Why are civilians being told not to help in hurricane relief?

Most of the efforts have been in areas in which no FEMA personnel can be found. Hundreds without food and water for days now have been rescued and helped by these private initiatives. If any are interfering with FEMA operations they can be asked to direct their efforts elsewhere, but there is zero reason for FEMA to refuse the help.
There is a lot of help on the ground. Water service is the main issue. Electricity is nearly fully restored. No one is dying of starvation. Water is being handed out at shelters and in authorized locations. Home delivery is happening and even homeless are receiving support.
To me it is incomprehensible. Buttigieg has apparently stopped all civilian airplanes, helicopters and drones from being able to help with the hurricane search, rescue or help restore the supply chain. And now they're apparently stopping Elon Musk/Trump from helping provide communications with Starlink. How in the world does a good government stop good people from stepping up to help? For what purpose?

The FEMA website gushes glowing reports of all the wonderful and effective work they are doing in the Hurricane relief even as Mayorkas said FEMA is out of money--at least until he was instructed to stop saying it--while those on the ground on Day 8 after the hurricane first hit say they haven't seen FEMA personnel anywhere and the body count continues to pile up. Would the government lie on their FEMA website?

So what's going on? What is the Administration trying to hide? From the outside it looks like they are desperate to hide their incompetence, ineffectiveness and downright malfeasance in carrying out their responsibilities.

rural areas were most impacted .. look at the election map for NC for the 2020 election .
Most of the efforts have been in areas in which no FEMA personnel can be found. Hundreds without food and water for days now have been rescued and helped by these private initiatives. If any are interfering with FEMA operations they can be asked to direct their efforts elsewhere, but there is zero reason for FEMA to disallow the help.
You'll have to cite sources for this. I have a feeling all of them will be alt-right sources.
From what I've seen, the response on the ground was swift..and appropriate.
The thing is they raided the FEMA funds to process, provide transportation and healthcare, housing, food, cash to millions of migrants that should never have been allowed to be here and now got caught with egg on their faces when those funds are needed to help Americans.

The DEI policies forced on them like in all the rest of Biden's administration and Kamala's insistence that there be equity in disaster distribution meaning some demographics would receive FEMA help ahead of others regardless of immediate emergency certainly hasn't helped anything.

But passing out those $750 checks to desperate people who lost everything to the hurricane and aftermath was an absolute insult considering the average allocation per illegal migrant is $9,000

It has only been a week and look how horribly govt is failing those in need and this is only one little area in the entire US. I don't even want to imagine the govt response if we were to be hit by nukes or an 8 magnitude fault along the new madrid line.
Because they'll clog up the search and relief efforts. It ain't helping....if you're just getting in the way. The sentiment is nice but it's just a hinderance. Think the civilians hunting the shark in small boats in "Jaws". :)
Send money, send provisions (if asked).
They ARE the search and relief efforts
This is extremely remote and not busy airspace
About one aurcraft per hour in the air. Entirely safe. The “danger” is lib loon projection in order to thwart rescue efforts
It has only been a week and look how horribly govt is failing those in need and this is only one little area in the entire US. I don't even want to imagine the govt response if we were to be hit by nukes or an 8 magnitude fault along the new madrid line.
It's not "failure"...It's deliberate neglect.
There is a lot of help on the ground. Water service is the main issue. Electricity is nearly fully restored. No one is dying of starvation. Water is being handed out at shelters and in authorized locations. Home delivery is happening and even homeless are receiving support.
Not according to the people I see being interviewed on TV as recently as last night.
rural areas were most impacted .. look at the election map for NC for the 2020 election .
And the civilian relief efforts were in no way interfering with FEMA in those areas. It very much looks like FEMA wants all the credit for any relief efforts done and think other citizens helping out make them look bad? Ego should not be an issue here. Wherever the help comes from, those in desperate need of help should get it.
My wife's cousin (FEMA Contractor) deployed a few days back to Ashville and the wife just heard from him.

He said that they can't get anywhere near the people that really need the help due to downed bridges.

He's pretty much just handing out FKH's $750.00 vouchers working out of and sleeping in a FEMA trailer they towed in, he's my age now so he does not do the heavy lifting anymore.

If it's like the other disasters he went to he always said the locals do a better job on the ground than FEMA ever hoped to.

