Schiff Panics – Moves Goalposts After Trump-Zelensky Transcript Shows Zero Quid Pro Quo

It's not called "convincing a foreign government to interfere in a US election". it's called "Putting a criminal behind bars."

Those criminals would be Biden & Son.
It's not called "convincing a foreign government to interfere in a US election". it's called "Putting a criminal behind bars."

Those criminals would be Biden & Son.
Hunter Biden's careers have paralleled his father's political offices. When Joe was a Delaware Senator, Hunter worked for a credit card company, so it would not surprise me if neither Donald nor Joe deserves to be POTUS.

Joe has released his taxes and Donald has not.

That tells me Joe, at least, knows he has to appear lawful while Donald has believed his is above the law for his entire privileged life.

Trump's father did not threaten the leader of an entire country so his son could make $50,000 a month to spend on cocaine.

Nor did Donald receive $1.5 billion dollars from your buddies, the Chinese, like Hunter Biden did.
Trump's father did not threaten the leader of an entire country so his son could make $50,000 a month to spend on cocaine.

Nor did Donald receive $1.5 billion dollars from your buddies, the Chinese, like Hunter Biden did.
Why is Trump unable to why his Ukraine request was legal?

Trump unable to explain why ask of Ukraine leader was legal

"Donald Trump on Wednesday was unable to explain why it is acceptable and legal for a sitting U.S. president to ask a foreign leader to investigate one of his domestic political foes.

"Instead, during a meandering answer at a press conference, the president tried to deflect attention to what he says was misconduct by then-Vice President Joe Biden.

"He also tried to downplay his own words as spelled out in a partial transcript of a call with Ukraine’s new leader released earlier in the day that sent shockwaves through Washington."

If you explain to me how what Biden did was legal, I will explain to you how what Trump was legal.

I really don't give a shit either way.

I am not of the opinion that we should treat both party's politicians differently.
If you explain to me how what Biden did was legal, I will explain to you how what Trump was legal.

I really don't give a shit either way.
Is it starting to dawn on you Trump is not a stable genius?
He's a moron and a pathological liar whose success stemmed from being born rich.
He will be impeached, voted out of office, prosecuted in federal and state courts, AND die in prison.
And you shitheads who supported him will never find a shit-hole deep enough to hide from the consequences of your stupidity.
Your delusions are duly noted. Trump is a beacon of truth and will easily win a second term.
Who didn't see this coming!!!! Schiff and his cohorts got their ass handed to them on a Trump Platter.

Schiff Panics - Moves Goalposts After Trump-Zelensky Transcript Shows Zero Quid Pro Quo, 'Classic Mafia-Like Shakedown' (VIDEO)

[Schiff is a deranged clown and he should be removed as House Intel Chairman for his lies, leaking and corruption.]
Why would you think a "quid pro quo" is necessary to impeach Trump for attempting to convince a foreign government to interfere in a US election?
Hey impeach you need 2/3 of the SENATE to concur....that would mean 20 (TWENTY REPUBLICAN SENATORS ) would have to vote for it....even the scum like Magic Underwear Romney isn't enough.....Even a low intelligence girl like you must realize the odds of that are nearly impossible and all the Party of INFANTICIDE is doing is trying to keep whatever great shit Trump does for this country moved to the back pages of your bosses, the left wing media. newspapers and TV shows...why don't you silly scum TRY to debate about something worthwhile, like our economy, unemployment and our trade. Oh, that's right YOU FUCKING MORONS CAN'T!!!!
This is not about crimes or democracy-it is about politics and the 2020 election.
Who didn't see this coming!!!! Schiff and his cohorts got their ass handed to them on a Trump Platter.

Schiff Panics - Moves Goalposts After Trump-Zelensky Transcript Shows Zero Quid Pro Quo, 'Classic Mafia-Like Shakedown' (VIDEO)

[Schiff is a deranged clown and he should be removed as House Intel Chairman for his lies, leaking and corruption.]
Why would you think a "quid pro quo" is necessary to impeach Trump for attempting to convince a foreign government to interfere in a US election?

