Zone1 Scary taboo…Fact or fiction- A less white America is a cleaner, safer, less dependent, more prosperous, more unified America?

There may not be the social stigma anymore, but the chances of a child from a single parent household being successful in life are far lower than one from a two-parent household.
… which is why blacks have lower educational attainment and incomes, on average.
… which is why blacks have lower educational attainment and incomes, on average.

Well, that and 400 years of people like you looking for excuses to screw them.

Didn't you used to whine that you fought tooth and nail to keep "undeserving" black kids out of the prep school you worked for until the happy day you retired? (Happy for your co-workers, I mean.)
A few points... out of wedlock doesn't always mean single parents.

By your logic, we should ban divorce for any couple with minor children.... Factor in divorce, and black kids whose Baby-Daddies live with their baby mommas and the amount of 'single parent" households are probably about equal.
It doesn't always, that why I used the term "single parent". A lot of people choose not to marry anymore even if they have children.

I doubt your last sentence is accurate, most divorced dads have as much contact with their kids as the courts and ex-wives allow. I'm one of the ones whose ex-wife made it impossible for me to have any contact with my daughter. Having the cops and Child Protective Services show up EVERY time in the middle of the night EVERY time I managed to actually get visitation gets old. The cops and CPS refused to identify the "unknown" caller calling in complaints despite a string of never finding anything objectionable in their o dark thirty unannounced visits. It was destroying my daughter, so I had to let her go. Most of the divorced men I knew busted their asses to spend time with their kids.
This is a subject too scary for most here to engage in but with all the “a less white America is a better America” rhetoric floating around I thought I should create an opportunity to PROVE that such a theory may be true.
SOOOOO…..go for it Globalists….post the data. PLEEEEASE!

The proof is in the pudding, bub.

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Blacks run all of America's biggest cities more or less. If Blacks ran all of America and there were no whites, America would be unbeatable as the most humongous superpower that ever existed.

lightfoot hell.jpg
It doesn't always, that why I used the term "single parent". A lot of people choose not to marry anymore even if they have children.

I doubt your last sentence is accurate, most divorced dads have as much contact with their kids as the courts and ex-wives allow. I'm one of the ones whose ex-wife made it impossible for me to have any contact with my daughter. Having the cops and Child Protective Services show up EVERY time in the middle of the night EVERY time I managed to actually get visitation gets old. The cops and CPS refused to identify the "unknown" caller calling in complaints despite a string of never finding anything objectionable in their o dark thirty unannounced visits. It was destroying my daughter, so I had to let her go. Most of the divorced men I knew busted their asses to spend time with their kids.
My condolences. It sucks when someone puts their own petty desires above the good of the kids. My tenant in my old building had an ex who did that kind of shit.
Well, that and 400 years of people like you looking for excuses to screw them.

Didn't you used to whine that you fought tooth and nail to keep "undeserving" black kids out of the prep school you worked for until the happy day you retired? (Happy for your co-workers, I mean.)
No…..I didn’t. I didn’t work for a prep school.

And I fought to admit the better, more qualified students in - regardless of race - to the competitive institution for which I worked. You’re such a leftist - making up lies about what posters say.

But as long as you’re falsely accusing me of bigotry, were‘t you the one who referred to my “fucking Jewish religion“? And you condemned me for choosing to continue being Jewish?

Such a hypocrite.
My condolences. It sucks when someone puts their own petty desires above the good of the kids. My tenant in my old building had an ex who did that kind of shit.
It’s my own fault for marrying her. I knew her mom and sisters were crazy, I thought she was sane, she just hid it better.
Not at all...I think that's great. In fact, I love to see blacks improve, I'd like to see all of you become legitimate human beings...we're tired of domestic terrorism.
The problem is; the Plantation Keeper, your Massa, the DNC, they keep rolling Mexico's people right over the top of you making it difficult for blacks to advance.
“It would neither be true or honest to say that the Negrosproblem is what it is because he is innately inferior orbecause he is basically lazy and listless or because he hasnot lifted himself by his own bootstraps. To find the originsof the Negro problem we must turn to the white man’s problem.”-Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.

How about whites like you improve yourself?
The proof is in the pudding, bub.

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Blacks run all of America's biggest cities more or less. If Blacks ran all of America and there were no whites, America would be unbeatable as the most humongous superpower that ever existed.

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Blacks don't run most of the cities or state governments . The Mayor is one person on the council. The mayor must carry out the policies voted on by the majority of the city council.

There are cities ran by black mayors have been messed up due to policy decisions at the state level. Flint Michigan is a prime example of that. Meanwhile you have thousands of dead rural all white towns that are wastelands.