I know some here won't like this but he also said the difference is like night and day dealing with whites rather than blacks.....They tend to do shit themselves when provided the resources to work with.
You'll have to cite sources for this. I have a feeling all of them will be alt-right sources.
From what I've seen, the response on the ground was swift..and appropriate.
My sources are those I am watching and listening to. You have ONE source to dispute it and that is FEMA itself that so far does not seem to be justifying their glowing reports about themselves on their website. And the Democrat propaganda machine which is most of the MSM is dutifully reporting whatever FEMA tells them to report.

If this was the Trump Administration instead of the Biden Admnistration, the media and people like you would be condemning the slow and incompetent response thorough not to mention draining FEMA financial resources to support tens of millions of illegals they have allowed into the country.
Here we have a clear example MAGA MAGGOT HYPOCRISY.

All those pregnant mothers, in need vital services are not receiving that aid because dickless Mike Johnson won't on relief aid. Fuck Off MAGA MAGGOTS, putting the unborn in danger because YOUR FUCKING POLITICS.
Here we have a clear example MAGA MAGGOT HYPOCRISY.

All those pregnant mothers, in need vital services are not receiving that aid because dickless Mike Johnson won't on relief aid. Fuck Off MAGA MAGGOTS, putting the unborn in danger because YOUR FUCKING POLITICS.

You need some serious help.
Because they'll clog up the search and relief efforts. It ain't helping....if you're just getting in the way. The sentiment is nice but it's just a hinderance. Think the civilians hunting the shark in small boats in "Jaws". :)
Send money, send provisions (if asked).
How can your premise be correct when it's day seven of this disaster and FEMA or military assistance has just begun to respond.
The stench of death permeates area and people are in dire need of water, shelter and food.
This is worse than Katrina and Sandy combined.
There could have been more immediate assistance given to the victims of Hurricane Helene,
The question I ask is why hasn't the gov't initially made air drops to those isolated areas by impassable roads?
Where are the army's Chinooks' and Black Hawks from Ft. Liberty or Georgia to help these victims?
Why has the gov't slow walk any and all assistance?
Here we have a clear example MAGA MAGGOT HYPOCRISY.

All those pregnant mothers, in need vital services are not receiving that aid because dickless Mike Johnson won't on relief aid. Fuck Off MAGA MAGGOTS, putting the unborn in danger because YOUR FUCKING POLITICS.
You're one of those that lambasted Bush '43' during Katrina and applauded Obama during Sandy.
Your partisan ideological attitude is well taken.
FEMA has preferred vendors that want to get the rescue relief revenue. They do not want private citizens providing free relief to victims.

It is messed up that government is stopping YOU from providing rescue and relief to those in peril. Really messed up.
There is a lot of help on the ground. Water service is the main issue. Electricity is nearly fully restored. No one is dying of starvation. Water is being handed out at shelters and in authorized locations. Home delivery is happening and even homeless are receiving support.
Really?.... That is due to people that have volunteered to help these people. Samaratin's Purse, Gagin Navy, Red Cross, The Blaze, etc,.
FEMA and the Military are late to the party..
We have to thank Biden/Harris, Mayorkas and Austin for the late reaction to disaster.
Can anyone imagine how this group would react if there was an attack, terrorist or from a enemy country?
Biden on the beach, Harris too busy sorting her word salads , Mayorkas crying that he spent all the money on his open border, illegal Alien project, and Austin pushing DEI in the military and sucking up to Biden.
To me it is incomprehensible. Buttigieg has apparently stopped all civilian airplanes, helicopters and drones from being able to help with the hurricane search, rescue or help restore the supply chain. And now they're apparently stopping Elon Musk/Trump from helping provide communications with Starlink. How in the world does a good government stop good people from stepping up to help? For what purpose?

The FEMA website gushes glowing reports of all the wonderful and effective work they are doing in the Hurricane relief even as Mayorkas said FEMA is out of money--at least until he was instructed to stop saying it--while those on the ground on Day 8 after the hurricane first hit say they haven't seen FEMA personnel anywhere and the body count continues to pile up. Would the government lie on their FEMA website?

So what's going on? What is the Administration trying to hide? From the outside it looks like they are desperate to hide their incompetence, ineffectiveness and downright malfeasance in carrying out their responsibilities.

Your kinds stupidity knows no bounds.
Still more moronic postings. Here is a good source of what is happening on the ground.

That was a county going into high disaster relief gear and was posted on September 25.
Your kinds stupidity knows no bounds.
Your opinion is noted. Now are you just maliciously trolling or do you have something to contribute here?

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