I'm seriously baffled by the left's claim that Trump somehow broke the law in asking that Biden be investigated. Is it unlawful to look into something that appears to be an abuse of power by Biden? Why exactly? Because Biden is running for President? So someone should be immune from prosecution because they're running for office? So how does this work, Democrats? Do we wait until Biden is President and only THEN do we investigate him for wrongdoing?

Funny how all of you were more than happy to investigate Trump both before he was nominated and after he won the election but now you're APPALLED that someone would call for an investigation into Joe Biden's actions!
I'm seriously baffled by the left's claim that Trump somehow broke the law in asking that Biden be investigated. Is it unlawful to look into something that appears to be an abuse of power by Biden?
Are you equally perplexed by what's wrong with a POTUS bribing a foreign leader for dirt on a political rival.

Why Is Trump Considering Blocking Military Aid to Ukraine?

"Days after blaming former President Obama for Russia’s 2014 annexation of Crimea from Ukraine, President Trump is reportedly considering blocking $250 in military aid intended for the nation that has for years been the target of Russian military aggression..."

"On Wednesday, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) implied there could be a motive for the delay unrelated to Putin. 'Trump is withholding vital military aid to Ukraine, while his personal lawyer seeks help from the Ukraine government to investigate his political opponent,' he wrote on Twitter. 'It doesn’t take a stable genius to see the magnitude of this conflict. Or how destructive it is to our national security.'

"The personal lawyer to whom Schiff is referring is Rudy Giuliani, who last week renewed his effort to convince the Ukrainian government to investigate whether Joe Biden’s diplomacy in the Ukraine may have been informed by his son Hunter’s stake in a gas company owned by a Ukrainian oligarch."

What makes Joe Biden immune from investigation? Because he's running for President?
What makes Joe Biden immune from investigation? Because he's running for President?
So, investigate both corrupt politicians, right?

The Most Damning Passages From Trump’s Ukraine Call ‘Transcript’

"President Zelensky: “… I would also like to thank you for your great support in the area of defense. We are ready to continue to cooperate for the next steps, specifically we are almost ready to buy more Javelins from the United States for defense purposes…

"President Trump: 'I would like you to do us a favor though because our country has been through a lot and Ukraine knows a lot about it. I would like you to find out what happened with this whole situation with Ukraine, they say Crowdstrike … I guess you have one of your wealthy people … The server, they say Ukraine has it. There are a lot of things that went on, the whole situation … I think you’re surrounding yourself with some of the same people. I would like to have the Attorney General call you or your people and I would like you to get to the bottom of it. As you saw yesterday, that whole nonsense. It ended with a very poor performance by a man named Robert Mueller, an incompetent performance, but they say a lot of it started with Ukraine. Whatever you can do, it’s very important that you do it if that’s possible.'"

The Most Damning Passages From Trump’s Ukraine Call ‘Transcript’

Did you notice how Trump the "stable genius" made this call a day after Mueller testified before congress?

I predicted this-each side is spinning their interpretation of the transcript-left says Trump is asking for help to fix election, right says Trump is chasing Biden corruption, and we end up...where we started. The differences this time are the I button being pushed and MORE media hysterics than ever. It will continue until November local elections, and peter out at year's end. Happy F'n New Year.

Funny thing is that the only election that came up was the 2016 election. Is it possible to influence an election that's already happened?
Well, Hillary is still trying.
Who didn't see this coming!!!! Schiff and his cohorts got their ass handed to them on a Trump Platter.

Schiff Panics - Moves Goalposts After Trump-Zelensky Transcript Shows Zero Quid Pro Quo, 'Classic Mafia-Like Shakedown' (VIDEO)

[Schiff is a deranged clown and he should be removed as House Intel Chairman for his lies, leaking and corruption.]
Why would you think a "quid pro quo" is necessary to impeach Trump for attempting to convince a foreign government to interfere in a US election?
I predicted this-each side is spinning their interpretation of the transcript-left says Trump is asking for help to fix election, right says Trump is chasing Biden corruption, and we end up...where we started. The differences this time are the I button being pushed and MORE media hysterics than ever. It will continue until November local elections, and peter out at year's end. Happy F'n New Year.

