Scalise Was Shot by a Trump Hating, Bernie Loving Gunman Who Desired to Massacre Rep Congressmen

I can't find any Democrat condemning Trump haters or Bernie backers.

Is there a quote out there?

I dunno about any "Democrats" but when Steve Scalise was shot I changed my avatar to an LSU logo (a school I have no connection with) in solidarity for his recovery, having read that both Congressional baseball teams were going to take a similar step. I kept that avatar until his condition improved and posted regular updates on his condition.

Grampa Murked U tried to float a turd-post with this same selective-memory fallacy you just used. I pointed out the same thing there. He ran away.
And the day after the shooting a HuffPost journalist said the left needs to consolidate and organize their violence better.

So your deed is void.

Again, I have nothing to do with anyone named "HuffPost". So your Composition Fallacy is void.
OK, I change my statement.

Leftists don't condemn Trump haters or Bernie fans except an anonymous user on USMB who condemned them by going out on a limb by changing his avatar to the LSU logo.

It'll need more work.

First off I'm a Liberal not a "leftist", second I DO NOT "condemn Rump haters or Bernie fans" and I defy you to find any evidence thereof; thirdly I'm not "anonymous" -- my name, which I've never changed, appears on every post; all of which I stand by; and fourth I publicly stated I was doing so, fully aware that, just as I am not "HuffPost" but an individual, I can only act on my own behalf and that act has no relationship to anybody else, all the juvenile simplistic Composition/Association Fallacies in the world notwithstanding.

Will there be anything else today? Because I'll tell ya, I have a truckload of Bitchslap unloading right now and I'll be happy to open up a fresh case for ya.
So specific groups must be condemned but only if white.
Oh yes, see where the "shutting it down"go's? The dumbfucks here don't realize that it's only a matter of time before the pendulum swings back. Then it will be THEIR free speech that's considered hateful. It kind of already is. Our elected officials and media will suffer greatly for this mess they created. I can't wait.

actually, more like, you guys got into bed with the Nazis, and now you are waking up with fleas.
You did nothing but continue to demonstrate what a hateful, bitter neglected little critter you are. Don't need to rethink my life at all. You might though. You spend to much time blaming others for all your failures. You are weak joe.

I wasn't asking you to rethink your life. That was a lost cause when they forgot to teach you how to spell.

I was saying - and yes, pay attention here - that Congressman Scalise was shot by someone who he enabled, and saved by someone he tried to oppress. That kind of makes him an awful person if he doesn't rethink his life.

But don't worry, he won't.
First off, I know Steve, we went to HS together. I know him to be a very reasonable man. As for the KKK group, he did not know of any affiliation at the time or he would have cancelled. As for his opposition to gay marriage, he is very Catholic.

Okay, couple of point here.

Being Catholic makes homophobia okay then? I find this amusing, but the RCC's position of having gay clergy tell the rest of us how bad being gay was is a little silly.

It was kind of his job to find out who he was speaking to. Come on, the group was led by David Duke. Are you saying a prominent politician from your state didn't know Duke was affialiated with Nazi and Klan groups?

Third- "reasonable" or not, Scalise opposed every gun bill that has ever come down. So he doesn't get a lot of sympathy when a crazy person with a gun shoots him.
Laugh all you want. But you show your trues colors when making light of assassination attempts of US. Congressmen.

Again,, you wingnuts tell us all the time the reason we needs us some guns is to fight the government.

So what did you think that would look like in practice?
I dunno about any "Democrats" but when Steve Scalise was shot I changed my avatar to an LSU logo (a school I have no connection with) in solidarity for his recovery, having read that both Congressional baseball teams were going to take a similar step. I kept that avatar until his condition improved and posted regular updates on his condition.

Grampa Murked U tried to float a turd-post with this same selective-memory fallacy you just used. I pointed out the same thing there. He ran away.
And the day after the shooting a HuffPost journalist said the left needs to consolidate and organize their violence better.

So your deed is void.

