Zone1 Scary taboo…Fact or fiction- A less white America is a cleaner, safer, less dependent, more prosperous, more unified America?

You seem to imply that if a Negro beat me up he would convince me that Negroes do not have higher crime rates than whites, and even higher crime rates than Orientals. I doubt it myself.
No, I suggest you deserve to get your damn fool face broken if you really talk that way in real life. Of course we all know you don’t.
I have always been sympathetic to American Indians. I have only known two Hispanics I did not like. I enjoy dining at a Mexican restaurant near to where I life. I like them. They like me. Sometimes we buy each other drinks.

If I get the opportunity to know a Negro I evaluate him using the same criteria I use in evaluating a white person or an Oriental. The difference between us is that I do not make excuses for him because of what happened to his ancestors in the past.

No Oriental has ever told me that the word "Oriental" is racist. When I told a Vietnamese woman I dated, "I prefer Oriental women," she did not get angry at me.

She smiled and said, "You think we are much more wonderful."

That is true. Professor Rushton said Oriental women have less testosterone than white women. I first learned that Oriental girls existed when I was six or seven. I was watching a documentary about Japanese school children. I remember thinking, "Some white girls are pretty. Some are not. All Japanese girls are pretty. I soon learned that Chinese girls looked just as good.
So stupid.
i see noting wrong with appr. 3million earnimgs.
Appr. 300K paid in to SS. Not sure what you see?

if you collect $3K per month roughly ~10 yrs is your paid in.//

OK estimate ~$2.5million earnings over the highest 35 years. I was just estimating to make easy math. Now its messier. At $36K/yer takeout…..less than ten years to get $250K out. I could get a calculator on the PC tomorrow at work but I am on the right track.
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OK estimate ~$2.5million earnings over the highest 35 years. I was just estimating to make easy math. Now its messier. At $36K/yer takeout…..less than ten years to get $250K out. I could get a calculator on the PC tomorrow at work but I am on the right track.
You’re forgetting compound interest. That adds up fast over forty plus years of contributions.
i see noting wrong with appr. 3million earnimgs.
Appr. 300K paid in to SS. Not sure what you see?

Most people don't make 3 million over a lifetime, and if they did, they wouldn't be paying 300K.

The reality - and even Limbaugh admitted this - is that if you retire at 65, you get everything you paid into it back if you live to be 72.
You’re forgetting compound interest. That adds up fast over forty plus years of contributions.
Or….maybe a compromise between the two approaches:

1) Everyone must contribute to SS for 25 years.

2) At that point, around age 40 or 45, you have the option of withdrawing your total amount and putting it into a broad index fund such as SPY or VTI. That amount would triple by age 65. Or, you could continue contributing and get the regular SS payout.
Most people don't make 3 million over a lifetime, and if they did, they wouldn't be paying 300K.

The reality - and even Limbaugh admitted this - is that if you retire at 65, you get everything you paid into it back if you live to be 72.

Got it. You don't want to call the 6.2% SS paid by the Employer as part of Employee salary? What is it? Nothing is free Joe. It is assigned to you in your SS payment accumulation.
Note: If you use this site on EDGE or BRAVE (or other browsers?) you lose some of the text features such as colored text or BOLD in many operations. Chrome seems to work but then you have to fool around more with Google BS//
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Or….maybe a compromise between the two approaches:

1) Everyone must contribute to SS for 25 years.

2) At that point, around age 40 or 45, you have the option of withdrawing your total amount and putting it into a broad index fund such as SPY or VTI. That amount would triple by age 65. Or, you could continue contributing and get the regular SS payout.

And when you get wiped out in a stock market correction, you will be the first one running to Congress begging for a bailout.

Social Security is a safety net. Nothing more, nothing less.

Got it. You don't want to call the 6.2% SS paid by the Employer as part of Employee salary? What is it? Nothing is free Joe. It is assigned to you in your SS payment accumulation.
It's not being earned by you, it's being paid by your employer... probably because if we just had a 12% tax on income, people never would have gone for it.
During the Great Recession, Payroll taxes on Social Security were reduced to 4% but the co-pay by employers stayed at 6%.
And when you get wiped out in a stock market correction, you will be the first one running to Congress begging for a bailout.