Funny thing is that the only election that came up was the 2016 election. Is it possible to influence an election that's already happened?
Well, Hillary is still trying.
Oh please bring it bitch. Maybe she can manage to be indicted, arrested, convicted and jailed this time.
Hunter Biden's careers have paralleled his father's political offices. When Joe was a Delaware Senator, Hunter worked for a credit card company, so it would not surprise me if neither Donald nor Joe deserves to be POTUS.

Joe has released his taxes and Donald has not.

That tells me Joe, at least, knows he has to appear lawful while Donald has believed his is above the law for his entire privileged life.

Trump's father did not threaten the leader of an entire country so his son could make $50,000 a month to spend on cocaine.

Nor did Donald receive $1.5 billion dollars from your buddies, the Chinese, like Hunter Biden did.
Trump's father did not threaten the leader of an entire country so his son could make $50,000 a month to spend on cocaine.

Nor did Donald receive $1.5 billion dollars from your buddies, the Chinese, like Hunter Biden did.
Why is Trump unable to why his Ukraine request was legal?

Trump unable to explain why ask of Ukraine leader was legal

"Donald Trump on Wednesday was unable to explain why it is acceptable and legal for a sitting U.S. president to ask a foreign leader to investigate one of his domestic political foes.

"Instead, during a meandering answer at a press conference, the president tried to deflect attention to what he says was misconduct by then-Vice President Joe Biden.

"He also tried to downplay his own words as spelled out in a partial transcript of a call with Ukraine’s new leader released earlier in the day that sent shockwaves through Washington."

If you explain to me how what Biden did was legal, I will explain to you how what Trump was legal.

I really don't give a shit either way.

I am not of the opinion that we should treat both party's politicians differently.
If you explain to me how what Biden did was legal, I will explain to you how what Trump was legal.

I really don't give a shit either way.
Is it starting to dawn on you Trump is not a stable genius?
He's a moron and a pathological liar whose success stemmed from being born rich.
He will be impeached, voted out of office, prosecuted in federal and state courts, AND die in prison.
And you shitheads who supported him will never find a shit-hole deep enough to hide from the consequences of your stupidity.
Your delusions are duly noted. Trump is a beacon of truth and will easily win a second term.

Georgephillip actually believes that by shitposting his Trump-hatred on here, someone is actually going to change their vote from Trump to some Democrat clown.

That's pretty fucking delusional.
It's not called "convincing a foreign government to interfere in a US election". it's called "Putting a criminal behind bars."

Those criminals would be Biden & Son.
It's not called "convincing a foreign government to interfere in a US election". it's called "Putting a criminal behind bars."

Those criminals would be Biden & Son.
Hunter Biden's careers have paralleled his father's political offices. When Joe was a Delaware Senator, Hunter worked for a credit card company, so it would not surprise me if neither Donald nor Joe deserves to be POTUS.

Joe has released his taxes and Donald has not.

That tells me Joe, at least, knows he has to appear lawful while Donald has believed his is above the law for his entire privileged life.

Where in the Constitution does it say you have to release your taxes to run for president?
Where in the Constitution does it say you have to release your taxes to run for president?
As far as I know there is no Constitutional requirement for POTUS candidates to release their taxes. What Constitutional authority can you provide for a POTUS to bribe a foreign leader for evidence of corruption on a political rival?
Did Trump say "BRIBE"?
Did Trump say "BRIBE"?
Implicitly or explicitly?

The Most Damning Passages From Trump’s Ukraine Call ‘Transcript’

"When Zelensky brings up military aid, Trump asks him for a favor

"Trump ordered a freeze on Congress-approved military aid for Ukraine shortly before speaking with Zelensky on July 25th, and many have feared that Trump was attempting to extort Zelensky, offering to un-freeze the aid on the condition he dug up dirt on Joe Biden.

"Trump has insisted there was no 'quid pro quo,' but what the transcript reveals is about as close as it comes."
So, this is basically a stretchhhhhhhhhh.
Hunter Biden's careers have paralleled his father's political offices. When Joe was a Delaware Senator, Hunter worked for a credit card company, so it would not surprise me if neither Donald nor Joe deserves to be POTUS.

Joe has released his taxes and Donald has not.

