Zone1 Scary taboo…Fact or fiction- A less white America is a cleaner, safer, less dependent, more prosperous, more unified America?

There are two kinds of Trump supporters. There are affluent Republicans who like his tax cuts for the rich, and who no longer value balanced budgets, like Republicans did before the Reagan administration. These affluent Republicans pretend not to notice Trump's vulgar, low class personality.

Then there are the poorly educated whites Trump pretends to love, while secretly despising them. These like Trump's personality because it is similar to theirs. They would rather blame non whites at home and abroad, Jews, and liberals for their problems, than acknowledge that they better paying jobs they have the intelligence to learn are being replaced by computer technology and automation.
I’m neither one. I’m not a rich Republican, nor am I uneducated.

The Democrats fall into two groups:

1) Ones who are affluent enough to buy their way out of the consequences of liberal policies. They send their kids to private school while the working- and middle-class class get saddled with illegals who lower the caliber of the public schools and price of their properties.

2) Ones who are on government charity programs, and vote for more and more handouts from responsible taxpayers.
I’m neither one. I’m not a rich Republican, nor am I uneducated.

The Democrats fall into two groups:

1) Ones who are affluent enough to buy their way out of the consequences of liberal policies. They send their kids to private school while the working- and middle-class class get saddled with illegals who lower the caliber of the public schools and price of their properties.

2) Ones who are on government charity programs, and vote for more and more handouts from responsible taxpayers.
What both of us say is largely true, with important exceptions. The political situation in the United States makes me think of "The Second Coming," by William Butler Yeats.

Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.

One third of the country thinks that Trump won the last election. One third thinks whites, rather than the black genome, are responsible for black problems.

I agree with the Republicans on the issues of crime and race. I would like to say I agree with the GOP on immigration, but it is only the Republican base that wants to restrict immigration. The Republican Donor Class, that controls the Republican Party, wants more immigrants. By competing for jobs immigrants enable employers to cut wages. By competing for places to live immigrants enable landlords to raise rents.

I continue to vote Democrat, but the Democrat Party I really like is the one that existed from the inauguration of Franklin Roosevelt to the assassination of President Kennedy. Roosevelt had the sense to keep civil rights off of the New Deal agenda. John Kennedy lacked enthusiasm for civil rights. I think the civil rights legislation and the War on Poverty were well intended mistakes.
I doubt that most illegitimate children will ever be employable.
I know, man, you tend to look down on everyone to feel better about yourself. Maybe you should try being a better person.

I have never read a post by Lisa558 condemning abortion. Perhaps she has posted several.
I don't really care, but the side she supports wants to limit abortion, that's the point. In fact, if the Pro-Lifers took their ball and went home, the GOP would be done.
The problem is, they've angered a sleeping giant in the 60 million of so women who have had abortions and don't like being branded murderers after the fact.

I am in favor of free abortion on demand. I like the eugenic effects of abortion. The authors of Freakonomics pointed out that the same kind of females who are most likely to have abortions are also most likely to give birth to boy babies who become violent street criminals. Those females are unmarried, they lave low IQ's, and they are marginally or un employable.

while this might be PARTIALLY true, the reality is the middle class are more likely to have the abortions, not the very poor. So it's kind of having the opposite effect of the one you want.

Those authors credit Roe vs Wade for the decline in violent crime that began in 1982. A potential violent street criminal who was aborted in 1974 would have been eighteen years old in 1982.

Um, no. You suck at Math...

1982 - 1974 = 8
1974 + 18 = 1992

Hey, tell me again how you are a genetically superior computer whiz. That shit never gets old.
I’m neither one. I’m not a rich Republican, nor am I uneducated.

The Democrats fall into two groups:

1) Ones who are affluent enough to buy their way out of the consequences of liberal policies. They send their kids to private school while the working- and middle-class class get saddled with illegals who lower the caliber of the public schools and price of their properties.

2) Ones who are on government charity programs, and vote for more and more handouts from responsible taxpayers.

