Scandinavian countries are not socialist. they're Nordic capitalist

Until the recent organized invasion of Europe of refugees from syria etc, those Nordic countries (all with higher density of white people than any place on earth) did not exactly have a problem with constant refugees from south America, nor did they have problems with gangs like MS 13 or Latin Kings or cryps or bloods etc.


And we wonder why things are happier there.
What makes it’s not socialism, is the fact that all but one of those countries is ranked higher in economic freedom than the US is.

Only Denmark is

List of countries by economic freedom - Wikipedia
I was referring to Obama era rankings when Bernie started gaining popularity. Either 2014 or 2015. And there might have actually been 2 the US was ahead of, I was going off the top of my head. Anyway, they’re all right up there with the US in economic freedom, not what you’d call socialist bastions. Since 2016, the trump administration has largely kept up its promise to reduce regulation. So it makes sense that we’d climb up a bit in the rankings.
They rely on a system known as Nordic capitalism (or the Nordic model). You can favor their method if you want, but at least take the time to learn about the system you're trying to evangelize.

Calling socialism by another name doesn't make it not socialism, Sport
They simply are not socialist countries, period.

They are liberal democracies with market economies.

In socialist countries the means of production and distribution of goods is controlled by the state.

Right, which is what they do. Government controls the economy. Have you worked over there? I have. You can't hire in the Netherlands, Belgium or Italy (places I've worked). The government requires you to adopt them. Government control over the economy and redistribution of wealth is massive. Their economies are centrally controlled. That is socialism
They rely on a system known as Nordic capitalism (or the Nordic model). You can favor their method if you want, but at least take the time to learn about the system you're trying to evangelize.

Calling socialism by another name doesn't make it not socialism, Sport
What makes it’s not socialism, is the fact that all but one of those countries is ranked higher in economic freedom than the US is. Meaning they practice capitalistic free markets more than the US. They have bigger social programs than the US does (ratio to population wise), and their taxes are higher than the US. The US has big social programs too, like social security, Medicare, Medicaid, that doesn’t make us socialist either. The Nordic countries that Bernie and AOC point too as examples are far cry’s from what Bernie and AOC are publicly saying they want to implement. You should probably learn what socialism actually is before hailing it as the best system ever, and pointing at freer market capitalist countries as your proof. Whoops.

That's just moronic Marxist rhetoric. Sure, Sport. The bourgeois are oppressing the proletariat. Workers of the world unite!

I think my favorite stupid Marxist trick is when you claim that socialism is more capitalist than capitalism! Yeah, right

What planet do you live on? This has to be one of the most bizarre responses I have ever seen. Hey everyone, PSA, the people who make posts like this are the same that want socialism. Marx said socialism is just a stepping stone to do you know who Marx is? Marx is for socialism, I’m just dumbfounded by this post. None of those Nordic countries will tell you they are socialist countries, they will all say we are capitalist countries. Why, because they are capitalist countries. A socialist country would be one like Venezuela or Cuba. Not so pretty. Once again, they have larger social programs than the US does. The US also has social programs. There is a difference between social programs, and socialism. What Bernie and AOC call for is what we see in Venezuela and Cuba, except they bait and switch Cuba and Venezuela with Nordic countries as examples of “democratic socialism.” The Nordic countries are not “democratic socialist” countries. In fact Vladimir Lenin coined the term that he’s a democratic socialist when he began the “glorious revolution” as not to scare people away from him being a full blown communist.

Socialists countries are centrally controlled economies. That's what the Western Europeans have. Particularly the Scandinavians. The Scandinavians are tiny countries with massive oil money. That's the only model where socialist countries don't go broke. The rest of Western Europe is in endless economic malaise

And yeah, socialists argue libertarian. You're a bizarre little guy
They rely on a system known as Nordic capitalism (or the Nordic model). You can favor their method if you want, but at least take the time to learn about the system you're trying to evangelize.

Calling socialism by another name doesn't make it not socialism, Sport

If you give it another name then you do not have to admit there are countries where socialism is succeeding currently.
Yea, proposing plans that cost 10 trillion more than the amount of money circulating across the globe is a great idea.

America might be ready for democratic socialism. It’s not ready for the bill.

Before you try an ad hominem attack, Vox is about as left leaning as they come...

Non sequitur much?

Just because I can admit something is working in a different country does not mean I want to do it here. Partisanship makes people so damn illogical.

I can admit that the Paleo diet seems to work for people without wanting to do it for myself.

