Scarborough: Conservatives would have raised holy hell if Obama attacked FBI like Trump

Scarborough: Conservatives would have raised holy hell if Obama attacked FBI like Trump
BY MAX GREENWOOD - 12/23/17 05:24 QuotePM EST
"Morning Joe" host Joe Scarborough said Saturday that Democratic presidents, like Barack Obama and Bill Clinton, would have faced swift backlash from GOP lawmakers if they criticized the FBI in the same vein as President Trump.

Scarborough's comments followed on the heels of a series of tweets from Trump targeting top FBI officials, including Deputy Director Andrew McCabe and former Director James Comey.

In those tweets, Trump suggested that McCabe may have been compromised in his capacity at the agency by political influence, and that Comey was responsible for leaking information to the press.

The tweets were Trump's latest criticizing the nation's premier law enforcement agency. Earlier this month, he said the FBI's reputation was in "tatters" and that Americans had lost faith in the agency's ability to fairly and objectively conduct investigations.

Scarborough: Conservatives would have raised ā€˜holy hellā€™ if Obama attacked FBI like Trump
I know I would have attacked Obama or Clinton for the same shit. This is fucking bs and pure fascism what Trump is doing.
Obama is black. Republicans hate black people.
and more.

Trump has a horrible habit of attacking long time American instutions. The Justice Department, the FBI, the media, the election process and the judicial system. All of these autocratic style attacks, violate the oath he took, when he became President of the United States.
And Trumpsterā€™s just absolutely love Trumpā€™s autocratic distaste for the foundations for our country, established by the Founding Fathers.
At the same time, they claim to be this countryā€™s true patriots. How naive.

Pure unadulterated bullshit! Nothing more, nothing less.

The FBI was established by the Founding Fathers? What a maroon!

The FBI is an institution within the US government, much like the Department Homeland Security.
Now goose-step your head out of Trumpā€™s ass.
EvenTrumpā€™s own Supreme Court nominee says Trump has gone too far.
Supreme Court nominee Gorsuch says Trumpā€™s attacks on judiciary are ā€˜demoralizingā€™
With Trumpsters, itā€™s Trump over country and the Constitution. No surprise there. Goose-steppers will goose-step. :happy-1:

I think you need to look up the definition of "demoralizing". I don't think you know what it means.
Fake Admiral, I understand the word, ā€œdemoralizingā€. Itā€™s quite is comment, coming from the Supreme Court Justice, describing the actions of the man who nominated him. Itā€™s clear you are unable to understand the significance of what Gorsuch said, due to your intense man-love for Trump.
Uh, WHY in the world would Obama have attacked the FBI when the FBI looked the other way while he sandbagged the DEA war on Hezbollah, ignored his illegal actions in the Fast and Furious operation, looked the other way while he used the IRS to harass conservative groups, and then gave Hillary a pass for housing classified information on an unsecured and unauthorized server in her basement?
Scarborough: Conservatives would have raised holy hell if Obama attacked FBI like Trump
BY MAX GREENWOOD - 12/23/17 05:24 QuotePM EST
"Morning Joe" host Joe Scarborough said Saturday that Democratic presidents, like Barack Obama and Bill Clinton, would have faced swift backlash from GOP lawmakers if they criticized the FBI in the same vein as President Trump.

Scarborough's comments followed on the heels of a series of tweets from Trump targeting top FBI officials, including Deputy Director Andrew McCabe and former Director James Comey.

In those tweets, Trump suggested that McCabe may have been compromised in his capacity at the agency by political influence, and that Comey was responsible for leaking information to the press.

The tweets were Trump's latest criticizing the nation's premier law enforcement agency. Earlier this month, he said the FBI's reputation was in "tatters" and that Americans had lost faith in the agency's ability to fairly and objectively conduct investigations.

Scarborough: Conservatives would have raised ā€˜holy hellā€™ if Obama attacked FBI like Trump
I know I would have attacked Obama or Clinton for the same shit. This is fucking bs and pure fascism what Trump is doing.

You would not have attacked either one. The FBI is corrupt.
Trump has a horrible habit of attacking long time American instutions. The Justice Department, the FBI, the media, the election process and the judicial system. All of these autocratic style attacks, violate the oath he took, when he became President of the United States.
And Trumpsterā€™s just absolutely love Trumpā€™s autocratic distaste for the foundations for our country, established by the Founding Fathers.
At the same time, they claim to be this countryā€™s true patriots. How naive.

