SCANDAL: Clunton-Lynch Tarmac Meeting Documents Found

I am still waiting for any snowflake on this board to step up and declare they still admit that the meeting between Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch was a by-chance meeting to discuss grandchildren...

I don't think there will be any takers... even Democrats are willing to go only so far and their delusions and denial...
Absolutely, nobody thinks there's any problem including the New York Times BBC PBS Reuters you name it... Just the usual lying cheating bought off FOS GOP propaganda machine.
Ah, the mythical 'vast right-wing conspiracy' ...

Turns out it only takes five or six billionaires with fake news outlets and the stupidest people in the modern world, You.
You sounded like the Ghost Rider for Hillary's book, 'This is all the people I blame for losing the election'.
Same reason that the country has been going to hell for 35 years along with the middle class, brainwashed functional moron... Your party is the world's laughing-stock and horror.
What exactly are the crimes that all this conspiracy is covering up super dupes? LOL
Watchdog: FBI Has Found 30 Pages Of Docs Relating To Clinton-Lynch Tarmac Meeting

Judicial Watch, a conservative watchdog group, announced that the FBI has found 30 pages of documents concerning the 2016 tarmac meeting between former President Bill Clinton and former Attorney General Loretta Lynch.


The crooks that leftist retards love to support. Why because they think like them, act like them , want to control people like them. Yeah these are ANTI AMERICAN LEFTIST retard heroes.

Ever notice these same pos losers are the same ones who think Hollywood pedophiles is all just a conspiracy they enjoy supporting it all that's why leftist losers deny it all.

Ever notice these are the same assholes who do nothing but bash Trump act alike think alike.

Ever notice how the Russian troll farmers are batshit crazy over Hillary Clinton?

Trump is the problem now boys. You got what you wanted. Too bad he's too stupid to not get caught. Trump is way out of his depth here and it shows in everything he says and does.

It will take the US years to recover from this debacle.
What exactly are the crimes that all this conspiracy is covering up super dupes? LOL
You do realize that the Attorney General overseeing the multiple FBI investigations of Hillary Clinton meeting secretly with her husband alone on board a plane in the midst of the investigation is at the very least highly unethical, according to many reported Democrat attorney-general's across the country.

According to CNN reporting at the time, several Democratic party attorney general's stated they believed that Loretta Lynch should have had to excuse herself from the entire Hillary Clinton investigation.
Watchdog: FBI Has Found 30 Pages Of Docs Relating To Clinton-Lynch Tarmac Meeting

Judicial Watch, a conservative watchdog group, announced that the FBI has found 30 pages of documents concerning the 2016 tarmac meeting between former President Bill Clinton and former Attorney General Loretta Lynch.


The crooks that leftist retards love to support. Why because they think like them, act like them , want to control people like them. Yeah these are ANTI AMERICAN LEFTIST retard heroes.

Ever notice these same pos losers are the same ones who think Hollywood pedophiles is all just a conspiracy they enjoy supporting it all that's why leftist losers deny it all.

Ever notice these are the same assholes who do nothing but bash Trump act alike think alike.

Ever notice how the Russian troll farmers are batshit crazy over Hillary Clinton?

Trump is the problem now boys. You got what you wanted. Too bad he's too stupid to not get caught. Trump is way out of his depth here and it shows in everything he says and does.

It will take the US years to recover from this debacle.
President Trump just eliminated three of former president Barack Obama's unconstitutional and illegal Acts, and snowflakes or wedding themselves and going crazy, just like they did the night Hillary lost the election.

Democrats have lost over 1000 elections, have lost the US House, have lost the US Senate, and have lost the White House - it will take the democrats' years to recover from this.

So Franko, you actually think Bill Clinton was flying across the country and just happened to hear that Loretta Lynch's plane was Park on a Tarmac several States over and decided that he would order his Pilot to fly out of the way to where Loretta Lynch was just so he could talk to her about his grandchildren?

So you think Bill Clinton, just by chance upon hearing Loretta Lynch was nearby he 'suddenly' became interested in talking to her about his grandchildren so much that he canceled whatever he was going to do, he ordered his secret service detail to contact her security detail to work out the specifics to allow him to meet with her alone on her plane... because talking to her about his grandkids required them to be alone on her plane?

So Franko, you actually believe that this split-second decision to go out of his way and interrupt her schedule to meet with Loretta Lynch to discuss his grandkids resulted in 30 pages of documents...?

And you believe that this sudden urge to talk to her about his grand kids in the middle of the unfolding multiple FBI investigation Scandal of his wife who was running for president is just simply a coincidence?


Snowflakes are some of the most intellectually dishonest, delusional, alternate reality accepting sheep I have ever seen in my life...
Maybe he stopped in so she could serve him coffee.
Watchdog: FBI Has Found 30 Pages Of Docs Relating To Clinton-Lynch Tarmac Meeting

Judicial Watch, a conservative watchdog group, announced that the FBI has found 30 pages of documents concerning the 2016 tarmac meeting between former President Bill Clinton and former Attorney General Loretta Lynch.


The crooks that leftist retards love to support. Why because they think like them, act like them , want to control people like them. Yeah these are ANTI AMERICAN LEFTIST retard heroes.

Ever notice these same pos losers are the same ones who think Hollywood pedophiles is all just a conspiracy they enjoy supporting it all that's why leftist losers deny it all.

Ever notice these are the same assholes who do nothing but bash Trump act alike think alike.

Ever notice how the Russian troll farmers are batshit crazy over Hillary Clinton?

Trump is the problem now boys. You got what you wanted. Too bad he's too stupid to not get caught. Trump is way out of his depth here and it shows in everything he says and does.

It will take the US years to recover from this debacle.

What's ironic, Dragon Lady is that Trump was who the liberal media wanted! They pushed HIM because they thought that he'd be the easiest for Hillary to beat! Then he turns around and wins the election and everyone on the left went into vapor lock because they couldn't believe Clinton wasn't electable!

It might very well take years for the far left in the US to recover from their miscalculation. You'd best pray that no more of the more liberal Supreme Court justices retire or die because THAT'S where Trump is going to make you pay for underestimating him!
looks like some more people are going to have to have mysterious deadly accidents


Do you have any idea how stupid and crazy you come off as...?

What in the world happened to you?
Why are you being so defensive of that stupid bitch? lol

because she doesn't any idea how stupid and crazy she comes off as defending the indefensible

wonder what in the world happened to her to defend such a offensive criminal as hillary
We have a full blown political crisis here and the Trumpbots are all still trying to beat Hilary. Hillary was last year, your man is right now and he is sucking at his job. You people won the election, continuing to go after the loser is just sad. You should be paying attention to what your messiah is fucking up right now rather than going after a politically irrelevant has-been whose career is as dead as Elvis.

Aw, the butthurt never ends, does it? Trump is doing exactly what we elected him to do. DRAIN the SWAMP known as Washington DC. Call out the rinos and corrupt dems who have been stealing from us for years, fix the messes created by 50 years of liberal ideology in DC from both parties, do away with the failed obamacare, cut taxes, make America business friendly again, help our allies and shut down our enemies, restore patriotism, call out the far left in Hollywood who have been destroying our morals and ethics.

You want us to stop talking about the hildebeast? Tell her to STFU and go away.


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