But I am glad to see you chose a source that matches your political leaning
Oh god...again the people calling for socialism are the ones who don’t even know what socialism is. You can’t point to a pelican flying and say “see told you pigs could fly.” Nordic countries are capatilistic countries. Capatalistic countries with bigger SOCIAL PROGRAMS, and higher taxes. The US also has big social programs, both are not SOCIALIST countries. By YOUR metric of what constitutes a socialist country, every single country with a social welfare program would be a socialist country. Which would be almost every single country in the world with the exception of MAYBE dumpster fire governments like Somalia.

Even in the one example in Norway where they nationalized the oil industry, the government is not to get involved with how the business is run. They are just shareholders of the still very much profit seeking oil industry, they just want a piece of the action.

OMG you're naive. You think the government is just a shareholder in Norway?
kaz, sakinago, and theowl32 are running around in circles.

Say something worthwhile, please.
They rely on a system known as Nordic capitalism (or the Nordic model). You can favor their method if you want, but at least take the time to learn about the system you're trying to evangelize.

Calling socialism by another name doesn't make it not socialism, Sport
What makes it’s not socialism, is the fact that all but one of those countries is ranked higher in economic freedom than the US is. Meaning they practice capitalistic free markets more than the US. They have bigger social programs than the US does (ratio to population wise), and their taxes are higher than the US. The US has big social programs too, like social security, Medicare, Medicaid, that doesn’t make us socialist either. The Nordic countries that Bernie and AOC point too as examples are far cry’s from what Bernie and AOC are publicly saying they want to implement. You should probably learn what socialism actually is before hailing it as the best system ever, and pointing at freer market capitalist countries as your proof. Whoops.

That's just moronic Marxist rhetoric. Sure, Sport. The bourgeois are oppressing the proletariat. Workers of the world unite!

I think my favorite stupid Marxist trick is when you claim that socialism is more capitalist than capitalism! Yeah, right

What planet do you live on? This has to be one of the most bizarre responses I have ever seen. Hey everyone, PSA, the people who make posts like this are the same that want socialism. Marx said socialism is just a stepping stone to do you know who Marx is? Marx is for socialism, I’m just dumbfounded by this post. None of those Nordic countries will tell you they are socialist countries, they will all say we are capitalist countries. Why, because they are capitalist countries. A socialist country would be one like Venezuela or Cuba. Not so pretty. Once again, they have larger social programs than the US does. The US also has social programs. There is a difference between social programs, and socialism. What Bernie and AOC call for is what we see in Venezuela and Cuba, except they bait and switch Cuba and Venezuela with Nordic countries as examples of “democratic socialism.” The Nordic countries are not “democratic socialist” countries. In fact Vladimir Lenin coined the term that he’s a democratic socialist when he began the “glorious revolution” as not to scare people away from him being a full blown communist.
How is what Bernie calling for what we see in Cuba? Be specific.
sakinago does not understand economics, socialism, or how they apply to Bernie Sanders.
America is up for grabs, a contest between capitalism and socialism.

who will win?

WHO....will win???
They rely on a system known as Nordic capitalism (or the Nordic model). You can favor their method if you want, but at least take the time to learn about the system you're trying to evangelize.

Calling socialism by another name doesn't make it not socialism, Sport
What makes it’s not socialism, is the fact that all but one of those countries is ranked higher in economic freedom than the US is. Meaning they practice capitalistic free markets more than the US. They have bigger social programs than the US does (ratio to population wise), and their taxes are higher than the US. The US has big social programs too, like social security, Medicare, Medicaid, that doesn’t make us socialist either. The Nordic countries that Bernie and AOC point too as examples are far cry’s from what Bernie and AOC are publicly saying they want to implement. You should probably learn what socialism actually is before hailing it as the best system ever, and pointing at freer market capitalist countries as your proof. Whoops.

That's just moronic Marxist rhetoric. Sure, Sport. The bourgeois are oppressing the proletariat. Workers of the world unite!