They should be attacked. They're corrupt. We are now living in that tyranny that our founders warned us about but yet we fail to do anything about it.
Scarborough: Conservatives would have raised holy hell if Obama attacked FBI like Trump
BY MAX GREENWOOD - 12/23/17 05:24 QuotePM EST
"Morning Joe" host Joe Scarborough said Saturday that Democratic presidents, like Barack Obama and Bill Clinton, would have faced swift backlash from GOP lawmakers if they criticized the FBI in the same vein as President Trump.

Scarborough's comments followed on the heels of a series of tweets from Trump targeting top FBI officials, including Deputy Director Andrew McCabe and former Director James Comey.

In those tweets, Trump suggested that McCabe may have been compromised in his capacity at the agency by political influence, and that Comey was responsible for leaking information to the press.

The tweets were Trump's latest criticizing the nation's premier law enforcement agency. Earlier this month, he said the FBI's reputation was in "tatters" and that Americans had lost faith in the agency's ability to fairly and objectively conduct investigations.

Scarborough: Conservatives would have raised ā€˜holy hellā€™ if Obama attacked FBI like Trump
I know I would have attacked Obama or Clinton for the same shit. This is fucking bs and pure fascism what Trump is doing.

You would not have attacked either one. The FBI is corrupt.

You are not only biddable, you are deplorable, disgusting and dumb.
Posting this thread and reading the responses puts Butt Hurt into perspective. Democratic supporters were shocked and disappointed in the outcome of the '16 elections, yet were not psychologically / emotionally damaged by the outcome.

The winner in '16 and those who voted for him are poor winners, and are stuck in what seems to be a chronic condition of denial and a desperate need to justify the outcome, for what is painfully obvious to those who are in touch with reality; by that I mean Trump is unfit, incompetent and too immature to hold the office of POTUS.
Thanks Trumpsters for making my point.
Any entity that does itā€™s job and doesnā€™t bow to his wishes, Trump attacks, which is an attack on the Constitution, which he pledges to defend, when taking the oath.
Can any of you clowns name one president who attacked Americaā€™s institutions as much as Trump?
Trump makes Nixon look like an amateur when it comes to abusing this countryā€™s foundations as described by the Constitution of the United States of America.

Where is the FBI mentioned in the Constitution?

I suggest you log off, do a little research and you'll see how ridiculous your argument is!
Funny how I haven't seen yet The moron giving a high 5 to the FBI for stopping more deaths in california
Scarborough: Conservatives would have raised holy hell if Obama attacked FBI like Trump
BY MAX GREENWOOD - 12/23/17 05:24 QuotePM EST
"Morning Joe" host Joe Scarborough said Saturday that Democratic presidents, like Barack Obama and Bill Clinton, would have faced swift backlash from GOP lawmakers if they criticized the FBI in the same vein as President Trump.

Scarborough's comments followed on the heels of a series of tweets from Trump targeting top FBI officials, including Deputy Director Andrew McCabe and former Director James Comey.

In those tweets, Trump suggested that McCabe may have been compromised in his capacity at the agency by political influence, and that Comey was responsible for leaking information to the press.

The tweets were Trump's latest criticizing the nation's premier law enforcement agency. Earlier this month, he said the FBI's reputation was in "tatters" and that Americans had lost faith in the agency's ability to fairly and objectively conduct investigations.

Scarborough: Conservatives would have raised ā€˜holy hellā€™ if Obama attacked FBI like Trump
I know I would have attacked Obama or Clinton for the same shit. This is fucking bs and pure fascism what Trump is doing.

Who watches the morning Joe? I know someone who does, lol, as reported by NBC and others.

NBC News correspondent: Senior North Korean officials watch 'Morning Joe'

Gotta love a traitor-)
EvenTrumpā€™s own Supreme Court nominee says Trump has gone too far.
Supreme Court nominee Gorsuch says Trumpā€™s attacks on judiciary are ā€˜demoralizingā€™
With Trumpsters, itā€™s Trump over country and the Constitution. No surprise there. Goose-steppers will goose-step. :happy-1:

I think you need to look up the definition of "demoralizing". I don't think you know what it means.
Fake Admiral, I understand the word, ā€œdemoralizingā€. Itā€™s quite is comment, coming from the Supreme Court Justice, describing the actions of the man who nominated him. Itā€™s clear you are unable to understand the significance of what Gorsuch said, due to your intense man-love for Trump.