Actually, I wouldn't fall into either category.

I used to vote Republican until the crazies took over the party... the religious fanatics, the gun fetishists and the Libertarian Children who think civilization happens without government.

I am not affluent enough to buy my way out of any policy, but I realize the last THREE Republican presidents have brought us the last FOUR recessions, during each of which I took a hit.

During the Clinton years, I was one of those who screamed "Subornation of Perjury" like that was a real thing, but then Bush got in, and I realized that if the worst thing I had to worry about in life was the president lying about a blow job, my life was pretty good.

I'm not on any government program, I don't even cash in on the veteran's benefits I'm probably entitled to.
we had to pay in to SS over 40-60 years working. $250K-$500K paid in. Higher income will get back $36,000 per year for his last years on Earth. Probably at-best a break-even situation for some? Depending on years lived.

if the GOVT was smart, collected fuds would be invested rather than mostl squandered after confiscation. Maybe SS could be more self-sustaining?

Here's another fucking math genius. You only pay 6% of your salary into Social Security. Which means even if you made 100,000 a year, your maximum pay in was $6000 a year.
If you worked for 45 years, paying the median income, the amount you would have paid in was $135,000, and you'd get that back in 6 years. The reason why SS is insolvent is because when it was started, most people didn't live to be 65. You had 16 people paying in for each retiree. Now you have four people paying in for each retiree. Every industrialized country is facing this issue.

The way to secure the solvency of Social Security and Medicate is to restore the steeply progressive taxation that existed before the Reagan administration,

Not really. While Reagan's tax policies are an ongoing disaster... Social Security and Medicare always had their own funding schemes that were separate. The reason why they are insolvent is as I said above, you have people living longer and less people paying in. Unless you want to call everything general fund and have a single tax to cover it all (which I'd be fine with) raising taxes on the rich isn't really a solution.

What we need are more workers paying in, but the GOP base wants to restrict immigration, which will make up for all those shortfalls in the younger generations. We also need for more of the wealth to shift back to the working class, but that's unlikely to happen, either.
Actually, these indictments will FINALLY allow Trump to present his evidence in Court. It should be shown on C-SPAN.

And it won't be any less crazy. The problem is, let's say that there are some questionable issues with the vote. (There weren't, but never mind.)

If I think the bank made a mistake on my account, I am not justified going into the place and robbing it with a gun.

I just did a calculation. I was self-employed for 20 years and the total amount of SS I paid was around $200,000 (since I had to pay both halves).

If I had been given the option to take that money out an invest it in a broad index fund for the next 15 years, at which time I would have been 65, and I averaged 9% a year (which is a conservative estimate), I would have had $800,000.

Or you could have been completely wiped out when the market crashed in 1987... or 2002... or 2008.

That is SO arrogant. I am far from stupid, and I don’t believe what I do because that’s what Trump says. I have ears and eyes - and an IQ a lot higher than the Jewish average you quote - and I make my own judgments.

Please don’t become another arrogant Democrat who thinks Trump supporters are stupid. Among my friends are a microbiologist, an MBA, a dentist, a nuclear scientist, and a Ph.D. They ALL are well above average in intelligence - and they all want to get rid of Biden and get Trump back in.

I don't think all Trump supporters are stupid.
Some of you are just fucking evil.
I know, man, you tend to look down on everyone to feel better about yourself. Maybe you should try being a better person.

I don't really care, but the side she supports wants to limit abortion, that's the point. In fact, if the Pro-Lifers took their ball and went home, the GOP would be done.
The problem is, they've angered a sleeping giant in the 60 million of so women who have had abortions and don't like being branded murderers after the fact.

while this might be PARTIALLY true, the reality is the middle class are more likely to have the abortions, not the very poor. So it's kind of having the opposite effect of the one you want.

Um, no. You suck at Math...

1982 - 1974 = 8
1974 + 18 = 1992

Hey, tell me again how you are a genetically superior computer whiz. That shit never gets old.
I do not look down on everyone. I admire East Asians because they have higher average IQ's than what I am racially, and lower rates of crime and illegitimacy.

