SCANDAL: Clunton-Lynch Tarmac Meeting Documents Found

...what kind of documents could exist pertaining to their discussion about GRANDKIDS, huh, snowflakes?

Judicial Watch says FBI has found Clinton-Lynch tarmac meeting documents

"We won’t know what’s in them until we see them, unfortunately,” Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton told Fox News in an email Friday. “The fact they just ‘found’ them is yet another scandal.”

The FBI initially did not find any documents or records related to the tarmac meeting, according to an FBI letter reviewed by Fox News, but in a related case this summer, the Justice Department recovered email correspondence regarding the meeting.

“Upon further review, we subsequently determined potentially responsive documents may exist,” the FBI wrote to Judicial Watch in a letter on Aug. 10. The FBI wrote that the request had been “reopened” and is “currently in the process of searching for any responsive material.

This should have tipped you off immediately---:badgrin:

CONSERVATIVE judicial watch dog group SAYS:


But Comey did use a fake Russian document in his attack on Hillary Clinton.

"Former FBI Director James Comey may have felt he had to go public with his decision not to charge Hillary Clinton in the investigation into her private email server because of a Russian intelligence document that appeared to show the Justice Department telling the Clinton camp that they would not push too hard in that case.

The Russian document may be a fake, but at the time, it may have convinced Comey to go public with his decision not to pursue charges, in order to make it clear that he, and not the Justice Department, was making the call.

The Washington Post reported Wednesday the FBI received a Russian document that mentioned a supposed email between then-Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Leonard Benardo, an official at the Open Society Foundations, which was founded by George Soros.

In the email, Wasserman Schultz told Benardo that then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch told a top Clinton campaign aide that she wouldn't allow the investigation to go too deep."
James Comey used possibly fake Russian document to justify Clinton press conference: Report
A dubious Russian document may have swayed former FBI Director Comey's treatment of the Clinton email probe

It's been proven that this document was a Russian fake document.


So if your CONSERVATIVE judicial watch dog group comes up with 30 documents regarding a PRIVATE meeting between Loretta Lynch and Bill Clinton (on the tamarac of an airport) :badgrin:--you can probably bet they came from RUSSIA.

Oh, it was a "PRIVATE" meeting, Oreo? So that makes it OK? Unless you're a complete idiot you know EXACTLY what was discussed in that "PRIVATE" meeting and it sure as hell wasn't grandkids! Does the term "obstruction of justice" mean anything to you?
prove what they talked about.

I agree that Bill Clinton made a yuuuge mistake by talking to Loretta Lynch on a tamarac in an airport. But there's not any 30 documents associated with it---which is what the author of this opt is trying to say--:badgrin: There is no way to prove what they talked about.

If there are documents--they came from Russia. FOX NEWS has turned into nothing more than a Tabloid magazine and are currently under FEDERAL investigation over that Seth Rich FAKE story they were promoting.
Confusion, anger inside Fox News over lack of answers in network's Seth Rich probe
Lawsuit: Fox News concocted Seth Rich story with oversight from White House
Fox News Besieged by New Bias Lawsuit and Federal Inquiry

They should thoroughly check out these claims, instead of running a conspiracy theories news network. This one may end up in another law suit--and put FOX NEWS out of business once and for all.


Russians have done it before--scroll back to page 2 post # 22 and read the article with verifiable--trusted links attached.
How can you honestly know what is associated with it? You cant so you ape ulate to your chosen belief.
This is just another exposed example of the collusion and collaboration within the Obama Administration to protect Hillary Clinton from her crimes, from indictment, and from criminal charges in order for her to continue to run for president.

This is just a reminder that Hillary Clinton should never have been on the ballot on Election Day, that she should have been forced out of the race which is exactly what Democrats would have gone to any Republican in the same the situation.

This is just a reminder how none transparent the Obama Administration was, how crooked and illegal it was, and how Hillary Clinton should be in jail today.

And yet Trump has been in power lo these 9 months and still no investigation, no charges and no convictions for Hillary.

I realize this is your favourite obsession but Hillary is not going to jail. Not now, not ever. She has to commit a proveable crime first.
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The Left loved Comey for letting Hillary off, hated him for investigating emails on Weiner's laptop, then loved him again when he was fired by Trump.
Thirty pages is a whole lot of family photos....

Or everything will be so heavily redacted we won't be able to read shit accept the title bhahaah.
Why would they redact talk about children? That's all that took place afterall

Oh but of course there isn't anything to hide. It's all transparent no doubt. So transparent the truth being told goes right the fk over the zombies heads.

Nothing to see here. Old news.
We have a full blown political crisis here and the Trumpbots are all still trying to beat Hilary. Hillary was last year, your man is right now and he is sucking at his job. You people won the election, continuing to go after the loser is just sad. You should be paying attention to what your messiah is fucking up right now rather than going after a politically irrelevant has-been whose career is as dead as Elvis.
Let me see if I understand how this snowflakes have pushed investigations into a nonexistent "Russian collusion" for the better part of a year now...but when it's shown that the Clinton's actually DID collude with a sitting Attorney General of the United States to "fix" her want to move on? Too funny!
I want OP to actually pay attention to right now first and worry about the past second. Practically everything he posts sounds like the election has not even taken place yet. I don't care that there is an investigation into the Clinton but with everything going on right now I question OPs priorities when he is on here every day still fighting the election battle after it is over. All he knows is attack yet there is really not a lot to attack on the democrats right now, all the action is on the republican side. All of you need to switch to defending this shithead you inflicted on America. Beat up on Hillary after we avert WWIII.
So what if bill talked to her . He's an American, he can talk to whomever he wants .