You still have not said how that violates his oath of office. Why? because the entire concept is petty, juvenile and utterly stupid.

Just turn down the Trump hate until you REALLY have something to bitch about. All of this whining, cry-baby, the sky-is-falling hysteria you have generated really makes you look like the complete moron you are.

Grow a pair, or like Hillary Clinton and Michelle Obama, borrow them from a real man!

So, what do you libtards think about the fact that McCabe was so exhausted by his grilling by Congress that he is now going to retire? Leaving his office will give him plenty of time to delete e-mails, shred documents, and get rid of any other evidence that he was yet another in a long line of Clinton sycophants infesting the FBI.
Actually Barry Obama should be investigated for his abuse of power with the FBI, DOJ and IRS.
The Press/Hollywood would have gone apesh*t if a Republican president was corrupt as Obammy.
Scarborough: Conservatives would have raised holy hell if Obama attacked FBI like Trump
BY MAX GREENWOOD - 12/23/17 05:24 QuotePM EST
"Morning Joe" host Joe Scarborough said Saturday that Democratic presidents, like Barack Obama and Bill Clinton, would have faced swift backlash from GOP lawmakers if they criticized the FBI in the same vein as President Trump.

Scarborough's comments followed on the heels of a series of tweets from Trump targeting top FBI officials, including Deputy Director Andrew McCabe and former Director James Comey.

In those tweets, Trump suggested that McCabe may have been compromised in his capacity at the agency by political influence, and that Comey was responsible for leaking information to the press.

The tweets were Trump's latest criticizing the nation's premier law enforcement agency. Earlier this month, he said the FBI's reputation was in "tatters" and that Americans had lost faith in the agency's ability to fairly and objectively conduct investigations.

Scarborough: Conservatives would have raised ā€˜holy hellā€™ if Obama attacked FBI like Trump
I know I would have attacked Obama or Clinton for the same shit. This is fucking bs and pure fascism what Trump is doing.

Says the news guy who quotes a president that said cops are stupid. Whatevs.
Of course they would have. Isn't it funny that Trumptards are totally okay with Howdy Gowdy taking TWO YEARS to investigate Benghazi (after 7 previous investigations found nothing) but feel it necessary to discredit Mueller, the FBI, the CIA and everything in-between while utterly lose their minds when Mueller takes 7 months?

Time to "wrap it up" my ass - this will go well into next year so the Orange Fascist in the White House had better get used to it.
Scarborough: Conservatives would have raised holy hell if Obama attacked FBI like Trump
BY MAX GREENWOOD - 12/23/17 05:24 QuotePM EST
"Morning Joe" host Joe Scarborough said Saturday that Democratic presidents, like Barack Obama and Bill Clinton, would have faced swift backlash from GOP lawmakers if they criticized the FBI in the same vein as President Trump.

Scarborough's comments followed on the heels of a series of tweets from Trump targeting top FBI officials, including Deputy Director Andrew McCabe and former Director James Comey.

In those tweets, Trump suggested that McCabe may have been compromised in his capacity at the agency by political influence, and that Comey was responsible for leaking information to the press.

The tweets were Trump's latest criticizing the nation's premier law enforcement agency. Earlier this month, he said the FBI's reputation was in "tatters" and that Americans had lost faith in the agency's ability to fairly and objectively conduct investigations.

Scarborough: Conservatives would have raised ā€˜holy hellā€™ if Obama attacked FBI like Trump
I know I would have attacked Obama or Clinton for the same shit. This is fucking bs and pure fascism what Trump is doing.

Yes you are right. If Obama did 1/1000 of what Trump has said or done, he'd be in impeachment right now.
Oh bullshit. Obama sold guns to drug dealers, gave 20% of our uranium to Russia, looked the other way while Hezbollah sold drugs to Americans, traded 5 terrorists for one pos deserter, gave Iran billions of dollars and paved the way for them to develop nuclear weapons to use against us and Israel, spied on American citizens, spied on his political enemies, used the FBI to undermine our electoral system and frame a sitting president, and sycophants like you and Morning Joe said absolutely nothing. You're as disgusting as he is.

