Zone1 Scams Defrauding the Vulnerable and Stupid Make my Blood Boil

The Christians tend to just grab the money for themselves. They make private insurance look good. They make the government look stellar.

Anything labeled something like "Health Care Sharing Ministry" is a scam. They charge cheaper rates, because they'll never pay anything out. They always have an excuse, and because they're technically not insurance, they can get away with it.
You don't know what you're talking about regarding Christian health co-ops. I've been a member of Samaritan Ministries for 10 years I had a major knee operation (ruptured quadriceps tendon). I paid ZERO from start to finish. PT 40 sessions paid ZERO. You won't find a single negative story even in the leftwing media about Samaritan.
Nothing makes my blood boil more than people trying to scam the vulnerable and stupid.
You don't need a plan. Just repeal 0bamacare, and revert back to the private sector with charity picking up the uninsurable. It's the best, cheapest, and most Christian way to handle it.
Best? You have a very short memory. We had millions uninsured and those with pre-existing conditions couldn't get coverage so if you needed care you went to the emergency room. If you lost your job and healthcare, insurance was unaffordable and I don't recall charity shouldering the burden. He have lousy healthcare but it was worse before Obamacare.

But you're right in including 0bamacare as a scam, almost as big as the 2020 stolen election. I despise scams of all kinds.
You calling them 'scams' makes you the scammer.
Meanwhile, there seems to be no end to the line of double-dealing sellout "republicans", who are either out in the open of their support for her, or tacitly in agreement with their silence.
I suspect there really aren't all that many. But the MSM sure likes to play up the well known ones who defect and make it look like a trend or many.
Best? You have a very short memory. We had millions uninsured and those with pre-existing conditions couldn't get coverage so if you needed care you went to the emergency room. If you lost your job and healthcare, insurance was unaffordable and I don't recall charity shouldering the burden. He have lousy healthcare but it was worse before Obamacare.
Covering pre-existing conditions isn't insurance; it's welfare. What we need is a Samaritan Ministries model where people send payments directly to others. Everyone must pay their share each month or else get kicked out of the system. Those out of the system would then be connected to those who wanted to donate. It's a great system that works and would work. Government not needed at all. No more graft. No more big piles of money. No fraud. Just like Samaritan Ministries.

You calling them 'scams' makes you the scammer.
Gullible people believe the Alzheimer's patient got 81 million votes, by far the most in American history.
You don't need a plan. Just repeal 0bamacare, and revert back to the private sector with charity picking up the uninsurable. It's the best, cheapest, and most Christian way to handle it.
But you're right in including 0bamacare as a scam, almost as big as the 2020 stolen election. I despise scams of all kinds.
Crazed desert religion charity is not a health care system.
Covering pre-existing conditions isn't insurance; it's welfare. What we need is a Samaritan Ministries model where people send payments directly to others. Everyone must pay their share each month or else get kicked out of the system. Those out of the system would then be connected to those who wanted to donate. It's a great system that works and would work. Government not needed at all. No more graft. No more big piles of money. No fraud. Just like Samaritan Ministries.

Gullible people believe the Alzheimer's patient got 81 million votes, by far the most in American history.
No, gullible people believe he didn't.
Covering pre-existing conditions isn't insurance; it's welfare. What we need is a Samaritan Ministries model where people send payments directly to others. Everyone must pay their share each month or else get kicked out of the system. Those out of the system would then be connected to those who wanted to donate. It's a great system that works and would work. Government not needed at all. No more graft. No more big piles of money. No fraud. Just like Samaritan Ministries.
Interesting model. If I moved into town I could just join up and pay my monthly dues? What if I was a diabetic and needed expensive care and meds, would I still be covered? If I needed a heart transplant would the system pay for it?

Gullible people believe the Alzheimer's patient got 81 million votes, by far the most in American history.
Rational people know that those 81 million people voted against Trump. Whatever you think of Trump, you have to admit he motivates people.
Interesting model. If I moved into town I could just join up and pay my monthly dues? What if I was a diabetic and needed expensive care and meds, would I still be covered? If I needed a heart transplant would the system pay for it?
Heart transplant yes. Diabetes no. Meds no. Those would have to go to the charity arm, much as Samaritan does with those not qualified
Rational people know that those 81 million people voted against Trump. Whatever you think of Trump, you have to admit he motivates people.
The only problem with that analysis is Trump got 75 million votes, the actual most votes in American history.
Heart transplant yes. Diabetes no. Meds no. Those would have to go to the charity arm, much as Samaritan does with those not qualified

The only problem with that analysis is Trump got 75 million votes, the actual most votes in American history.
He received only 74.1 million. Far less than Biden received at 81.4 million.

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