I think my favorite stupid Marxist trick is when you claim that socialism is more capitalist than capitalism! Yeah, right

What planet do you live on? This has to be one of the most bizarre responses I have ever seen. Hey everyone, PSA, the people who make posts like this are the same that want socialism. Marx said socialism is just a stepping stone to do you know who Marx is? Marx is for socialism, I’m just dumbfounded by this post. None of those Nordic countries will tell you they are socialist countries, they will all say we are capitalist countries. Why, because they are capitalist countries. A socialist country would be one like Venezuela or Cuba. Not so pretty. Once again, they have larger social programs than the US does. The US also has social programs. There is a difference between social programs, and socialism. What Bernie and AOC call for is what we see in Venezuela and Cuba, except they bait and switch Cuba and Venezuela with Nordic countries as examples of “democratic socialism.” The Nordic countries are not “democratic socialist” countries. In fact Vladimir Lenin coined the term that he’s a democratic socialist when he began the “glorious revolution” as not to scare people away from him being a full blown communist.

Socialists countries are centrally controlled economies. That's what the Western Europeans have. Particularly the Scandinavians. The Scandinavians are tiny countries with massive oil money. That's the only model where socialist countries don't go broke. The rest of Western Europe is in endless economic malaise

And yeah, socialists argue libertarian. You're a bizarre little guy
What the hell are you talking about? Go home, you’re clearly drunk.
They rely on a system known as Nordic capitalism (or the Nordic model). You can favor their method if you want, but at least take the time to learn about the system you're trying to evangelize.

Calling socialism by another name doesn't make it not socialism, Sport
What makes it’s not socialism, is the fact that all but one of those countries is ranked higher in economic freedom than the US is. Meaning they practice capitalistic free markets more than the US. They have bigger social programs than the US does (ratio to population wise), and their taxes are higher than the US. The US has big social programs too, like social security, Medicare, Medicaid, that doesn’t make us socialist either. The Nordic countries that Bernie and AOC point too as examples are far cry’s from what Bernie and AOC are publicly saying they want to implement. You should probably learn what socialism actually is before hailing it as the best system ever, and pointing at freer market capitalist countries as your proof. Whoops.

That's just moronic Marxist rhetoric. Sure, Sport. The bourgeois are oppressing the proletariat. Workers of the world unite!

I think my favorite stupid Marxist trick is when you claim that socialism is more capitalist than capitalism! Yeah, right

What planet do you live on? This has to be one of the most bizarre responses I have ever seen. Hey everyone, PSA, the people who make posts like this are the same that want socialism. Marx said socialism is just a stepping stone to do you know who Marx is? Marx is for socialism, I’m just dumbfounded by this post. None of those Nordic countries will tell you they are socialist countries, they will all say we are capitalist countries. Why, because they are capitalist countries. A socialist country would be one like Venezuela or Cuba. Not so pretty. Once again, they have larger social programs than the US does. The US also has social programs. There is a difference between social programs, and socialism. What Bernie and AOC call for is what we see in Venezuela and Cuba, except they bait and switch Cuba and Venezuela with Nordic countries as examples of “democratic socialism.” The Nordic countries are not “democratic socialist” countries. In fact Vladimir Lenin coined the term that he’s a democratic socialist when he began the “glorious revolution” as not to scare people away from him being a full blown communist.
How is what Bernie calling for what we see in Cuba? Be specific.
Bernie is a socialist, Cuba is socialist, borderline communist. What Bernie calls for is more in line with Venezuela. He wants to nationalize banking, higher education, and wants to force companies to “consider all stakeholders” not just sharholders. Meaning, you can kind of run your company the way you want, up until I don’t like what you’re doing with it. I’m sure Bernie would prefer to have the power that the Cuban government has, but will take progressive steps to get there, since he’s got a constitutional uphill battle. Remember we’re talking about a guy who lived in a communist commune (and also got kicked out for not pulling his weight).
Calling socialism by another name doesn't make it not socialism, Sport
What makes it’s not socialism, is the fact that all but one of those countries is ranked higher in economic freedom than the US is. Meaning they practice capitalistic free markets more than the US. They have bigger social programs than the US does (ratio to population wise), and their taxes are higher than the US. The US has big social programs too, like social security, Medicare, Medicaid, that doesn’t make us socialist either. The Nordic countries that Bernie and AOC point too as examples are far cry’s from what Bernie and AOC are publicly saying they want to implement. You should probably learn what socialism actually is before hailing it as the best system ever, and pointing at freer market capitalist countries as your proof. Whoops.

That's just moronic Marxist rhetoric. Sure, Sport. The bourgeois are oppressing the proletariat. Workers of the world unite!

