Scarborough: Conservatives would have raised holy hell if Obama attacked FBI like Trump

Had Trump directed the FBI, NSA and IRS to target seditious Progressives, Moaning Joan and his ilk would be calling for a firing squad
Scarborough: Conservatives would have raised holy hell if Obama attacked FBI like Trump
BY MAX GREENWOOD - 12/23/17 05:24 QuotePM EST
"Morning Joe" host Joe Scarborough said Saturday that Democratic presidents, like Barack Obama and Bill Clinton, would have faced swift backlash from GOP lawmakers if they criticized the FBI in the same vein as President Trump.

Scarborough's comments followed on the heels of a series of tweets from Trump targeting top FBI officials, including Deputy Director Andrew McCabe and former Director James Comey.

In those tweets, Trump suggested that McCabe may have been compromised in his capacity at the agency by political influence, and that Comey was responsible for leaking information to the press.

The tweets were Trump's latest criticizing the nation's premier law enforcement agency. Earlier this month, he said the FBI's reputation was in "tatters" and that Americans had lost faith in the agency's ability to fairly and objectively conduct investigations.

Scarborough: Conservatives would have raised ‘holy hell’ if Obama attacked FBI like Trump
I know I would have attacked Obama or Clinton for the same shit. This is fucking bs and pure fascism what Trump is doing.

To prove the point, remember the massive tantrum the Right threw because President Obama said the police had acted stupidly,

when they arrested that black guy for 'breaking' into his OWN HOME?

Oh, PS, the police DID act stupidly.
joe scarborogh?....who the fuck cares what that useless piece of shit thinks....he was just as bad of a senator as he is a talking head...and as a musician?....holy
He's probably a murderer too. A woman's corpse being found in Psycho Joe's office ruined his political career but it did not prevent MSNBC from hiring him.
Thanks Trumpsters for making my point.
Any entity that does it’s job and doesn’t bow to his wishes, Trump attacks, which is an attack on the Constitution, which he pledges to defend, when taking the oath.
Can any of you clowns name one president who attacked America’s institutions as much as Trump?
Trump makes Nixon look like an amateur when it comes to abusing this country’s foundations as described by the Constitution of the United States of America.
Trump is the first POTUS to make those institutions to sit up and heel. Those bastards have always acted as though they run things. Trump is merely reminding them that they are now answering to their masters: The People.

They were answering to the People. Trump is not 'the people'.
Well sir, I am not as afraid of them as the left is. Plus, those bastards are caught in the whirlpool of a draining swamp.
They would be shouting IMPEACHMENT right now. But the gutless GOP lets the Orange Clown get away with anything he wants. I have heard from reliable sources that the Russian-Comrade connection is deeper than expected. That includes illegal loans, money laundering, collusion violating US elections laws, and the despicable crime of treason. And Mueller is meticulously building an airtight case. The GOP can either impeach and remove the Orange Clown or they will suffer a defeat in 2018 like none seen before.

BENEDICT DONALD is beginning the sweat. It is far too late for pardons.....Comrade....
Trump has a horrible habit of attacking long time American instutions. The Justice Department, the FBI, the media, the election process and the judicial system. All of these autocratic style attacks, violate the oath he took, when he became President of the United States.
And Trumpster’s just absolutely love Trump’s autocratic distaste for the foundations for our country, established by the Founding Fathers.
At the same time, they claim to be this country’s true patriots. How naive.

Yes, I know some Comrade cult members that would happily elect him King. Then all the members of his crime family could follow in the family crime business.
They would be shouting IMPEACHMENT right now. But the gutless GOP lets the Orange Clown get away with anything he wants. I have heard from reliable sources that the Russian-Comrade connection is deeper than expected. That includes illegal loans, money laundering, collusion violating US elections laws, and the despicable crime of treason. And Mueller is meticulously building an airtight case. The GOP can either impeach and remove the Orange Clown or they will suffer a defeat in 2018 like none seen before.

BENEDICT DONALD is beginning the sweat. It is far too late for pardons.....Comrade....
I have heard from reliable sources that the Russian-Comrade connection is deeper than expected.
this guy again?.....he gets around....

They would be shouting IMPEACHMENT right now. But the gutless GOP lets the Orange Clown get away with anything he wants. I have heard from reliable sources that the Russian-Comrade connection is deeper than expected. That includes illegal loans, money laundering, collusion violating US elections laws, and the despicable crime of treason. And Mueller is meticulously building an airtight case. The GOP can either impeach and remove the Orange Clown or they will suffer a defeat in 2018 like none seen before.