Again, I have nothing to do with anyone named "HuffPost". So your Composition Fallacy is void.
OK, I change my statement.

Leftists don't condemn Trump haters or Bernie fans except an anonymous user on USMB who condemned them by going out on a limb by changing his avatar to the LSU logo.

It'll need more work.

First off I'm a Liberal not a "leftist", second I DO NOT "condemn Rump haters or Bernie fans" and I defy you to find any evidence thereof; thirdly I'm not "anonymous" -- my name, which I've never changed, appears on every post; all of which I stand by; and fourth I publicly stated I was doing so, fully aware that, just as I am not "HuffPost" but an individual, I can only act on my own behalf and that act has no relationship to anybody else, all the juvenile simplistic Composition/Association Fallacies in the world notwithstanding.

Will there be anything else today? Because I'll tell ya, I have a truckload of Bitchslap unloading right now and I'll be happy to open up a fresh case for ya.
So specific groups must be condemned but only if white.

Once again, I mentioned nothing about anything "white". I did post a picture of an Orange-American unloading a truck. That box in his tiny hands contains a can of Whoopass, and you just got a free sample.

Tell ya what, if you order within the next five minutes I'll throw in a tube of Boudreaux's Butthurt Paste to make it all better.
First off, I know Steve, we went to HS together. I know him to be a very reasonable man. As for the KKK group, he did not know of any affiliation at the time or he would have cancelled. As for his opposition to gay marriage, he is very Catholic.

Okay, couple of point here.

Being Catholic makes homophobia okay then? I find this amusing, but the RCC's position of having gay clergy tell the rest of us how bad being gay was is a little silly.

It was kind of his job to find out who he was speaking to. Come on, the group was led by David Duke. Are you saying a prominent politician from your state didn't know Duke was affialiated with Nazi and Klan groups?

Third- "reasonable" or not, Scalise opposed every gun bill that has ever come down. So he doesn't get a lot of sympathy when a crazy person with a gun shoots him.

Not supporting/believing in gay marriage doesn't mean your scared of homosexuals. I assure you, he would not have spoken to the group had he know... engagement was booked by a staffer.
And the day after the shooting a HuffPost journalist said the left needs to consolidate and organize their violence better.

So your deed is void.

Again, I have nothing to do with anyone named "HuffPost". So your Composition Fallacy is void.
OK, I change my statement.

Leftists don't condemn Trump haters or Bernie fans except an anonymous user on USMB who condemned them by going out on a limb by changing his avatar to the LSU logo.

It'll need more work.

First off I'm a Liberal not a "leftist", second I DO NOT "condemn Rump haters or Bernie fans" and I defy you to find any evidence thereof; thirdly I'm not "anonymous" -- my name, which I've never changed, appears on every post; all of which I stand by; and fourth I publicly stated I was doing so, fully aware that, just as I am not "HuffPost" but an individual, I can only act on my own behalf and that act has no relationship to anybody else, all the juvenile simplistic Composition/Association Fallacies in the world notwithstanding.

Will there be anything else today? Because I'll tell ya, I have a truckload of Bitchslap unloading right now and I'll be happy to open up a fresh case for ya.
So specific groups must be condemned but only if white.

Once again, I mentioned nothing about anything "white". I did post a picture of an Orange-American unloading a truck. That box in his tiny hands contains a can of Whoopass, and you just got a free sample.

Tell ya what, if you order within the next five minutes I'll throw in a tube of Boudreaux's Butthurt Paste to make it all better.
So how long have you had the delusion every OP is about you?
So, supporting the NRA makes one deserve to be shot? And as to the gay woman reference... not sure where you are going with that.

There were hundreds of cases where crazy people went out there with guns and shot up movie-goers, school children, even one of SKKKalise fellow congressmen. And every time sensible people tried to make it harder for crazy people to get guns, Congressman SKKKalise was out there voting against even the most sensible gun control.

So he doesn't get a lot of sympathy when one of the crazy people shoots him. He had plenty of opportunties to keep crazy people from getting guns. More than the preschoolers shot at Sandy Hook did. More than the three UPS workers shot that same day by another crazy person with a gun.