I think my favorite stupid Marxist trick is when you claim that socialism is more capitalist than capitalism! Yeah, right

What planet do you live on? This has to be one of the most bizarre responses I have ever seen. Hey everyone, PSA, the people who make posts like this are the same that want socialism. Marx said socialism is just a stepping stone to do you know who Marx is? Marx is for socialism, I’m just dumbfounded by this post. None of those Nordic countries will tell you they are socialist countries, they will all say we are capitalist countries. Why, because they are capitalist countries. A socialist country would be one like Venezuela or Cuba. Not so pretty. Once again, they have larger social programs than the US does. The US also has social programs. There is a difference between social programs, and socialism. What Bernie and AOC call for is what we see in Venezuela and Cuba, except they bait and switch Cuba and Venezuela with Nordic countries as examples of “democratic socialism.” The Nordic countries are not “democratic socialist” countries. In fact Vladimir Lenin coined the term that he’s a democratic socialist when he began the “glorious revolution” as not to scare people away from him being a full blown communist.

Socialists countries are centrally controlled economies. That's what the Western Europeans have. Particularly the Scandinavians. The Scandinavians are tiny countries with massive oil money. That's the only model where socialist countries don't go broke. The rest of Western Europe is in endless economic malaise

And yeah, socialists argue libertarian. You're a bizarre little guy
What the hell are you talking about? Go home, you’re clearly drunk.

You don't know that they have tiny populations with large oil revenues funding their socialist policies in Scandinavian countries? Only a "drunk" would say that?

Wow, ignorance is all over you
Venezuela is not a socialist country as they have a global capitalist market system and most of their enterprises are privately-owned and profit seeking.
I know this snip is not what you said but it is in fact true.
They rely on a system known as Nordic capitalism (or the Nordic model). You can favor their method if you want, but at least take the time to learn about the system you're trying to evangelize.
/——-/ They could call it Vanilla Jelly Beans but it would still be socialism.
They rely on a system known as Nordic capitalism (or the Nordic model). You can favor their method if you want, but at least take the time to learn about the system you're trying to evangelize.

Here is the explanation for the success:

Zero idiots taken in to the country. The cold acts as a shield against idiots, 3rd world Muslims and what not.

Except for Sweden of course... Sweden is a lesson in crazy.
What makes it’s not socialism, is the fact that all but one of those countries is ranked higher in economic freedom than the US is. Meaning they practice capitalistic free markets more than the US. They have bigger social programs than the US does (ratio to population wise), and their taxes are higher than the US. The US has big social programs too, like social security, Medicare, Medicaid, that doesn’t make us socialist either. The Nordic countries that Bernie and AOC point too as examples are far cry’s from what Bernie and AOC are publicly saying they want to implement. You should probably learn what socialism actually is before hailing it as the best system ever, and pointing at freer market capitalist countries as your proof. Whoops.

That's just moronic Marxist rhetoric. Sure, Sport. The bourgeois are oppressing the proletariat. Workers of the world unite!

I think my favorite stupid Marxist trick is when you claim that socialism is more capitalist than capitalism! Yeah, right

What planet do you live on? This has to be one of the most bizarre responses I have ever seen. Hey everyone, PSA, the people who make posts like this are the same that want socialism. Marx said socialism is just a stepping stone to do you know who Marx is? Marx is for socialism, I’m just dumbfounded by this post. None of those Nordic countries will tell you they are socialist countries, they will all say we are capitalist countries. Why, because they are capitalist countries. A socialist country would be one like Venezuela or Cuba. Not so pretty. Once again, they have larger social programs than the US does. The US also has social programs. There is a difference between social programs, and socialism. What Bernie and AOC call for is what we see in Venezuela and Cuba, except they bait and switch Cuba and Venezuela with Nordic countries as examples of “democratic socialism.” The Nordic countries are not “democratic socialist” countries. In fact Vladimir Lenin coined the term that he’s a democratic socialist when he began the “glorious revolution” as not to scare people away from him being a full blown communist.

Socialists countries are centrally controlled economies. That's what the Western Europeans have. Particularly the Scandinavians. The Scandinavians are tiny countries with massive oil money. That's the only model where socialist countries don't go broke. The rest of Western Europe is in endless economic malaise

And yeah, socialists argue libertarian. You're a bizarre little guy
What the hell are you talking about? Go home, you’re clearly drunk.

You don't know that they have tiny populations with large oil revenues funding their socialist policies in Scandinavian countries? Only a "drunk" would say that?