It doesn't take much intelligence to be a white racist.
Whites here who are racists really need to fall back and analyze what has really gone on. Drop the tall tale of white supremacy and face reality.

“When you spend your dollar out of the community in which you live the community in which you spend your dollar becomes richer and richer; the community out of which you take your money becomes poorer and poorer.” -Malcolm X

“Since the beginning of the 1980s, employment relations in U.S.Industries corporations have undergone three major structural changes—which I summarize as rationalization, marketization, and globalization—that have permanently eliminated middle-class jobs. From the early 1980s, rationalization, characterized by plant closings, eliminated the jobs of unionized blue-collar workers. From the early 1990s, marketization, characterized by the end of a career with one company as an employment norm, placed the job security of middle-aged and older white-collar workers in jeopardy. From the early 2000s, globalization, characterized by the movement of employment offshore, left all members of the U.S. labor force, even those with advanced educational credentials and substantial work experience, vulnerable to displacement.”

The quote was from a paper titled “The Financialization of the U.S. Corporation: What Has Been Lost, and How It Can Be Regained,” by William Lazonick. In this paper, he describes the forces that created the changes in American business that are the causes for the current weakened state of the American worker.

Since 1980, American businesses have needlessly sent jobs out o fthis country. Everybody’s hero, Reagan, implemented a government business philosophy of laissez-faire economics that has cost the workers of this nation millions of jobs. “Unqualified” blacks, Asians, illegal immigrants from the southern border, or whoever else was blamed had nothing to do with taking jobs from the white working class. CEOS and corporate owners sent those jobs away. Their pockets got fat while race baiting white working-class citizens into a victim mentality.

And that is you guys.

“The persistent racial wealth gap in the United States is a burden on black Americans as well as the overall economy.”
- “The Economic Impact of Closing the Racial Wealth Gap.”- McKinsey and Company

In 2011, DEMOS did a study named “The Racial Wealth Gap, Why Policy Matters,” which discussed the racial wealth gap, its problems, and solutions and outcomes if the gap did not exist. DEMOS determined that policy decisions primarily drove the racial wealth gap in this study.

“The U.S. racial wealth gap is substantial and is driven by public policy decisions. According to our analysis of the SIPP data, in 2011 the median white household had $111,146in wealth holdings, compared to just $7,113 for the median Black household and $8,348 for the median Latino household. From the continuing impact of redlining on American homeownership to the retreat from desegregation in public education, public policy has shaped these disparities, leaving them impossible to overcome without racially aware policy change.”

On October 24, 2013, the Kellogg Foundation and Altarum Institute sent out a press release about a report they had done titled, “The Business Case for Racial Equity.” This was a study done by both organizations, using information studied and assessed from the Center for American Progress, National Urban League Policy Institute, Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies, and the U.S. Department of Justice.

“Striving for racial equity – a world where race is no longer a factor in the distribution of opportunity – is a matter of social justice. But moving toward racial equity can generate significant economic returns as well. When people face barriers to achieving their full potential, the loss of talent, creativity, energy, and productivity is a burden not only for those disadvantaged, but for communities, businesses, governments, and the economy as a whole. Initial research on the magnitude of this burden in the United States (U.S.), as highlighted in this brief, reveals impacts in the trillions of dollars in lost earnings, avoidable public expenditures, and lost economic output.”

“It will end up costing the U.S. economy as much as $1 trillion between now and 2028 for the nation to maintain its longstanding black-white racial wealth gap." That will be roughly 4 percent of the United States GDP in 2028—just the conservative view, assuming that the wealth growth rates of African Americans will outpace white wealth growth at its current clip of 3 percent to .8 percent annually.

If the gap widens, however, with white wealth growing at a faster rate than black wealth instead, it could end up costing the U.S. $1.5 trillion or 6 percent of GDP."

McKinsey & Company

White racism in America has created an inefficient system that wastes valuable human resources. Our government is in debt and runs deficits and it's not just because of spending, it's due to racism. White racism has affected equal pay and employment. If white racism is eliminated you end up with fewer people on public assistance because they are gainfully employed and paid equal wages.

Historically, there has only been one group in America whose median income has exceeded the national average and whose unemployment and poverty levels have been lower than the national average -whites. I left out Asians because the stats on Asians shows a huge disparity that make the claims about Asian income and unemployment disingenuous, that would be the income and employment of Indians as opposed to other Asian groups.

So the questions is:

Would a less white America be a cleaner, safer, less dependent, more prosperous, more unified America?