That tells me Joe, at least, knows he has to appear lawful while Donald has believed his is above the law for his entire privileged life.

Trump's father did not threaten the leader of an entire country so his son could make $50,000 a month to spend on cocaine.

Nor did Donald receive $1.5 billion dollars from your buddies, the Chinese, like Hunter Biden did.
Trump's father did not threaten the leader of an entire country so his son could make $50,000 a month to spend on cocaine.

Nor did Donald receive $1.5 billion dollars from your buddies, the Chinese, like Hunter Biden did.
Why is Trump unable to why his Ukraine request was legal?

Trump unable to explain why ask of Ukraine leader was legal

"Donald Trump on Wednesday was unable to explain why it is acceptable and legal for a sitting U.S. president to ask a foreign leader to investigate one of his domestic political foes.

"Instead, during a meandering answer at a press conference, the president tried to deflect attention to what he says was misconduct by then-Vice President Joe Biden.

"He also tried to downplay his own words as spelled out in a partial transcript of a call with Ukraine’s new leader released earlier in the day that sent shockwaves through Washington."
Another Russia witch hunt-next

This time it's the "Ukrainian Collusion."

Someone summon Mueller from his deep sleep. :laughing0301:
This time it's the "Ukrainian Collusion."

Someone summon Mueller from his deep sleep

Fox host: "This call did not — this is my opinion — did not contain a smoking gun"
To quote the bard-"Much ado about nothing".
Funny how the release of that conversation sent the stock market UP almost 200 ppints....but as you leftist who failed eco 101 say....the president can't effect the market!
Stocks close higher on China trade deal optimism, despite Trump impeachment bid

"U.S. stocks ended higher Wednesday, after falling for three days, after President Donald Trump said that a U.S.-China trade deal could happen sooner than expected, which offset concern about a congressional impeachment inquiry against Trump, along with weakening global economic data."

Think Trump was lying about that trade deal?
There is no NEED for a quid pro quo (although it's in that transcript plain and simple),

The mere REQUEST that Ukraine open a bogus investigation of Trump's political rival is a gross abuse of power
Funny how the release of that conversation sent the stock market UP almost 200 ppints....but as you leftist who failed eco 101 say....the president can't effect the market!
Stocks close higher on China trade deal optimism, despite Trump impeachment bid

"U.S. stocks ended higher Wednesday, after falling for three days, after President Donald Trump said that a U.S.-China trade deal could happen sooner than expected, which offset concern about a congressional impeachment inquiry against Trump, along with weakening global economic data."

Think Trump was lying about that trade deal?
I think Wall Street believes the media is blowing smoke-Biden gate did not upset them.
There is no NEED for a quid pro quo (although it's in that transcript plain and simple),

The mere REQUEST that Ukraine open a bogus investigation of Trump's political rival is a gross abuse of power
Three Democrats asked for the same thing. The investigation is not unusual, illegal, or unethical. Trump IS the chief enforcement officer of Americans.
I'd like to know why it's taken this long for an investigation to take place! Biden himself admitted that he strong-armed the Ukrainian government into dropping the investigation into his son. He not only admitted it...he seemed to REVEL in what he was able to force them to do!
You're right.

Democrats can do better in 2020.
Who didn't see this coming!!!! Schiff and his cohorts got their ass handed to them on a Trump Platter.

Schiff Panics - Moves Goalposts After Trump-Zelensky Transcript Shows Zero Quid Pro Quo, 'Classic Mafia-Like Shakedown' (VIDEO)

[Schiff is a deranged clown and he should be removed as House Intel Chairman for his lies, leaking and corruption.]
Why would you think a "quid pro quo" is necessary to impeach Trump for attempting to convince a foreign government to interfere in a US election?

Great. Help me out. Explain why it was Good for the Democratic Senators to threaten Ukraine to investigate Trump but bad for Trump?

No biggie. Dem Senators (and Biden) threatened Ukraine funding over Trump investigation

I'd like to know why it's taken this long for an investigation to take place! Biden himself admitted that he strong-armed the Ukrainian government into dropping the investigation into his son. He not only admitted it...he seemed to REVEL in what he was able to force them to do!
You're right.

Democrats can do better in 2020.

