't want the President of the United States ignoring Congressional oversight and stonewalling Congress. I don't want the President of the United States lying to the American people every day. But here we are.

Deal with it.
No, presidents such as Bush can attack the wrong country-part of the game-what Schiff is doing is worse than ANYTHING Trump has done-I did not want this or that- ONLY ONE THING- TRANSPARENCY-and the Democrats, Schiff in particular, have taken it from us. As far as you hating Trump, you can vote him out-I can't vote for or against that skinny prick Schiff-pretty God Damn fair huh? And you don't care about that? You want to be in the dark from that little shit?
They will be free to change the rules when they become the majority. The was no outside counsel allowed for the WH defense during the GOP's multiple investigations where they subpoenaed witnesses and held hearing behind closed door.
IOW... They're holding impeachment hearing trying to find an impeachable offense.

That's how Fascist do it.
That's not what's going on.
Impeachment hearings on Trump are bullshit and only a goddamn idiot would think of it other than a coup attempt.
Only an idiot repeats Trumps claims about this being bullshit impeachment hearings and a coup. Yesh, that's exactly what democrats want, overthrow Trump and make Mike Pence the president.
only an idiot try to impeach when there is no crime to impeach.

The problem with your comment lies in the fact that crimes have been committed.
By the Democrat Party
And the Democrats get their FOURTH failed impeachment vote in 3 years, since some of the Democrat reps don't want to be unemployed, right???
one thing Pelosi is known for, is her accuracy in being able to count votes, before they vote...

she has the votes to impeach, and she personally did not cave in to an official impeachment inquiry without knowing she had the votes.

yes, I agree this could likely lead to losing some of those Democratic seats...
This coup attempt will blow-up in Democrats faces.

Trump will be impeached. Pelosi is going for the jugular. She is trying to compile the inarguable case for Trumps removal.
Trump will be impeached by the democrats not the house. Now how will that look for the democrats when America doesn't want an impeachment.
Seems that 52 percent of Americans want an impeachment.

Did the house impeach Clinton?
A fake poll
They will be free to change the rules when they become the majority. The was no outside counsel allowed for the WH defense during the GOP's multiple investigations where they subpoenaed witnesses and held hearing behind closed door.
Were any of them impeachment related?
House Minority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.) and Rep. Tom Cole (R-Okla.) on Friday introduced a resolution that would require the committees overseeing the impeachment inquiry to allow outside members of the House to have access to the proceedings, depositions and transcribed interviews.

Its introduction comes after a group of House conservatives attempted to gain access to a closed-door impeachment hearing on Wednesday. The conservative lawmakers were rebuffed because they did not sit on the House Intelligence Committee, House Foreign Affairs Committee or the House Oversight and Reform Committee.

"The stakes are too high for Chairman [Adam] Schiff [D-Calif.] and Speaker [Nancy] Pelosi's [D-Calif.] impeachment proceedings to continue in secret. The American people's elected representatives have been denied access to relevant documents and the opportunity to attend depositions and transcribed interviews,” Scalise said in a statement.

“Chairman Schiff wants to impeach President Trump behind closed doors and clearly has no intention of conducting a fair and open process. We demand transparency. For the sake of our republic, Members of Congress must have access to proceedings with such monumental and dangerous consequences,” Scalise added.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Good. It's time for Republicans to stand up against the Dems' illegal activities regarding the impeachment.
Many Republicans already have access. It's not locking out Republicans who are already seated on the participating committees.
They will be free to change the rules when they become the majority. The was no outside counsel allowed for the WH defense during the GOP's multiple investigations where they subpoenaed witnesses and held hearing behind closed door.
Were any of them impeachment related?

If they found impeachable crimes in any of their investigations, (which had complete subpoena power), into that president they certainly would have been. The charges had already been leveled against President Clinton by the Special Prosecutor's investigation to defend against. No such charges came out of the DOJ investigation of this President.
House Minority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.) and Rep. Tom Cole (R-Okla.) on Friday introduced a resolution that would require the committees overseeing the impeachment inquiry to allow outside members of the House to have access to the proceedings, depositions and transcribed interviews.

Its introduction comes after a group of House conservatives attempted to gain access to a closed-door impeachment hearing on Wednesday. The conservative lawmakers were rebuffed because they did not sit on the House Intelligence Committee, House Foreign Affairs Committee or the House Oversight and Reform Committee.

"The stakes are too high for Chairman [Adam] Schiff [D-Calif.] and Speaker [Nancy] Pelosi's [D-Calif.] impeachment proceedings to continue in secret. The American people's elected representatives have been denied access to relevant documents and the opportunity to attend depositions and transcribed interviews,” Scalise said in a statement.