According to the facts I have presented....
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No…..I didn’t. I didn’t work for a prep school.

And I fought to admit the better, more qualified students in - regardless of race - to the competitive institution for which I worked. You’re such a leftist - making up lies about what posters say.

But as long as you’re falsely accusing me of bigotry, were‘t you the one who referred to my “fucking Jewish religion“? And you condemned me for choosing to continue being Jewish?

Such a hypocrite.

In short--- you fought to exclude black people and opened your school up to EEOC lawsuits.... no wonder they were happy to see you leave. Now you just wander around the maul, being frightened of pictures of black people.

Sorry, your religion is screwed up.... You are not God's Chosen people. On the off chance there is a God, he certainly doesn't care about you. Using him to rationalize your bad behavior is... well... fucking awful.

I've made it pretty clear, I have contempt for ALL religion, not just yours. I have a field day making fun of Mormonism, which is a target rich environment, and I'm pretty harsh on the Catholics (even though most of the people I care about are still practicing Catholics).
Since 1980, American businesses have needlessly sent jobs out o fthis country. Everybody’s hero, Reagan, implemented a government business philosophy of laissez-faire economics that has cost the workers of this nation millions of jobs. “Unqualified” blacks, Asians, illegal immigrants from the southern border, or whoever else was blamed had nothing to do with taking jobs from the white working class. CEOS and corporate owners sent those jobs away. Their pockets got fat while race baiting white working-class citizens into a victim mentality.

Um... wrong. First and foremost, most of these manufacturing jobs weren't lost to outsourcing, they were lost to automation and process improvement. You are more likely to have lost that manufacturing job to a robot than a Chinese.


While I am a strong believing in the right of labor to organize, unions have actually hurt American productivity. Just spend a day down at a government office. Went for my marriage license at Cook County last month. Even though I pre-applied on line, I was STILL down there for several hours. Lazy ass affirmative action government workers in a union, no surprise they were useless.

White racism in America has created an inefficient system that wastes valuable human resources. Our government is in debt and runs deficits and it's not just because of spending, it's due to racism. White racism has affected equal pay and employment. If white racism is eliminated you end up with fewer people on public assistance because they are gainfully employed and paid equal wages.

Awesome... except that there isn't really that much racism in the workplace. We have plenty of people of color where I work... Asians and Hispanics. Some of them only a generation or two here. Do you want to guess who is missing. And it's certainly NOT because our HR department is racist.

Every last one of your posts are about what I need to do to make your life better... and frankly, bud, that's going to be a long wait for a train that never comes. What you need to do is re-establish a work ethic in your own communities. Not have an attitude when the white guy who is signing your paycheck tells you to do something. You get the idea.
Blacks don't run most of the cities or state governments . The Mayor is one person on the council. The mayor must carry out the policies voted on by the majority of the city council.

There are cities ran by black mayors have been messed up due to policy decisions at the state level. Flint Michigan is a prime example of that. Meanwhile you have thousands of dead rural all white towns that are wastelands.

It doesn't take much intelligence to be a white racist.

Well, there you go again, as Ronald Reagan would say.

Chicago is a city where after four years of Mayor Beetlejuice, we went from a pretty vibrant downtown to a downtown you are afraid to go into at night. The police stopped doing their jobs after Lightfoot threw they under the bus time after time.

We'd have been so much better off if Rahm Emmanuel had gotten a third term, but because he got the blame for the Laquan McDonald Shooting (It wasn't like HE shot the kid 16 times), he declined to run. Now we have Brandon Johnson, and businesses are leaving Chicago in droves.
Why do right wing whites lie to themselves about things like this? Whites have been the most violent and criminal of all the groups in America.
You don’t know how to stop living in the past.
This is a subject too scary for most here to engage in but with all the “a less white America is a better America” rhetoric floating around I thought I should create an opportunity to PROVE that such a theory may be true.
SOOOOO…..go for it Globalists….post the data. PLEEEEASE!
so why are minorities demanding they live in white neighborhoods where its clean and there are police
so why are minorities demanding they live in white neighborhoods where its clean and there are police
Minorities are demanding economic development for their communities. So why is tax money put in the pot by minorities primarily going into development of "white" communities?
You don’t know how to stop living in the past.

The past is prologue.

The racial inequities we still suffer have their roots in the past.

My advice to white people is that we need to correct these injustices.

My advice to black people is, don't wait for someone else to solve your problems. If you have to work a little harder to get what white folks have, suck it up and work a little harder. Life isn't fair.

Now that I've pretty much offended everyone, my work is done here.

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