Scary Pic of the Stolen Top Secret Documents

And the timing is crucial as well. Supposedly, they've known about these documents for months, even asking TRUMP! to put another lock on the door, which he did. If it was critically urgent to get those documents back under the control of the usual suspects, why wait until right now to raid? Obviously, the mid-term elections. Do it as soon as possible after gaining the knowledge and it's too soon. Public interest fades. Do it too late and there's not enough time to milk public opinion with carefully targeted leaks like this. They're handling this exactly like you would handle a PR campaign, trying to milk the public outrage as much as possible. Then, after the election, they can quietly dismiss the whole thing, hoping no one notices or cares any more.
Looking at the timeline, in 2021, the NARA was handling the recover of documents without involvement of the DOJ. The NARA knew in Jan. 2021, many presidential records were missing so they contact Mar A Lago in Feb 2021. In the following months the NARA talked to people at Mara A Lago and they assured them that they were looking into the problem and working on. In May 2021 the NARA had received no documents, so the Director of the NARA send a memo to Trump and he responding that his people were working on the problem. In late fall nothing had been sent from Mar A Lago so the NARA sent a memo to Trump stating that if they did receive the presidential records and any classified documents held, they would turn the problem over to the the DOJ. This was the first time NARA realized that Trump must be holding classified documents. In January, 2022, the NARA received 30 boxes of document. In 15 boxes were found to have some classified documents, some with pages missing. They also found presidential documents that had been redacted, marred, and destroyed. This was when they knew that Trump had withheld classified documents and was holding at least some classified material. So they ask the DOJ for help.

In April 2022, the DOJ opened an investigation and the FBI began conduction interviews. In May, the DOJ subpoenaed all classified documents held at Mar A Lago. A few documents were returned and the Trump legal team notified the DOJ that all classified documents had been returned. Evidence held by the DOJ indicated that there were more classified documents at Mar A Lago so the DOJ applied for a search warrant and got one. The resulted of the search netted hundreds of classified document and thousands of presidential documents that Trump claimed were not there.
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Trump said files contained UFO, JFK Assassination, and Moon Landing info🤔

The Documents are in special Top Secret folders !
Clearly marked Top Secret !

Makes you wonder how somebody could be so fuckin stupid.

They need special FBI agents with special clearence, just to handle the ultra top secret material, that's how secret it is.

A Picture is worth 1000 words.

Indictment is essential, accountability is essential.

View attachment 689693

OMG, a framed cover of Time magazine, ALERT SEAL TEAM 6!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So that is a no then. One claim after another and all you do is run away like the hack you are.
So that a "your lie failed - try another."

Adolf Biden didn't give his Hitler speech because the assault on his opposition candidate was a roaring success.

The desperation of the Reich grows exponentially.

The only you haven't done yet is declare martial law and suspend the mid-term elections.

I expect that Brandon will declare Republicans too grave a danger to democracy to allow elections - as he outlined in the Hitler speech.

See, what you're doing isn't really new

And he had 14 pens and a box and half of paper clips
Such great pear clutch hand wringing g over “what if…” when the What Is is that the stuff sat in boxes.
It's important to understand that those pens and paper clips probably belong to the US government. Time to impeach for the third time.

The Documents are in special Top Secret folders !
Clearly marked Top Secret !

Makes you wonder how somebody could be so fuckin stupid.

They need special FBI agents with special clearence, just to handle the ultra top secret material, that's how secret it is.

A Picture is worth 1000 words.

Indictment is essential, accountability is essential.

View attachment 689693
Cause empty folders is scary? Hahaha

Trump caught red handed with blatantly labeld top secret documents and all the pathetic Trumpers can do is cry !!!!


Indictment is coming.

Don't do the crime if you can't do the time.
Yeah yeah yeah.

We got him this time.

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