Scary Pic of the Stolen Top Secret Documents

Several pieces of classified information was found on Weiner's laptop that were emailed to him. Donald Trump took and kept hundreds of classifieds documents that most likely contains thousands pieces of classified information.

Today the AP reported that the FBI has found a number of empty classified document folders with no explanation as to what Trump may have done with the documents. These missing documents just might be Trump's get out of jail free card.
there is no evidence trump did anything with them

just that he had empty files

yes weiner had material, that clinton had mishandled
Trump took and kept hundreds of classifieds documents that most likely contains thousands pieces of classified information.
Yeah, how horrific is THAT? I mean, he was only the chief executive who could see literally ANYTHING in the possession of the government. How DARE he take home declassified docs. You bunch of howling mad dread dogs are going to have to win THAT argument and unless SCOTUS is corrupted too, you aren't going to stand a chance. BUT the filth in DC that you idolize will indict and convict him unless he can get a change of venue. (Like that would ever be allowed) And then the case will go to SCOTUS.

Reality, the big boy world, its too much for you to accept, so you chose to live in a fantasy world like a bitch.

If you ignore rock solid facts, maybe they go away, like they do on Fake Foxnews.
Just curious, detective Gadget, when Trump walks away from this, probably even AFTER being convicted in a DC court, what will you be screaming for then? What are you going to demand when he gets to run in '24?
there is no evidence trump did anything with them

just that he had empty files

yes weiner had material, that clinton had mishandled
That was just a possible scenario. Trump may well have a good reason as to why he took the classified documents and what he did with them. However, don't expect Trump to reveal this. He will likely just take the 5th as criminals do, according to Trump.
He took what he could and since he can he doesn’t have to explain himself.
That was just a possible scenario. Trump may well have a good reason as to why he took the classified documents and what he did with them. However, don't expect Trump to reveal this. He will likely just take the 5th as criminals do, according to Trump.
empty folders aren’t classified

The Documents are in special Top Secret folders !
Clearly marked Top Secret !

Makes you wonder how somebody could be so fuckin stupid.

They need special FBI agents with special clearence, just to handle the ultra top secret material, that's how secret it is.

A Picture is worth 1000 words.

Indictment is essential, accountability is essential.

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You DO know this photo was STAGED, right?
Ask anyone who lives there. If you dig a hole in the ground, just immediately fills with water.

You're at the top of the stupid pole, moron.
Mar A Lago has a basement, halwit. Think they dug it 50 ft underground, dope?
Has there been any testimony yet? Shit. I hadn’t heard. You dolt.

No. You wonder. But then again, yiur quite slow.

I have cited it several times. If you had a brain (huge if) even a moron like you could run with it. I’m tired of repeating myself for libtards who don’t listen anyway. I’ll just give you one free name. Do with it whatever your tiny brain can manage: Kash Patel. Or, go wipe your eyes and blow your nose. I don’t care which.

Actually, it was a very good example of you weren’t so dead in the brain pan. 😎

Wrong again. But that’s only to be expected.
Kash Patel needs to lawyer up himself if he hasen't alteady just like all of Trump's lackey's end up having to do.
We know that this whole kabuki theater is farcially staged because the democrat controlled DOJ will not indict or even make a decision until after the midterm elections.

So there's really no sense of urgency. Nothing to see here. Indict Trump too soon and the wrath of voters will leave all democrats with baboon asses. Announce that there will be no indictment and indignant democrats will stay home. By doing nothing they can do the "we got him now" dance clear to voting day.
And the timing is crucial as well. Supposedly, they've known about these documents for months, even asking TRUMP! to put another lock on the door, which he did. If it was critically urgent to get those documents back under the control of the usual suspects, why wait until right now to raid? Obviously, the mid-term elections. Do it as soon as possible after gaining the knowledge and it's too soon. Public interest fades. Do it too late and there's not enough time to milk public opinion with carefully targeted leaks like this. They're handling this exactly like you would handle a PR campaign, trying to milk the public outrage as much as possible. Then, after the election, they can quietly dismiss the whole thing, hoping no one notices or cares any more.
That pic is a fake. It's a made up picture. Looks good but it's a fake set up shot. 10 minutes spent on photoshop max.

Real top secret stuff is black print on red glossy paper. You can read it in person but it won't photo or copy at all.
Did you see the card that was numbered? That's a crime photo, halfwit.

Let me educate you on some FACTS
- Snowflakes pay attention so we don't have to go through this AGAIN

1. SOP for ANY / EVERY crime scene investigator is to take photos of the scene AS-IS. These documents were not found in Trump's home pike up like this. The photo is OBVIOUSLY staged. It was done for OPTICS / SENSATIONALISM to dupe you Trump-obsessed 'we got him THIS time' losers and get you all excited...which it obviously did...suckers.

2. The picture shows COVERSHEETS, the OUTSIDE of folders, and BLANK / WHITED-OUT PAGES. It does NOT show any classified information. To do so would be ILLEGAL. So, yiu have a photo of a bunch of piled up UNCLASSIFIED pages, coversheets, and folders.

3. Staged: it's got a ruler on the bottom to try to show the idea of how large this pile was...unless you believe Trump kept a ruler on his pike of 'classified' for some reason.

4. A numbered crime scene card - hy shit, stop the presses! Why isn't Trump in jail yet? Bwuhahahaha....

Yeah, the FBI put that there because they knew morons like you would care more about a theatrical, intentionally placed numbered crime scene photo than you would care that this photo was staged, does not show any classified material, and thus means absolutely nothing.

laughing hilariously.jpg
Let me educate you on some FACTS
- Snowflakes pay attention so we don't have to go through this AGAIN

1. SOP for ANY / EVERY crime scene investigator is to take photos of the scene AS-IS. These documents were not found in Trump's home pike up like this. The photo is OBVIOUSLY staged. It was done for OPTICS / SENSATIONALISM to dupe you Trump-obsessed 'we got him THIS time' losers and get you all excited...which it obviously did...suckers.

2. The picture shows COVERSHEETS, the OUTSIDE of folders, and BLANK / WHITED-OUT PAGES. It does NOT show any classified information. To do so would be ILLEGAL. So, yiu have a photo of a bunch of piled up UNCLASSIFIED pages, coversheets, and folders.

3. Staged: it's got a ruler on the bottom to try to show the idea of how large this pile was...unless you believe Trump kept a ruler on his pike of 'classified' for some reason.

4. A numbered crime scene card - hy shit, stop the presses! Why isn't Trump in jail yet? Bwuhahahaha....

Yeah, the FBI put that there because they knew morons like you would care more about a theatrical, intentionally placed numbered crime scene photo than you would care that this photo was staged, does not show any classified material, and thus means absolutely nothing.

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The FBI is not going to take a photo of classified documents & publish it, dupe. Trump has already shared what was in those folders with enough people. Any thoughts on who his bagman is?
Crime scene evidence markers aren't hand lettered on a tent folded paper.

The story was that the FBI entered Trump's office and found these papers on the floor strewn about.

Where are the crime scene photos of the spy crime closet?

The Documents are in special Top Secret folders !
Clearly marked Top Secret !

Makes you wonder how somebody could be so fuckin stupid.

They need special FBI agents with special clearence, just to handle the ultra top secret material, that's how secret it is.

A Picture is worth 1000 words.

Indictment is essential, accountability is essential.

View attachment 689693
You are one gullible dimwit.

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