“Chairman Schiff wants to impeach President Trump behind closed doors and clearly has no intention of conducting a fair and open process. We demand transparency. For the sake of our republic, Members of Congress must have access to proceedings with such monumental and dangerous consequences,” Scalise added.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Good. It's time for Republicans to stand up against the Dems' illegal activities regarding the impeachment.
The way this is being done, my congressman is not allowed to represent ME in those secret hearings.
he will get that chance to represent you, if the Judiciary committee decides to impeach, instead of censure for any wrong then goes to the full house.

right now, committees are investigating various things, they then will pass their investigation's evidence over to the Judiciary committee... investigations like Starr's or Archibald Cox's are done in private, once completed, they pass the evidence and any recommendations, over to the Judiciary committee...

without independent counsel investigations, the House Committes are having to do that part themselves... but once sent to the Judiciary Committee.... it all becomes more opened and R's get added subpoena power etc...
No, the publicity from this is damaging in itself and not the American fair way of doing things, Presidents' conversations should be in private-not testimonies-this whole thing is ass backwards, and should be made transparent immediately-I don't WANT to wait for my congressman to get his head patted and let in the door-DO IT NOW!

You don't want this and You don't want that.

I don't want the President of the United States ignoring Congressional oversight and stonewalling Congress. I don't want the President of the United States lying to the American people every day. But here we are.

Deal with it.
No, presidents such as Bush can attack the wrong country-part of the game-what Schiff is doing is worse than ANYTHING Trump has done-I did not want this or that- ONLY ONE THING- TRANSPARENCY-and the Democrats, Schiff in particular, have taken it from us. As far as you hating Trump, you can vote him out-I can't vote for or against that skinny prick Schiff-pretty God Damn fair huh? And you don't care about that? You want to be in the dark from that little shit?
So we should get a daily briefing on what Durham is investigating? Be in on his interrogations, get all the grand jury testimony from the Mueller report, have cameras going when Nunes questioned Steele, or Mueller questioned Donny Jr and Kushner?

Me thinks you are being fooled by the Trump rhetoric and spin.
They will be free to change the rules when they become the majority. The was no outside counsel allowed for the WH defense during the GOP's multiple investigations where they subpoenaed witnesses and held hearing behind closed door.
Were any of them impeachment related?
Did Nixon get to sit in on the Watergate investigation of Archibald Cox etc?

The answer is HECK NO

Did Clinton get to sit in on the Kenneth Starr investigation and testimony questioning of witnesses?

The answer is no, of course not.

We could solve your right wing talking point/spin, by having an independent Counsel appointed to investigate, that reports and turns all of it over to Congress.... it would still be done in complete secrecy....though....while investigating and gathering evidence... ?
Not a democratic plot. It's the procedure as laid out in the constitution dumb ass.
C'mon bulldog, you know this is a plot. Precedent has been set with clinton and Nixon, and now the dems say "well, it's too hard and takes too long to do a vote on impeachment inquiry".

I would think with something like this, you would want to take the time to do it fairly, wouldnt you?

Isnt it more likely, that the simple reason is, they want to keep the trump legal team in the dark as long as possible?

Imagine if this whole situation was reversed, and it was a dem in the White House, or, imagine if this tactic had been pulled on clinton. Can you honestly say that the left wouldnt be screaming about it? Honestly?

A bank robber doesn't get to ride along with the cops as they investigate. Trump will have plenty of time to answer any charges if/when articles of impeachment are filed. Until then,.the rules that Republicans put in place during all those Benghazi hearings still apply. That's how it works. I didn't hear you complaining when those rules were put into place.
This is not any hearing, it's an impeachment inquiry, and in the case of Nixon and Clinton, the judiciary committee were the ones to initiate the inquiry with a vote. That sets a precedent. It was also the judiciary that ran the inquiry.

The left knows if they vote now, the defense will be able to subpoena witnesses and to ask questions of their own. CNN even wrote an article stating as such, and they also said that the dems will never allow that.

My point was, I understand there is no rule that says they have to vote, I was only stating that there is a precedent in place. Why, now, does the left want to break from that precedent in this case, if not for the purpose of being secretive. They say to write the documents for an impeachment inquiry vote are so complex and time consuming, that's why they dont want to do it. It didnt seem to be so for the previous impeachment inquiries.

Again, please tell me, if this was happening to a dem president, would they not be trying to use the same arguments that you see a lot of repubs using? I believe they would.