Sanders. He's a great socialist. Not good for here though.
Schiff really missed his calling. He would make a fortune running a franchise of used car dealerships or personal injury law offices. Maybe both. Possibly playing a sleazy attorney in the movies.
Who didn't see this coming!!!! Schiff and his cohorts got their ass handed to them on a Trump Platter.

Schiff Panics - Moves Goalposts After Trump-Zelensky Transcript Shows Zero Quid Pro Quo, 'Classic Mafia-Like Shakedown' (VIDEO)

[Schiff is a deranged clown and he should be removed as House Intel Chairman for his lies, leaking and corruption.]
Why would you think a "quid pro quo" is necessary to impeach Trump for attempting to convince a foreign government to interfere in a US election?

I'm seriously baffled by the left's claim that Trump somehow broke the law in asking that Biden be investigated. Is it unlawful to look into something that appears to be an abuse of power by Biden? Why exactly? Because Biden is running for President? So someone should be immune from prosecution because they're running for office? So how does this work, Democrats? Do we wait until Biden is President and only THEN do we investigate him for wrongdoing?

Funny how all of you were more than happy to investigate Trump both before he was nominated and after he won the election but now you're APPALLED that someone would call for an investigation into Joe Biden's actions!
I'm seriously baffled by the left's claim that Trump somehow broke the law in asking that Biden be investigated. Is it unlawful to look into something that appears to be an abuse of power by Biden?
Are you equally perplexed by what's wrong with a POTUS bribing a foreign leader for dirt on a political rival.

Why Is Trump Considering Blocking Military Aid to Ukraine?

"Days after blaming former President Obama for Russia’s 2014 annexation of Crimea from Ukraine, President Trump is reportedly considering blocking $250 in military aid intended for the nation that has for years been the target of Russian military aggression..."

"On Wednesday, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) implied there could be a motive for the delay unrelated to Putin. 'Trump is withholding vital military aid to Ukraine, while his personal lawyer seeks help from the Ukraine government to investigate his political opponent,' he wrote on Twitter. 'It doesn’t take a stable genius to see the magnitude of this conflict. Or how destructive it is to our national security.'

"The personal lawyer to whom Schiff is referring is Rudy Giuliani, who last week renewed his effort to convince the Ukrainian government to investigate whether Joe Biden’s diplomacy in the Ukraine may have been informed by his son Hunter’s stake in a gas company owned by a Ukrainian oligarch."

Oh, I see. So Adam Schiff implied there could be a motive for a delay in military aid for the Ukraine?

Do you even realize how stupid you are for posting that? Do you even know what the word "implied" means?

Here, hillbilly: Let me help you out:

  1. suggested but not directly expressed; implicit.
Do you even realize how stupid you are for posting that? Do you even know what the word "implied" means?

Here, hillbilly: Let me help you out:

  1. suggested but not directly expressed; implicit.
You mean like "implicit" bribe, Cracker?

The Most Damning Passages From Trump’s Ukraine Call ‘Transcript’

"Trump already admitted that he brought up Biden while speaking with Zelensky. Here’s what he said:

"President Trump: “… I heard you had a prosecutor who was very good and he was shut down and that’s really unfair. A lot of people are talking about that, the way they shut your very good prosecutor down and you had some very bad people involved. Mr. Giuliani is a highly respected man. He was the mayor of New York City, a great mayor, and I would like him to call you. I will ask him to call you along with the Attorney General. Rudy very much knows what’s happening and he is a very capable guy. If you could speak to him that would be great. The former ambassador from the United States, the woman, was bad news and the people she was dealing with in the Ukraine were bad news so I just want to let you know that. The other thing, there’s a lot of talk about Biden’s son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it …”

"Trump tells Zelensky to coordinate with Rudy Giuliani, his personal lawyer who has no government role, and with Attorney General William Barr"
Who didn't see this coming!!!! Schiff and his cohorts got their ass handed to them on a Trump Platter.

Schiff Panics - Moves Goalposts After Trump-Zelensky Transcript Shows Zero Quid Pro Quo, 'Classic Mafia-Like Shakedown' (VIDEO)

[Schiff is a deranged clown and he should be removed as House Intel Chairman for his lies, leaking and corruption.]
Why would you think a "quid pro quo" is necessary to impeach Trump for attempting to convince a foreign government to interfere in a US election?