Social Security is a safety net. Nothing more, nothing less.

It's not being earned by you, it's being paid by your employer... probably because if we just had a 12% tax on income, people never would have gone for it.
During the Great Recession, Payroll taxes on Social Security were reduced to 4% but the co-pay by employers stayed at 6%.
SS is part of the salary package just like Unemployment Insurance. The employer pays it as part of your compensation.
SS is part of the salary package just like Unemployment Insurance. The employer pays it as part of your compensation.

Nope. They are both White Welfare...

The reality is we pay far more in Middle Class entitlements to white people than poverty relief to poor people of color... but guess what you guys are upset about.
Nope. They are both White Welfare...

The reality is we pay far more in Middle Class entitlements to white people than poverty relief to poor people of color... but guess what you guys are upset about.
Nope. That’s just an anti-white racist Democrat thinking. Social Security is an earned benefit.

Welfare is when you get something for nothing. Blacks are more likely than whites to be on welfare than whites, and that is due to their high illegitimacy rate.
Nope. That’s just an anti-white racist Democrat thinking. Social Security is an earned benefit.

No, it isn't. It's kind of a lottery. If you live past 72, you will be getting far more out of it than you ever paid it. If you die like my Dad did at 56, you don't get jack diddly. I didn't even get survivor benefits because Reagan changed the law in 1982. ( I gave most of that money to my Mom, anyway... before she died. )

Welfare is when you get something for nothing. Blacks are more likely than whites to be on welfare than whites, and that is due to their high illegitimacy rate.

Actually... most people on welfare are white.
Most people on welfare are only on it for a short time.
Most people receiving welfare benefits also have at least one adult family member who works.
No, it isn't. It's kind of a lottery. If you live past 72, you will be getting far more out of it than you ever paid it. If you die like my Dad did at 56, you don't get jack diddly. I didn't even get survivor benefits because Reagan changed the law in 1982. ( I gave most of that money to my Mom, anyway... before she died. )

Actually... most people on welfare are white.
Most people on welfare are only on it for a short time.
Most people receiving welfare benefits also have at least one adult family member who works.
Most people on welfare are white because most people are white, but blacks are still more likely to be on welfare due to all their OOW babies.
Most people on welfare are white because most people are white, but blacks are still more likely to be on welfare due to all their OOW babies.

Except 32% of white kids are born out of wedlock now... it's just not a big deal anymore.

And of course, when you count all the welfare queens on Social Security and Medicare, white people blow it out of the park.
Except 32% of white kids are born out of wedlock now... it's just not a big deal anymore.
And TWICE as many black babies our born out of wedlock. And it is a big deal for those of us who think parents should support their kids, and foist It off on taxpayers.
And of course, when you count all the welfare queens on Social Security and Medicare, white people blow it out of the park.
There are no welfare queens on Social Security or Medicare.

(Wow, the racism against whites is really strong with this leftard!)
And TWICE as many black babies our born out of wedlock. And it is a big deal for those of us who think parents should support their kids, and foist It off on taxpayers.

So what? You see, unlike Granny Tilly living off social security, those kids are going to be in the workforce some day. Granny Tilly, on the other hand, has kind of outlived her usefulness.

There are no welfare queens on Social Security or Medicare.

Sure they are.. they are getting money and services without producing any value. Granny Tilly needs to work until she drops!
Except 32% of white kids are born out of wedlock now... it's just not a big deal anymore.

And of course, when you count all the welfare queens on Social Security and Medicare, white people blow it out of the park.
There may not be the social stigma anymore, but the chances of a child from a single parent household being successful in life are far lower than one from a two-parent household.
There may not be the social stigma anymore, but the chances of a child from a single parent household being successful in life are far lower than one from a two-parent household.

A few points... out of wedlock doesn't always mean single parents.

By your logic, we should ban divorce for any couple with minor children.... Factor in divorce, and black kids whose Baby-Daddies live with their baby mommas and the amount of 'single parent" households are probably about equal.

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