If they vote now, they will be going into the impeachment trial with only the information in the public record. This gets all of the conspiracy and dirt out into the open.
I'm not sure I follow. If they vote now, the inquiry continues, nothing really changes, it just allows the defense more privileges concerning building the defense.

There is no defense at this point because no charges have been made. There will have to be a vote before he is impeached and the case sent to the senate, but for now, they are just investigating to see if impeachable offences have been made. Not exactly like a grand jury, but very similar.
House Minority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.) and Rep. Tom Cole (R-Okla.) on Friday introduced a resolution that would require the committees overseeing the impeachment inquiry to allow outside members of the House to have access to the proceedings, depositions and transcribed interviews.

Its introduction comes after a group of House conservatives attempted to gain access to a closed-door impeachment hearing on Wednesday. The conservative lawmakers were rebuffed because they did not sit on the House Intelligence Committee, House Foreign Affairs Committee or the House Oversight and Reform Committee.

"The stakes are too high for Chairman [Adam] Schiff [D-Calif.] and Speaker [Nancy] Pelosi's [D-Calif.] impeachment proceedings to continue in secret. The American people's elected representatives have been denied access to relevant documents and the opportunity to attend depositions and transcribed interviews,” Scalise said in a statement.

“Chairman Schiff wants to impeach President Trump behind closed doors and clearly has no intention of conducting a fair and open process. We demand transparency. For the sake of our republic, Members of Congress must have access to proceedings with such monumental and dangerous consequences,” Scalise added.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Good. It's time for Republicans to stand up against the Dems' illegal activities regarding the impeachment.
Good luck with that.

Guess what? There are Republicans on the committees holding the hearings. Yeah! Why aren't your propagandists pointing that out to you? Hmmmm....

Lickspittle Gaetz tried to crash one of the hearings. He had no business being there. He's putting on theater for you rubes.

Gaetz is a tool of Trump's. He would have fed information directly to the Colluder-in-Chief.
When the hearings are completed, the transcripts of those hearings will be made public.

In the meantime, they need to be secret for what should be very obvious reasons to anyone with more than two brain cells.
They will be free to change the rules when they become the majority. The was no outside counsel allowed for the WH defense during the GOP's multiple investigations where they subpoenaed witnesses and held hearing behind closed door.
Were any of them impeachment related?
Over three days, February 1–3, House managers took videotaped closed-door depositions from Monica Lewinsky, Clinton's friend Vernon Jordan, and White House aide Sidney Blumenthal.

Impeachment of Bill Clinton - Wikipedia

It's Okay When Republicans Do It!™
The way this is being done, my congressman is not allowed to represent ME in those secret hearings.
he will get that chance to represent you, if the Judiciary committee decides to impeach, instead of censure for any wrong then goes to the full house.

right now, committees are investigating various things, they then will pass their investigation's evidence over to the Judiciary committee... investigations like Starr's or Archibald Cox's are done in private, once completed, they pass the evidence and any recommendations, over to the Judiciary committee...

without independent counsel investigations, the House Committes are having to do that part themselves... but once sent to the Judiciary Committee.... it all becomes more opened and R's get added subpoena power etc...
No, the publicity from this is damaging in itself and not the American fair way of doing things, Presidents' conversations should be in private-not testimonies-this whole thing is ass backwards, and should be made transparent immediately-I don't WANT to wait for my congressman to get his head patted and let in the door-DO IT NOW!

You don't want this and You don't want that.

I don't want the President of the United States ignoring Congressional oversight and stonewalling Congress. I don't want the President of the United States lying to the American people every day. But here we are.

Deal with it.
No, presidents such as Bush can attack the wrong country-part of the game-what Schiff is doing is worse than ANYTHING Trump has done-I did not want this or that- ONLY ONE THING- TRANSPARENCY-and the Democrats, Schiff in particular, have taken it from us. As far as you hating Trump, you can vote him out-I can't vote for or against that skinny prick Schiff-pretty God Damn fair huh? And you don't care about that? You want to be in the dark from that little shit?
So we should get a daily briefing on what Durham is investigating? Be in on his interrogations, get all the grand jury testimony from the Mueller report, have cameras going when Nunes questioned Steele, or Mueller questioned Donny Jr and Kushner?

Me thinks you are being fooled by the Trump rhetoric and spin.
No, we did not get a daily report from Mueller-nor should we have-we did not ELECT him. Schiff is OUR employee-elected by us. I would want to know what my employees are doing,wouldn't you?

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