Leaving Trump..........Election-wise. Tide is clearly TURNING!

In what way did Trump handle the pandemic that caused more infection to occur? The truth is that the shut downs were a bad idea that caused more harm than they did good. Trump went along with the recommendations of Anthony Fauci for Covid policy which was understandable because at the onset of the pandemic Fauci was viewed as the EXPERT on the subject! It took awhile for everyone to figure out that Saint Tony cared more about his own celebrity that he did about the general public.
If you TRULY want to know what Trump did wrong, watch this video. It is not political. It is a guideline of events that will show you exactly what Trump did and did not due that caused so many problems that led to the problems I have been talking about

With all due respect, Larry Summers was not being a "Monday Morning Quarterback" when he issued those warnings...he was stating that BEFORE inflation went crazy! His point...which made absolute sense...was that pumping another trillion dollars in government spending into an economy that hadn't yet gotten the second stimulus money delivered while at the same time the Fed pledged to keep interest rates extremely low for the next three years was bad fiscal policy.

Caring about people doesn't make bad policy better, Lucky and it's totally fair to criticize Biden for the decisions he made!
No, I did not say that. I said YOU and the critics of Biden are being Monday Morning quaterbacks/
I didn’t make that claim. Inflation happened due to 2 reasons. 1) Labor shortage 2) Supply shortages

One could argue the country was utterly unprepared by the Trump administration to handle those two issues but no country was really.
You left out one of the main drivers of inflation, Gator! Too much spending. You know, like the Biden/Harris administration did?
You left out one of the main drivers of inflation, Gator! Too much spending. You know, like the Biden/Harris administration did?
That wasn’t any of the issue. How spending drives inflation is by making people buy too much. Guess what? Five years later we still aren’t selling as many cars or houses as 2019. It’s not demand. It’s supply. There will be a quiz.
That wasn’t any of the issue. How spending drives inflation is by making people buy too much. Guess what? Five years later we still aren’t selling as many cars or houses as 2019. It’s not demand. It’s supply. There will be a quiz.
It's there's more money now than there was, because they printed it. And now it's worth less.
It's there's more money now than there was, because they printed it. And now it's worth less.
That’s not how it works. If people have more money they spend more money and buy more stuff. They didn’t buy more stuff. They bought less stuff. Why? Because there was less stuff to buy.

If free money was being handed out I sure missed that train. Covid stimulus replaced lost gdp. It didn’t add to it.

Car sales… where’s all the demand from free money?/?
That wasn’t any of the issue. How spending drives inflation is by making people buy too much. Guess what? Five years later we still aren’t selling as many cars or houses as 2019. It’s not demand. It’s supply. There will be a quiz.
Never took Macro Economics...did you, Gator?
So anyone that criticizes Biden's failed fiscal policies is being a Monday Morning Quarterback? Convenient, Lucky!
Are you dense? We are talking about ONE specific event, not about his fiscal policies!

Let me say that I am not a Biden or Harris fan. That is not to say that I am against them.......I am not. Nonetheless, I do think there are better candidates in the Democrat party. I would be enthusiastic if Bloomberg was the nominee.

Having said that. I would vote for anyone that ran against Trump.
You left out one of the main drivers of inflation, Gator! Too much spending. You know, like the Biden/Harris administration did?
Too much spending? You are being hypocritical.

Here is a fact.

Trump oversaw an increase in the debt of almost $2 trillion per year. President Joe Biden has overseen the addition of almost $1.6 trillion per year in his two-and-one-third years in office, which ranks second. In third place is Obama, who presided over the addition of nearly $1.2 trillion a year.
I hate to break this to you but Trump is gaining support among union workers...blacks...young males and Hispanics. All of these groups are moving to Trump because the Biden/Harris Administration has been punishing lower income workers with inflation. They remember how much better it was only four years ago and want a return to that. They know Kamala Harris is just going to be more of the same crap they've seen under Biden and they want nothing to do with it!
Just a 2-3% bump in any of those demographics and Trump wins in a landslide. The big jump in Hispanic support should be a BIG red flag. But most Dems just keep their heads in the sand and ignore what's actually happening.
That's not true. I live in western NC and people have been very pleased with the response. My son and brother were both displaced. It was a disaster so no one is happy with the mess but the response has been tremendous. The trolls on twitter acting like everyone is dying are trolls.
Hey stupid, Harris is trailing and just LOST those two states because of her and the senile potato's pathetic response. People aren't dying? Damn you're dumber than we knew you were.
A few low-IQ "celebrity" endorsements isn't a trend. It's sycophants doing what they do, and they know you're too dumb to see the difference.

One intelligent man said that celebrity endorsements are stupid. They don't realize that all they'll do is split their fan base and lose support themselves. See the Swifties For Trump group that is making Taylor Swiftless lose what little mind she had.
Too much spending? You are being hypocritical.

Here is a fact.

Trump oversaw an increase in the debt of almost $2 trillion per year. President Joe Biden has overseen the addition of almost $1.6 trillion per year in his two-and-one-third years in office, which ranks second. In third place is Obama, who presided over the addition of nearly $1.2 trillion a year.
The Trump increase was mostly due to Covid, Lucky.
Joe Biden has been in office 3 1/2 years and he's been spending money like we're still IN Covid!
Last week Kamala was up 4 points in MI... today its tied... 4 points in one week... so I'm not sure where you are getting your news from but its inaccurate.....
Those stupid statements she made about the Iran-Israel situation just cost her Michigan. Michigan and Pennsylvania go to Trump and it'll be over early.

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