BENEDICT DONALD is beginning the sweat. It is far too late for pardons.....Comrade....

Scarborough: Conservatives would have raised holy hell if Obama attacked FBI like Trump
BY MAX GREENWOOD - 12/23/17 05:24 QuotePM EST
"Morning Joe" host Joe Scarborough said Saturday that Democratic presidents, like Barack Obama and Bill Clinton, would have faced swift backlash from GOP lawmakers if they criticized the FBI in the same vein as President Trump.

Scarborough's comments followed on the heels of a series of tweets from Trump targeting top FBI officials, including Deputy Director Andrew McCabe and former Director James Comey.

In those tweets, Trump suggested that McCabe may have been compromised in his capacity at the agency by political influence, and that Comey was responsible for leaking information to the press.

The tweets were Trump's latest criticizing the nation's premier law enforcement agency. Earlier this month, he said the FBI's reputation was in "tatters" and that Americans had lost faith in the agency's ability to fairly and objectively conduct investigations.

Scarborough: Conservatives would have raised ‘holy hell’ if Obama attacked FBI like Trump
I know I would have attacked Obama or Clinton for the same shit. This is fucking bs and pure fascism what Trump is doing.

Its an old "ploy" ..............Knowing full well that the proverbial shit will soon hit the fan, Trump and his cultists are attempting to DISCREDIT the sources where that tsunami is about to hit this inept and corrupt administration.

Best way to prepare the moronic Trump base, is to tell the idiots that its all going to be "fake news."....................It won't work and the latest polls confirm it.
How does anyone take Morning Schmoe seriously? He and that bimbo sidekick are neck deep in the Resistance tank. They aren't even entertaining.
Trump has a horrible habit of attacking long time American instutions. The Justice Department, the FBI, the media, the election process and the judicial system. All of these autocratic style attacks, violate the oath he took, when he became President of the United States.
And Trumpster’s just absolutely love Trump’s autocratic distaste for the foundations for our country, established by the Founding Fathers.
At the same time, they claim to be this country’s true patriots. How naive.
-------------------------------- what worth is the opinion of a 'kiwi' , get the he11 back to the goats and sheep where you belong KiwiM !!
Calling out the corrupt stonewalling leak-o-matic FBI on their corruption, leaks, and stonewalling is not attacking them.

You mean the imagined corruption, leaks and stonewalling. Make sure you stay indoors so the squirrels don't store you away with their other nuts.
He is right. Charlie Gasparino was on Fox said that when the stock market was going up under Obama, conservatives were saying the stock market is for the rich. When it goes up under Trump it is good for all Americans.
Joe Scarborough has no credibility, first of all he works for MSNBC and he’s going to marry a loopy kunt...
Scarborough: Conservatives would have raised holy hell if Obama attacked FBI like Trump
BY MAX GREENWOOD - 12/23/17 05:24 QuotePM EST
"Morning Joe" host Joe Scarborough said Saturday that Democratic presidents, like Barack Obama and Bill Clinton, would have faced swift backlash from GOP lawmakers if they criticized the FBI in the same vein as President Trump.

Scarborough's comments followed on the heels of a series of tweets from Trump targeting top FBI officials, including Deputy Director Andrew McCabe and former Director James Comey.

In those tweets, Trump suggested that McCabe may have been compromised in his capacity at the agency by political influence, and that Comey was responsible for leaking information to the press.

The tweets were Trump's latest criticizing the nation's premier law enforcement agency. Earlier this month, he said the FBI's reputation was in "tatters" and that Americans had lost faith in the agency's ability to fairly and objectively conduct investigations.

Scarborough: Conservatives would have raised ‘holy hell’ if Obama attacked FBI like Trump
I know I would have attacked Obama or Clinton for the same shit. This is fucking bs and pure fascism what Trump is doing.

Why would petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama say anything detrimental about the FBI, CIA or any investigative agency of the U.S? They actively protected he and his entire administration especially Hillary Clinton.

As for Hillary, never, ever forget the 900 FBI files on citizens that they requested and astonishingly received from the FBI. After denying any knowledge of the files for two years (I believe it was) they miraculously appeared on an end table in the private residence.

What information did they gather and do you believe they are so ethical as to not use it against their enemies?

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