You are the disgusting one. You use unproven stories and outright lies to save your Messiah. You slander our law enforcement agencies. All for cheap politics.
Scarborough: Conservatives would have raised holy hell if Obama attacked FBI like Trump
BY MAX GREENWOOD - 12/23/17 05:24 QuotePM EST
"Morning Joe" host Joe Scarborough said Saturday that Democratic presidents, like Barack Obama and Bill Clinton, would have faced swift backlash from GOP lawmakers if they criticized the FBI in the same vein as President Trump.

Scarborough's comments followed on the heels of a series of tweets from Trump targeting top FBI officials, including Deputy Director Andrew McCabe and former Director James Comey.

In those tweets, Trump suggested that McCabe may have been compromised in his capacity at the agency by political influence, and that Comey was responsible for leaking information to the press.

The tweets were Trump's latest criticizing the nation's premier law enforcement agency. Earlier this month, he said the FBI's reputation was in "tatters" and that Americans had lost faith in the agency's ability to fairly and objectively conduct investigations.

Scarborough: Conservatives would have raised ā€˜holy hellā€™ if Obama attacked FBI like Trump
I know I would have attacked Obama or Clinton for the same shit. This is fucking bs and pure fascism what Trump is doing.

You would not have attacked either one. The FBI is corrupt.

You are not only biddable, you are deplorable, disgusting and dumb.

Lol. You are delusional, gullible, stupid, abhorent, and ignorant. You are to be pitied.
The top brass of those institutions are the fucking SWAMP. And those institutions really need an enema.
Scarborough: Conservatives would have raised holy hell if Obama attacked FBI like Trump
BY MAX GREENWOOD - 12/23/17 05:24 QuotePM EST
"Morning Joe" host Joe Scarborough said Saturday that Democratic presidents, like Barack Obama and Bill Clinton, would have faced swift backlash from GOP lawmakers if they criticized the FBI in the same vein as President Trump.

Scarborough's comments followed on the heels of a series of tweets from Trump targeting top FBI officials, including Deputy Director Andrew McCabe and former Director James Comey.

In those tweets, Trump suggested that McCabe may have been compromised in his capacity at the agency by political influence, and that Comey was responsible for leaking information to the press.

The tweets were Trump's latest criticizing the nation's premier law enforcement agency. Earlier this month, he said the FBI's reputation was in "tatters" and that Americans had lost faith in the agency's ability to fairly and objectively conduct investigations.

Scarborough: Conservatives would have raised ā€˜holy hellā€™ if Obama attacked FBI like Trump
I know I would have attacked Obama or Clinton for the same shit. This is fucking bs and pure fascism what Trump is doing.

Yes you are right. If Obama did 1/1000 of what Trump has said or done, he'd be in impeachment right now.
Oh bullshit. Obama sold guns to drug dealers, gave 20% of our uranium to Russia, looked the other way while Hezbollah sold drugs to Americans, traded 5 terrorists for one pos deserter, gave Iran billions of dollars and paved the way for them to develop nuclear weapons to use against us and Israel, spied on American citizens, spied on his political enemies, used the FBI to undermine our electoral system and frame a sitting president, and sycophants like you and Morning Joe said absolutely nothing. You're as disgusting as he is.

You are the disgusting one. You use unproven stories and outright lies to save your Messiah. You slander our law enforcement agencies. All for cheap politics.

Top brass were all biased sons of bitches trying to take down a duly elected President. They deserve the scorn they are receiving.
Of course they would have. Isn't it funny that Trumptards are totally okay with Howdy Gowdy taking TWO YEARS to investigate Benghazi (after 7 previous investigations found nothing) but feel it necessary to discredit Mueller, the FBI, the CIA and everything in-between while utterly lose their minds when Mueller takes 7 months?

Time to "wrap it up" my ass - this will go well into next year so the Orange Fascist in the White House had better get used to it.

Oh please please let the investigations continue. All of them. We've learned how disgustingly biased these agencies have become. We're learning who all the asshole players are and personally I'm thrilled to death to witness people receiving demotions although I would prefer seeing these D players be fired.

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