I have never known an Oriental I did not like. My two best friends in high schools were Chinese Americans.

I admire Ashkenazi Jews because they have IQ averages of 115. I have not learned how they measure up in terms of crime and illegitimacy, Again I suspect they have better numbers than white Gentiles.

One of my best friends was a black college professor. When I knew him he was getting a PhD. in English, and learning ancient Greek for his foreign language requirement. When I asked him, "You already know German and French. Why are you learning such a difficult language as ancient Greek?"

He replied, "I want to show those white boys what I can do."

When I was a computer programmer my computer department hired a black programmer. I began to mentor him, although I had not been told to. He told our boss I was helping him.

Our boss told me, "It is my job to train the people I hire, but I do not always have time. You're making my job a lot easier." That is the best thing a boss can tell a subordinate."

I am not telling you that to defend myself against the charge of being a racist. By your definition I am a racist, and I do not care.

I am a race realist. Race realists believe that race is an important biological classification of humans. The three major races differ significantly in average characteristics important to the creation and maintenance of thriving societies and civilizations. These are average intelligence, and rates of crime and illegitimacy. These differences have evolved in response to thousands of years of evolutionary pressure. Cold climates select genetically for intelligence and monogamy. Civilizations select genetically for intelligence and obedience to the law.

I was a race realist before I knew the term existed. The best introduction to race racism is "Race, Evolution, and Behavior," by Professor J. Philippe Rushton.

I get flamed on white nationalist websites for quoting the nice things Professor Rushton says about Orientals. The white nationalists call me a race traitor. By their definition I certainly am. Again, I do not care.

I am not a white nationalist, a white supremacist, and I do not identify with the alt right. I voted for Joe Biden last time. I intend to vote for him again. I hate Trump for all the usual reasons.

I meant 1992. 1974 + 18 = 1992, when the violent crime rate began to decline, because so many potential violent street criminals were killed in the womb.

The authors of Freekonomics said that the females who are most likely to have abortions are unmarried, poorly educated, have low IQ's, and are marginally employable, or unemployable. Those do not sound like middle aged white women to me. I have read on two occasions that slightly more than half of black pregnancies are ended by abortion.
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Here's another fucking math genius. You only pay 6% of your salary into Social Security. Which means even if you made 100,000 a year, your maximum pay in was $6000 a year.
If you worked for 45 years, paying the median income, the amount you would have paid in was $135,000, and you'd get that back in 6 years. The reason why SS is insolvent is because when it was started, most people didn't live to be 65. You had 16 people paying in for each retiree. Now you have four people paying in for each retiree. Every industrialized country is facing this issue.

Not really. While Reagan's tax policies are an ongoing disaster... Social Security and Medicare always had their own funding schemes that were separate. The reason why they are insolvent is as I said above, you have people living longer and less people paying in. Unless you want to call everything general fund and have a single tax to cover it all (which I'd be fine with) raising taxes on the rich isn't really a solution.

What we need are more workers paying in, but the GOP base wants to restrict immigration, which will make up for all those shortfalls in the younger generations. We also need for more of the wealth to shift back to the working class, but that's unlikely to happen, either.

wrong again. Employee pays 6.2%, Employer pays 6.2%. If you work 50-60 yrs. Making $25K-$50K early and $100K avg later on, uh do the math. I‘m not the one challenging my own numbers. Keep trying lil’ joey. You do win occasionally.

btw: they figure your payout based on your highest 35 yrs. (probably the last 35 yrs). 35*$100K =>$300K in those yrs alone. For a high earner was how I posted it.
wrong again. Employee pays 6.2%, Employer pays 6.2%.

This is where you are getting faulty logic. YOU aren't paying in that 6.2%, your employer is.