The Ironic thing is that while he spent most of his career voting against civil and gay rights, even once speaking to a Klan Affiliated group, his life was saved by a black gay woman.

Yeah, and in all those cases Obama was in charge, and all the shooters were unstable liberals and democrats.
First off, I know Steve, we went to HS together. I know him to be a very reasonable man. As for the KKK group, he did not know of any affiliation at the time or he would have cancelled. As for his opposition to gay marriage, he is very Catholic.

Okay, couple of point here.

Being Catholic makes homophobia okay then? I find this amusing, but the RCC's position of having gay clergy tell the rest of us how bad being gay was is a little silly.

It was kind of his job to find out who he was speaking to. Come on, the group was led by David Duke. Are you saying a prominent politician from your state didn't know Duke was affialiated with Nazi and Klan groups?

Third- "reasonable" or not, Scalise opposed every gun bill that has ever come down. So he doesn't get a lot of sympathy when a crazy person with a gun shoots him.

Not supporting/believing in gay marriage doesn't mean your scared of homosexuals. I assure you, he would not have spoken to the group had he know... engagement was booked by a staffer.
Not a Democrat in office who at one time didn't say marriage is between a man and woman.
I dunno about any "Democrats" but when Steve Scalise was shot I changed my avatar to an LSU logo (a school I have no connection with) in solidarity for his recovery, having read that both Congressional baseball teams were going to take a similar step. I kept that avatar until his condition improved and posted regular updates on his condition.

Grampa Murked U tried to float a turd-post with this same selective-memory fallacy you just used. I pointed out the same thing there. He ran away.
And the day after the shooting a HuffPost journalist said the left needs to consolidate and organize their violence better.

So your deed is void.

Again, I have nothing to do with anyone named "HuffPost". So your Composition Fallacy is void.
OK, I change my statement.

Leftists don't condemn Trump haters or Bernie fans except an anonymous user on USMB who condemned them by going out on a limb by changing his avatar to the LSU logo.

It'll need more work.

First off I'm a Liberal not a "leftist", second I DO NOT "condemn Rump haters or Bernie fans" and I defy you to find any evidence thereof; thirdly I'm not "anonymous" -- my name, which I've never changed, appears on every post; all of which I stand by; and fourth I publicly stated I was doing so, fully aware that, just as I am not "HuffPost" but an individual, I can only act on my own behalf and that act has no relationship to anybody else, all the juvenile simplistic Composition/Association Fallacies in the world notwithstanding.

Will there be anything else today? Because I'll tell ya, I have a truckload of Bitchslap unloading right now and I'll be happy to open up a fresh case for ya.

Matter of fact here's my underpaid worker-of-color unloading that truck right now.............


First off, I know Steve, we went to HS together. I know him to be a very reasonable man. As for the KKK group, he did not know of any affiliation at the time or he would have cancelled. As for his opposition to gay marriage, he is very Catholic.

Okay, couple of point here.

Being Catholic makes homophobia okay then? I find this amusing, but the RCC's position of having gay clergy tell the rest of us how bad being gay was is a little silly.

It was kind of his job to find out who he was speaking to. Come on, the group was led by David Duke. Are you saying a prominent politician from your state didn't know Duke was affialiated with Nazi and Klan groups?

Third- "reasonable" or not, Scalise opposed every gun bill that has ever come down. So he doesn't get a lot of sympathy when a crazy person with a gun shoots him.

Not supporting/believing in gay marriage doesn't mean your scared of homosexuals. I assure you, he would not have spoken to the group had he know... engagement was booked by a staffer.
Not a Democrat in office who at one time didn't say marriage is between a man and woman.

Lol, yep, but I give A nod to bammy, he at least explained why he changed his mind. These guys couldn't tell you why they believe what they do. Not even creative enough to lie about it.
You did nothing but continue to demonstrate what a hateful, bitter neglected little critter you are. Don't need to rethink my life at all. You might though. You spend to much time blaming others for all your failures. You are weak joe.