Wow, ignorance is all over you
Hey geniuses...News Flash, there’s a difference between socialist policies, and socialism. Get an education, preferably from a not bat shit crazy university 15 years ago. Good luck finding a time machine. If you’re listening to Bernie about what socialism is, you’re being duped. The US has giant socialist policies, policies that account for over 60% of the federal budget and rapidly climbing. We’re still not a socialist country...neither are the Scandinavian countries. Kind of a hard case to make they are socialist countries since, socialism isn’t at all for economic freedom, and they consistently rank in the top 25 most economically free globally (often ahead or right behind the US). Seriously this isn’t that hard of a concept to understand. This is why Bernie (a guy with such shitty work ethic he managed to get kicked out of a communist commune for being too lazy) can point to capstilistic countries (with just higher taxes to pay for large socialist policies) and say “that’s socislism, let’s do that.” The guy somehow gets away with bashing capitalism, while holding up capatilistic countries and the standard bearer.

I’ll say it again guys like Bernie point to a pelican and say “see I told you pigs could fly.” You’re the dude who disagrees with him but somehow still believes him. Good job, do you have a smile on your face with a tear running down your check like in that movie Get Out? I’m so done with explaining and providing plenty of evidence for this topic, that was bashed out a long ass time ago in this thread, and frankly shouldn’t even be a discussion if the education system actually did its job.
They rely on a system known as Nordic capitalism (or the Nordic model). You can favor their method if you want, but at least take the time to learn about the system you're trying to evangelize.

Calling socialism by another name doesn't make it not socialism, Sport

If you give it another name then you do not have to admit there are countries where socialism is succeeding currently.
Na, not really
Long term socialism is a 100% failure 100% of the time
That's just moronic Marxist rhetoric. Sure, Sport. The bourgeois are oppressing the proletariat. Workers of the world unite!

I think my favorite stupid Marxist trick is when you claim that socialism is more capitalist than capitalism! Yeah, right

What planet do you live on? This has to be one of the most bizarre responses I have ever seen. Hey everyone, PSA, the people who make posts like this are the same that want socialism. Marx said socialism is just a stepping stone to do you know who Marx is? Marx is for socialism, I’m just dumbfounded by this post. None of those Nordic countries will tell you they are socialist countries, they will all say we are capitalist countries. Why, because they are capitalist countries. A socialist country would be one like Venezuela or Cuba. Not so pretty. Once again, they have larger social programs than the US does. The US also has social programs. There is a difference between social programs, and socialism. What Bernie and AOC call for is what we see in Venezuela and Cuba, except they bait and switch Cuba and Venezuela with Nordic countries as examples of “democratic socialism.” The Nordic countries are not “democratic socialist” countries. In fact Vladimir Lenin coined the term that he’s a democratic socialist when he began the “glorious revolution” as not to scare people away from him being a full blown communist.

Socialists countries are centrally controlled economies. That's what the Western Europeans have. Particularly the Scandinavians. The Scandinavians are tiny countries with massive oil money. That's the only model where socialist countries don't go broke. The rest of Western Europe is in endless economic malaise

And yeah, socialists argue libertarian. You're a bizarre little guy
What the hell are you talking about? Go home, you’re clearly drunk.

You don't know that they have tiny populations with large oil revenues funding their socialist policies in Scandinavian countries? Only a "drunk" would say that?

Wow, ignorance is all over you
Hey geniuses...News Flash, there’s a difference between socialist policies, and socialism. Get an education, preferably from a not bat shit crazy university 15 years ago. Good luck finding a time machine. If you’re listening to Bernie about what socialism is, you’re being duped. The US has giant socialist policies, policies that account for over 60% of the federal budget and rapidly climbing. We’re still not a socialist country...neither are the Scandinavian countries. Kind of a hard case to make they are socialist countries since, socialism isn’t at all for economic freedom, and they consistently rank in the top 25 most economically free globally (often ahead or right behind the US). Seriously this isn’t that hard of a concept to understand. This is why Bernie (a guy with such shitty work ethic he managed to get kicked out of a communist commune for being too lazy) can point to capstilistic countries (with just higher taxes to pay for large socialist policies) and say “that’s socislism, let’s do that.” The guy somehow gets away with bashing capitalism, while holding up capatilistic countries and the standard bearer.

I’ll say it again guys like Bernie point to a pelican and say “see I told you pigs could fly.” You’re the dude who disagrees with him but somehow still believes him. Good job, do you have a smile on your face with a tear running down your check like in that movie Get Out? I’m so done with explaining and providing plenty of evidence for this topic, that was bashed out a long ass time ago in this thread, and frankly shouldn’t even be a discussion if the education system actually did its job.

You're just babbling

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