I'm seriously baffled by the left's claim that Trump somehow broke the law in asking that Biden be investigated. Is it unlawful to look into something that appears to be an abuse of power by Biden? Why exactly? Because Biden is running for President? So someone should be immune from prosecution because they're running for office? So how does this work, Democrats? Do we wait until Biden is President and only THEN do we investigate him for wrongdoing?

Funny how all of you were more than happy to investigate Trump both before he was nominated and after he won the election but now you're APPALLED that someone would call for an investigation into Joe Biden's actions!
I'm seriously baffled by the left's claim that Trump somehow broke the law in asking that Biden be investigated. Is it unlawful to look into something that appears to be an abuse of power by Biden?
Are you equally perplexed by what's wrong with a POTUS bribing a foreign leader for dirt on a political rival.

Why Is Trump Considering Blocking Military Aid to Ukraine?

"Days after blaming former President Obama for Russia’s 2014 annexation of Crimea from Ukraine, President Trump is reportedly considering blocking $250 in military aid intended for the nation that has for years been the target of Russian military aggression..."

"On Wednesday, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) implied there could be a motive for the delay unrelated to Putin. 'Trump is withholding vital military aid to Ukraine, while his personal lawyer seeks help from the Ukraine government to investigate his political opponent,' he wrote on Twitter. 'It doesn’t take a stable genius to see the magnitude of this conflict. Or how destructive it is to our national security.'

"The personal lawyer to whom Schiff is referring is Rudy Giuliani, who last week renewed his effort to convince the Ukrainian government to investigate whether Joe Biden’s diplomacy in the Ukraine may have been informed by his son Hunter’s stake in a gas company owned by a Ukrainian oligarch."

Oh, I see. So Adam Schiff implied there could be a motive for a delay in military aid for the Ukraine?

Do you even realize how stupid you are for posting that? Do you even know what the word "implied" means?

Here, hillbilly: Let me help you out:

  1. suggested but not directly expressed; implicit.
Do you even realize how stupid you are for posting that? Do you even know what the word "implied" means?

Here, hillbilly: Let me help you out:

  1. suggested but not directly expressed; implicit.
You mean like "implicit" bribe, Cracker?

The Most Damning Passages From Trump’s Ukraine Call ‘Transcript’

"Trump already admitted that he brought up Biden while speaking with Zelensky. Here’s what he said:

"President Trump: “… I heard you had a prosecutor who was very good and he was shut down and that’s really unfair. A lot of people are talking about that, the way they shut your very good prosecutor down and you had some very bad people involved. Mr. Giuliani is a highly respected man. He was the mayor of New York City, a great mayor, and I would like him to call you. I will ask him to call you along with the Attorney General. Rudy very much knows what’s happening and he is a very capable guy. If you could speak to him that would be great. The former ambassador from the United States, the woman, was bad news and the people she was dealing with in the Ukraine were bad news so I just want to let you know that. The other thing, there’s a lot of talk about Biden’s son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it …”

"Trump tells Zelensky to coordinate with Rudy Giuliani, his personal lawyer who has no government role, and with Attorney General William Barr"

There's nothing "incriminating" in that passage, peckerwood. Obama also sent John Kerry abroad, to represent us in dealings, after he was no longer Secretary of State.

You're stilling trying to read between the words to find something that doesn't exist.
Funny how the release of that conversation sent the stock market UP almost 200 ppints....but as you leftist who failed eco 101 say....the president can't effect the market!
Stocks close higher on China trade deal optimism, despite Trump impeachment bid

"U.S. stocks ended higher Wednesday, after falling for three days, after President Donald Trump said that a U.S.-China trade deal could happen sooner than expected, which offset concern about a congressional impeachment inquiry against Trump, along with weakening global economic data."

Think Trump was lying about that trade deal?
China is not the only thing Trump fixes! ^ | 9/25/19 | Whitehouse
Remarks by President Trump and Prime Minister Abe of Japan in Signing of Joint Trade Agreement

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