Keep telling yourself that :






OH AND LOOK THE NASTY BITCH A KNOWN FEMIST PRICK who bashed Trump like the rest of everyone else in these pictures.

Act alike think alike.

Like we keep telling the leftards

Think alike
Act alike
and die hard supporters of those who brainwashed the pubic best Oh and look they all happen to play in the same Circles.

Clinton a known Rapist
Obama who supports a Rapist and sends his kid to learn from the Rapist Weinstein.............

Hmmm no inner circle connections going on here

Tom Keevers
This is just another exposed example of the collusion and collaboration within the Obama Administration to protect Hillary Clinton from her crimes, from indictment, and from criminal charges in order for her to continue to run for president.

This is just a reminder that Hillary Clinton should never have been on the ballot on Election Day, that she should have been forced out of the race which is exactly what Democrats would have gone to any Republican in the same the situation.

This is just a reminder how none transparent the Obama Administration was, how crooked and illegal it was, and how Hillary Clinton should be in jail today.

And yet Trump has been in power lo these 9 months and still no investigation, no charges and no convictions for Hillary.

I realize this is your favourite obsession but Hillary is not going to jail. Not now, not ever. She has to commit a proveable crime first.
I agree with you that Hillary will not go to jail. I never said she would.

The only lie being told now, though, is by snowflakes like you who continue to declare Hillary never committed a crime... despite the FBI having thousands of official emails she never turned in, each one a violation of US law.
We have a full blown political crisis here and the Trumpbots are all still trying to beat Hilary. Hillary was last year, your man is right now and he is sucking at his job. You people won the election, continuing to go after the loser is just sad. You should be paying attention to what your messiah is fucking up right now rather than going after a politically irrelevant has-been whose career is as dead as Elvis.

Would you, or some of you, gather together and inform Hillary Clinton that she was stomped in the Presidential election and NO ONE CARES TODAY WHICH IS THE EXCUSE OF THE DAY!

ONLY Hillary cares. She will care and have nightmares the rest of her life.

I wonder what they did with all those fireworks?
We have a full blown political crisis here and the Trumpbots are all still trying to beat Hilary. Hillary was last year, your man is right now and he is sucking at his job. You people won the election, continuing to go after the loser is just sad. You should be paying attention to what your messiah is fucking up right now rather than going after a politically irrelevant has-been whose career is as dead as Elvis.

Would you, or some of you, gather together and inform Hillary Clinton that she was stomped in the Presidential election and NO ONE CARES TODAY WHICH IS THE EXCUSE OF THE DAY!

ONLY Hillary cares. She will care and have nightmares the rest of her life.

I wonder what they did with all those fireworks?

She will care and have nightmares the rest of her life.

just the idea of that makes me smile a little
I hope the Democratic party runs her again in 2020 so we can give her one last nightmare...
So how many liberals on this board are intellectually dishonest enough to now still claim that the meeting between Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch was a by-chance meeting in which they discussed grandchildren?
So how many liberals on this board are intellectually dishonest enough to now still claim that the meeting between Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch was a by-chance meeting in which they discussed grandchildren?
No evidence of any wrongdoing except for piles of GOP hate character assassination propaganda b*******, super dupe.
No evidence of any wrongdoing except for piles of GOP hate character assassination propaganda b*******, super dupe.
Franco, nice rant, but you didn't step up to the plate.

I asked, after Thirty pages have been found regarding former President Clinton and former Attorney General Loretta Lynch's meeting that was supposed to be about grandkids, what liberals on this board, like yourself, are willing to step up and declare they still believe that was a by-chance meeting in which they discussed grandchildren.

I noticed you were unwilling to say you still believe that. So did everyone else.
I thought no meeting was ever even contemplated, until suddenly Bill noticed Loretta Lynch's plane on the tarmac near where his own would soon be. So he dropped in and they talked about their grandkids, then went their separate ways.

How could there be "documents"? Especially documents about BEFORE the meeting?
10 pages of grandchildren pictures, obviously.
When Bill met Lynch in this very very public place, Hillary had already been ruled out on any criminal was announced just 3 days later....

Very public place my foot. The only way we ever knew about the meeting is that an unknown journalist was at the airport and was suspicious. Neither plane had any markings identifying them as government planes. The journalist wrote down the tail numbers and checked out who were the owners and who was on board. Next thing, former President Bill Clinton is getting off one plane and quietly, with no press gaggle, boarding the plane now known as the one on which the Attorney General was riding.

After half an hour of negotiations, three days later, against all protocol instead of Loretta Lynch making a determination, Comey of the FBI makes the decision so as to not call attention to Lynch.

Progressives in deep, deep doo doo!

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