Zone1 Scary taboo…Fact or fiction- A less white America is a cleaner, safer, less dependent, more prosperous, more unified America?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
This is a subject too scary for most here to engage in but with all the “a less white America is a better America” rhetoric floating around I thought I should create an opportunity to PROVE that such a theory may be true.
SOOOOO…..go for it Globalists….post the data. PLEEEEASE!
A homogenous America where everyone shares the same ethos would be more peaceful. Much like Scandinavia used to be before it allowed a flood of Muslim immigrants who don’t share the culture and have no interest in assimilating. The USA used to be referred to as the melting pot, a place of melded cultures that had picked the best from all the immigrant groups. Now liberals want it to be a salad made up of investigable chunks of small groups. Out of one many instead of the old motto “out of many, one”.
A homogenous America where everyone shares the same ethos would be more peaceful. Much like Scandinavia used to be before it allowed a flood of Muslim immigrants who don’t share the culture and have no interest in assimilating. The USA used to be referred to as the melting pot, a place of melded cultures that had picked the best from all the immigrant groups. Now liberals want it to be a salad made up of investigable chunks of small groups. Out of one many instead of the old motto “out of many, one”.
Why do you suppose the globalists won’t get in here and make their case logically and rationally?
Next you will be telling us that Jesus was not White . Cannot believe anything these various coloured hybrids claim. And Father Christmas is definitely White . As is his wife , Chantel Rosa Xmas .
Peace is the absence of whites in a black and brown world. Or not.
Four black men attack and stomp a 13 year old Hispanic boy.

I hope the boy has a strong home gang because there ain't no more white justice.

People will always find stupid reasons to hate each other, but you "I hate black people!" and "I hate white people!" assholes are rapidly running out of road.

"More than 33 million Americans — about 1 in 10 — identify as being of two or more races, a number that grew by nearly 25 million people in the past decade, according to the 2020 Census. Multiracial people span all different combinations of races and ethnicities and make up the fastest-growing demographic in the country."

No you didn't, because that never happened.
That‘s not your post shown above?
Aren’t you gloating about the notion of a less white America…and based on the data (not your feelings) aren’t you in effect gloating over the notion of a shittier America? I thought you lefties always say you don’t champion degradation in America?
That‘s not your post shown above?
Aren’t you gloating about the notion of a less white America…and based on the data (not your feelings) aren’t you in effect gloating over the notion of a shittier America? I thought you lefties always say you don’t champion degradation in America?
At the same time, they call Republicans racist - while they celebrate the notion of reducing the white population!
How will making America less white result in a safer and more prosperous America when blacks are more likely to commit violent crime and be on welfare?
Unkotare hates truth and data. He’ll pretend he doesn’t see this.

The only races that have shown the capacity to create and maintain advanced civilizations with prosperous economies and well functioning government are whites of European ancestry and East Asians. We can live together harmoniously and well.

The other races, and particularly Muslims and Negroes, are composed primarily of burdens to advanced civilization.

I know. I know. Islam is a religion, rather than a race. Nevertheless the brown sub racial groups that have adopted Islam are known for lower IQ averages, tyranny, and terrorism.

Third world races and racial hybrids escape the dysfunctions of their countries and bring their dysfunctions with them to first world countries, spreading crime, welfare dependency and terrorism.
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So? They get something. They get Hotel rooms (for how long?) been three years and NYC is still full. They aren't piled up starved to death outside so they are getting food....on and on.
The only races that have shown the capacity to create and maintain advanced civilizations with prosperous economies and well functioning government are whites of European ancestry and East Asians. We can live together harmoniously and well.

The other races, and particularly Muslims and Negroes, are composed primarily of burdens to advanced civilization.

I know. I know. Islam is a religion, rather than a race. Nevertheless the brown sub racial groups that have adopted Islam are known for lower IQ averages, tyranny, and terrorism.

Third world races and racial hybrids escape the dysfunctions of their countries and bring their dysfunctions with them to first world countries, spreading crime, welfare dependency and terrorism.
Unkotore, where is there another non white, non Oriental country with a prosperous economy and a well fun functioning government?

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