I wasn't asking you to rethink your life. That was a lost cause when they forgot to teach you how to spell.

I was saying - and yes, pay attention here - that Congressman Scalise was shot by someone who he enabled, and saved by someone he tried to oppress. That kind of makes him an awful person if he doesn't rethink his life.

But don't worry, he won't.

I know what you are saying and that you only say it on message boards because by your own admission eyou are an under acheaver and you are mad about it. USMB is the only place you can get a hug. Won't adress the other stuff as it's nothing but hatred. The exact same stuff that went on this weekend.
Not supporting/believing in gay marriage doesn't mean your scared of homosexuals.

yeah, it kind of does. In fact, I am amazed on the irrational fear a lot of you have on this issue.

Here's the thing. I'm a straight guy. When they made gay marriage legal, do you know how much that changed my life. Not at all. Not one little bit. But here is Scalise and a lot of other homophobes living in ABSOLUTE HORROR THAT GAYS CAN GET MARRIED.

And a gay woman ignored all that hate and did her duty and protected his life from a nut with a gun.
I know what you are saying and that you only say it on message boards because by your own admission eyou are an under acheaver and you are mad about it. USMB is the only place you can get a hug. Won't adress the other stuff as it's nothing but hatred. The exact same stuff that went on this weekend.

Dude, I can promise you, I've accomplished more than you ever will. I can also spell "underachiever", a skill that seems to have eluded you in whatever home school you attended.

All that said, what happened that day was crazy person with a gun did something crazy. Which happens 33,000 times a year in this country, crazy people with guns kill themselves or others, and guys like Scalise are too enthralled to the NRA to do anything about it.
Not a Democrat in office who at one time didn't say marriage is between a man and woman.

yes, they did. But you see, a funny thing happened... We actually DISCUSSED the issue.

And we found that most arguments against gay marriage boil down to "I think it's icky" and "My imaginary friend in the sky says it's bad". Democrats were wise enough to see those weren't valid arguments. Republicans said, "Fuck, those are stupid arguments, but as long as it distracts the rubes from how bad the One Percent are fucking them over, I'm good."
I know what you are saying and that you only say it on message boards because by your own admission eyou are an under acheaver and you are mad about it. USMB is the only place you can get a hug. Won't adress the other stuff as it's nothing but hatred. The exact same stuff that went on this weekend.

Dude, I can promise you, I've accomplished more than you ever will. I can also spell "underachiever", a skill that seems to have eluded you in whatever home school you attended.

All that said, what happened that day was crazy person with a gun did something crazy. Which happens 33,000 times a year in this country, crazy people with guns kill themselves or others, and guys like Scalise are too enthralled to the NRA to do anything about it.

Lol, not even close. You claim other people's ideas and experiences as yours. See, you are inherently dishonest. This is why everyone made fun of you when you claimed you were a writer. Had you been as successful as you say you would have no issue ignoring me. No, you need the attention. I feel alittle sorry for you.
Not a Democrat in office who at one time didn't say marriage is between a man and woman.

yes, they did. But you see, a funny thing happened... We actually DISCUSSED the issue.

And we found that most arguments against gay marriage boil down to "I think it's icky" and "My imaginary friend in the sky says it's bad". Democrats were wise enough to see those weren't valid arguments. Republicans said, "Fuck, those are stupid arguments, but as long as it distracts the rubes from how bad the One Percent are fucking them over, I'm good."

More lies.
Not a Democrat in office who at one time didn't say marriage is between a man and woman.

yes, they did. But you see, a funny thing happened... We actually DISCUSSED the issue.

And we found that most arguments against gay marriage boil down to "I think it's icky" and "My imaginary friend in the sky says it's bad". Democrats were wise enough to see those weren't valid arguments. Republicans said, "Fuck, those are stupid arguments, but as long as it distracts the rubes from how bad the One Percent are fucking them over, I'm good."
Only insane people think there is no difference between male and female.

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