So what you are paying in is nowhere near what you will get out if you retire at 62 and live to be at least 72. And the average life expectancy in this country now is 78. That's why we are in trouble.

btw: they figure your payout based on your highest 35 yrs. (probably the last 35 yrs). 35*$100K =>$300K

Except no one is making that money consistently. That's the thing

If you are making $100K in 2023, you were making a LOT less in 1988.
Except blacks. And hispanics. And Native Americans....

then why do you keep using a racist term like "oriental"?

which is probably smarter than you, amiright. Hey, did you figure out the math thing yet?
I have always been sympathetic to American Indians. I have only known two Hispanics I did not like. I enjoy dining at a Mexican restaurant near to where I life. I like them. They like me. Sometimes we buy each other drinks.

If I get the opportunity to know a Negro I evaluate him using the same criteria I use in evaluating a white person or an Oriental. The difference between us is that I do not make excuses for him because of what happened to his ancestors in the past.

No Oriental has ever told me that the word "Oriental" is racist. When I told a Vietnamese woman I dated, "I prefer Oriental women," she did not get angry at me.

She smiled and said, "You think we are much more wonderful."

That is true. Professor Rushton said Oriental women have less testosterone than white women. I first learned that Oriental girls existed when I was six or seven. I was watching a documentary about Japanese school children. I remember thinking, "Some white girls are pretty. Some are not. All Japanese girls are pretty. I soon learned that Chinese girls looked just as good.
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I have always been sympathetic for American Indians. I have only known two Hispanics I did not like. I enjoy dining at a Mexican restaurant near to where I life. I like them. They like me. Sometimes we buy each other drinks.

If I get the opportunity to know a Negro I evaluate him using the same criteria I use in evaluating a white person or an Oriental. The difference between us is that I do not make excuses for him because of what happened to his ancestors in the past.

And you call people "negroes" and "Orientals"? One can only hope you get your damn fool face broken as often as you deserve.
And you call people "negroes" and "Orientals"? One can only hope you get your damn fool face broken as often as you deserve.
You seem to imply that if a Negro beat me up he would convince me that Negroes do not have higher crime rates than whites, and even higher crime rates than Orientals. I doubt it myself.
I have always been sympathetic to American Indians. I have only known two Hispanics I did not like. I enjoy dining at a Mexican restaurant near to where I life. I like them. They like me. Sometimes we buy each other drinks.

If I get the opportunity to know a Negro I evaluate him using the same criteria I use in evaluating a white person or an Oriental. The difference between us is that I do not make excuses for him because of what happened to his ancestors in the past.

Oh, bullshit, you drag out 50 year old debunked studies to rationalize your racism..

Did you figure out the math problem yet?

No Oriental has ever told me that the word "Oriental" is racist. When I told a Vietnamese woman I dated, "I prefer Oriental women," she did not get angry at me.
Let me ask you a question about that Vietnamese woman. Did she marry you? I'm guessing she didn't, which tells me all that I need to know about your attitudes towards "Orientals".
This is where you are getting faulty logic. YOU aren't paying in that 6.2%, your employer is.

So what you are paying in is nowhere near what you will get out if you retire at 62 and live to be at least 72. And the average life expectancy in this country now is 78. That's why we are in trouble.

Except no one is making that money consistently. That's the thing

If you are making $100K in 2023, you were making a LOT less in 1988.

$25K for 10yrs = $250K
$50K for 20 yrs = $1million
$100K for 20 yrs.= $2million

roughly 10% of $3million = $300K paid in. (~10 yrs payout?)

we were both right in some of this Joe. I see your
That is true. Professor Rushton said Oriental women have less testosterone than white women. I first learned that Oriental girls existed when I was six or seven. I was watching a documentary about Japanese school children. I remember thinking, "Some white girls are pretty. Some are not. All Japanese girls are pretty. I soon learned that Chinese girls looked just as good.

Um, "School Children"? that's just weird.
$25K for 10yrs = $250K
$50K for 20 yrs = $1million
$100K for 20 yrs.= $2million

roughly 10% of $3million = $300K paid in. (~10 yrs payout?)

we were both right in some of this Joe. I see your

No, buddy, your math sucks and isn't even close.

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